A blackly comic whodunit

By Kee Thuan Chye | FMT

OPERATION Lalang was a black day in Malaysian history. On Oct 27, 1987, 106 people were detained under the ISA in one fell swoop. Most of them were from opposition parties and NGOs. A few newspapers were suspended. It traumatised Malaysians and made them submit to the culture of fear. Some have yet to recover from it.

Whoever initiated Operation Lalang did a strong disservice to the nation. It was a shameful exercise of power. Whatever the reason or reasons may be for invoking the ISA on that occasion on so many individuals, there is no fair justification for doing so.

Perhaps that is why Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who was the prime minister then, has recently come out to say he was not responsible for it. In typical Mahathir fashion – for he is accustomed to blaming others for things he might have done – he blamed it on the police.

In his interview with Tom Plate for the recently published book Doctor M: Operation Malaysia – Conversations with Mahathir Mohamad, he said:

“Well, I would have handled it differently, except that the police wanted to do these things because they say it is necessary …

“I actually met all of the opposition members (beforehand) and assured them that they would not be arrested. And you know what the police did? They arrested them. My credibility is gone.”

It’s almost laughable – in a scary way – to note that the PM had no control over what the police were going to do on such a large scale and with such disastrous effects. How could the police have been given so much power then? Are they still as powerful today? Does that make Malaysia a police state?

Apparently, in 1987, the police did have that power – according to Hanif Omar, who was the inspector-general of police (IGP) at the time. He has just come out to corroborate Mahathir’s finger-pointing the police for launching Operation Lalang.

But more than that, he says he consulted Mahathir before swinging into action, and even though Mahathir was against it, the police took it upon themselves to steam ahead. Whoa! Is this a black comedy? The PM was against it but he had no power to forbid the IGP from carrying it out? Who’s the boss? The CEO of the country or the IGP?

Well … “(The police) were independent, at least during my time,” says Hanif.

Really scary! Are we safe any more? Who protects us from the police? During Operation Lalang, did Mahathir renege on his duty to protect the people?

Well, most of the 106 were released before the 60-day detention order was up, but at least 40 others were authorised to be detained for two years. This authorisation could only have come from the Home Minister. And the Home Minister then was Mahathir.

Wow! The plot thickens! Mahathir tells Plate he was against Operation Lalang and yet he signed the orders to detain at least 40 people for another two years! Where’s the logic? Was Mahathir unaware of what he was signing? Did he have his eyes closed? Did he say, “I don’t want to know la, just let me sign.”?

Racial flare-up

Mahathir certainly has some heavy explaining to do.

He also has to explain the suspension of the three newspapers, namely, The Star, Watan and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Did the police order the suspension too? Of course not! That could only be done by the Home Minister. And who, pray tell, might that be?

By most accounts and from the list of people detained, Operation Lalang seemed targeted at social and political activists critical of the government and mainly opposition politicians. Several of them were DAP and PAS members. But Hanif says the police action was not politically motivated.

To be sure, Operation Lalang was the outcome of the racial flare-up sparked by the controversy over the Education Ministry’s appointment of senior assistants and principals to Chinese schools who were not Chinese-educated, but why were only certain groups and individuals arrested?

Najib Tun Razak, who was then head of Umno Youth, led a huge rally in Kampung Baru, right inside Kuala Lumpur’s Malay heartland, obviously the place to whip up racial sentiments. Did that not qualify for ISA detention? And yet Najib was not taken in.

Umno announced it would hold a rally drawing half a million people. It said the event was to celebrate its 41st anniversary, but given the timing at such a potentially incendiary moment, the real agenda could be something more sinister. And yet no action was taken against those who mooted it.

Mahathir told Plate he assured the opposition politicians that they would not be arrested, but DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, who was among those served with the two-year detention order, has come out to say he never met Mahathir before the big swoop. Neither did Mahathir give him assurance that he would not be detained.

Who is lying – Kit Siang or Mahathir?

Either way, the big-dollar question still pops up: If Mahathir said he gave that assurance, why then did he sign the order to detain Lim (and six of his DAP comrades) for two years? Again, was Mahathir unaware of what he was signing? Did he have his eyes closed? Did he say, “I don’t want to know la, just let me sign.”?

