Malaysia’s lackluster response to a neighbour in need

Letter by Dr Nicholas Lee

Dear MP Lim Kit Siang,

I have never written to you but I do so now in the hopes of bring to light a small matter.

As you may have read in the newspapers, Christchurch, the second largest city in New Zealand has suffered a damaging earthquake. Within a single day of that report, the world raced to provide aid to the stricken city. Offers of aid came from neighbouring nations such as Australia and Singapore. Form further a field, assistance came from Japan, Taiwan, United States, the United Kingdom and South Korea. Even Thailand made a small gesture to provide some financial aid to the earthquake victims.

As for Malaysia, we took an entire day to respond. And our dear PM only went so far as to offer condolences and to monitor our own citizens (students). Nothing more. This behaviour strikes me as somewhat lackluster for a few reasons.

  1. Malaysia is closer to New Zealand than say UK, US, or Japan. (All three nations are sending rescuers to the afflicted city). If Malaysia had sent a response team, it would have arrived anywhere from 6hr to 15hr earlier than any of these other nations. The first 24hrs are crucial if you want to rescue trapped people rather than recovering dead bodies.

  2. Speaking of response team, Malaysia actually has such a team. The Special Malaysia Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (SMART). Our boys here are trained for this kind of work. We have the personal and the equipment. We are even one of the closer nations. Why isn’t it a GO for SMART? We send them to Pakistan, but not New Zealand?

  3. There isn’t much national pride in me anymore, but what remains is irritate that Singapore has already sent their rescue team. Why is it that Singapore can act on the same day, flying over their rescue personal and equipment, while Malaysia is slow to even offer her condolences?

Anyone who knows of these facts would think that Malaysia is not very neighbourly.

And yes, I do realize the death toll in Christchurch has been small so far. And there may not be any need for Malaysia to send its rescue workers. Yet this should not have stopped Malaysia from offering to send rescue workers. At worst, New Zealand could have turned down Malaysia’s offer if they had enough men on the ground. People will remember our actions and will respond in kind.

Thank you for your time,

Dr Nicholas Lee, PhD

24 Replies to “Malaysia’s lackluster response to a neighbour in need”

  1. “We send them to Pakistan, but not New Zealand?” Dr Lee, you seem already clearly know the answer to this.

    If this quake had happened in Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, I believe SMART team would be the first to arrive at the scene too.

  2. C’mon Dr Lee, you obviously haven’t lived in Malaysia long enough to understand the actual situation. The first reaction of the UMNO people was: goodness gracious, we gotta find out if our (ill-gotten) properties there are damaged. The second reaction of the UMNOputras was: Were our relatives staying in our (ill-gotten)properties there safe ?

    Then came the third reaction: Are our students safe ?

    It’s good that our response team wasn’t there. Based on the actual experience in Pakistan, I think it’s better that they stay at home and wait for the next Tsunami.

  3. they can’t even wish LKS, a malaysian, Happy 70, do you think they will be so nice? evil people dont do nice things. they just harp on race, religion, mata sepet, botoi,pendatang….blablabla…like the i-bela-him and mamak bendahara.

    or maybe birthday is a christian celebration related to vice activities? where is that ustazah? any comment? is birthday related to some saint by the name Beer Day?

    or maybe the city name is Christchurch. They had to remove the name christ and church before najib can wish those kiwis. like removing the crucifix before najib can visit.

  4. Dear Dr. Lee,

    As you know ( or maybe you still do not know ), our Malaysian government led by UMNOB is an ‘election government’ Everything the do is with election in mind. So, sending our SMART to NZ will not in anyway help them win over more Malay votes. Perhaps if it was some other muslim country our SMART boys would be there in double quick time. Even as our boys are on their way, you bet there will be live coverage of the rescue mission with prayers and political messages to show Malaysian muslims UNMOB is a true champion of Islam. Needless to say then it helps to win over some more Malay support!

    Dr. Lee, got the picture now?

  5. Why Malaysia only monitor Malaysian student in Christchurch, thought should have send aids and offer assistance to Malaysia students immediately.
    Should at least immediately send some officers there and set up hot lines for Malaysian in Christchurch to call and offer help

  6. Some UMNO Ulamak will say that it is unIslamic to help non-Muslims.
    These holier-than-thou UMNO bigots cannot even sit at the same table with non-Muslims to talk about universal religious rights.
    They cannot accept a non-Muslim place of worship in a Muslim majority area.
    They cannot visit our homes because we eat haram food.
    They think they are from a superior religion and deemed for heaven and we for hell.
    They even claim Allah is their God.
    Now, is it worth reasoning with such psychopaths and religious charlatans.

