Fools No More, They’re Breaking Out

By Kee Thuan Chye   
MALAYSIAN university students must surely realize that they have more power now than they have ever had in the last four decades. This accounts for their robust participation in politics in recent days. Not only in university campuses, but also in the public sphere.
Suppressed for so long by the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA), introduced in 1971 because the ruling party feared the rise of student activism, today’s students are breaking out.
The political landscape that emerged from the March 8 phenomenon has no doubt been an encouraging factor. Inspired by the aspiration of a more politically aware rakyat demanding greater democracy, students have been challenging university and government authorities by taking part in political activities they are banned from doing so by the draconian UUCA. 
Their defiance has now been augmented by the revolutions spearheaded by youths in the Arab world. Like the Tunisians, Egyptians, Libyans and others, they want democracy, social and political justice. They want to reclaim their right as citizens to take part in the political process. And rightly so.
Indeed, it can be argued that the UUCA contravenes Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, which allows for freedom of speech and expression, and freedom of association. The Constitution does provide for the control of freedom of association but only on certain grounds, like the protection of national security, public order or morality. Political participation is not one of these grounds.
It doesn’t make sense anyway that university students are being deprived of their right to be politically involved when other Malaysian youths enjoy that right. In fact, it’s grossly unfair. Just the other day, a newspaper carried a story about a 20-year-old who had his barber design a Barisan Nasional symbol on his scalp. Any university student caught doing that could have been hauled up to face discipline. Or perhaps not if he sports a BN icon.
Until the recent amendments to the Act, such a student could even have been dragged to court and faced the possibility of a jail sentence.
Last May, four Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) students were charged by their university under the UUCA for showing sympathy or support for Pakatan Rakyat when they were found in possession of the coalition’s campaign materials during the Hulu Selangor by-election. It was, to say the least, pitiable.
Malaysian universities are what they are today because the UUCA not only prohibits students from expressing political opinion publicly and being members of political parties; it also bars them from joining any society outside of their university without the written consent of their Vice-Chancellor. This is too extensive a ban; and it is this that gives the Act a bad name.
Without allowing our students to participate freely in the larger community, how can we expect them to widen their horizons? How can they be expected to be thinking beings with an informed world-view? How then can we have world-class universities?
The Malaysian university students of the 60s and early 70s were so different. Progressive and aware of their social responsibilities, they engaged in the issues of the day. They rallied for the poor of Teluk Gong, Tasik Utara and Baling, and marched for other causes. They demonstrated against the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviets and the oppression of Muslims in Pattani, and spoke up for plight of the Palestinians. It was part of their own education.
But the student movement came to an end when amendments to the UUCA were bulldozed through Parliament in 1975. Mahathir Mohamad was then the Minister of Education. Students responded by holding mass demonstrations in 1976 at the MARA Institute of Technology to protest against the amendments. Guess who then threatened to revoke their scholarships and thereby managed to break them up?
After that, universities were reduced to “glorified high schools”. More than shutting up the students, the UUCA curbed their intellectual freedom and sense of curiosity. What took root was a culture of obeisance and coconut-shell mediocrity and the prioritizing of passing exams above all else. The academic staff were negatively affected as well. Lecturers who tried to promote independent thinking and free speech among their students found themselves to be a dwindling minority.
The most insidious outcome of all this was the cultivation of a breed of academics who to find favor with the Establishment perpetuated the closing of the Malaysian student mind once they got into influential positions. It epitomizes the tragedy of Malaysian academia.
It could only have happened under a government that ruled with a strong mandate and, of course, a government that preferred to keep university students mute and under its thumb.
But the times, they are a-changin’, and the Government must now realize that it had better start swimmin’ or it’ll sink like a stone. The recent victories of the Pro-Mahasiswa group, said to be anti-Establishment, in a number of campus elections should cause the political rulers some concern.
Even more worrisome for them would be the indications that these students will no longer take unfair treatment without fighting back. The protests of the Pro-Mahasiswa group in Universiti Malaya (UM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) that railed against alleged election meddling by university authorities showed a new spirit almost akin to that of the 60s and 70s firebrands.
What happened at UM and UPM generally reflects badly on the university authorities. Disqualifying Pro-Mahasiswa candidates who had won in the elections raised a fishy smell. To the students’ credit, they demanded an explanation from their respective vice-chancellors and refused to budge unless they got one. When security guards were called, things got a tad tense, even violent. Although the mainstream media has been trying to blame the students for getting out of hand, the fact remains that they had right on their side. It was just too bad that the tough security guards were on the other side.
Fortunately, Deputy Higher Education Minister Saifuddin Abdullah played a role in defusing the tension at UPM by expressing regret over the annulment of the victories of the 11 candidates, 10 of whom were with Pro-Mahasiswa. When the victors were eventually reinstated, UPM declared that the candidates were not “disqualified” in the first place. The word used in the letters issued to the affected candidates was “pembatalan”, which it said should mean “cancellation”.
Pray tell, what’s the difference? If a candidacy is “cancelled”, doesn’t that amount to disqualification? Are we hearing ivory-tower doublespeak?
Saifuddin seems to have read the situation well. He seems to understand the significance of student activism. The Arab uprisings would have provided a lesson, but more pressing is the prospect of the general election coming up at any time now. Suppression of student activism would be a huge mistake. Many of them would be going to the polling booths for the first time.
Already, some have even offered themselves as election candidates. At the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement forum last December, it was startling but refreshing to see student leader Shazni Munir bin Mohd Ithnin openly and confidently declare that “the time for fear is over” and that his fellow students were offering themselves as candidates to pro-rakyat political parties to stand in the next general election.
This was open defiance of the UUCA, an act of courage. As more and more students show courage in the face of repression, many may be moved to join them. They have indeed come a long way since August 2008 when 100 of them staged a protest against the then proposed amendments to the UUCA at the entrance to Parliament, to the December 2010 protest in Putrajaya against petrol, diesel and sugar price hikes for which three students were arrested, to the UM and UPM face-offs with the university authorities.
University students have found their voice again, as Ivy Kwek, a graduate from a Malaysian university, observed in an online site recently. They know they can make a difference and will strive to do so.
“When I was a student,” she wrote, “among the first things first-year students were told in orientation week was that we should focus on our studies and not get embroiled in campus politics and illegal organisations… I really believed what they said and thought that is what university is all about…
“Later, I found out that under the Universities and University Colleges Act … I cannot participate in a gathering of more than three people, as it is deemed illegal. I also found out that I, as a 21-year-old, can vote and even contest in national politics, but under the Act, am not allowed to be a member of any political party…
“In retrospect, I feel that I’ve been treated like a fool.”
Oh, well. The times, they are a-changin’… and university students are fools no more. Oppressors, beware!


