147 Replies to “Yes, we are ready!”

  1. Ask yourself ‘ARE YOU READY’?

    Are you ready to free yourself, for your next generation free from corruption?

    Are you ready to overthrow the corrupted politicians threaten us over 52 years?

    Are you ready be united for a change to make the malaysia a better place to live?

    We are waiting each day, each hour, each minutes…

    EACH DAY EACH DAY WE WAIT…..ready to change….ready to change…

    ready to make Malaysia free from corruption…..

    ready to make Malaysia a better place to live…

    ready to make the world know we are ready to change…
    each second we count…we are ready…we are ready


    we are ready…we are ready




    ready to make the world know we are ready to change…..

  2. Yes, you are ready to lose the war.

    You want BN to win 2/3 and PR 1/3 or thereabouts.

    So BN still rules.

    PR is not really ready if it has a low target after all these years.

    So if you are all happy with 1/3, then so be it.

    But BN dirty tricks is just about to start to make sure they continue to rule.

    Don’t forget. Agreeing on seat allocation is one thing. Winning them is another.

    Good luck.

  3. Are you ready/
    I’m ready …willing and able.
    So don’t you mess around with me.
    Give me your best shot and lets RUUMMMMBLE!!
    ‘Come on …lets Twist again”
    Like we did….last Summer
    Lets Twist Again…like we did last year.
    Give us deals again…like you did last Summer
    Give us money money money……like you did last year.
    Round and round you do that again
    Dealing …Wheeling….acting…fooling Sarawakians aaaaagggaaiinnnnn.

  4. Somehow feel RM 200 to kampong man will win BN the elections…

    If that happens …I dont think anyone can help the Sarawakians…

    Like the Indians in Hulu Selangor / Ijok they tend to use their projected poverty to still vote in the same corrupt government that shackles them in poverty…

    No honour, no principles, no dignity…

    The mantra for this species will always be …”to eat for a day is better then to fish for a lifetime”

    Good Luck…I have faith these days more on the Arabs…

  5. Hornbills are ready.
    Rockets ae ready.
    And they are cocksure to win.
    Cocksure Sarawakians are still backwards …poor and their traps .. all working.
    From Penang…to Perak and down to Selangor…Kedah and Kelantan…all traps failed.
    Sarawakians can feel the true Malaysians vibrations..by the millions.

  6. sarawakian and sabahan old timers have different mentality than the young ones. they prefer to be loyal to the old party they have voted. PR need lots of work to win their heart.

    all the best! salam.

  7. READY. R U sure?!!?
    Blog commentators r ready, dis website moderators r ready
    #1 wrote “KITA SIAP” (OK, KITA ready, what abt DAP? PR? Sudah SIAP ke?)
    BUT sadly most Sarawakians, esp rural n BN-die hard, r NOT ready 2 switch voting 4 PR
    4 a few $ more, they will X BN n mortgage their future n progeny’s future 2 BN
    As d corrupt super-tycoon Daim confidently predicted: It will b a walkover victory 4 BN

  8. Oredi some PR component divisions hv expressed disappointment over d allocation of certain S’wak state constituencies 2 a’er fellow party
    Will they work n campaign hard 4 d other party? A united front?
    Got “1 4 all n all 4 1” spirit within PR aah or “I no got, U die” sabotage galore?

  9. angkatan pakatan rakyat
    disamudra raya
    mempertahankan ibu pertiwi
    dari umno Dan BN

    dari barat sampai ke timur
    Itulah pakatan rakyat
    perwira Dan satria
    angkatan pakatan rakyat

  10. There are many reasons why you should vote pakatan:

    1. because you support pakatan;

    2. because you believe pakatan can do a better job than barisan and ought to be given a chance;

    3. because you hate that rotten, arrogant, corrupt, abusive, oppressive and cheating barisan;

    4. because you want true democracy and a two-party system; or

    5. because you simply just want a change from the choking and hazardous environment which barisan has created as a real alternative to migrating elsewhere.

  11. “”Still Alive, Still Fight.” In spirit the motto means “Fight to the Death.

    …borrowed from Zorro blog

    Hornbills of Sarawak, your best opportunity has come to set your free the hold from the arrogant, dirty scumbags who have robbed you dry!

  12. There is no space for NEGATIVE.

    Get ready, fight till your last breath like your ancestors.

    Win or lose.

    There is no room for NEGATIVE.

    Only room for BELIEVE, Yes, WE ARE READY to change.

  13. Shameless Hopeless

    Nuclear plants and Rare Earth are good
    Who care we could not fix a leaking roof nor build a proper MRR2

    Surely it is okay to show porno
    When government servants in between tasks can watch too

    Interlock and its depravity must stay put
    Because the Malay first DPM doesn’t give a hoot

    We upgrade an agency to a commission
    Never mind we ended up with endemic corruption

    It was only RM2000 right
    But TBH must be interrogated overnight, TBH must die

    Pemandu, pemudah, and transformation
    We know these are pomps and great pretension

    The police and the army must collaborate to save cost
    But for a spendthrift government, this is never the real cause

    Rela and Askar Wataniah too
    To each parliamentary constituency they must attach to

    Anwar must be brought down by all means
    Never mind they are frivolous, humiliating and demeaning

    This nation is obsessed with god and divinity
    But what we meant are hypocrisy and religiosity

    Ever wonder why there was no impetus against corruption and tyranny
    This is when the leadership has lost its moral decency

    To the power they must cling
    For this is the only way to save their skin

    When leadership lost its dignity
    There is nothing much to salvage really

    So the people of Sarawak, tins of Milo, cheap biscuits and meehoon are ready
    But are they good enough to buy your continuous trust and loyalty?

    How you decide will determine our destiny
    How you decide will determine how we live

  14. Go get em PR!!!
    With changes sweeping around the world, it won’t stop till end of 2012.
    It’s not for us to decide our destiny anymore as hidden forces are now at work.
    Let BN play their tricks as it’ll backfire definitely.
    Only thing for PR to do are to keep their eyes wide open all the time.
    Keep a lookout for suspicious “imported” voters!
    Glue your eyes on those ballot boxes.
    I’m keeping my finger cross that Bahan Najis (BN) will be doom in Sarawak this time!
    Good luck!

  15. Kit:

    The longhouse natives are gradually waking up, and it will do PR good if you have a strong emphasis on reversing all the bad and dubious deals done by the Taib administration against the natives. As long as PR makes a strong commitment to bring to book all the crooks that have been pillaging Sarawak for the past 30 years, I think you guys have a good chance to at least have a hung state assembly.