Disgraceful episode

More so than ever, we can now see how dangerous the ISA can be. Whether it grants power to the police or the Home Minister, it is subject to abuse. Now more than ever, it is clear that such a dangerous law should be abolished. What does the current administration have to say to that?

Ultimately, for Operation Lalang, regardless of who really initiated it, Mahathir, as the PM then, has to take the blame. One can’t imagine him being distressed when the cops took those 106 people in. It was to his advantage. So much so that he signed those orders to detain the unfortunate 40 for two years.

If he indeed allowed the police to call the shots, he clearly reneged on his duty to protect the people.

And what of Hanif? Now that he has “confessed” his role in that disgraceful episode, does he get off scot-free? Or should he be made to face the music for giving Malaysia a black day?

But you know what is really the sad thing to emerge from all this? For all that Mahathir and Hanif have just said, most people who can think and are sensible don’t believe either of them. That’s how low their credibility seems to have sunk.

Mahathir needs to be careful. The more he talks these days, the more disruptive, contradictory, incredulous and machiavellian he appears. Now seen to be more of a divisive than a unifying element, he might just end up becoming the most despised prime minister we’ve ever had.

As they say, history will judge him. And Operation Lalang will loom large in that judgement.

34 Replies to “A blackly comic whodunit”

  1. Mahathir is getting to show how dopey he can be or is it his illogical cunning way of passing the buck?

    The fact that Haniff came out to say his piece is another dopey move. Now the ex-IGP gets himself entangled in the M web.

    Whether there was a pre-arranged understanding to come out and made those statements is immaterial now.

    People will know now that both are in it together for whatever reason that prompted them to expose themselves in this manner.

    It all acts up to an undercurrent of a plot to confuse people.
    But the bottom line is it will blow up in their faces eventually.

  2. Why so much of these Religious of Falsehood today even amongst not confine to Muslim dominanc nations >>>News of ISA fears and tortures ,Hatredness,Lies and Religious Intolerances ,Corruptions, Killings…yet AG quietly helping coveriing up for protection on their behalf …Now you can only listen to opposition lawmaker exposing these BN Umno misdeeds evidently…thro’ blogs twitters
    >>>I really hope most Rakyat Malaysia seems to realize that Umno BN coalition cabinet government in Malusia endows all prime ministers with dictatorial power….like Mamak ,Badowi Najib so that Only he can pursue a policy contrary to a majority of his cabinet ministers because if they(bn) vote against his policy, the government will fall and they will lose their ministerial posts, power and perquisites.
    Malaysia BN Umno Politicians love their seats more than their country…..why? Instant Millionaires>
    ..except Opposition Lawmakers whose aspires to serve the people NOT Monies benifits.

    Indeed We urgently need to change Government inorder to hv a leadership of Meritocracy,Equality and Democratic Constitional, Fairness regardless of races creeds and religions’significances generates jobs for all civic societies.

    Vote PR into Putrajaya2011/12… Cheers

  3. I am beginning to suspect that there is a bigger agenda behind the sudden amnesia of Mamakthir and his continuing rants against Lee Kuan Yew. In the coming weeks, you could find that they will emphasise the link between the DAP and the PAP, which they have already started.

    Elections are coming, and there are so many issues on corruption, abuse of authority, food and fuel increases etc. Such issues have overthrown governments recently, and UMNO needs a diversion, especially if they are expected to announce elections soon.

    Continue to hammer Mamakthir on all fronts. They have to spend billions to raise money for the next GE, and the 40 billion MRT, the 6 billion patrol boats, etc are only the tip of the iceberg. Do not allow your attention to be diverted.

