On the Ubah campaign trail (7)

Tweets @limkitsiang :

DAP releases postal vote tampering video By Sheridan Mahavera http://ow.ly/4z8UW
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 6:16:44 PM

Another Najib-Peh Moh clash? PM not sure but Peh Moh very sure of 2/3 BN majority. Who is running the Swak BN election campaign?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 6:18:05 PM

But more imp Q – can Najib give undertaking he will fully respect Swak BN defeat in polls n honour all pledges/projects anncd by PM DPM?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 6:23:04 PM

Haris Ibrahim denied entry into Sarawak. Peh Moh sending him back 2KL
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 7:02:43 PM

Since both PM HomeMinister in Swak let them call immediate pc whth PehMor committed gross misuse of powers abuse state immigration autonomy
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 7:43:10 PM

History made in Sri Aman – 1st ceramah in this place formerly known as Simanggang since 150yrs ago.Good speech DAPcandidate LeonJimatDonald
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:04:31 PM

SriAman DAP ceramah great kickoff w some 2k expectant ppl. Also present w Leon r MPs ChongJianRen JeffOoi CharlesSantiago. Responsive crowd
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:10:42 PM

HarisIbrahim barred entry @Kuching airport n forced 2take 815pm plane back 2KL. Illegal unconstitutional n contrary 2Najib’s 1Msia policy
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:19:30 PM

@rchiu4jc Postal Vote Mystery in Wisma Sanyan Sibu (13th April 2011) http://bit.ly/epizGQ
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:44:00 PM

Total public donation @Sri Aman ceramah great sum of RM8,252.30. Another shocker 4Peh Moh n Najib Wednesday,
April 13, 2011 8:56:49 PM

Crowd @SriAman keeps growing- 1 of most responsive/expressive ceramahs in Swak g/e. There is air of freedom/ liberation in Simanggang n Swak Wednesday,
April 13, 2011 9:18:17 PM

Happy New Year n Vaisakhi 2Msian Indians/Sikhs. Sad Najib’s 1Msia failed 2achieve greater unity among Msians. Ordinary Msians must save Msia
Thursday, April 14, 2011 12:31:37 AM

Pakatan victory in Sarawak catalyst for future Putrajaya win, says Kit Siang (TMI) http://bit.ly/gJjsDK
Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:41:21 AM

Media told to play down opposition mega rallies (Mkini) http://bit.ly/fO4b4n
Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:47:30 AM

Najib’s 1M’sia now a 1Tupperware circus (Mkini) http://bit.ly/hjh3mR
Thursday, April 14, 2011 2:50 AM

PR leaders from PKR PAS DAP incl Azizah LGE Mustapha Teresa ChongJR Manuaty have dialogue/fellowship with Sarawak Church leaders in Kuching
Thursday, April 14, 2011 10:25 AM

Not just tolerance but acceptance of multireligious Msia – says Najib’s 1Msia. But last 2yrs not only no acceptance but greater intolerance!
Thursday, April 14, 2011 12:30 PM

Another eg where Najib’s action x not match his 1Msia policy n words. That’s Y under Najib greater polarisation bcos extremists protected
Thursday, April 14, 2011 12:34 PM

Mahathir warns PehMoh not 2b WanMokhtar who refused 2step down after 25yrs as Terengganu MB n lost state in 1999 g/e. Will PehMoh learn?
Thursday, April 14, 2011 1:10 PM

Mahathir right PehMoh another Wan Mohtar losing power in Sarawak 4not stepping down after 30 years as CM? http://bit.ly/fv87TK
Thursday, April 14, 2011 6:12 PM

Another blow to 1Malaysia n slap in PM’s face by CM. Heard Ambiga denied entry into Sarawak making a trio after WongChinHuat n HarisIbrahim
Friday, April 15, 2011 9:49 AM

Reminded of Greek saying “Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad!” What has Peh Moh 2hide when afraid of Bersih2 Chair?
Friday, April 15, 2011 10:10 AM

Spoke 2Ambiga “in custody” @Kuching airport. Arr 9am Firefly but barred entry – 2b repatriated by MAS 1040am. Peh Moh- Y again abuse power?
Friday, April 15, 2011 10:35 AM

Entry ban Ambiga ominous Swak polls tmr going 2b dirtiest in history? R worst voting abuses 2b perpetrated so Bersih2 Chair must b banned?
Friday, April 15, 2011 10:39 AM

Entry ban on trio ChinHuat HarisIbrahim Ambiga must sound alarm 4all Swkians who thirst 4change – be on lookout 4dirtiest voting tricks tmr
Friday, April 15, 2011 10:44 AM

Cyberattacks in Swak g/e spreads – latest target Harakah Daily online. Peh Moh really desperate n terrible reflection on Najib’s ICT policy
Friday, April 15, 2011 1:46 PM

Najib Hishammuddin – why continue 2b quiet with latest PehMoh repudiation of 1Malaysia n abuse of power w Ambiga Haris ChinHuat entry ban?
Friday, April 15, 2011 11:14 AM

“Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Taib gives another illustration with Ambiga’s entry ban http://bit.ly/eNfmhy
Friday, April 15, 2011 12:30 PM

10th Swak elections have turned into Peh Moh vs Information Society! Who will win?
Friday, April 15, 2011 1:59 PM

Very true as highlighted by many of u – Peh Moh also got 1Msia policy 1Malay 1Chinese 1indian banned entry in2 Sarawak! Sigh
Friday, April 15, 2011 3:04 PM