    When that happens, the tsunami will inevitably reach the shores of the Peninsular.

  16. That’s the mascot? Where can i get one? I’ll contribute to the dana for campaign in Sarawak.
    Election in Sarawak determines our future, PR should hold events at the respective states in semenanjung msia to show to people of Sarawak that we r with them for a change in governance of the country.
    Besides bribe, rural people too are sensitive to religion. Tell them the incidents reflecting how insensitive is of the current gomen towards other religions.
    Show them videos on cow head protest, protest by org asli for unfair treatment, rich kingdom of pek mo….

  17. Ya also show Sarawakian the impersonating video of pek mo chasing his new bride in his palace from one room to another after popping few viagras with his batang up up on the way to tour the moon.

  18. To be frank, its not the DAP who is ready but rather Sarawakians are ready for DAP. If DAP wins all 15 seats it contested, it still fall short as a national party. DAP must lead, it must do the glorious, the unexpected, the incredible and help the other party win.

    DAP is no longer measured by the number of seats it can win, it must be measured by how many other seat PR can win too..

  19. Votes buying!!!
    Go all out and tape them.
    You could get “pen” camera, “watch” camera, “baseball cap” camera, “button” camera and many other hidden sorts at an affordable price.
    Can capture audio as well.

  20. Looks like a tsunami is building up in sarawak. Tak kira siapa memang asalkan bukan barisan. Any which way. As long as it gets barisan out of the way. Then it is a good way. Just keep it legal. This is like rugby. It is about gaining ground on the opponents’ side of the field. Fight every inch of the way. Remember, an inch gained is an inch won.

    So go!

  21. Uncle Lim, let the Sarawakians know what they have been losing all these decades.
    Let them know that getting some benefit from BN now and foregoing a lifetime of benefits is not worth it.
    Let them know what the PR can do for them, both short term and long term.
    Let them know how to safeguard the sanctity of their vote.
    Finally, go all out to demolish the vultures.

  22. My gut’s feeling told me that old white haired “vampire” is seeking his millionaire bomoh to use black magic to summon all “hantus and jembalangs” as to help him win the election.
    Time now to sent him and his bomoh “flying” for good as those “hantus and jembalangs” are currently on leave.

  23. Hornbills….Rockets…Moonman…and Reformasi leader….all united.
    Shouts of…”TIMBER” ..seeing crooks and thieves fall like chopped trees…making Hornbills feel great and like breathng fresh air for the first time.
    That’s my last night ….wet dream of Sarawak election..feling so good…so nice…we got them!!!

  24. Who are the real fool and who are smart…Rajang Park voters inspired all Sibuians.
    Sibuians will inspire all hornbills .orang hutans..and city life… Sarawakians..to givce one more doze to the Wheeler Dealer supporting “Old White Hair” massive corruptions…so great..even outbeat Mahathir..making it the poorest State in Malaysia,,,when it shpuld be very rich with so much natural resourses income for Sarawakians.
    Oh no..all stolen..grapped..taken by ‘Old White Hair” for 30 years…yet PM support this kind of crook?
    Why be surprised…crook must support crook.
    This time ROCKETS will fire dead shots..with ground supports…lead by Reformasi leader.
    So…get the Reformasi leader…ROCKETS firearms no laku…is that it..Najib?

  25. HORNBILL are like planet Pendora IKLANS.
    ROCKETS are like JakeSully’s …arsenal ideas.
    Holyman..praying to soul tree.
    Ground leader….like Neffitti.
    What is the end result?
    Now you know why Mamak got nightmares watching “AVATAR”

  26. This is not a by-election in some kampongs.
    Sarawak State Election will me the litmus test for what is expected in 13th GE…and all professional analysists…here and abroad..have predicted better results by Oppositions…especially DAP.
    Denying BN 2/3 majority is sensible.
    But I think a Sarawak Miracle is going to happen.

  27. In ‘malaysiansmustknowthetruth.blogspot.com’, a Yvonne, an Iban from Sarawak working in KLsaid, she will be going back to vote for DAP. However, her old parents and villagers still voted for BN in the last election, because, the old folks still think, Taib is their leader.
    So, the greatest hurdle for PR will be to change the mindset of the old folks, over 10 days of campaign.
    I commented several months ago, that PR should set up a trooper team, made up of young Ibans, and Kadazans, Dayaks, Bajaus, Penans and so forth, to penetrate the villagers with laptops and projectors, to show to the chiefs, that by accepting rm200, they continue to lose their ancestral land, and hunting ground.And they have been losing ground ever since they voted for the same symbol. However, this time, they must vote for PR, and they will be given back their land.
    Business people in Sarawak must make it happen, this time.
    One term, 5 years only.

  28. Yes, we are so ready. Let’s get united, vote for change. Please…. I beg all sarawakians, for our future generations, for a better Sarawak and for a better Malaysia, please vote wisely.

  29. #39 Salang, in fact Vyonne and like minded Sarawakians can still go all out to convince their elders to vote for the PR.
    It is vital to let these folks know what they are losing all these decades and show them how PR can reverse this trend.
    Tell them how vital this is, not only for them, but for their future generations.
    In fact, all the younger ones who have better knowledge of what’s going on must do the same.
    Have a quiet talk with the elders and lead them to an new understanding and a better future.
    JUST DO IT!!!

  30. Enough is enough!! Hope our fellow Sarawakians will take the courageous first step to send the Corrupt BN to hell come this Sarawak state election.Five decades of depriving the poor indigenous people of their share of the State rich natural resources and plundering the wealth by the gang of Pek Moh is just too much to swallow any more.Let the rakyat show these corrupt blood thirsty suckers who the real masters are and send them to the jail with the return of the people’s power.

  31. It may take more time for Sarawakians to digest and know what’s happening at 12th GE.
    But Sibu Miracles showed Sarawakians felt the tusami and heat waves blown to thieves and robbers from West Malaysia.
    Now the crooks are soooooo nice to HORNBILLS…admitting it is their security blanket to govern.
    Do not be too proud of that statement..which can be interpretated as Sarawakians are so backward…will still beleive in conmen and thieves.
    Sibu Miracle have proven Najib’s insults ..BACKFIRED!!
    Now let all SARAWAKIANS HORNBILLS unite and lead all Malaysians to a true free and democratic Malaysia…by rejecting CORRUPTIONS totally.