28 Replies to “Fools No More, They’re Breaking Out”

  1. DAP should just do something that is right. Gambling is bad, so it should be banned. Don’t encourage gambling because it may give you votes from some of the rotten Chinese.
    Explain lottery ‘ban’ in Kelantan, DAP tells PAS

    KUALA LUMPUR, March 5 — The DAP has urged PAS to clarify a reported ban on lottery tickets in Kelantan, saying the move may slash Chinese support for the Islamist party.

    It was recently reported that the Kota Baru Municipal Council had raided two bookshops in Kelantan, seizing Big Sweep lottery tickets and issuing summonses to the owners.

    “It will create some fear among the Chinese community and the Chinese community will be wary of PAS,” DAP Socialist Youth chief Anthony Loke told The Malaysian Insider yesterday.

    “DAP calls upon the Kelantan state government to explain whether this is a new ruling by the state government or is it an overzealous enforcement by the local councils,” he said.

    The MCA has always highlighted the Islamic state bogey in its election campaigns against PAS.

    MCA central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker reportedly said the lottery was governed by federal laws and that the right to buy and sell such lotteries should not be deemed as gambling.

    DAP national publicity secretary Tony Pua, however, argued that all businesses required licences from local councils.

    “Ti Lian Ker’s comment that it’s under federal jurisdiction is nonsense,” Pua told The Malaysian Insider yesterday.

    “(The) Kelantan government should clarify . . . if the shops selling the lottery tickets had no licence,” he said.

    Pua also said the DAP did not support an outright ban on gambling.

    “People have freedom of choice,” said the Petaling Jaya Utara MP.

    Loke said the DAP would raise the matter in Pakatan Rakyat if the lottery ban was indeed Kelantan state policy

    “We the DAP are very concerned,” Loke said.

  2. Common sense tells us that the Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) is for the protection of the ruling regime and not for the protection of the students. University students form the intellectual elite of our society. This group of people can read, write, think, reason, criticize and have a good brain (that is why they can get into higher institutions of learning in the first place). By curtailing their freedom of expression and limiting their activities, the ruling regime, under such diminished opposition, is one step closer to holding power PERPETUALLY.

