Part IV: Crime – Raw stats or real story?

Celebrating Police Day! (4)
By Martin Jalleh

The rakyat was told that the government’s battle against crime showed good results in 2010. Home Minister Hishammuddin Tun Hussein announced in May 2010 that his Ministry’s success in reducing the crime rate index for the first four months of the year had surpassed the initial target.

Minister in the PM’s Department Senator Idris Jala revealed the results of the National Key Results Area (NKRA) for crime were outstanding for the first quarter and what the police and the ministry had done in that period was totally beyond expectation.

In Oct. 2010 a very elated IGP Ismail Omar proudly declared that police statistics indicated a significant drop in street crime by 38% and in the overall crime index by 16% between January and September.

But strangely, and as was so aptly put by Lim Kit Siang in October, “…up and down the country, ordinary Malaysians do not feel this dividend of fall of crime index in their daily lives as they do not feel comparatively safer in the streets, public places or privacy of their homes…”

In fact Kit Siang’s sentiments were so eloquently echoed by former Deputy Bank Governor Tan Sri Dr. Lin See Yin, in his article “The mystique of national transformation” which appeared online before the year ended:
Continue reading “Part IV: Crime – Raw stats or real story?”

PR leadership must not allow the Carcosa sex tape caper to distract focus from the Sarawak general elections

The Pakatan Rakyat leadership must not allow the worst case of gutter politics in Malaysia – the Carcosa sex tape caper targeting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim – to distract focus from the Sarawak general elections or those behind the latest political conspiracy would have achieved one of their objectives.

With nomination for the Sarawak elections in ten days’ time, it is urgent and imperative to restore public confidence in the Pakatan Rakyat, which had recently come under a bout of adverse publicity particularly in the past fortnight.

The key to the restoration of public confidence in Pakatan Rakyat for the Sarawak general elections is to resolve seat allocations for the Sarawak state general elections without any more delay.

In fact, such negotiations should have been concluded already and not been allowed to be so protracted and inconclusive. Continue reading “PR leadership must not allow the Carcosa sex tape caper to distract focus from the Sarawak general elections”

Part III: Firestorm over fatal police shootings

Celebrating Police Day! (3)
By Martin Jalleh

There was deep concern and consternation throughout 2010 over what the public viewed as the growing “shoot-to-kill” culture by the police force or what R. Sivarasa, the MP for Subang, called “a culture of impunity”.

“It means that they feel that they can do as they wish and they won’t be held accountable… they can shoot, kill, and there won’t be any questions asked (or)… any investigations and that they can continue doing so,” he said.

The nationwide concern over the trigger-happy cops of PDRM culminated into public outraged in April with the police “killing” of 14-year old Form III student Aminulrasyid Hamzah about 100 metres from his Shah Alam house.

The callous responses and cavalier attitude of the IGP, Home Minister and the police as they tried to contain the public firestorm caused the public to lose confidence in them and repeatedly call for the IGP to resign.

Respected lawyer Art Harun captured the sentiments of the people so clearly: “Right-minded people of Malaysia regard the killing of Aminulrasyid as symptomatic of lawless totalitarianism.” Continue reading “Part III: Firestorm over fatal police shootings”

Why are porn video purveyors, pedlars roaming free?

by P Ramakrishnan

We have laws to curb the circulation of pornographic material. We have a vigilant police force to raid pornographic outlets and enforce law and order.

We have a judiciary that shows no mercy to those indulging in the sale of pornographic videos to guard the moral sense of the society.

We have a special section in the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN), which vets publications and bans books and magazines which are explicit in their pornographic contents.

And of course we have Pusat Islam at the federal level and its equivalent at all the state levels who have been moral policing the rakyat.

We prosecute those in possession of pornographic material. We don’t spare those viewing pornographic videos even in the confines of their homes.

Such is our revulsion for pornography that we spare no effort in curbing and controlling pornographic material in all forms – which is very commendable.

This is why Malaysians are flabbergasted that the police have not moved in to take action against a businessman and two politicians who have publicly admitted to the possession of a pornographic video. Continue reading “Why are porn video purveyors, pedlars roaming free?”

Part II: Burgeoning Brutality by the Men in Blue

by Martin Jalleh

2010 was yet another year when the police were allowed to continue to operate in an environment of impunity when it came to their excessive methods in relation to arrest, detention and treatment of persons in custody.

Two tragic episodes in the year made the culture of police brutality increasingly obvious and gave further credence to the accusation that Bolehland has become a Police State.

The first was an “open verdict” delivered by a coroner’s court on 25 Oct. 2010 in an inquest to determine the cause of R Gunasegaran’s death in the Sentul police station on 16 July, 2009, a few hours after Teoh Beng Hock’s body was discovered.

In a press statement entitled: “End Police Brutality now” a “deeply concerned” Malaysian Bar commented on the “inability of the coroner to make a definitive finding in this case” in spite of “the strength of the evidence pointing to the culpability of the police”.

The second was the shocking story of K Selvach Santhiran, a key witness who implicated the police in the abovementioned inquest. His lawyer, N Surendran would describe his client’s nightmare as “the continuing descent of the police force into lawlessness”. Continue reading “Part II: Burgeoning Brutality by the Men in Blue”

In Sarawak, a Christian groundswell

By Sheridan Mahavera
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 26, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, March 26 — When 3,000 Christians turned up for a prayer rally in Kuching this week it sent ripples running through Petrajaya, where gleaming structures house the Sarawak state government that is facing elections next month.

In a Christian-majority state where there has been little in the way of religious tension, the prayer rally was an unusual event.

It was a protest against the establishment which Christians have associated themselves with in the state.

The unhappiness with the Barisan Nasional (BN) government is palpable among Christians all over the country. But for it to be become so apparent in Sarawak is worrying BN politicians even in Putrajaya.

Through conversations with ordinary Christians, church officials and Christian Barisan Nasional supporters, a consensus emerged that though the dispute gnawed at their hearts, it would not tilt election results.

For now.

The prayer rally on March 23 has challenged that conclusion. Continue reading “In Sarawak, a Christian groundswell”