Dominique Ng should take Azizah’s advice and withdraw from April 16 state election so as not to spoil PR and Wong King Wei’s chances of winning in Padungan constituency

I endorse the advice by the PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail yesterday that the independent candidate for Padungan, Dominque Ng Kim Ho, should withdraw from contesting in the April 16 state election.

Ng Kim Ho should take Azizah’s advice and withdraw from the Sarawak state general election so as not to spoil Pakatan Rakyat and DAP candidate Wong King Wei’s chances of winning the Padungan constituency next Saturday.

Under the election law, Ng can withdraw as a candidate before midnight.

The battle in Padungan as well as in Sarawak is between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional.

With Ng in the three-cornered contest in Padungan, there is a possibility that the SUPP/BN candidate Sim Kiang Chiok may win on split votes.

As the battle in Padungan is between Wong and Sim, and there is no possibility whatsoever of Ng winning, Ng should give top priority to the interests of the people of Sarawak and Malaysia who want to see the institutionalisation of the two-coalition system in the electoral politics of Sarawak and Malaysia instead of creating a situation where SUPP/BN may win Padungan on a minority vote.

The most important single issue in the Sarawak state general election is not on other individuals or personalities but to send a clear, unmistakable and united message that “enough is enough” for 30 years of Taib Mahmud as Sarawak Chief Minister and he must step down as Chief Minister immediately after April 16 and not at an indefinite period of his choice, whether two, three or five years later.

(Media Conference Statement in Bintulu on Saturday, 9th April 2011 at 12 noon)

18 Replies to “Dominique Ng should take Azizah’s advice and withdraw from April 16 state election so as not to spoil PR and Wong King Wei’s chances of winning in Padungan constituency”

  1. This is PUZZLING indeed.

    Why can’t DAP withdraw from contesting PADUNGAN instead? Why should DOMINIQUE listen to WAN AZIZAH when DOMINIQUE is no longer fighting PKR banner? & why is DAP behaving like a SPOILT BRAT asking others to withdraw just becos’ they themselves are afraid of LOSING?

    This kind of SELFISH attitude is likened to asking the opponent to score an OWN GOAL simply becos’ one is afraid of losing.

    Is this what we call FIGHTING SPIRIT??? Come on’…I would call it COWARD instead.

  2. Yes he does…yes he does.
    And “tak tahan” have changed to “beh tahan” at Dr.Hsu’s Forum blog saying moderator here
    “ar….” cannot speakout because he love this blog too much.
    To me..the balance of my time is really precious.
    One thing I do notice very clearly.
    When Dr. Hsu was a very active Gerakan member…his blog does ban anyone talking bad about Gerakan..which I was sadly banned.
    Now he is no more a political party memnber…he is a wonder full Freedom Fighter.
    He IS a wonderful Freedom Fighter all along…but his loyalty to Gerakan at that time clouded his mind.
    I put this is details…to say all politicias…regardless which side they are on…and that is dangerous….if the selfisness are like those UMNO B corrupted lot.
    However this blog keep moderating so many … done with personal selfisness too.
    LKS have achieved so much with son now as CM of Penang.
    Why must he get into trouble with Najib?
    DAP is riding high and all due mostly to LKS.
    I hope that does not make DAP head swell headed.
    Yes signs are there…no diferences who ever comes into power.
    But between the two Devils…we must change….and we must be prepared to change again and again…until all Devils know who holds the real power.
    Imagine….one who fights for freedom for all is moderating so shut up mouths.

  3. Dominique Ng should pull out. PKR would not have sidelined him if he stood a good chance of winning. There must be a reason why PKR did not select him to be the candidate.

    Dominique Ng should emulate the other DAP guy (don’t know his name) who was also not selected as candidate, but was willing to help PR to campaign in the election. His gentlemanly spirit is laudable.

  4. Anyway….DAP have declared they will win all 15 seats contested.
    Dominigue should be happy over the prediction….meaning Sarawakians will vote for DAP..even a Hornbill is put out as a candidate.
    This is most powerful confidence.
    I hate to say arrogance mixed in too.

  5. I wonder why Ng is dropped from being contested? Has he not performed enough? As an outsider, it is not difficult to understand why he wants to contest, if reason is not given out. I guess the voters would also be interested to know why the seat is swapped?

  6. Its high time DAP and PAS send a message to those who have a problem with PKR – if they have a problem with PKR, they can bring it to DAP or PAS and if they can make a case, DAP or PAS will accept them but they have to fit in because that is the state of the world they live in. Otherwise, they better just quit politics..

  7. Dominique means ‘the lord’ or something like that. So I guess this ‘lord’ isn’t going to kow-tow to anyone.

    He has burnt his bridges and is now on his own, a loose cannon.

    What he can’t get he destroys so others won’t get it either. He’s like a spoilt brat now behaving erratically. He’s lost his focus, his sense of objectivity.

    This type of ‘lord’ will never be of use to anyone. Not any more. He’s gone.

    Maybe PCM will love him and pick him up.

  8. Dominique Ng has lost all principles as a politician. He once left DAP to join PKR. In the 1999 general election, he left PKR to contest as an independent. Now he did the same thing again. Dominique Ng claimed he has been “stabbed” at the back. Didn’t he “stab” DAP and PKR in the past?

    Azizah was right when she said that PKR is not a party when you like it, you join and when you do not like it, you leave.

  9. But i don’t see how a person can jz withdraw upon Nurul’s/LKS’s advice? What’s in it for him if he were to withdraw? Can there be a more justified reason besides making assumption?

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