  3. ///Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that Malays still need government assistance because the New Economic Policy did not achieve its goal. Even among the few successful Malay entrepreneurs, most cannot compete…///–Malaysiakini

    It is as though life is a constant contest for winning prizes, and thus people must compete. Usually one views competition between two individuals on something which can be measured in a tangible way. In a boxing match the loser floors. In a 100 meter race, the winner reaches the goal post first. In an examination the scores determine winner. Even in a beauty contest where the judgement might not be objective, there is still a system to tally the score and come out with a certain winner. In a football game, there is specific way in deciding that a team wins, and get rewarded.

    Competition is devoid of the meaning when comparison is made about the accumulated holdings or wealth held or owned by persons grouped by race or religion. Yet the nebulous concept of wealth held by a community became the policy objective of NEP. The government since 1970 have been demanding that 30% of all listed companies be allotted to by Malays. The government never explain how the wealth owned by, say, Daim Ibrahim, the richest Malay billionaire, would benefit people in his own kampong in Kedah. Najib announced that 51 billion units of share out of 52 billion issued to Malays under the NEP had been sold. Najib did not bother to count the wealth held by Malays which the 51 billion units of share had since been turned into, such as becoming financial assets overseas, and yet he claims that what are left do not make up the 30%. Najib being trained as economist in UK University should understand that one cannot have the cake and eat it. It is pure bullying to claim that the target had not been reached when no effort is made to account for what had been legitimately turned into as parallel assets. But then everybody in the world knows that the claim of the shortfall in NEP target is just to pretend that the government would have honoured its promise, made by none others than Najib’s late father Tun Razak who declared that NEP for twenty years. It is now 41 years and counting.

    Mamakthir announced that Malays still need NEP-tongkat. He must have been very happy to make such announcement, and his audience must be proud and satisfied too. The late Tun Dr. Ismail said that Malays would voluntarily give up Article 153 of the Malaysian Constitution when they no longer need it, out of pride. Tun Ismail would have regretted that he had to declare that Malays after 54 years of being placed under the special position for needing assistance would still be requiring government care. But Mamakthir did not appear to dreadful making that pronouncement.

    If there are Malays who still required government assistance based on need assessment the government should just identify them. The computer can store the details of all those who need assistance unlike the time of independence it was considered convenient to classify the needy person by race. Let us say that there are still half a million family who need help under article 153, government assistance should be provided directly to them rather than to the other 15 million who are classified with the persons needing help. The policy of affirmative action indiscriminately extended to the other 15 million persons not registered for assistance is not only uneconomical, it creates unfair competition and unjust society in addition to causing racial polarization.

    The persons who attended the talk given by Mamakthir in Jitra Kedah are not the persons who needed assistance. Mamakthir would still place himself in the classification of the special position needing government assistance. They were undoubtedly very happy with the declaration that Malays still need assistance because in the name of those Malays they are again pressing for unfair advantage to be extended indefinitely. Mamakthir is popular with the Malays who want the unfair advantage to remain, forever.

    Mamakthir said that he is not a racist. If one is happy and proud that his adopted race cannot progress so that he continues to have the excuse to appear a Malay hero, he can’t love his adopted race. How can one be a racist when he does not even care for the pride of the race? He only uses race as an issue to advance his interest. The correct description of him is racial opportunist.

  4. Imagine a University student at age 21 qualified to vote but not allowed to be a member in any political party.
    The truth is UMNO B is afraid of well educated Malaysians…as these Malaysians cannot be easily fooled.

  5. This is clearly a blatant suppression of individual right,seeking greater knowledge while expanding one’s scope of wisdom.This ass.ho.e government of the day,other than self vested interest,could only produce robotic graduates.Come on guys,stand tall together to voice out what you think you deserve and not been made like a fool.Ya ,we need more star like Shazni Munir bin Mohd Ithnin and others to justify you are the future ideal leaders.We have had enough of sycophants,unpatriotic past and present,corrupted and worst of all,the most racist provocateur leaders.It’s time to put a stop to all this unhealthy state of affairs in bolehland.We’ve to evolve from less civilised nation to comparative more advanced nation.

  6. I’m getting suspicious of the compatibility of the moderator.Hallo..hallo..are you Rais Yatim’s kakilang?Why simple advice and basic expression of one thought being moderated?This is what ???? Act that come under your review?Hallo..???