  32. All Christians in Sarawak must unite, SPREAD d words: KICK OUT BN, VOTE 4 PR
    Talk to family members, relatives, neighbours, friends, n even strangers – it’s REVOLUTION time 2 b bosses n terminate evil BN kakis who exploit n impoverish Sarawakians
    Sarawakians, b brave warriors again n go 4 d jugular of pekmo, Chan, BN, yaaaa hooooo

  33. The many sickening ways that UMNO B is using religion to fool voters and bring down Anwar will backfire.
    The bribes and giving goodies…to voters..all taken with smiles…but they are no fools now.
    They know it is their money stolen by billions and giving back pennies to insult their intelligence.
    Internet have open blinded eyes.
    What else besides using low class sex show to appleal to Muslims…not to support Anwar.
    What else besides bribing and making hollow promises.
    Hollow they are…for Najib is proven a liar.
    Tiab dare not respond to all the accusations of stealing billions.
    Najib …Tiab and Mahathir..take note.
    In good laws substantial evidences are enough to convict a person without solid proofs.
    But in Malaysia…it is UMNO B laws of the jungle.
    If all are truthful people…why all the police…laws..controls?
    Time Sarawakians vote like Sibu folks…to get rid of corrupted hypocrites and bullies.
    They are nothing but a band of robbers and thieves..insulting good Malaysians with deals…like..
    “you help me I help you”…using your stolen money to keep fooling you.

  34. Yes the BN is also ready.

    You have also to be ready to defend/fend off BN’s main weapon for Sarawak – to leverage maximum on propaganda value of Carcosa sex video being concluded “authentic” by forensic experts, with investigation papers sent to AG per IGP (Malaysiakini).

    Concerning PKR (Sivarasa)’s renewed calls in demanding that the police arrest the “Datuk T” for “pornography”, the Trio, who are obvious friends of the regime opposing regime change, can easily be defended by government (principal spokesman – Nazri).

  35. Basis & Line of Defence: The pressure to arrest the Trio is greater only if Carcosa sex video were proven fabricated. For then their purpose would be pure malicious and not justifiable on public interest grounds.

    If video were proven authentic, then its public showing in Carcosa may be justified as necessary for the higher public cause of exposing the moral hypocrisy of an otherwise popular politician who un-exposed might one day become a PM via misleading the public.

  36. On the argument whether the public showing of video is or is not pornography, the official stand taken will be that it is not.

    The argument will be: it is pornography only if the intention of the Datuk T is to make financial profit from the public showing of the video but it is not if it is in service of public interest if not national interest, to expose an issue of great public importance concerning moral character of a popular Opposition politician who may otherwise one day lead the nation if the truth shown in the video were not shown!

  37. Whether an act (like public showing of the sex video in Carcosa) is ethically and legally right and wrong will be adjudged more by the intention of and the context in which the act was perpetrated.
    A simple example – the act of killing. It is not bad just because of a life has been taken away. It is unethical and unlawful murder/homicide if the killing is for motives of revenge or monetary gain/greed – but if one kills another in self defence, it is Ok and if one kills dozens of country’s enemies in a war, one is public honoured with a Victorian Cross or Purple Heart being pinned on the left side of the chest or bravery and valour.

    The sex video is the greatest challenge the Opposition now has to face.

  38. If I am opposition leader

    I will explain to people the founder UMNO have destroyed

    The new U*NO now was created by founder enemy Dr M

    I would pursue the founder vision

    I know the founder will be pleased I carry his name to battle his enemy and be won under his name

    It will be a battle field between founder Tunku and his enemy Dr M, Dr M crony

    If I am opposition leader



    These corruption BN’s regime have done bad things to Malaysia founder Tunku PM, Sultans, and then DPM Anwar.

  39. The only way to fight is or th Opposition to engage its own forensic experts (like the way Selangor engaged Pornthip in TBH’s case) to discredit the authenticity of the video as opined by the government’s “experts” whoever they may be. That is if you are very sure that the sex video is fabricated/superimposed and not authentic. You can’t escape facing the issue because this video will predictably be used as the most important electoral issue of the day not only in the imminent Sarawak Election but the coming GE!

  40. Jeffrey:

    I beg to differ. That’s exactly what BN wants PR to do – spend all its efforts at discrediting the video and lose focus on the real issue at hand – Sarawak. You know the meaning of fatigue ? They really want the PR parties to get campaigning fatigue with this red herring.

  41. Bustard, real bustard!
    Blardy son of a gun!!!
    Can give many tenths of millions away to buggers to frame Anwar and millions to buy frogs but now says that due to high cost, subsides have to be removed and ron 97 increased to another 20 cents.
    Stealing and squeezing the rakyat and use those money to feed not only themselves but those traitors, betrayers and human trash as well.
    Pretty bad that tsunami and earthquake have wiped out so many innocent lives in Japan.
    Should have wipe off those that are here instead.
    The sky have no eyes!, the sky have no eyes!!!
    If god has given me one wish to exchange with my life, I would really wish for all these greedy and evil buggers here to be wipe out from the surface of the earth.

  42. Godfather, I agree with you. I think the intention is to divert attention and if we go along that path, they succeed. Look at the IGP’s statement – the video is authentic – and he stopped it there without elaborating further, preferring to let AG to decide. What nonsense is this, why can’t he say the video is authentic but the actor was an imposter? It is a scheme hatched from the beginning to hoodwink and create doubts knowing the judge in the sodomy trial earlier has thrown out the DNA evidence. By hook or by crook, Anwar must be sent back to Sungei Buloh before the next GE.

  43. Godfather/limkamput,

    I see danger brewing. I think they are planning something more sinister that just diverting attention with the Datuk T Sex Video.

    The reason why PDRM is dragging their feet in solving this issue or, shall I say, ‘sleeping’ over the case, is to it in the news for at least before the 13th GE. If the voter sentiment favours them ( meaning they have succeeded in destroying DSAI’s reputation, thereby too weakening PR, Najib will call for the dissolution of parliament. But…….

    If from now until then and PR gets stronger, UNMOB will use the ‘nuclear bomb’. Anwar will be found guilty of all the now on-going cases/charges against him. He will be sent to jail. What’s the catch here? Well….. (1)PR will be in disarray (2) UNMOB is not stupid. They got APCO. They will want to see a backlash and mass protestations by the people over Anwar’s unfair arrest. And that is when we can see another new chapter of mass arrests of PR leaders and supporters under ISA, all in the name of “national security”

    PR leaders should take every precaution and not play into their hands.

  44. On the argument of fatigue – and the authenticity of the video or otherwise being used to distract as a red herring Pakatan Rakyat (PR) from its electoral campaign in Sarawak – the Barisan National will tell the electors/voters (not only in Sarawak’s but the GE) the following:-

    1. PR’s refusal to use forensics to discredit Govt’s version is an indication that PR does not want to confront the truth about the authenticity of the video and what it shows.

