The Christians Win, But For How Long?

By Kee Thuan Chye
04 April 2011

IN their stand-off against the Government over the Bible issue, the Christians have won. Especially those in Sabah and Sarawak. Not only will the Bible in any language, including Bahasa Malaysia, be allowed to be imported; it can now be printed locally and in the indigenous languages of the Sabah and Sarawak natives. This shows that when you stick to your guns, you’ll get what is rightfully yours. In this case, the right to practise your religion freely, as is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution.

The Christians have to be admired for standing up and not giving in. But lest they think they had God, Najib Razak and Idris Jala on their side, they might do well to realize that what decided the issue in their favour and even beyond their wildest expectations was obviously the upcoming Sarawak state elections.

This is a politically expedient decision through and through. Otherwise, it would not have been made at such super speed. Prime Minister Najib desperately wants the Christian vote in order for his coalition to win big in Sarawak. The outcome of the state elections there could be a harbinger of the next general election. He needs a morale booster. He cannot afford a break in Barisan Nasional’s (BN) momentum after its recent spate of by-election victories. He wants to keep up the public perception – no doubt as advised by his well-paid public relations consultants – that Malaysian support for BN is returning. He also wants to ensure that Sarawak remains a safe deposit for BN. And Sabah, too, where the Christian populace, like that in Sarawak, is substantial.

The Christian uproar over the Bible issue must have scared him. The huge turnout at the Kuching prayer rally last week – to express Christian unhappiness with the Government and to send out a call for religious freedom – was unprecedented.

Given the dire situation, Najib must have realised that it would not have been enough to just agree to release the 30,000-plus copies of the Bible impounded by the Government, so he added a sweetener – the Bible can now be printed in Malay and indigenous languages locally. It took many people by surprise.

This means that the word “Allah” – which appears in the impounded Bible copies and has been a bone of contention between the Home Ministry and Christian publications – can now be used by Christians without restriction. The one thing that can crush it is if the Court of Appeal overturns the decision made by the High Court in December 2009 that granted Christians the right to use “Allah”.

However, no date has been fixed yet for the Court of Appeal to hear the appeal, even though it was filed by the Home Ministry more than a year ago, in January 2010. Why, indeed, is this so? What is it waiting for? Is the Government holding on to the case like it were a trump card it would unleash only when the time was right, for its own political purpose?

And since the case is pending appeal, the question needs to be asked: What will happen to the Bibles in Malay and indigenous languages if the Court of Appeal should eventually overturn the High Court decision and declare that Christians cannot use the word “Allah” after all?

As we know, this saga concerning the use of “Allah” and the prohibition of the AlKitab, the Malay name for the Bible, is not recent. It has been unfolding since 1981, when the AlKitab was banned under the Internal Security (Prohibition of Publications) Order. Is there any assurance that it will not start afresh when the Sarawak state elections and the next general election are over?

This is where Malaysians can derive a moral from the whole saga: That it is hazardous to give the Government too much power through a strong mandate. It is always safer to keep the Government on the back foot and under pressure so that it will listen to the people. Once they have too much power, they are bound to get arrogant and ride roughshod over everyone.

The people of Sarawak might want to consider this important point and vote accordingly.

As for the Christians in Peninsular Malaysia, they might well wonder why the new ruling discriminates against them. While there are no conditions imposed on the Sabahans and Sarawakians over the importation and local printing of the Bible in all languages, why must there be one for Peninsular Malaysia publications, which have to carry the words “Christian Publication” and the cross sign on the front covers?

Is this 1Malaysia? How can it be when it transgresses the principle of inclusiveness that is at the core of Najib’s concept?

The reason given for these double standards is that the Government has to consider the interest of the larger Muslim community in Peninsular Malaysia, but it only serves to expose the central flaw of the 1Malaysia concept and the questionable sincerity of its architect. It shows that 1Malaysia is half-hearted, and it lacks the will and the courage to overcome the status quo of divisive practices and prejudices. It is to be applied only when it is politically safe and convenient to be applied.

Having a different standard for Peninsular Malaysia over the Bible issue shows even more clearly that the Government’s new decision is merely to win the votes of the Sarawak Christians.