  7. Gambling is something no Associations or Party should formally condone.Though many do try their luck but for DAP to defend gambling as some thing worth defending, then DAP would be seen as advocator of such behaviour; which will also imply that sucg is the habit of the Community! Gambling is rather personal but should not be associated with any organization, least of all, a political party. Generally , the Chinese who buy lotteries are those who just buy them and wait for the result; whereas many non-Chinese especially the Bumis would do it like a profession! spending ghours trying to decipher the tickets they had bought! The time spent would certainly make them like fulltimre professional in the art of deciphering!!!!

  8. The students themselves should take the initiative
    to challenge the authority if they find the laws passed by this evil regime are oppressing the defenseless public. They have so many universities around our region they can follow…like South Korea, Indonesia, Burma….. and of late, the Middle East.
    Better late than never!

  9. Poor poor tak tahan….kina lagi.
    I get moderated if I speak ill against individual crooks …especially mamak.
    Perhaps our comments are so powerful…to get votes and stirr Malaysians to mutiny or revenge which moderators is afraid of?
    Or all of us are going through a lesson how ro be diplomatic Malaysians…mild and gentle under new Govt.
    Those so call honourable men with false titles…can twist…fool the weak and less educated…kill and steal.
    Worst of all…sitting on higher plane than God.
    And they are grabbing hold of our country with all the power and might given by do wrong things.
    Poor poor tak tahan….must control his angers for after 13th GE…all will shake hands like friends?
    Sure they do…as they are politicians…and politicians sucks al over the world.
    It is because we are choosing between the two devils…as that one devil stayed too long.
    So let the other devil have a chance.
    Politicians are strange bed fellas all over the world.
    Less said the better.
    I got moderated for no reasons again in another blog.

  10. There should be a prize given by moderator for one …not moderated after 30 comments.
    The comments must be on every post and written with not less than 60 words..not one sentence.
    They must be sensible and to the point.
    Since moderation is so high…why not offer a prize for the best student?
    And another prize for the worst commentator with most comments under moderations..whch I should win hands down. Running’s up tak tahan….hahahahahahahaha

  11. 53 years we took the soft and gentle approach to change things in Bolehland…we got nowhere, only frustrations!! Are the moderators still want to be a
    complete gentlemen with deranged low beings of the other side of the political divide?…another 53 years
    will not see us all here and witness no experience no further frustrations. Come on give us a break!

  12. by Loh on Friday, 4 March 2011 – 2:44 pm

    Forensic pathologist Dr Prashant Naresh Singh told the Commission of Enquiry into the death of Teoh Beng Hock that the speed at which Teoh hit the floor was 120 kph. That works out to be 74.5 MPH, or 109 feet per second. To arrive at that speed, Teoh must have fallen 185 feet before hitting the ground, which means that he should have fallen 19 floors, or Teoh should have exited from 24th rather than the 14th floor. The most probable speed at impact was 46 mph or 74 KPH, not 120 Kph as Dr Prashant Singh claimed. If the expert opinions of Dr Prashant Singh was based on the assumption that Teoh hit the ground at 120 kph, when the most probable speed did not exceed 80 kph, then Dr Prashant was wrong in his opinion, by a one-third margin.

    Dr Prashant Singh opined that since Teoh had his legs landed first, so he must be conscious. If a dead or unconscious person was dropped with the legs hanging downward, would Dr Prashant Singh say that over the duration of 2.1 second of the fall, the body would made a somersault to land on the head first? If not, then his conclusion was mere speculation. On another scenario, if Teoh Beng Hock as opined by the pathologist had squatted on the windowsill, and dived down while fully conscious, would he be able to change his mind within the 2.1 second of the duration of the fall and made a somersault midair to land on his legs?

    Dr Prashant Singh claimed that Teoh Beng Hock squatted on the windowsill purely because the window was not tall enough for him to stand. If Teoh jumped on the squatting position, he would have hit the window pane, which could not be more than 6 inches above his head. So to claim that he volunteered the fall, he must have rolled down the window. Under that scenario, Teoh would have landed head first, and the body could not have been more than 3 feet from the floor, because the trap window stopped the body going beyond its edge which was only 2.83 feet away.

    Teoh might have been made to squat on the windowsill before his fall. His murderers could have pushed him over the windowsill, and Teoh would have been blocked by other windows which might be opened. To make sure that Teoh fell as far away from the wall, his killers lowered Teoh sufficient to clear the window and throw him out laterally. The 2.1 seconds’ outward movement, due to the force that pushed, or swung Teoh away from the building resulted in Teoh’s body being found ‘a bit’ far from the wall, as conceded by another pathologist. That was why a third person’s fingerprint was found on Teoh’s belt. The person held on to the belt to lower the body before Teoh was thrown out.

