Creating a harmonious, just, democratic and competitive nation remains the single greatest challenge of Malaysians

The creation of a harmonious, just, democratic and competitive nation, which is a model to the world as an united, tolerant and successful multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-religious society, remains the greatest challenge of Malaysians.

Nation-building should not be a zero-sum game but must be a win-win formula for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region.

Malaysia has strayed from this formula, with a world diaspora of a million-strong Malaysians – testimony that Malaysians are helping to create the greatness of other nations instead of their own country.

Although there is belated official recognition that human capital is even more valuable than natural resources as national assets in the era of globalisation, there is still no political will to introduce nation-building policies that will develop and retain Malaysian talent as well as attract foreign talent.

Slogans like “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” will not create a harmonious, just, democratic and competitive nation until and unless Malaysia could be seen by its people and others as a land of equal opportunity to earn a good living and provide a secure, happy life for each individual and family.

Wishing all Malaysian Chinese a happy and purposeful Chinese New Year of the Rabbit.

27 Replies to “Creating a harmonious, just, democratic and competitive nation remains the single greatest challenge of Malaysians”

  1. Creating a united multi-racial and harmonious Malaysian society? Why, that is the last thing UNMOB wants for, to do so, it would mean losing power. Creating suspicions and hatred among the various races will be top-most in UNMOB’s agenda. The lure of money is so great to the extent that they must remain in power by hook or by crook! They are prepared to retain Putrajaya even if it means over ”crushed bodies and soaking the keris in Chinese blood” UNMOB’s brand of Islam is indeed scary.

    All Chinese must choose PAS over UNMOB

  2. The poor Malays and those of of other races will still need government assistance when PR takes over. The POOR MALAYS need not fear tha removal of NEP which mostly benefits the RICH MALAYS and their family members and those who use extention wires that connect themselves to UMNOB strongmen.

    For the nation to compete with other nations to move forward, the NEP ought to go but be replaced by another NEP- NEED ECONOMIC POLICY to care for the rakyat based on their needs. The POOR MALAYS who make up the larger number will be better off compared to now as the billions lost through corrupt practises by UNMOB/BN leaders will go back to them.

    Let us all unite before Malaysia becomes TUN-isia and by which time it will be too late.


  3. Just recieved this mail from friend. If this is indeed true, then God help the non-muslim/malay food industries!!!!!!!!!!

    “What is becoming of Malaysia ? The nightmare is evolving and those caught in it are mainly the Chinese and Indians, and perhaps multinational corp with operations in M’sia. I feel sad to receive this email.

    Its so sad and what a terrible economic and commercial tragedy that hard working, honest, dedicated entrepreneur like your goodself has to face such kind of rulings in the food business.

    It must also been horrific and financially disastrous that Dato
    Jackson ‘s Sliverbird factory is forced to close down under such heart breaking circumstances.

    I know about the IKEA’s restaurant’s shut down because of the so-called question on the alleged foodstuff halal certification.

    May the mercy and compassion of God Almighty be upon 1Malayasia !!
    God help this country !!

    On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Sani Ong wrote:

    Dr.Martin, The Halal Hype that is going on in our country will force many SMIs involved in food production and distribution to close shop. JAKIM has muscled its way to make itself the Monopoly of the Halal certificate. In April 2011 the Halal Act will be passed by Parliament where only Jakim has the monopoly to issue the certificate.

    Each certificate cost about RM1000 and with 2000 line items in my company I will have to foot out RM2,000,000 and that is if I am lucky to get all those approved. I might as well close down my business and retrench all the 60 staff with some 100 odd dependents.

    The Government will be deprived of some RM800,000 worth of taxes and duties. The Food standard will definitely decline as chefs will have less ingredients to work with. The Halal procedures will increase the food cost by 10%. JAKIM does
    not care for the economy of the country. All it cares for is its rice bowl to ensure that it is relevant and seen to be working hard.

    Look at the way it closed down IKEA for two weeks. Look at the way it closed down Silverbird in Nilai. It does not care for the business environment in this country.

    Even mineral water has halal logo. Eventually all vegetable, fish, grains, rice, etc will need halal logo. Eventually all Muslims will not touch all non Muslims if the Halal fever is allowed to spread. Even Saudi Arabia is not as strict as Jakim. I have suppliers who could sell their products into Saudi Arabia but not in Malaysia .