  45. So, it’s justified 2 screen CSL’s poky poke por no openly, so too Pink Lips’ sexcapade n a sul tan’s jolly ro yal poke – all 4 d interest of d public in dis seks starved 1M’sia

  46. You see, Jeffrey’s response is exactly what UMNO wants to use to divert us from the real and more important issue at hand – the Sarawak elections.

    First, there is no “Govt’s version”. There is only the Datuk T version, which we know is UMNO’s version. Najib has said that the priority is to determine the identity of the person in the video, but that is hardly the govt’s version. The Datuk T version, which is supported by UMNO, is that Anwar must prove his innocence.

    Second, PR has never refused to use forensics. It’s just that PR will not support anything that makes a mockery of the “guilty until proven innocent” doctrine of UMNO. When the time comes, i.e. when UMNO decides that it is indeed Anwar in the video, and that therefore they bring charges against Anwar for making a false police report, then -and only then – will forensics come into play.

  47. 2. If fatigue were a reason, it is strange that Selangor PR does not evince same fatigue to fight the cause of Teoh Beng Hock (TBH) when it spends time effort and money to engage Dr Pornthip. Even in Lingam video’s case PR PR has no problem to clamor with alacrity a Royal Commission and call for foreign experts to verify authenticity of “looks like me, sounds like me but not me” in the interest of Truth and it is strange that PR does not apply same standards here: why????

    3. Could Fatique & distraction be plausible excuses? What else is more important to PR than rebutting the allegations in the video against PR’s leader itself, now in issue? Isn’t vindicating PR’s leader from allegations by independent scientific/forensic evidence against that provided by government is as important, if not more important, that (say) the truth of TBH’s death and Lingam’s video that PR dedicates itself to ferret out the truth?

    That these points will be posed to electorate is inescapable and have to be addressed satisfactorily. Failure to do so gives tremendous boost to BN’s propaganda and invites adverse public inference that the video is true.

  48. “Failure to do so gives tremendous boost to BN’s propaganda and invites adverse public inference that the video is true.”

    The public inference is that the video is fake. Nothing that the Datuk T trio says has any traction with the rakyat – after all, one was charged with having sex with a minor, and the other two are known commission agents.

    If I didn’t know any better, I would think that our lawyer friend here wants to steer us into the UMNO morass at the expense of bigger issues.

  49. Jeffrey does his usual “on the one hand it is this, and on the other hand….” stunt again. We are only focused on the Sarawak elections, and we don’t want to be distracted by all the “prove your innocence” theories.

  50. Re Godfather’s posting in #14.

    ///to divert us from the real and more important issue at hand – the Sarawak elections/// – In terms of what’s at stake Sarawak’s state elections is but battle but the GE is the War.

    ///First, there is no “Govt’s version”. There is only the Datuk T version, which we know is UMNO’s version/// – It is government’s version because the IGP says the video is authentic backed by local forensic experts. Therefore to rebut local forensics that is of suspect independence, one has to resort to foreign independent ones.

    ///Second, PR has never refused to use forensics///. – So far PR has not said it will use that either. In fact it is dismissive of RCI.

  51. The rakyat is focused on corruption, and not on who is having sex with whom. Some PR supporter can easily circulate a grainy picture of the Mongolian, the No. 1 guy and Razak Baginda having dinner in a Paris restaurant, and we should then ask for a RCI to prove the innocence of the No. 1 guy ?

  52. ///It’s just that PR will not support anything that makes a mockery of the “guilty until proven innocent” doctrine of UMNO./// – If forensics were resorted to in “innocent until proven guilty” doctrine, more so it should be used to counter “guilty until proven innocent” doctrine.
    ///When the time comes, i.e. when UMNO decides that it is indeed Anwar in the video, and that therefore they bring charges against Anwar for making a false police report, then -and only then – will forensics come into play///. – They are interested in charging Anwar. They are only interested in discrediting his moral position. If you wait for the day he is to be charged – to get forensics – you’ll wait forever and meanwhile his standing will be tarnished for lack o scientific evidence to rebut the purported one tendered by UMNO/Govt.

    Re posting #16. It does not help you dismiss what I say as stunt. The question you should think is whether what I say will be raised in both Sarawak & GE at PR’s great cost.

  53. ” It is government’s version because the IGP says the video is authentic backed by local forensic experts.”

    Do you know who are the local “forensic experts” Jeffrey ? I will tell you that one of them is a local movie producer.

    I think the “why nots” and the “wherebys” espounded by our lawyer is EXACTLY the aim of the expose of the video.

  54. ///The rakyat is focused on corruption, and not on who is having sex with whom/// – Godfather.

    The fact that rakyat is focused on corruption does not imply they think moral character of leader is of no consequence in their choices.

    I personally don’t think a person’s private sexual behviour bears direct relationship with his elibility to be leader but I am an extreme minority here, not only in terms o rakyat voters but even in this blog in which I had countless arguments with many here over CSL’s, Zaki’s or Elizabeth Wong’s publicised indiscretions (that I defended).

  55. ///Do you know who are the local “forensic experts” Jeffrey ? I will tell you that one of them is a local movie producer/// – Godfather.

    Are you sure? If thats really the case it is even more compelling a reason for PR to conclusively dismiss the adverse allegation by engaging an ‘authentic’ forensic expert to confirm the video is doctored rather than ignore the issuie which will construed otherwise as denial of wanting to know the truth.

  56. The video is authentic, counselor, nobody is denying that the video is “doctored”. It is just that the actor resembles Anwar, the Trio says it’s Anwar, Anwar says it is not him, UMNO is not sure, but is hoping for the best.

  57. I meant “doctored” or not “doctored” in general non technical sense of it being established – not by yours nd mine naked eye- but by those who are experts in such analysis to establish whether (1) the video hs been tampered and (2) if not whether the actor in it is the political personality that it purports to show, having regard to the actor’s movments body structure and behavorial trait.

  58. ” I mean nobody is claiming that the video is doctored.” – Godfather.

    I refer to the The MalaysinInsider report by Syed Mu’az Syed Putra 21st March in which the word “doctored” was allegedly used by PR leaders.

    The report said : “Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders have denied that the man in a sex video that emerged today is Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, saying that the video was doctored.” I suppose the word “doctored” is meant in the sense I said above.

