Lim Kit Siang

Saluting a True Malaysian Son

by Koon Yew Yin

(Speech on the occasion of Perak DAP celebration of Lim Kit Siang’s 70th birthday in Ipoh at Tropicana Grand Ballroom on 25th Feb. 2011 after presenting a RM100,000 donation to Perak DAP to restore a legitimate and popularly elected government in the state )

Let me begin by thanking the DAP for its invitation to me to celebrate the occasion of Saudara Lim Kit Siang’s 70th birthday, and for this honour to say a few words to this distinguished audience.

Firstly, it is only right that we are gathered here to pay tribute to a giant of a politician, Saudara Lim Kit Siang. In my mind, there are two key people who have been responsible for this turning point that we have reached in our country’s politics.

One is of course Saudara Anwar Ibrahim who has been the glue in bringing the DAP, PAS and PKR together in Pakatan Rakyat to challenge the political hegemony of BN and UMNO and in galvanizing the electoral vote for the opposition. The Government has launched a ridiculous campaign to harass and destroy him by a fictitious charge but I am sure Anwar will prevail and will continue his struggle for a better Malaysia.

The second hero in Malaysian politics – someone who has put his heart and soul into transforming Malaysia, and who has paid the price for standing up for the ideals of parliamentary democracy – is Saudara Lim. This is a truly towering Malaysian who has stood unwavering on behalf of justice, truth and equality for over 40 years in the public arena. Many young Malaysians may not be aware that for standing up for our basic freedoms, Saudara Lim was put in detention on two occasions under the ISA, the first time for 17 months in 1969 and the second time under Operation Lallang in 1987, when Kit Siang and his son Guan Eng were detained for another 18 months, together with five other DAP leaders.

What remains of our democratic system despite the attempts by Barisan and UMNO to debase and corrupt and destroy it – witness what has taken place in our beloved state of Perak – owes a great deal to the untiring efforts of Kit Siang. He has been a true Malaysian political giant.

I am not alone in my appreciation. In December 1999, HAKAM the national human rights society had written a tribute to Kit Siang:

“HAKAM would like to put on record its tribute and appreciation to you for your selfless and fearless long-public service in the quest for a more just and equitable society and commitment to the principles of parliamentary democracy and good governance.

“We have no doubt that the cherished ideals and principles that you have steadfastly championed through the long years of trials and tribulations and personal sacrifices will not be in vain and your precept and example will surely be a source of inspiration and an example for the young generation of Malaysians to emulate.”

These words of appreciation were written more than 10 years ago. Kit Siang continues his fight for a better Malaysia, a fight which I hope the younger generation gathered here will contribute in whatever way they can.

My own contribution is in the way of a donation to the DAP to mark Kit Siang’s birthday. The contribution is to enable the party to renew its efforts at winning the elections and together with the other members of Pakatan Rakyat, form the next government of Malaysia. This is the goal – to end the over 50 years of BN autocratic rule – with a new era of clean and transparent politics, with a new government committed to good governance and respect for parliamentary democracy.

This RM100,000 donation is made publicly and openly so that others – whether in business or in the professions – can be encouraged to play their role in transforming the country. We must never be afraid to put our money where our mouth is.

Too many of my peer group will bitch and complain about how bad the government is; how corrupt BN politicians are; how disgusted they are with the racist politics engaged in by the BN; how the young children of Malaysia face a bleak future; even how badly their own businesses have been affected by the crony-ridden state and national agencies working with the BN politicians. Yet they do nothing about it. All they do is mourn and groan. To this group of rich and well-endowed businessmen and professionals, I challenge them: PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS and I assure you – together we can change the government and Malaysia.

Thank you