  4. The fact that Lim Kit Siang said indirectly.. Mahathir is a liar….is enough for me.
    Mahathir is a compulsive liar.
    Not only that…he developed the art to label and blame others in many incidents…before he was labeled and accused of. This is a cheap low class act of his that so many young Malaysians picked up the art and now…you can see his 22 years ..as PM …what kind of Malaysians being guided by him.
    Lets not forget how he encouraged corruptions from top to bottom.
    Before the interview…it must be a condition to Tom Plate not to touch that subject….for if asked…he has no way to defend his RM100 billions ripped off …as revealed at Barry Wain’s book.
    Yes..concerning CORRUPTIONS…..taboo to interviewer or else no interview.
    Mahathir holds the world record with 4 wrong DPMs…and even the wrong party with his new “UMNO B”…not forgetting he lied 14 times to 5 Royal Commissioners.
    Hanif Omar once said to me..that as IGP..if he did not accept “goodies” and co -operate with his more than 105 top ranked officers…..his job will be very difficult. I always respect this highly truthful .brave and righteous man…until now.
    I guess since his boss…a very dear friend of the late Tunku ….who is the founder of Genting casino also died…Hanif has changed completely.
    Hanif Omar is telling half truth.
    The other half is Mahathir was so powerful…that can control all the Sultans…who is IGP to him…to act independently?
    No need to say more. Mahathir encouraged corruptions from top to bottom…so successfully…Hanif is talking with selfish ulterior motives…no more no less.

  5. If Hanjif Omar did consult, his question was should Najib Razak be also arrested under ISA. Mamakthir did raise his objection. He objected to arresting Najib Razak. So both of them were telling the truth, only half of it.

  6. In a certain tropical country, the following incidents took place. Year: circa 1987 / 88.

    Act I.

    Place: The IGP’s office.

    The Prime Minister arrives.

    IGP: Please enter. Remain standing.

    PM: You de boss.

    IGP: Mister PM. You have allowed the situation in dis country to deteriorate. Tension is very high. Riots might occur any time.

    PM: Well I did my best to prevent it but I am not in control. Please tell me what to do.

    IGP: I want to quickly arrest all the trouble makers from both sides so that me and my boys can have some peace during our golf games.

    PM: You de boss. Can I make a suggestion?

    IGP: What is it?

    PM: It takes two to tango, two hands to clap. Now if you arrest all those on the right hand, then those on the left hand will have no one to quarrel with. It will also frighten the syit out of all of them!!

    IGP: Good thinking!!! And I only need half my personnel and get the job done in half the time!! The other half can continue with their golf games. Now which half should I arrest?

    PM: Well, that I leave it to you but may I suggest those in the B team and the ‘usual troublemakers’? (wink, wink, smirk, smirk).

    IGP: So do I have your ‘permission’ to go ahead? (Aside: as if I need it!!)

    PM: Hey, I am the one who is standing while you are doing the sitting. Besides, you are the ones who have the guns. My ‘gun’ has malfunctioned and I just can’t control it any more.

    IGP: Quite right, quite right!! So I will get things going then. I’ve got a 4.30 pm tee-off.

    PM: Yes, you do that and send me the papers to make it all official, OK?

    IGP: Will do, PM. You can go now. You know where the door is.

    PM: Goodbye and good catching. (He leaves)

    IGP: What an idiot. What a nincompoop.!! Adjutant!!!

    Adjutant: SAH !!

    IGP: Assemble half de boys and arrest Team B and the ‘usual troublemakers’ before tea. Bring me my gold-plated golf set.

    Adjutant: Will be done sah!! No problemo!! They are all itching to go!!! Consider it done, SAH !!!

    Act II.

    Same place. PM at IGP’s office. 4.25pm same day.

    IGP (seated): Please enter. You may squat this time.

    PM: Oooh, thank you, thank you!!

    IGP: Well, I got them all, those Team B fellas and the ‘usual troublemakers’.

    PM: Oh, goodie, goodie !! Where’s that document to make it all official?

    IGP: What document? Who needs your dhoby mark? I’ve got the guns, you don’t.

    PM: Oh sorry. I forgot. You de boss!!

    IGP: I’ve got to rush off now for my golf game. You make duck-walk your way out. You know where the door is. NO !!! The back door.

    PM (as he duck-walks out): You de boss. I just know you will win all 19 holes this evening. Its your day, as is usual.

    IGP: Podah !!

    They both exit.

    Act III.

    Same place, two months later.

    PM: Knock, knock !!