  59. The Oscar winning film was also “doctored”, with Ben Kingsley portraying the mahatma. But Ghandi wads dead and so he did not protest. So were the films “Lawrence of Arabia”, “McArthur”, “The Last Emperor” — all doctored by hollywood

  60. Later Life & Death

    In 1977, Abdul Rahman became the chairman of The Star, a newspaper which was banned in 1987 by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad because of its provoking columns that were harshly critical of the Malaysia’s government. Following a rift with in UMNO, he unsuccessfully tried to establish a new party UMNO Malaysia. In the general election of 1990, Abdul Rahman actively participated and widely campaigned against Mahathir Mohamad despite his worsening health. He died on 6 December 1990, aged eighty seven and his body was buried at the Langgar Royal Mausoleum in Alor Star.


    f I am opposition leader

    I will explain to people the founder UMNO have destroyed

    The new U*NO now was created by founder enemy Dr M

    Once Malaysians realized that anyone support Tunku enemy will be named Founder Tunku enemy/traitor.

    The BN may worry the opposition purse to carry the founder Tunku name and name BN as Tunku enemy.

    Caused these will destroy them in a battle field between founder Tunku and his enemy Dr M, Dr M crony.

  61. For conspiracy theorists like Jeffrey, here’s one scenario why UMNO is caught between a rock and a hard place.

    Anwar knows he is being tailed by Special Branch 24 hours a day. So he sets up this elaborate camera network in a service suite room and gets a lookalike to go to this place on 21 February with a prostitute. A few hours afterward, Anwar calls this commission agent, whom Anwar knows can even sell his grandmother down the river, and says that he has just been to this hotel, and he has left his Omega watch behind, and if this commission agent would retrieve it for Anwar. While searching the room, he conveniently finds the videocamera, and therefore the tape.

    So now this commission agent contacts Tambi Chik and the Perkasa treasurer and says that he has damning evidence of Anwar committing a serious crime. The Trio view the tape, plus the Omega watch, and they decide to go to Najib. Najib asks Special Branch where Anwar was on 21 February, and the reply was that they followed him to the hotel. So Najib and Hishamuddin now thinks they have a watertight case, but they would keep it under wraps for now. In the meantime, they told the Trio to show the video to PKR lawmakers and get them to defect.

    The rest is history.

    So now, if you were Anwar, what would you do ? Play along with them, because you know you have a winning hand. They want to escalate it, you will also escalate it. You will subtly wear YOUR omega watch to a public function.

    In the meantime, the Police is at a dead end, because the video cannot prove or disprove the identity of the person. Anwar has made a police report saying it is not him. UMNO is now caught between a rock and a hard place. Can they really trust the Datuk T trio ? They will certainly go all out to protect the trio, but what next ?

    Talking about moral compass, what about the No. 1 guy having a romp in PD with a former TV3 presenter and was caught on camera ? How about some ministers bringing their girlfriends on trips to Europe and Australia ? to Medan, Bandung and Surabaya ? How about the CSL video where he was even elected as president of his party in the aftermath ?

    I think I have said enough – and it’s time to let others weigh in on the real topic at hand : the Sarawak tsunami.

  62. Jeffrey, there is no need to debate long and wide. May be you are the agent of diversion. If video is authentic and if the actor is genuine, do you think this government will let it drags on? By now, the video would have been made available to the whole world and probably anwar hauled up to the syariah court. I have always maintained that you are proabably smarter than most here, but if the principle is compromised, that is different matter altogether.

  63. Lim Kam Put, as usual, you misinterpret your prejudice for principles and instead of addressing issues objectively and dispassionately, you have penchant to make uncalled for innuendoes (eg “agent of diversion” and “but if the principle is compromised”) on personal basis, behaving no matter than those UMNO guys you so criticise as being intelllectually bankrupt.

    Your comment ( aimed at attacking the messenger than grappling with the message) therefore is a frequent low that admits no rational engagement and your chain of reasoning (judging from hypotheticals you raise) is such that you would have served your own higher interest had you exercised the right to remain silent (against self incimination) instead of leaving behind the stain of such comment.

  64. “agent of diversion” and “but if the principle is compromised”?? – Lim Kam Put

    Its you who misinterpret prejudice for principles. That’s why your comment laden with personal innuendoes instead of addressing the issues deserve no rational engagement. Your chain of reasoning (judging from hypotheticals you raise) is such that you would have served your own higher interest had you exercised the right to remain silent (against self incimination).

  65. Deal with facts not hypothetical(s)
    The hypothetical “do you think this government will let it drags on? By now, the video would have been made available to the whole world and probably anwar hauled up to the syariah court” is useless. Its reasoning does not show anything. Who knows its not their intention to haul him in Syariah Court. Its just to discredit his moral position as a leader. On making it available for the whole world does the govt need to do this to achieve its objective of discrediting him in eyes of domestic constituency? Can a govt be seen making available such a video even if authentic for whole world to see? How by loading it in YouTube?

  66. Do you think those invoved are that stupid to produce a fake video.Common sense will tell you the video is authentic Mr IGP But what about the the pornographic actor who can easily put on a rubber mask resembling the opposition leader and with a fleeting view in an partly darkened room black and white video surely looked like its him.Please for God sake dont take Malaysians to be that gullible and stupid to beleive such desperate cooked up fairy video by those crooks who should be charged in a court if there is any fairness in the implementation of the sacred law of our beloved country where everybody should be Equal.I can only conclude that this one episode is created in view of the Sarawak state election and possibly the 13GE in the not to distant future to distract the voters by hook or by crook BN must win to deprive the Pakatan Rakyat a chance to take over Putrajaya But God is Great the treachery commited by the BN crooks will not escape the punishment of the Law when the times comes.

  67. If one of the Trio (Datuk T) were also in the video, can one raise a hypothetical question along these lines: “if the actor were not really the Opposition leader would one of the trio entrapping him, risk his own reputation and pay the reputational price by being also seen in the same controversial video as the opposition leader? – therefore this shows the video is authentic.”

    See how how another 2nd hypothethical can be spun around to reach a different conclusion from the first hypothetical. But isn’t vthis nonsense?

    Hypotheticals are hypotheticals. By nature it is intellectually dishonest to use a hypothetical and reason from it to try prove or disprove a fact.

  68. Lim Kam Put’s first hypothetical (the govt dragging the issue, not exposing for now to world or filing charge in Syariah Court) no more proves the likelihood of the actor not being the opposition leader than the second hypothetical (proceeding on the assumption that one of the trio in the same video) proving that the actor is that leader. And the reason for that is that hypotheticals proceed on premises that allow alternative explanations than necessarily the conclusion that one who raises the hypothetical, seeks or desires, by raising it, to draw. To wrongly reason by misuse of hypothetical is already bad enough but to add insult to injury one seeks to use innuendoes to tarnish the one who raises an issue as if they would prove the issue raised is either irrelevant or actuated by a subterranean malicious objective. This double whammy of errors reflects a bankruptcy of thought.