    80% of the food industry is run by Non Malays. One of the criteria to obtain the Halal Certificate for restaurants is to employ Malaysian Muslim. If you do not have any Malaysian Muslim in your restaurant you will not be issued with a Halal certificate.
    Where are we heading???? “

  4. Sdr Lim, I think you ought to know where and who your audience are. It is the rural and conservative Malays that need convincing and enlightenment. As I see it, there is hardly any strategy to counter the onslaught of racism and bigotry being used blatantly by BN to shackle the rural population. The PR’s campaign in Tenang is almost pathetic to me. The over reliance on Chinese votes and DAP are not good signs for PR. Where are the roles of PAS and PKR in influencing the rural population? If PR is not careful, it will gradually but surely evolve into the DAP of the old. It is not that DAP does not have a progressive constitution or a well-thought out national agenda. But DAP can’t win Putrajaya alone. You need right minded people to work with you but right now I think they are no longer effective in galvanising support especially from the rural Malays. There are numerous issues which are a disadvantage to BN and yet PR has not been able to capitalise on them. The internet and urban audience need no further convincing. You guys need to do much more on the rural population and for that, the internet media and the “intellectual stuff” are not enough.

    A blessed Chinese new year to all.

  5. /// Malaysia has strayed from this formula, with a world diaspora of a million-strong Malaysians – testimony that Malaysians are helping to create the greatness of other nations instead of their own country. ///

    But these million-strong Malaysians have the wrong kulitfication.

  6. A very Happy Rabbit Year to LKS and family and to all my Malaysian Chinese friends in this blog.
    There is no way the Govt will change from race and religion politics and to divide and rule.
    We all know that too well.
    The sickening part is to see MCA with the likes of Chua Soi Lek to support a dictatorial government and surrenders the will to accept being second class citizens..showing so clear…MCA is a puppet to UMNO B… more… less.
    Such displays by MCA and especially by Chua Soi this great opportunity to have a change of government..means only one reason….MCA is finished and Chua knows that too well,
    It shows MCA top guys are nothing but running dogs for UMNO B .

  7. Malaccans just realised that even the chinese characters of Kong Xi Fa Cai were bigger than alphabets, that also Beh Tahan! they cant even put the wish banners up. what the heck! this is the so called 1Msia. there are so many people surrounding the main man who created 1Msia, trying to contradict his idea. how can he be successful? answer is to remove these uncooperative people surrounding him. so at the end, he will have his so called enemies as his friends to make this world better. we do not ask for anything extra like special privileges and special seats in universities, we just want to be harmony and let us live peacefully. is that too much to ask? some people are so childish, even a simple banner will be targeted into their political war game. pathetic.

  8. malignant,i also beh tahan 1 you know?Mai kong ii yau la.Si gi na.Sia soi lang.Boh lan hoot.I would reserve my my coment from further utterance in case you know what? ‘moderation is phobiaing me’


    Dr Mahathir also stressed that non-Malays must accept the concept of “Bangsa Malaysia” (Malaysian nation) to help strengthen national unity.

    He said the communities must place country before race and identify themselves as Malaysians.

    He said if the communities continue to identify themselves according to the country of origin then it is an admission that they are immigrants in the country.


    Dr Mxhathir also stressed that non-Malays must accept the concept of “Bangsa Malaysia” (Malaysian nation) to help strengthen national unity.

    He said the communities must place country before race and identify themselves as Malaysians.

    He said if the communities continue to identify themselves according to the country of origin then it is an admission that they are immigrants in the country.

  11. Dear Uncle Lim,
    I have been working in down at the Red Dot
    for 20 years and, as you mention, helping
    other to build their nation. Actually, many
    Malaysian are very greatfull of the Red Dot
    for giving them the opportunity to make a living.
    This is a win-win for both parties.
    Help us by helping them.
    Many here are holding rather respected positions and get very decent pay.
    Everything is based on your ability and not
    who you are.
    I will be very greatfull if I can get 1/10 of
    my pay back in my beloved country.
    Who knows one day I may give-up.

    Wish Uncle and all the readers a vary Happy
    Chinese New Year…lets celebrate togather!

  12. Can there be “a harmonious, just, democratic and competitive nation” when we have a former PM around who keeps harping his understanding of national unity as being based on the country (Tanah Melayu) belonging to the Malays and acceptance by all Malaysians of the culture and language of the dominant community??? (See TheMalaysianInsider report “Malaysia is Tanah Melayu, says Dr M” by Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, February 01, 2011)

    One may say its usual divisive rantings. However in Tenang such ideology proves helpful to save the day for BN.