    IGP: Who’s there? Oh, its you, Kera-lan. Come in crab-legs. Walk sideways please. Cross your pincers and grab your ears!!

    PM: Okey, dokey. You de boss !!

    IGP: What is it you want? Quickly !! I’ve got a golf game in a short while.

    PM: Your boys with the guns did a mighty fine job catching all them troublemakers. My team A boys owe you a debt.

    IGP: What is it you really want, Kera?

    PM: To ensure further ‘peace’, I need you to put away those pesky ‘troublemakers’ for a while. Can do?

    IGP: That’s not my job. Its yours, dung-gu !!

    PM: I know, I know. But you still have them don’t you? And you have the guns.

    IGP: Oh, you just sign on the dotted lines on the usual papers and I will do the rest. Be quick. My golf buddies are itching to lose another 19 holes!!

    PM signs his ‘X’ on the dotted lines with his pincers.

    PM: Here you go.

    IGP: Adjutant !!!!

    Adjutant: SAH !!!

    IGP: Keep them ‘troublemakers’ at the ‘Health Club’ for another two years. It will do them a lot of good. Here are the papers. Make sure Shyful is at another ‘Club’.

    Adjutant: Will be done, SAH !! Your golf bags are already in your car-boot. Good luck as usual, SAH !!!

    IGP: Great help, this adjutant.

    (Turns to PM).

    IGP: Is there anything else Kera-lan?

    PM: No SAH !! You de boss. A million, million nandris, and tosais!!

    IGP: Cis, bodoh !! You may go now. I am late for my game already. This time, out through the window.

    PM: My pleasure. You de boss !!

    Both exit.

    ACT IV.

    At the Golf Club.

    IGP and his golf buddies.

    IGP: Hey, I win yet again !!! That makes it 10,965 holes won in a row. Call Guinness Anchor Book of World Records !!!

    Act V.

    At the ‘Health Club’.

    Mr Singh: XXXXXXXX, Keralan !!

    Mr Kit Carson: XXXXXX, Keralan !!

    Mr Ah Kwa: XXXXXX, Keralan !!!

    etc. etc.


  7. It is not going to make an iota of difference if Mamakthir was the world’s most compulsive liar, or if Kit should wear that mantle. The electorate couldn’t care less (although most of us already know). Focus on the issues affecting people’s lives.

  8. Mahathir has lost touch with his intellect and as always being portrayed by media and oppositions as a stark wicked and guilty as devil,he is forced to blubber anything out.He has been definitely not having a clear mind for talking rubbish and setting up his own trap for him to fall deeper into abyss.

  9. ///Feb 11, 11 2:22pm
    Information Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim today described as outdated the criticism hurled at Malaysia by former US ambassador to Malaysia John R Malott, and said the latter’s…///–Malaysiakini

    So Rais Yatim confirmed that what Malott said was correct, and that there has been a change. But we Malaysians notice that the country is not getting any better by the day.

  10. that’s what we called kay-leng-Ngah-teh. he has half of that in him and uses it 100% like a sly fox.
    they make so much fuss about valentine but a big liar like that they keep mum. sometimes I wonder if their brains grow where the sun don’t shine region of the anatomy.

  11. Mahathir does not have international standing and respect like Lee Kuan Yew precisely because he has an integrity issue, typical of UMNO politicians. He pecipitated the racial polarization in Malaysia, and lowered the international reputation of the country through financial mismanagement, rampant corruption, gross human rights violation, and abuse of the judiciary and government institutions. Shame on you Mahathir!

  12. I hope the Malaysian public does not fall so easily for Najib’s sloganeering – cakap tak serupa bikin. Even the departments under Najib’s purview are creating more racial and religious disharmony in the name of their malay race and muslim religion. Najib, what is the crime of other races and religion? This is Najib’s and UMNO’s true color:

    Valentine’s Day not Christian celebration, say churches

    PETALING JAYA: Valentine’s Day is a secular observance that is not celebrated religiously by churches in Malaysia or worldwide, said the Council of Churches of Malaysia.

    Its general secretary Reverend Dr Herman Shastri said the National Fatwa Council had erred when it referred to Valentine’s Day as a Christian observance and has hurt the feelings of Christians in Malaysia.