  13. Mamakthir said in February 2011 that a new Malay dilemma is that Malays would be called racist if they talk about Malay rights. There is no such term as Malay right officially recognized in any legal documents. United Nations talks about basic human rights, and Malays certainly have a share of it. But Mamakthir insinuated that Malays have more rights than other Malaysians in Malaysia, and that is plainly untrue. He can certainly claim anything he likes, like he is Malay, but others have the right not to recognize him. Malays certainly have the dilemma that in their name and honour Mamaks steal, and Mamaks justify it on the continued weaknesses of Malays.

    True Malay dilemma started when they accepted the author of Malay Dilemma as the hero of Malays without checking into the background of the person and his intention. Since then, by accepting Mamaks as Malays based on the classification allowed by the constitution instead of the tahu-sama-tahu who real Malays were, Malay community gained a fraction more votes but they allowed Mamaks the opportunity to be wrongly placed into the classification of the needy group. It is true that non-Malays suffered having to shoulders the ‘free-lunch’ given to newly minted Malays from Mamak community, but what is provided to Malays under article 153, and later NEP had been hijacked by Mamaks. So Melayu tulen actually lose out competing for political connection in the legalized corruption under the aegis of NEP, than they would have faced against all Malaysians if competition was based on merits. What is more when Mamakthir controlled the community for 22 years as UMNO Chief?

    Malays who have been enlightened to the fact that the so-called NEP was actually a scheme by those in the corridor of power to steal in their name wanted out. They are not at liberty to do so because they are called traitors to Malays by the same person who was not even Melayu Tulen. Further, Mamakthir accused those enlightened Malays who wanted to stop institutionalized corruption in the country for selling out Malays interest. Mamakthir tried to convince Malays that running a government is similar to running a secret society and that only UMNO which has shown how it could bully non-Malays was the guarding angel for Malays. Mamakthir also brainwashed Malays into thinking that high income status like Singapore which is corruption free was bad for Malays because Malays in Singapore cannot claim ketuanan Melayu. To Mamakthir Malays are born to fight others so that a few so-called leaders can laugh to the bank, like Mubarak of Egypt. Malays, especially those in the rural areas in whose names the so-called affirmative actions are created, are actually voting to support UMNO, which is responsible in making this a low income country, to be perpetually in the poverty trap. That is the most serious Malay dilemma which Mamakthir would certainly try to hide.

    Malays in the rural areas would have been happily living their lives using modern amenities to help them earn their livings, and lived out more meaningful lives with knowledge gained from education. Mamakthir brainwashed them into thinking that work in agriculture was a low-class job, just like driving as an occupation was looked down by Mamakthir. Mamakthir created the division of occupations into despicable and noble groups. To him, while collar jobs such as sitting in government offices were to be preferred. That could be because he still carries with him the gene of caste system, originated in India.

    In the name of helping Malays through education, and as a way to show that Malays are favoured over non-Malays, the government ignored article 153 and made some education institutions reserve 100% of their seats for Malays. Malays as a political grouping is no different from other ethnic groups where not all the people are born to benefit from rigorous academic training. But the process of making Malays to endear them to UMNO through education had political returns. Thus creative marking systems were developed and eventually there were tens of thousand of unemployable graduates among the Malay community. These people could have a free choice to select their career path without having to waste first a few years in the universities. Besides, many such graduates had to hide their degree to obtain a job in the private sector.

    Malays students who had better qualifications and the aptitude for tertiary educations invariable got scholarship to study overseas. They have fair opportunities to befriend the children of UMNOputras and have knowledge of one another’s strength and weakness. For Malays from ordinary families, they get to experience the pains of nepotism only on their return. It is hurting to realize that job opportunities for career development, whether in government or GLC had to be fought with political connections. There are now numerous Malays who chose to stay away overseas. The Malays are experiencing the pains of non-Malays who have to emigrate because of NEP, and they are suffering the same pain at NEP said to be helping them. That is Malay dilemma which individually they can do nothing to change.

    All told, Mamakthir created real dilemma for Malays after having fictitiously created it in a book. It is a dilemma whether Malays should have traded their ‘special position’ to accept opportunist who said to fight for their cause but ending up fighting them. Moreover Mamakthir as Mamak gains the right to insult Melayu Tulen.