  69. The first hypothetical (the govt dragging the issue, not exposing for now to world or filing charge in Syariah Court) by Lim Kam Put no more proves the likelihood of the actor not being the opposition leader than my second hypothetical (proceeding on the assumption that one of the trio in the same video and therefore would not risk being there if its not true) could prove that the actor is indeed the opposition leader alleged. And the reason for that is that both hypotheticals proceed on premises that allow alternative explanations than necessarily the conclusion that one who raises the hypothetical, seeks or desires, by raising it, to draw.

  70. I hope from now onwards and until the end of Sarawak State Election…LKS will put out posts with DAP mascot.
    Maybe next post…show not head only…but half body and then one more full body of HORNBILL mascot.
    Give that toy to all voters while voting.. and they will all treasure it and laugh and vote for DAP.
    Laughters are the best medicine for a healthy life.

  71. I love listening to Tony Puah’s latest video.
    He is the making of a young Lim KIit Siang…dedicating his life to expose CORRUPTIONS with no fear.
    He concentrate of warfare eqiptments costing billions…where USA does not have more than Malaysia.
    Come 13th GE..Tony will win by bigger margin.
    City life voters are no fools.

  72. Don’t be smug, almost everything we discussed here are based on conjecture, inference, reasoning and experience. If we don’t depend on any of these, there will be nothing for us to talk about. Whether one makes sense or not is usually based on “degree of reasonableness”. Based on history of pattern of behaviour, if the video is authentic and true, it is my view that the government will fully capitalise on it – show it and haul him to Syariah court – for that will make whatever they intend to achieve more attainable.

  73. Now who is smug? Your response you don’t even grasp the absurdity of your hypothical nor even appreciate the fact it is the govt that chooses how and when to capitalise, which is premature at this stage to say they will not do so. Don’t bother to respond. I am not interested to read argument for sake for argument.

  74. While ppl r HOT over d seks video here, DAP n PR better watch their back side
    A supremely confident NR proclaimed in Pg dat many quarters had expressed their disappointment with d PR-led state goment n wanted CHANGE
    NR proclaimed dat d winds of change hv begun n UmonB/BN WILL recapture Pg in d next GE – he yelled: YES, WE R READY, UmnoB/BN ready 2 UBAH Pg!

  75. When Jeffery is angry..watch out.
    He speaks alot of sense.
    I dare not argue with him.
    I shoot to kill….but most of the time moderator shoot me down and shut my mouth.
    It is like Dr. Hannabal Lester…mouth tied up…poor fella…but he also will not shut up.

  76. A new wave of gerrymandering by NR, UmnoB/BN through d EC?
    D postal voting system 2 b amended, mayb new electoral boundaries 2 b drawn up, voters fr 1 place 2 b shifted 2 a’er, phantom voters 2 b added, more Rela members
    No wonder, UmnoB/BN ready 2 play dirty, very dirty indeed 2 ensure victories

  77. Bravo!Bravo!Can handle but tak tahan la.Drama series ka ni?Amboi sampai part sembilan puluh lebih series,cartoon!Ya,we have to be careful of one chaukau(Trojan,Fab,Dettol..you know?)here.Talk macam umno punya bodoh punya orang tapi berlagak macam sangat intellectual la tetapi tidak sebenarnya.Mr Trojan counselor,thank you thank you.

  78. The onus is on UNMOB to prove the guy in the video is DSAI. Anwar does not need to go further than making a police report that he has got nothing to do whatsoever with the Datuk T video production and that he is a victim of a despicable conspiracy to destroy his credibility and standing as a opposition leader.

    Malaysians are not as stupid as what UNMOB think they are. The video was filmed from 4 angles but the face of the man who they claimed to be anwar is not clear? How come UNMOB allows the issue to cool down so fast?
    The police would have ‘legalised’ the distribution and showing of the 5-star rating video if anwar is indeed the man!!

    Regarding this matter, few believe for the simple reason that choose to believe. These ones will be pricked by their inner conscience even though they pray for Allah’s forgiveness. As for those intelligent and possess a strong sense of reasoning, it is UNMOB’s dirty work!

    Anwar/PR, just focus on the Sarawak SE. We believe, we are confident Sarawak voters will hand down a fair judgement on 16th April, 2011.

    Ubah…Ubah… Ubah, Ngat sayap!

  79. Who cares the authenticity of the video?We are more perplexed by the lackadaisical of police to act on the Dr F* Trio on screening the porno act with impunity exception rights given to them.And also why government of the day’s stooges only care about the authenticity of the hardware subject and not the core subject.They just want to paint and draw that opposition party leader just look,behave and act like them-so incorrigible.Just don’t waste time on this non and forceful conjured up issue to make them(umno and chaukau) so damned smug about it.All are blardy hell of evil plots by Umno!!

  80. KL politics sinks to new low“, S Osman, The Straits Times, 2.4.2011 (pg A2)
    “D use of sex videos as a political weapon pushes M’sia 2 a new low in d pit of gutter politics.
    But some believe dat d case has all d hallmarks of a high-level conspiracy involving the top echelons of Umno, with d trio acting as d henchmen.
    D latest attempt 2 smear Mr Anwar’s reputation is gutter politics pure and simple, with political players having no qualms abt resorting 2 dubious means 2 destroy their adversaries.
    M’sian politicians should try 2 live up to Islamic ideals of morality, not only in their personal conduct, but also in their conduct towards each other.
    It is high time that M’sian politics b salvaged fr d gutter.”

    “Parents now hide newspapers because of sleaze” roared a’er article in there (pg C2)

    KL also now plagued by a string of ACID attacks, carried out by a gang that throws corrosive liquid at their victims (including foreigners)

    1M’sia, truly apa-apa pun boleh!

  81. I’m not interested in a black and white and grainy sex video. I can get lots of better ones in the DVD shops. I’m only interested in the Sarawak elections, and in helping to create a tsunami that will reach our shores. We should not worry about trojan horses or chaukaus. Just stay focused.

  82. Sure kah Godfather?Please lend few to me cause i’m still fresh,horny and in the real peak ultimate state of orgasim and therefoer so eagerly to learn something new and contemporary action as par as your better ones(videos).But some chaukaus only like to relook the same old and expected immoral ‘wayang kulit’ being played over and over by no value of integrity scumbags.So boring to watch the same and low quality made video.