  13. while Najib is calling for 1Malaysia, during the Tenang by-election government machineries were seen selectively helping only Malays voters. it is obvious that 1Malaysia nothing more than a mere slogan and an avenue to pay somebody for coming out such slogan.

  14. Over 90 pct of tax revenues are derived from one race. Over 90 pct of “benefits” go to one race. All in the name of “special rights”. That special race doesn’t understand that their leaders take the lion’s share of the benefits, leaving crumbs to the vast majority and even then only to their supporters. As long as they have crumbs, this special race isn’t going to ditch their leadership.

    You see, UMNO gives a bag of fertiliser free to every rambutan grower, like cintanegara. What people like cintanegara doesn’t understand is that the UMNO elites help themselves to multiples of what the average UMNO supporter gets. The UMNO elites get to set up fertiliser plants with money loaned from banks controlled by UMNO. They can’t fail, because the price is set by the government, and is usually at a much higher price than that in the international market. Even if they do fail, UMNO bails them out with taxpayers’ money. Then UMNO elites set up exclusive distribution channels for the fertiliser.

    UMNO elites also get the rights to set up canning plants for rambutans. Never mind that Thailand produces canned rambutans cheaper than Bolehland. We just ignore AFTA and impose all sorts of restrictions on Thai canned rambutans from reaching our shores. Cintanegara gets a ready market for his rambutans, so he is happy.

    Chua Soi Lek serves canned rambutans for his Chinese New Year open house and proclaims that we produce the cheapest and best rambutans. Never mind that Thailand sells more rambutans than Bolehland in the international arena.

    Never mind that once AFTA is strictly enforced, all our fertiliser plants and our rambutan canning factories will have to shut, and soon cintanegara will not get his free fertiliser nor find a ready buyer for his rambutans. Never mind that we are all heading for the edge of the cliff. UMNO elites have already invested their money in the UK, Australia, Canada and the US.

  15. “satu malaysia” or “bangsa malaysia” can only succeed with the removal of bn umno and their so call partners. all this while, it was just a blanket to make it look good! in real, semuanya pentingkan diri sendiri.

    selamat tahun baru to all.

  16. /// Cintanegara gets a ready market for his rambutans, so he is happy.

    Chua Soi Lek serves canned rambutans for his Chinese New Year open house and proclaims that we produce the cheapest and best rambutans. Never mind that Thailand sells more rambutans than Bolehland in the international arena. ///

    Don, perhaps you should can Cintanegara’s and CSL’s hairy rambutans and export them.

  17. No doubt each one of Aesop’s fables has a lesson to teach and moral values….

    A fox was walking through the woods when he saw some big juicy grapes growing on a tall vine…”They look so delicious “, he thought..”I think I will eat some of them for lunch”

    The fox stood on his back legs to pick the grapes but the grapes were much too high for the fox to reach. So he stretched out his paw as far as he could…Still the fox could not reach the grapes…So he jumped as high as he could….The fox tried again and again, but he still could not reach the grapes. …

    Finally he gave up and walked away…”who wants to eat the old sour grapes anyway?’ he said to himself….So my dearest friends, do you know why he said that?

  18. stupid cintanegara…why talk of Aesop’s fables, when there is a more recent example to use from Bolehland….

    For over 30 years, UMNO foxes have been eating ripe juicy rambutans for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The foxes have managed to reach the top of the rambutan tree to harvest the fruit through the use of pendatangs – the pendatangs would carry the foxes on their shoulders during harvest time. Once in a while, the foxes showed their generosity by allowing the pendatangs to eat the rambutans, but only after the foxes have had their fill.

    In recent years, some pendatangs have refused to lend their shoulders to the foxes, and as a result, the foxes are no longer having the harvests they had in the past. Despite all threats of deportation, etc, the pendatangs are now increasingly “disobedient” and the foxes are having a shortage of rambutans.

    Now some foxes, cintanegara included, are saying “Who wants to eat sour rambutans anyway?”

    Now teach this in the schools….

  19. A stupid self claimed fox is so mentally disabled to get the sweet grapes cum elixir drink if properly brewed but blamed that the grapes are not sweet and contrary to his cup of tea.Poor beast,i think he lost his tongkat but he should be clever enough to get a wood to able to devour his desired grapes.Pathetic indeed..

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