The way forward now is to test the Government’s sincerity. It has come out to pledge that it wishes “to work with the Christian groups and all the different religious groups in order to address inter-religious issues and work towards the fulfillment of all religious aspirations in accordance with the Constitution, taking into account the other relevant laws of the country”. That’s according to Idris Jala, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office who has had to handle the AlKitab issue by dint of his being a Christian even though the Home Minister should be the one doing the dirty job. (Poor man! There were occasions during the stand-off when he was viewed by his fellow Christians as a Judas Iscariot.)

To see if that pledge is true, the Christian groups should next press for easier Government approval to build churches instead of having to wait years for such approval to come, as has been the experience of some. They should ask for real churches to be built, like those in the old days with church-like design and the cross prominently featured on their facades, instead of like those that are not supposed to appear like churches and are housed in warehouses or shophouses, as has been the case in recent times. They should ask for churches to be located in appropriate vicinities instead of in industrial areas among factories, as has also been the case in recent times. After all, in the context of 1Malaysia, churches, mosques, Buddhist temples, Hindu temples and all manner of religious buildings should stand alongside one another to proclaim the religious freedom and tolerance of worship that our founding fathers envisioned.

That’s just for starters. There must be a litany of other grouses the Christians have been harbouring over the decades concerning the unfair treatment they have been receiving, most of it without regard for their rights as enshrined in the Federal Constitution. But now is the time to make Najib walk the talk. They have to strike while the iron is hot. Because when the time for political expediency is over, God knows whether the Government will be as amenable and anxious to please.

16 Replies to “The Christians Win, But For How Long?”

  1. If BN are proven full of corruptions, liars.

    Christians simply cant vote BN.

    Caused do so mean you are support devil acts continue in Malaysia.

    Caused do so mean you are promoting/encourage devil acts continue in Malaysia.

    Caused do so mean you are against the GOD.

    If BN are proven full of corruptions, liars.

    Christians just cant vote BN.

  2. Bible matter concerns way of life and truth.
    And this is not something the Govt. think they can fool Malaysian Christains with.
    Truths always in against lies and cheaters…especially from the book that Christains will die for it too.
    The victory shows vast majority Malaysians are supporting the Christains being bullied…and victims won.
    Like I said BN is bankcrupt with ideas.
    Religion politics is out dated.
    Using sex to insult the whole world laughing..over Najib.

  3. I mean TRUTHS always win over LIES and Cheats on Religions…sooner or later.
    People dare to die for it.
    UMNO B better stop all these dirty race and religion politics and be like man to stand in an election..fair and square.
    They are digging their own graves….deeper and deeper each day.

  4. Never mind lor, Christians very forgiving 1, got wallop left cheek, offer right cheek mah
    Kena whack fr d front, offer d back lor, both sides kena whack, OK 1, can 1, no problemo

    Hee, hee, hee, ho, ho, ho, hor ….. laughther of big fat joy fr Kuching n Putrajaya
    Pek moh, NR n RM veri happi Dom Ng quitting PKR 2 stand as an independent calon in Padungan against DAP n BN candidates
    Excellent, let them tear down/slaughter each other, benefiting BN, ho ho ho …………

  5. The first sentence from the author is already so wrong! What is there to be won? This is not a contest to see whether Muslim won, or Christian won or Buddhist won or any religion won. I think the government just simple took the right decision. The first sentence is a typical problem maker. There is nothing to be won or lost here. Just whether the right decision is being made. Stop creating more problem, Mr Kee.

  6. ///As we know, this saga concerning the use of “Allah” and the prohibition of the AlKitab, the Malay name for the Bible, is not recent. It has been unfolding since 1981, when the AlKitab was banned under the Internal Security (Prohibition of Publications) Order.///–

    That was the first act of Mamakthir, the gift of Ling Liong Sik’s God. The three Prime Ministers before this Kaka Muslim from Calicut, Kerela, India found no problem accepting that all Malaysians were free to use the word Allah, an English word, to worship whichever God they believed, but Mamakthir deprived non-Muslims the right to freedom of religious belief. Restricting the use of the word Allah is equivalent to taking away the God in the minds of the people who do their normal religious prayer. Mamakthir was not satisfied with denying non-Malays the equal opportunity to economic and academic progress through NEP he insidiously encouraged opponents to free religious practices by denying Christians access to Allah. The 19 NGOs who took upon themselves to defend Islam had inspiration from the 1981 decision to ban Malay Bible. Najib should have the courage to reverse the harm at segregating Malaysians by religion which was started by Mamakthir in 1981.