  83. Well now, if Teoh Beng Hock’s RCI chairman James Foong knows that even esteemed supporters of the Opposition and contributors to this blog find pleasurable distraction in viewing sex video (provided it’s the better quality ones), he would at least have an understanding/perspective of this quite common past time in this so-called country of gutter politics and not express so much shock about the RCI special investigator (Michael Leslie Squire)’s report that so far two MACC officers were discovered to have watched pornography in MACC headquarters at the time of TBH’s detention. (Ref: TheMalaysianInsider report by Boo Su-Lyn, April 02, 2011).

  84. #1 – 4, Jeffrey, you and many others are obviously distracted by this video.
    To the extent that you made four postings!
    To this end, BN must have achieved its main objective – to distract the attention of the people from the impending election in Sarawak!
    So, in concentrating on this video alone, all the misdeeds of the Sarawakian government are sidelined!
    PR must put maximum effort in denying the ruling party three-third majority!!
    That is, give them a resounding defeat!
    That must the the aim!
    As far as the tape is concerned, if the politician purportedly shown in it is not the person targeted, then he must go full steam to extract every ounce of retribution from the perpetrators.
    But this side-show can, and should be, handled by a task force formed by the PR.
    Meanwhile, go full steam ahead with the election in Sarawak!
    Remember, give them a three-third defeat!!!

  85. Reply to lorry_driver_malaysia #43 of (1)

    Yes, you never try, you never know
    But we know it in Penang and Selangor
    Where PR gov’t shows better management
    Even though under BN harassment
    So, voters in the Land of the Hornbill
    A mission your help needed to fulfil
    Kick out the BN, they have to go
    Vote in PR for a better tomorrow

  86. Have anyone read in history…the fight between good and evil and the evil win forever?
    Is not Evil ones being chased out one by one in Middle East?
    And so..the Evil White Hair in Sarawak…his days are numbered.
    West Malaysia devil reincarnated smart to
    “retire” before being chased out.
    Hornbills are carrying rockets with eyes wide open…never blink…never sleep.
    It signals that DAP is dead serious about Sarawak and Anwar is backing DAP all the way.
    Who wants to quarrel with DAP on seats allocations…..no need to waste time to argue. That party can go their way…and PARKATAN will contest alone in Sarawak.
    That’s headline news in Malaysiakini today.
    I think it is sensisible…as any party in Sarawak can be bought up by UMNO B to split votes.

  87. Suddenly, all Christians so grateful to NR n UmnoB/BN 4 resolving d dispute involving d Bible; grateful enuf 2 kow tow 2 NR n continue 2 vote 4 UmnoB/BN, hurray

    No wonder UmnoB/Perkosa want Malays only 2 b appointed as Customs officers – a sure fast way 2 achieve NEP n rich Malays
    If ordinary Customs officers hv gold bars n bags of cash containing up 2 RM600,000 in their homes, can U imagine what their superiors n UmnoBputras hv in their homes?
    Dis is just d tip of d iceberg – lots of $$ in dis nation via corruption, n dis sort of $$ can easily b used 2 bribe voters/officers n 2 finance activities against PR

    In dis nation, we hv a grp of corrupt rich ppl, $ easi come easi go, no What Me Worry abt inflation, while normal mortals struggle 2 survive with $ earned fr honest living

    Sadly, still lots of voters support UmnoB/BN n love 2 b exploited n skrued by UmnoB/BN

  88. I dont give a damn on the authenticity of the video. I have minus 0 respect for these 3 scumbags and their political masters, including PDRM. Let us move on and concentrate to kick all UMNO/BN candidates out from all coming elections. We have had enough of their sweet talk/promises and their dirty shaemeful deeds.

  89. DAP is White Hair worst nightmare.
    keDAILan is the Third Force in Sarawak
    PAS disturb here disturb there…White Hair getting no where.
    Big liar sex show on Anwar backfired.
    Signs no good for BN…so UMNO B hypocrites say…Christain can now print and import Bibles in Bahasa…no problem.
    Another idea to hunt for Christain voters..when chips are down.
    What a fast decision to please the Christains in Sarawak.

  90. West Malaysians majority voters supporting change of Govt.
    Almost all city folks vote for change…and city folks drive high performance cars.
    Ron 67 increased by 20 sen few days ago.
    Everything UMNO B does is to win votes and that increase really mean….they are saying…go to hell with rich Malaysians votes.
    Previously…UMNO B have so much high hopes on booses of commercial firms to support them and instruct workers to vote for BN.
    No more…so rich people pay more for oil…and it means companies expenses increase…to support rich bosses..and in the end…bosses will increase prices on products produced..to support them.
    Punish rich or poor…all Malaysians will suffer.

  91. The point is all types of increases is because Govt. is poor…and need more taxes.
    Govt. is poor because billions earned every month are shiponed out with over priced close tenders.
    The famous thing to buy with billions..is war fare defence/offence equiptment.
    This is to save Malaysians lives…is the main point…where Najib dare to kep doing…to fool Malaysians.
    The chain reactions is now seen clearly.
    No money…yet can spend billions on war weapons that even USA do not have that much.
    Najib does not care….as long as the idea can make UMNO B bank swell up with billions on commissions…legally earned.. and all the overpriced profits goes to dozens of closed trusted friend and croines..for a price to do the dirty job….exactly like mamak…so pure so clean….not one sen in his bank earned from corruptions.
    Sarawak White Hair Chief Minister??
    He earned billions…killing birds sea and land living things……making Sarawak hotter..faster than normal…and that is even worst than overpriced tenders.

  92. Who dares to go against Najib’s intentions to save lives by beefing up war weapons?
    So White Hair buys Sarawak land cheap…like Mamak did in Pulau Lankawai with Diam.
    No need to tell the details how they all made billions….through cronies.
    Hornbills have awkened and sticking close to DAP rockets….feeling brave to vote against task masters for the first time.
    DAP is ready to free Sarawak….but Sarawakians must do their part.
    With the combined support of keDAILan and PAS…to give Sarwakians a strong and uncorrupted government…it makes no sense for Sarawakians not to have a better healthier life style… unless White Hair is VODOO KING!!….charm maker.