    “To suggest that Valentine’s Day is observed by Christians is unfair and misleading.

    “Although the word ‘Valentine’ draws some connection to St Valentine, the church’s authorities have not endorsed the connection, be it Roman Catholic or Protestant,” he said in a statement in reference to an article on Valentine’s Day posted on the website of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim).

    The website described Valentine’s Day as: “The practice of celebrating the day of love (Valentine’s Day) has not been recommended by Islam. (The) spirit (of the) festival has elements of Christianity and the practice is mixed with immoral acts (and) are prohibited by Islam that clearly contradicts the belief, Sharia and Islamic morality. Therefore, Muslims are prohibited from engaging in celebrating the day.”

    Dr Shastri said the council appealed to the authorities to repeal such hurting inferences that Christianity promotes sexual promiscuity because of Valentine’s Day observance, often made in the media and in the said Fatwa.

    On Thursday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom said the National Fatwa Council had, in 2005, decreed that Muslims should refrain from celebrating Valentine’s Day, as it was not part of Islamic practices.

    He added the Jakim would launch an anti-Valentine’s Day campaign on Friday.

    Well-known motivator Siti Nor Bahyah Mahamood had also commented on Valentine’s Day saying “immoral activities, partying and unmarried couples associating in private are traditions of the Christian community”.

  13. A man put into power…becomes a liar.. steals….rob..con people…using all the powers given to him to protect himself….by stuffing stolen money into throats of others…making thousands crazy for millionaire style livings like striking a lottery..no need to work…and that lottery keep striking …no end to it.
    Will such a man change for the better..admit all mistakes.. and be sentenced to jail?
    Will all his cronies..especially Najib.. be brave enough to face the music with truths?
    All know…these cowards rouges are cashing their hopes to fool Malaysians…particularly the weak and meek Malaysians…which Malays dominate this groups most.
    Without majority Malays support…UMNO B is finished and the slim majority they had in 12th GE went down and down…and we are seeing Najib performing to blind monkies and donkies.
    It is a circus act…and circus act cannot stay same.
    It must change and change…and the bottom line is….how many Malaysians can be fooled by such acts.
    Magic have been revealed …making it no magic at all.
    What happen to David Copperfied..will happen to Najib.

  14. The great Muslim scholar Ahmed Deedat once said…”If you eat junks…you will be a junkie. If you read see phonography…you will be an actor of phonography too”.
    That should speak volumns for Mahathir’s leadership.
    Does this man ever regret the many sins he commited?
    Looks like he is smiling away feeling so proud each day.
    At that old age…anytime can drop dead…any regrets?
    No way. Do that…his whole family is finished.

  15. Biggest problem with UMNO B members are seeing thousands of Muslims are living good lives and think Mahathir gave them the hope and opportunities.
    Most are commercial wage earners …and not one depended on special treatments…and these commercial bosses are no nonsense or racists people.
    When you see expensive cars driven by ordinary Malays..you can smell they are UMNO B cronies..by the way the behave and drive.
    Yes…hundreds of billions stolen by Mahathir are spread around…”One or you…three for me”
    The fools are the ones that took ONE and mamak took THREE.

  16. Egypt Dictator steeped down and military took over.
    Muslims are fed up with Dictators.
    Are Malaysian Muslims in line with that agreement?
    Sure they are.
    It is the ones being fed with money like drugs that need wake up.

  17. ///Asked about why he kept Lim and others under ISA beyond the initial 60 day detention period if he did not feel they should have been detained in the first place, Dr Mahathir said that he could not reveal the reasons.

    “They were released as soon as the police felt they should be released,” he said. “But what I talk to the police, I cannot tell the public even now.”/// – The Malaysian Insider

    Dr. Mahathir should stop lying and passing the buck to the police. The following two statements

    1. Dr Mahathir said that he could not reveal the reasons.
    2. But what I talk to the police, I cannot tell the public even now.

    clearly show he had power over the ISA and was in a negotiating position to hold talks with the relevant ministries to secure the release of the ISA detainees.