    ///To see if that pledge is true, the Christian groups should next press for easier Government approval to build churches instead of having to wait years for such approval to come, as has been the experience of some. They should ask for real churches to be built, like those in the old days with church-like design and the cross prominently featured on their facades, instead of like those that are not supposed to appear like churches and are housed in warehouses or shophouses, as has been the case in recent times.///–

    Unlike building mosques where the government foot all the bills, government approval for building churches costs the government not one cent. Yet the government chose to impose all restrictions. If Muslims needed mosque to practice Islamic faith, Christians too need churches for the same purposes. The inclusion of the word official religion in the constitution affords those of the right faith the convenience to have places of worship built and finance by the government. The absence of the status of official religion should not be an excuse for the government to deny non-Muslims to build places of worship on their own. Yet UMNO is sadistic against non-Malays not only while they are living, but also while they prepare for their next life.

    Mamakthir created the mindset that Malays or rather Muslims are natural enemies of non-Malays. He created it to advance his own interests and to avenge his loss in the 1969 election in Kota Alor Star after declaring that he did not want Chinese support. That was before May 13, and naturally what happened soon after the election in 1969 was capitalized by him. Poor Tunku only realized that his colleagues in UMNO had been poisoned by Mamakthir when they engineered the riots to stage a coup d’état.

  7. Stupid fools. Really. Idiotic too. Should not have politicised the issue, those umno clowns. It is in the constitution fools. Freedom of religion. It is in there loud and clear. So dont politicise it unnecessarily.

    Look at what happened now. Umno clowns hv to give in. Yeah, true. It is only a short term victory for us. The point is this, umno had to give in. That is significant. That is a sign of a weakening government, rightly or wrongly. That is how people would perceive umno – a weak body of politicians with loud mouths, small brains and cupboards full of skeletons.

    Do we want such people to govern the country? And to tell us things like nuclear energy is ok for the country when japan, germany and the rest of the advanced countries are scuttling to review their nuclear energy policies?

    Enough, I say. Vote umno out. Kick umno out and make sure they never return. Ever!

  8. There shouldn’t be a contest among religion followers in the first place,if and only,Umno does hold or preserve everyone’s right to practice as stated clearly in the constitution.Tolong baca sikit.Kalau tak faham boleh rujuk dalam BM ya.Yes,we must win big come the Sarawak election and GE13 by kicking out BN for forcing us to contest or protest of what is already rightfully ours.Umno our patience for 5 decades and it’s enough to win big over them on their initiated challenge.

  9. Wrong Mr Kee, it was not the Christians who won. All peaceloving Malaysians who respect the constitution and the law won.
    But for how long.

    Let us all respect the constitution and the law of the land.

    We need to change the tenant in Putrajaya

  10. The Christians did not win beyond telling UMNO that their votes count. UMNO is always debating on whether they will win more Malay votes or non-Malay votes in all issues which they have turned into controversy initially hoping that by promoting Ketuanan Melayu, they would win Malays’ support. Malays are not so easily fooled, and for those who continue to support UMNO, they are protecting their positions to enrich themselves, just like the 62 Customs department officials whose daily intakes are others’ lifetime earnings.

  11. The Barisan government has proven that it does not have at heart the interest of Christians and members of other non-muslim religions. It will try to obtain Christian votes. After it has won the elections, it will get back to the snatching of the 3B’s: Babies, bodies, and of course, bibles. Every Sarawakian Christian should show sensitivity to, and solidarity with, the Christians of Peninsular Malaysia. Sarawakian muslims know that the extremism shown by the Barisan with regard to other religions is not the Sarawakian way – it is merely the UMNO Baru way!

  12. //After it has won the elections, it will get back to the snatching of the 3B’s//

    There will be more— the Buddhist and Hindu holy books and prayer paraphernalia must be stamped with “Approved by umno” before they can be used. The temples must have signboards “For Pendatangs Only” at their entrances……

  13. The fact is there is a lot of pressure fron the US and UK over the issue.Very soon Christians in Malaysia will be able to practise their religion without any interference from the Islamic religious authorites.Malaysia had told the EU in a secret document.

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