  93. Hopefully, all Christians not gon gon n kena tipu by NR n UmnoB/BN – swallow hook, line, n sinker of d greatest bluff of NR dat d dispute involving d Bible has been solved
    Christians so grateful 2 UmnoB/BN, then vote 4 BN in d coming Sarawak state election
    AFTER BN back in power, Christians sure kena hentam kuat kuat again by NR n UmnoB 1
    Christians, b alert, seng mok, b bosses n say NO 2 UmnoB/BN, JUST DO IT

  94. DAP dah revealed their 15 candidates 4 d coming S’wak state election
    Some happy, others who were dropped r not happy at all (Will still work 4 DAP aah?)
    R these 15 candidates DAP diehards, with no unspeakable skeletons, can trust 1 n no jump like toads later, after elected, 2 BN 4 a few million $ (licence 2 get filthy rich – Pek Moh can afford 2 pay lah): well, all d best n we will wait n see what’s next, full of surprises mah

  95. boh-liao :
    Suddenly, all Christians so grateful to NR n UmnoB/BN 4 resolving d dispute involving d Bible; grateful enuf 2 kow tow 2 NR n continue 2 vote 4 UmnoB/BN, hurray
    No wonder UmnoB/Perkosa want Malays only 2 b appointed as Customs officers – a sure fast way 2 achieve NEP n rich Malays
    If ordinary Customs officers hv gold bars n bags of cash containing up 2 RM600,000 in their homes, can U imagine what their superiors n UmnoBputras hv in their homes?
    Dis is just d tip of d iceberg – lots of $$ in dis nation via corruption, n dis sort of $$ can easily b used 2 bribe voters/officers n 2 finance activities against PR
    In dis nation, we hv a grp of corrupt rich ppl, $ easi come easi go, no What Me Worry abt inflation, while normal mortals struggle 2 survive with $ earned fr honest living
    Sadly, still lots of voters support UmnoB/BN n love 2 b exploited n skrued by UmnoB/BN

    The arrested customs officers will have a legal defense that they were pursuing the objective of Mamakthir to make Malays rich. The APs given out to the chosen cronies of Mamakthir deprived the country the taxes which could have been collected on the APs. The customs officer are only making money using the laws on customs duties. They are collecting money which the government did not even realize that they ever existed as demonstrated by the fact that only now, 40 years after NEP and when Customs departments are almost monopolized by one race that we see arrest of less than 100 persons. It might be more correct to believe that they may be 100 officers who are not no the take.

    The Customs department, the APs and the negotiated contracts are the three-prong approach to attaining the 30% equity objective. Yet the government still chooses to lie with statistics.

  96. Huge..ball,how attractive do you find him?Rating?Hmm..sorry..nearly choke.Imagine him with pink lip,g-string with excessive fatty chiyok flesh bum and high heel with visible panthose..wow.Err..sorry a bit angin..For me,i’m concentrating the Sarawak election and Ge and maybe that will steer my destiny.Enough is enough!

  97. Oredi polis selalu kacau DAP/PR in Kuching, cannot do dis n cannot do dat
    Looks like DAP/PR hv 2 distribute MOONCAKES (with mesej inside) 2 residents there n ask them 2 rise 2 kick out BN, UBAH

  98. DAP said the look forward to win all 15 seats contested.
    I am so glad DAP have such poistive attitudes.
    In Bentong…PERKATAN organised the largest gathering ever seen in Bentong with Anwar as main speaker.
    As usual…Police steped in to limit his speech with limited time.
    More and more the signs are showing Najib’s fear of Anwar have gone out of proportions.

  99. At age 74 Tiab Mahmud is contesting in the Sarawak State election?
    How to resign after Sarawak State election.. if he wins?
    HORNBILL…Howcome Ordinary Residents Never Buy Industrial Lifelong Lands?
    Because all are grabbed by White Hair Old Man.
    Rockets and Hornbills shoot and fly to take back land for Sarawakians.

  100. I think what umno feared most is that the desire to reform as manifested in 308 is still burning. And in fact it still is. But umno certainly hoped that the intensity of the fire, if the recent few by-election results are anything to go by, has lessen somewhat. It is only a hope, I am sure umno realised this. And the hope is clearly pegged to those few by-election wins only. Which is to say, they are not to be taken as any sure indication of what lies under the surface. After all, earthquakes occur deep inside the earth and tsunamis are triggered from the ocean floor. In short, umno is still terribly shaky and very terrified. And worse. The events now developing in sarawak in the current run up to the state election there shows that the desire for reform has spreaded to sarawak (and sabah too). If the sarawakians managed to inflict critical damage to umno (which could be achieved by merely denying them 2/3 majority), then that event would almost certainly intensify the long burning desire for reform elsewhere (i.e. peninsular and sabah).

    I say hold on to your rambutans, umno!

  101. #39

    K1980 is right and monsterball is wrong!
    The other way round can never happen as most greedy suckers suck on money when the BN/UMNO offering pots of pennies, they would greed on them with their sparkling eyes. Those scenarios have been happening in the West Malaysia.

    Sucking politics in our Bolehland always deal with sucking politicians with money. Suckers even suck on general public with a few pennies to suck them up!

    Everything is suck in our Bolehland under the suckers of BN/UMNO, Judiciary body is suck; Executive body is suck. Which thing is never suck?

  102. Ya loh, lots of suckers, suck here, suck there, everywhere suck, dat’s suckling reflex mah
    Also lots of just change s of suckers to f too

    Dis country DEMOCRATIC ke? Not polis state ah? Y polis always n only kacau PR ceramah?

    Politics affects all rakyat – Y can’t ppl talk abt politics n hv ceramah on politics?
    On d other hand, polis no kacau por no openly n illegally screened in a hotel, Y?
    Is it bcos got or no got order fr UmnoB 2 kacau?

  103. UMNO is not worried about the Chinese vote. They know that they Chinese will vote DAP in the towns. They only want the rural vote, and they think that the main threat to their objective is Anwar. That is why they have to stop him at all costs. Disrupt his ceramahs. Deny entry to Anwar’s colleagues.

    What UMNO is still not prepared for is the fact that the people on the ground are ready to vote anyone but Pek Moh and his merry band of thieves. How do you go about winning the people on the ground when there is so much dissatisfaction ? Well, they are trying to exploit other issues, rather than talk about Sarawak. Read the mainstream press and the pro-UMNO blogs (like Rockybru) and you will understand.

    I think DAP should give Anwar a hand. PKR does not have the same resources and machinery on the ground as DAP. Help PKR will dissemination of posters, flyers, and have a common rallying cry. Remember that the tsunami once started in the jungles of Sarawak will reach the Peninsula.

  104. HORNBILL…”Howcome Ordinary Residents Never Buy Industrial Lifelong Lands?”
    Because White Hair buy all up to make billions.
    Rockets and hornbills are not joking now.
    Firing and biting at will..to wake up Sarawakians from their 30 years sleep..to vote White Hair Bomoh out.

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