Biggest losers in Tenang – MCA and Chua Soi Lek

Tweets :-

Pakatan decries selective assistance to voters – Mkini
Sunday, January 30, 2011 5:28 PM

Incessant rain bad flooding discriminatory govt assistance 2ferry stranded voters n low voter turnouts have messed up forecast of Tenang b/e
Sunday, January 30, 2011 5:37 PM

Tenang b/e – Voter turnout when polls closed @ 5pm: Total of 10,585 voters or 71.75 per cent of the 14,753 electorate.
Sunday, January 30, 2011 5:40 PM

Very low voter turnout in Labis town – in Labis Tengah only 51.82%!
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:03 PM

Very low voter turnout in Labis town – in Labis Tengah only 51.82%! 2008 GE turnout @ this station was 69%
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:09 PM

RT @LimSweeKuan Unofficial: BandarLabisTengah Saluran1 Pas123 (128 – 2008) Bn64 (96) #Tenang2010
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:27 PM

RT @LimSweeKuan Unofficial: BdrLabisTengah S4 Pas209 (244) Bn90 (161)
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:29 PM

RT @LimSweeKuan Unofficial: KgRedong S1 Pas38 (67) Bn231(189) #Tenang
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:46 PM

RT @LimSweeKuan Unofficial: KgRedong S2 Pas67 (96) Bn211 (175) #Tenang
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:47 PM

RT @LimSweeKuan Unofficial: PekanAyerPanas S1 Pas48 (75) Bn220 (176) #Tenang
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:49 PM

RT @LimSweeKuan Unofficial: Tenang Stations Saluran 1 -4: Total – Pas482(450) Bn613(783). Pas increases 7.52pc! #Tenang
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:52 PM

RT @LimSweeKuan Unofficial: LdgLabisUtara S1 Pas40 (107) Bn152 (136) #Tenang
Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:53 PM

Sure will respect verdict. Had said I hoped for 3 of 4goals in Tenang but not 2win. @carribeanking7 Can follow further results @LimSweeKuan
Sunday, January 30, 2011 7:01 PM

Unoff: LabisTengah Pas 851(1013) Bn365 (504). Pas vote in this 95.7% Chinese maj centre increased 3.2% to 70% despite 20% fall in turnout.
Sunday, January 30, 2011 7:44 PM

Said last nite PR can celebrate if achieve 3 of 4 aims:Debunk Muhyddn boast of 5k majority/Slash 08 BN maj 2492/Secure >55% Chinese votes.
Sunday, January 30, 2011 7:50 PM

Would have hit 3 of 4 aims in Tenang if not for rain/floods causing poor turnout esp Chinese areas. Scored 2 of 4 aims, missing BN 08 maj.
Sunday, January 30, 2011 7:55 PM

Biggest loser in Tenang-MCA/CSL.Will CSL have courage 2tell Umno tt Chinese voter-swing not Chinese spprt 4IslamicState but 4change justice?
Sunday, January 30, 2011 8:00 PM

Tenang b/e shown bankruptcy of MCA “fear/scare” tactics n preparedness of Chinese voters outside urban belt to support PAS 4PR common policy
Sunday, January 30, 2011 8:04 PM

Anthr Tenang lesson:All the rain floods 2depress voter turnout n 1Msia goodies could not save MCA. Momentum of 308 political tsunami v alive
Sunday, January 30, 2011 8:13 PM

36 Replies to “Biggest losers in Tenang – MCA and Chua Soi Lek”

  1. Time 4 PR 2 REFLECT quickly, how 2 win more votes fr voters of all ethnic groups
    Must convince them 2 enjoy d dances n songs put up by tak halal scantily dressed females, wallop all d free makan n freebies, collect all d $$$$ fr BN n 1M’sia org, BUT VOTE 4 PR
    PR must b united n focused, n not shoot their own feet by doing n saying d wrong things
    Regroup, consolidate, n work 4 CHANGE

  2. Yet again the Chinese community make known their stand; they reject the party that claims to represent them. The MCA should do the only honourable thing, and that is to ‘tapao’. Why wait to be kicked out by your ‘taiko’ UMNOB.??????

  3. A lek,mai an ne kek sim.Lu ai kaipien la ok.Don’t talk rubbish which doesn’t sound or not suitable for a minister.You seem more like a monkey sounding things and look around curiously as if you know people are laughing at you but yet you put on the fattiest elephant skin on your cheek and to fart some nonesenses.A,lek wa chi niah koh len lu la.AR..

  4. The majority could have been lower….but the lady let the handshake get in her way…..

    The PR need to get the Indians back and stop PAS from doing all these side deals…..otherwise kiss 2013 goodbye…

    The fact that Porno Chua is “acceptable” to a kampong crowd out in Labis/ Tenang….speaks volumes of the ethics the average Joe there …..