  14. We have changed and do not use foul words.
    Some are disguised smartly by commentators for you to guess…and I call that smart buggers..not badly brought up at all.
    And few so call foul words are not foul a all…depending what schools you come from.
    Man in the streets are what we are…and it is these man in the streets being roused up to speak their minds…yet our moderator is controlling their minds…or are we all learning to be gentlemen and ladies …being concluded a bunch of no manners taught by parents.
    To me…this is an insult.
    However….I give the benefit of the doubt to Moderator knowing what he is doing best..and as such…as much as I am moderated…I will not give up commenting.
    Releasing a comment under moderation from my request make me suspect…it is not the moderator….but the computer system to weed out unwanted comments with foul words went kookoo and gila now.
    Wait till someone comein F blog owner or any DAP top guns….all comments will be approved.
    Meanwhile without cintanegara..or weird ones commenting….this is the most cultured blog…besides Anwar’s.
    Get it clear…we are not politicians.
    We are simple Malaysians that are showing no fear to put guts into heaerts of many readers to also vote with no fear against corrupted rouges and thieves.
    Our hands are tight by Govt.
    Are we told by moderator to talk with a soft sissy voice too?

  15. Ha, ha, life is beautiful, we hv d Universities n University Colleges Act, here we also hv LKS Blog Act mah n moderation lor
    Every1 treats M’sians as fainted-hearted chickens, can b suppressed 1

  16. Students today are too pampered and anti-establishment for their own good. Take the case of the Fourth Former who had the temerity to skip the pmr last year, successfully appealed to get back into school and then mocked his teacher with the word “babee”. Then had the nerve to go with his mother to the press when slapped by the teacher. During my time, had I publicly called my teacher a babee, my parents would had whipped me in front of the school.

  17. “We will have to defend him. The blood that flows in his veins is the (second Prime Minister) Abdul Razak (Hussein)’s blood, the blood of a warrior who defended us, Umno, the BN and the rakyat,” Zahid said. /////

    another stupid comment from no brain zahid. is he appointed to defend the rakyat and country or umno and BN. how come such stupid and corrupted people always get promoted? no wonder the country is going down the drain with people like him.

  18. undertaker888 :
    “We will have to defend him. The blood that flows in his veins is the (second Prime Minister) Abdul Razak (Hussein)’s blood, the blood of a warrior who defended us, Umno, the BN and the rakyat,” Zahid said. /////
    another stupid comment from no brain zahid. is he appointed to defend the rakyat and country or umno and BN. how come such stupid and corrupted people always get promoted? no wonder the country is going down the drain with people like him.

    This defense Minister was in Anwar’s team fighting for Anwar in 1997/8. Now he fights Anwar. Just wonder when he would fight Najib, or had to fight Najib.

  19. ///??????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Translation: Chua Soi Lek said that to ask MCA to comment on the charge against LLS and CKC is equivalent to interfering in the judicial system”///—Malaysiakini

    If CSL got his medical degree recently, one would suspect that he did not have the mental capacity to be a doctor, based on the above.

    CSL was asked to comment as to why only MCA ex Ministers are hauled up in the 12.5 billion PKFZ scandal whereas not a single UMNOputras has been arrested in connection with it. Only those from Mars would believe that MCA members alone would be able to get away with cheating the government. It was also the belief that not all the funds swindled in the name of PKFZ went to private purses. The lion share had gone to political parties to fight elections. Why current MCA head praised the AG for persecuting former MCA leaders. It reflects badly on MCA that its leaders, the number 1 and 2 were involved in the 12.5 billion ringgit scandal but not one UMNO members were involved. Thus, MCA is the only bad apple when the whole government is as clean as the rubbish bin.

    CSL tried to give the impression that it was not interested to interfere in the case. Can he even question the AG whether the two MCA members were the only persons involved; he wouldn’t dare. Did anybody suggest that MCA bribe the judges to let off the two members? None. So how did CSL imagine that MCA had the capacity to interfere in the judicial system. UMNO just suspend any action against CSL now. Is there a time limit for charging sexual offence?

  20. Ah, Dear Students! You remind me of 1973. Go ahead, speak your minds! But try not to go into the streets. You will be made a fool of by your own student-leaders. How will you recognize them? Well, look for the army jackets and berets. Look for the parrot sound: “Saudara” this and “Saudara” that. They will claim that a few starving fellows died in Baling because of eating ubi-kayu. If you ask them for proof, their goons will start elbowing you to intimidate you. When the riot police start kicking you (not caring whether you are males or females), they will somehow escape to Europe, become “capitalist” professionals, and then make a deal with the government to come back to Malaysia. I despise this lot.

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