Lim Kit Siang

Police efficiency, independence and professionalism major casualties of the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper

Police efficiency, independence and professionalism are again the major casualties of the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper targeting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim two days ago on Monday.

Would the police stayed on the sidelines, claiming ignorance of the flagrant commission of crimes and impotence to act until Anwar lodged a police report, if the target of the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper had been the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin or anyone of the Cabinet Ministers?

Would the de facto Law Minister, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz in these circumstances come to the defence of the mysterious “Datuk T” and made the astounding declaration “Don’t kill the messenger” and claimed that there was nothing illegal in the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper?

And if there is nothing legally wrong in the Sri Carcosa sex taper caper as claimed by the de facto Minister, then what is the police investigating about following the report lodged by Anwar?

There can be no doubt that if the target of the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper had been the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister or anyone of the Cabinet Ministers, the mysterious “Datuk T” would not remain incognito for more than a flicker of the eye as the full force of the law would have come smashing down on him without the niceties of waiting for a police report to be lodged and he would instantly have been arrested and clapped behind bars by the police for a variety of heinous crimes, including Section 292 of the Penal Code for “publicly exhibiting any obscene or pornographic material” liable to a jail term of three years or Section 5(1) of the Film Censorship Act 2002 where he is liable to be fined up to RM50,000 or jailed up to five years or both.

Why then the double standards by the police in the Sri Carcosa sex taper caper?

With “Datuk T” and his team operating so freely and openly in the past two days, who will believe that the Police and those in authority do not know their identity at all?

In fact, Nazri’s comments would be difficult to understand unless he had been privy to the identity of “Datuk T”, like the following: “But we all know that he (Datuk T) has all intentions to report (the matter) to the police and he got editors as his witnesses…”

But there appears to be a change of plan with “Datuk T” sending out an email yesterday signifying that he would not send the sex video to the police – showing utter double contempt for the police and for public opinion because of sense of immunity and impunity from the law for the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper.

It is just not good enough for the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Ismail Omar to belatedly wake up to the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper when both should be fully aware that they had failed to live up to national expectations that the police would have acted strictly according to the tenets of efficiency, independence and professionalism uninfluenced by any political considerations in the first 30 hours of the most disgraceful political scandal in the nation’s history.