  7. Nicholas,

    Just 3 possible reasons:

    1) All spare cash for the moment have been directed to Merlimau.

    2) All Cabinet ministers esp. Foreign Minister are in a daze or a doze, as usual.

    3) Malaysia is broke and can’t afford the airfare.

  8. Hi Lee,

    Looks like all of us know why. I am sure that you do too. Do not be so naive.

    Please help us. When the next GE is announced, take a few days off. Fly back to vote. Help us change the guomen to a guomen that cares, that has core values.
    We need your help. Do you care enough for us??

  9. The question is whether umno can control the media there in NZ and run a public orgy on 1malaysia alongside their rescue effort. Or at least allow Ibrahim bin Perkasa to show off the veins around his thick neck. If not then dont expect umno to show any keen or real interest.

  10. Speaking of response team, Malaysia actually has such a team. The Special Malaysia Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (SMART). Our boys here are trained for this kind of work. We have the personal and the equipment. by Dr.Lee

    Aiyoh Dr.Lee,do you really think this ‘SMART’ team is smart enough to do the rescue?After observing our special burger branch PDRM,MACC clown lawyer Razak,Talent Corp’s robocorps,Teoh’s RCI con investigating officer,Kangaroo judges ect. i doubt Kiwi government will appreciate bolehland’s help.Maybe Taib’s bomoh can do something about that yo.Our smart smart ones will have eyesore once they see crucifix,christ church and priests there.How can they help?Even if they managed to participate in the rescue on the pretext of removing the crucifix,changing the name Christchurh to NabiMasjid and replacing the priests to Tok ulamas,Kiwis authorities have to take the trouble preparing ‘sembelih dishes’ to fulfill the smart smart ones’s stomach.Apa nama..No time la..

  11. Hi drngsc,

    I’m flying home to vote come the next GE. I hope that my one vote counts cos’ I understand that my constitutency is under PR for the first time!

    And when I was back last summer, there was a house-to-house call to check the RACE & AGE of the occupants. Don’t remember the govt was doing census count then.

  12. Thanks MalaysianRakyat,
    We need more like you. Malaysians who care. Please help us to pass the word around Let us make GE 13 an election to remember.
    Every vote counts. If you NZ friends can plan their holidays to come back around the next GE, that will be great.
    We must find a new tenant for Putrajaya.
    Long Live Malaysia.

  13. To me, New Zealand is a first world country. As first world as the first world country from where Dr Nic is writing from. It was recently when there was an explosion in one of the mines in New Zealand. Followed by a few more explosions that took the lives of the miners. Then two earthquakes that struck New Zealand; Christchurch to be exact. All the while I presumed New Zealand to be as beautiful as heaven. Only now it is revealed that she is like any other country. Shouldn’t the government there do anything ? It could be the name. But because when Egypt was in turmoil, the Prime Minister took the effort to rescue the students there and at the same time because Christchurch was also in disaster, he too managed to help the students there. It is an act of God. May be it is high time to change the name since it does not live up to its’ expectation.

  14. Mr Dr.Lee,our SMART team can or not?Have you seen our Kangaroo judges hoping around the courts,Macc’s lawyer,Razak nearly strangled himself to death but was put to stop by the laughter of the audience,astronaut did one hell of experiment in space,kampong law guarder killing like country cowboy shooting action movies and ect.?Quite frankly,i don’t trust their calibre and sincerity.

  15. UNMOB government cannot send smart boys to quake-hit area for fear of being accused of supporting religious pluralism. Our UNMOB ulamaks don’t like the name C-H-R-I-S-T/C-H-U-R-C-H. Smart boys might get brainwashed by pretty and scantily-clad mat salleh girls and denounce their own faith.

  16. This PhD does not know the difference between personal and personnel. I don’t think it is a careless or typo error. The word personal is repeatedly used when it should be personnel.

    Taxidriver, you said it well. See there is no need for PhD.

  17. Kiwis are not our bros….who asked them died to die for us loh during the emergency etc….

    UMNO will only help their abang, adik at Acheh, Gaza and Pakistan…

    The PR states should send volunteers to Christchurch immediately!!! Dont be like BN..buat tak tau….

  18. limkamput :
    This PhD does not know the difference between personal and personnel. I don’t think it is a careless or typo error. The word personal is repeatedly used when it should be personnel.
    Taxidriver, you said it well. See there is no need for PhD.

    Now, now, LKP, let’s not get personnel about this.


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