Last nite 3rousing mega ceramahs in Kuching – 10th mile 7th mile BDC. Arrived in Sibu 4mega ceramahs in Meradong Repok with finale in 4Sibu
Friday, April 15, 2011 3:11 PM

Christians of Sarawak, be a Catalyst of Change! http://bit.ly/gyfzaU
Friday, April 15, 2011 4:36 PM

On the alleged ACS statement re closed door meeting with PR http://bit.ly/fiN2j4
Friday, April 15, 2011 4:38 PM

Final countdown in BN ‘fixed deposit’ state http://bit.ly/fsbrt0
Friday, April 15, 2011 4:40 PM

3 Replies to “On the Ubah campaign trail (7)”

  1. The moments have come

    For those Justice, Righteous people out there in Sarawak

    We must believe Malaysia should be a land of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUS, FREEDOM OF RELIGIONS

    For the first time the moment of glory CHANGE / UBAH have waited over 30 years, have come to the shore of SARAWAK, people of SARAWAK have a chance to make into MALAYSIA History to turn the VOTE into JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, to stop the Injustice in our land from the corrupted politicians, continue to rob our native lands, continue to steal our tax money, continue to cheat us into believing their empty promises LIES

    We must stretch across all the corners from far to near, from sea to mountains VOICE OF JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, your family, your friends, your brothers and sisters, from young to old

    To send a message across all the corners we are already to UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE


    It is the dream of all righteous Malaysians for so long over 50 years who have been cheated by so many corrupted politician liars

    On 16 April, we can achieve to put our hands on the MALAYSIA HISTORY and make a brighter future for all MALAYSIANS

    They have waited LONG TIME, on the 16 April because of your determined of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, what you did VOTE FOR CHANGE, the moment of CHANGE have come to Malaysia for a brighter future

    We have seen the CHANGE in our industrial states SELANGOR and PENANG, these two states are our most advance industrial states in Malaysia, the people out there are highly educated and high income, they were brave to elected the PAKATAN RAKYAT (opposition) to rendered their leaders courage, justice and selfless government administration

    We should thank to PAKATAN RAKYAT (opposition) leaders their brave, tireless, selfless to campaigned from their hearts, spoken to Sarawak people from urban to rural, for the love of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, for the crying voices of helpless poor natives in loss of their ancestor lands, we should grateful to them

    The Malaysia History of CHANGE would not be happen without the SARAWAK people love of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS

    All Malaysians will never forget, the victory of CHANGE of Malaysia History will belong to SARAWAK people, UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE

    And we Malaysians know you did it not just to win a state election, you did it because you want to bring JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS to all Malaysians

    You did it because you understand Malaysia is urgently need a justice, selfless and fairness government administrators

    There are people in rural lives without water and electricity without job, without income and wonder how they going to feed their children tomorrow and worst their ancestor land have robbed by corrupted politicians

    There are new jobs need to be created, there are new roads need to build, there are new schools need to build

    The job ahead will be long not within a year or a term, but the PAKATAN RAKYAT (opposition) promise to get you there

    They (PAKATAN RAKYAT) will be honest along the road ahead, and listen to you when you disagree.

    They (PAKATAN RAKYAT) will be fairness, justice and selfless to work with you, ask you to build with them the works of the state, roads by roads, bricks by bricks, hands by hands

    The UBAH/VOTE FOR CHANGE is the only chance to offer us to bring a HOPE of JUSTICE, SELFLESS government administrators to Malaysia

    It will NOT happen if we continue vote the corrupted politicians as the government administrators

    It will not happen without you, without your brave, without your courage, without your VOTE FOR CHANGE

    Let call up patriotism love of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUS among the people near you and friends, from the sea to mountain, not for just to vote ourselves but VOTE for a BRIGHTER FUTURE for each other for a JUSTICE, SELFLESS governors

    Let’s us resist the temptation of the CORRUPTED POLITICIANS empty promises to fall back with their lies that has poisoned us for over 30 years

    Let’s the Malaysia History remember, it was the people of SARAWAK carried UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE as the voice raised against the corrupted politicians, it will be the VOICE called out to free Malaysians from the corrupted politicians

    Make the world believe that Malaysia can UBAH/CHANGE, can be perfect.

    What we UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE can give us HOPE of the BRIGHTER FUTURE for many generations to come in Sarawak and Malaysia.

    Let’s the 10th Sarawak election will be told for many generations to come that the people of SARAWAK cast their ballot in 16 April 2011 they stood up as one voice to make their voices in this election to be heard for one thing UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE

    The voice of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS was silence and dismissed by the corrupted politicians many years. We shall stand up let the voice to speak out and reach for the ballot.

    Yes, we can UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE

    The world saw the people of SARAWAK conquer FEAR and TEMPTATION from corrupted poltician governors for a new bright future of UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE for a JUSTICE, SELFLESS governors PAKATAN RAKYAT(opposition)

    On 16 April, when you are casting you vote, you know you can UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE for a JUSTICE and RIGTHEOUS a BRIGHTER FUTURE for your children, your family, your friends and all the people in Malaysia,

    On 16 April, will be our chance to answer that call voice of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS,

    It will be our moment to cast our vote to answer our dream of a land for Malaysia JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, FREEDOM OF RELIGIONS, for a JUSTICE, SELFLESS government administrators.

    To free ourselves from the corrupted politicians, open the doors of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS for our children, to reclaim our ancestor dream of PEACE, JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS for SARAWAK and MALAYSIA.

    Yes. We can UBAH … VOTE FOR CHANGE


    Hope this voice can reach from shore to mountain
    Help / Feel free to spread this voice

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