  18. Tarnishing the image of the Force he once led by his prepardness to take the blame for Mahathir’s mistakes reveals the real Haniff. Haniff had been one the best IGP Malaysia ever had; disciplined, honest, hardworking and examplary or so we thought. The cat is finally out of the bag leaving not even one good person in UNMOB-led government.

  19. This country has been led by liars and crooks and today it is still being so.They can steal,rob and plunder the wealth of the nation because of its rich natural resources and it has become a buffer for their dirty and dishonest acts.Do we have to wait until these suckers running away like Ben Ali and Mubarak? No,the majority must wake up now and stop being fooled by the scumbags.

  20. He knows his day is numbered and not far beyond reach but still he has to lie,cheat and brainwash the majority gullible malays.He has to do it by forcing himself at this vulnerable age(with heart attack history) for his seeds he has passed on.The seeds he planted are already deeply rooted and evolved into third generation.He hopes his recipients will keep on flourishing like poisonous mushrooms.Boys,don’t buy this mushroom’s talk,it will kill you softly by eating away all your grey matter.He had taken malays for his joy ride experiment as his guinea pig and the result holds dear after his 22 years of reign.I hope my fella malay countrymen will open up their eyes and reject his unfounded lies about their poor mental capability and racial incitement of bogey chinese men will take over control of them.Real stupid incendiary remarks and indignity lessons from one of our much senior statesman.I am so ashamed to have him related to us as our ex-premier country man.

  21. Mahathir said everything is fair and no one is accountable for his fault.War is fair,love and hate is fair,racist is fair,tyrant is fair,unfairness is fair but white is not fair.He is everything right and fair.No worry..after all he is so much senior and experienced pit bull(terrier).He is one of the hell mentor in world wide beside bolehland.

  22. So whodunit?

    I say, monsterball. No? then sheriff, it is. Wrong again ?X%^H)#@. Ah hah. Dont you hide, limkamput. What? Not limkamput? WTF. Jeffrey. I am not guessing. Just own up. You did it. You issued the order to detain. Admit!

    … cintanegara, attempting to unlock the x-file for the secrets within.

  23. Mamakthir said that he met the opposition leaders and promised them that they would not be arrested before operation lallang.

    Lim Kit Siang has confirmed that he never met with Mamakthir. That should be the truth.

    Mamakthir did not specify whether he met the persons said to be invited before or after the police arrested them. So it must mean that he met them before the operation, otherwise Mamakthir would be in Kamunting to meet them, because IGP Tun Hanif Omar confirmed that he was boss for this particular instance. So for Mamakthir story to be tenable, he should have met them before the operation.

    If Mamakthir could stop the police to ISA the opposition leaders, he needed only to tell Hanif to do so, and there was no need to call the opposition leaders to promise them that they would not be arrested. It is difficult to believe that Mamakthir would even be ‘kind’ enough to warn the opposition leaders that the police might take action against them, much less to believe that he would offer them peace of mind that police would not take action against them. What Mamakthir had said of his kind hearted action does not jive with his character and one wonders why he had to rewrite history when the people are around to refute him. It appears that he thinks that Malays would believe whatever he said and that the young Malays are easily fooled. Further those who have decided to dump BN would not return, and there are just comparatively less non-Malays votes to lose for BN than young Malays votes to gain with his lies. Besides, he knows that his time is up soon, and he wants to confuse as many people as possible.

  24. yhsiew :
    ///Asked about why he kept Lim and others under ISA beyond the initial 60 day detention period if he did not feel they should have been detained in the first place, Dr Mahathir said that he could not reveal the reasons.
    “They were released as soon as the police felt they should be released,” he said. “But what I talk to the police, I cannot tell the public even now.”/// – The Malaysian Insider
    Dr. Mahathir should stop lying and passing the buck to the police. The following two statements
    1. Dr Mahathir said that he could not reveal the reasons.
    2. But what I talk to the police, I cannot tell the public even now.
    clearly show he had power over the ISA and was in a negotiating position to hold talks with the relevant ministries to secure the release of the ISA detainees.

    That is the executive privilege to lie, because he cannot reveal state secret. Then just shut up.

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