    Unlike Tunisia, and Egypt, I doubt God wants to help Malaysia…

  5. boh-liau,cannot simply kill people like ar..You know ar..seppuku has to be done in two persons,one to seppuku and the other mysterious one standing at the back, hand in samurai sword ready to swing across the neck of the target to ease the seppuke guy toward the untoward undying circumstances.Scary!i saw a real one in of my curious search homeworks.Puke..horrible

  6. Nobody expected cikgu Normala Sudirman to win in Tenang. But she can stand tall in defeat, winning over the hearts and minds of the Chinese community with her gentleness and charm. This can be translated to mean she won a big battle in the MCA president’s strong hold thereby, giving him a big blow.

    I would say she fought very courageously, defending every inch of the ground. She is the better candidate who lost to ‘money politics’, lies and biased reportings by the government-controlled medias.

    I would suggest PR gives cikgu Normala Sudirman another shot in a Chinese majority constituency in future elections so as to take the lead in showing that PR is truely multi-racial to shut up the mouth of those who deliberately portray the coalition otherwise. DAP will stand to gain much to help shed its ‘Chinese chauvanist’ image especially,among the rural Malays, hence to project the Party’s struggles and principles.

    Finally, syabas cikgu, for a battle well-fought. Now UMNOB will still feel insecure despite the victory as they cannot tell for a certainty whether the support they received is because of voters confidence in them or because of the hundreds of millions ringgit and all the goodies they distributed. They have created for themselves a hard-to-solve puzzle. Don’t believe? Ask them to hold a GE now.

  7. LohSiMah, NR, Moo, Lies Yakdim all very high now, ready 2 CHEONG AAAAAAAAH
    They forgave CSL n son – just sway luck they forgot 2 wear red/purple underwear 2day
    They know most Malay n Indian voters n some Si Mata Sepet voters r in their pockets
    They will go 4 d next GE very soon with high spirits n confidence, PKR sudah kaput
    Make hay while d sun shines, Strike while d iron is hot, n Take no prisoners

  8. Had boats have given Labis voters to polling stations…the majority will be much lesser…or maybe PAS may win by a very slim majority.
    No one expect PAS to win..but the reduced majority of +- 1800 votes showed mainly Chinese voters rejected MCA.
    That’s good.
    Now lets wait for Malacca by-election…slotted be in March.
    Final countdown for the 13th GE is going to be..a complete wipe out of MCA is most Malaysian Chinese wishes.

  9. Lets presume Johore is UMNO B stronghold.
    They can take Johore and Sabah…but Malacca has yet to show signs….while Sarawakians have indicated theirs.
    Only through a proper 13th GE can we know the truth of it all….and I am confident Malaysians are ready for changes with kampong Muslims…and farmers sill living as simple folks with simple minds…reading papers and watching TVs…with no idea what’s really happening …except taking money from UMNO B as facts…how good the Govt. is…without one iota of knowledge and understandings..on billions stolen from them…and what they got back few Ringgits are money stolen..stolen from them. How sad.
    Yes bad news do come in pairs and Lee Chong Wei lost to Lin Dan by a whisker…and mostly from his own mistakes.
    But Chong Wei made Malaysians very proud with hos confidence and fighting spirit….and a usual…Lin Dan is full of tricks unbecoming a true sportsman. You can call him con man sportsman.
    There is nothing Chong Wei be shamed about.
    If first game favoured him…Lin Dan is finished..and the third game showed Chong Wei was desperate at 16 to 18 .giving Lin Dan the viral point… to be 16-19.
    There is no sour notes in my comment…and I enjoy the game very much.
    The luckier man won….that’s all.
    The watching Lin Na lost to Clister…was a thriller..for two games. Third deciding one..Lin Na has long her directions and determinations..but Clister is worthy to be Champion…while Lin Na does made China proud too.
    So bad news from sports from Malaysia and China are not really bad news At all.

  10. Oh, didn’t hear anything of political lightweight Palanivel campaigning in Tenang?

    Maybe whilst CSL lost his pants, Palanivel lost his directions and ois still campaigning to stay alive in MIC, eh?

    How did Indian votes go in Tenang?

    I dodn’t think Najib will call GE snap so soon. Looking at the results & Muhyiddin’s bullshit campaign, Najib tak tenang-lah!

  11. Oh, didn’t hear anything of political lightweight Palanivel campaigning in Tenang?

    Maybe whilst CSL lost his pants, Palanivel lost his directions and is still campaigning to stay alive in MIC, eh?

    How did Indian votes go in Tenang?

    I don’t think Najib will call snap GE so soon. Looking at the results & Muhyiddin’s buffooner in Tenang campaign, Najib tak tenang-lah!

  12. This is how the main media Sin Chew Jit Pao twisted :

    ??|??|??|??|??|??|??|??|??|????|??|??|??|??|??|????| ?? ??????: ? ? ???????????????3707
    ?? 2011-01-30 22:11








  13. Gobalala claims that he has resigned from all PKR positions he has been holding. But why is he still hanging on as PKR elected representative in Padang Serai, which he contested on the PKR platform in 2008? And why, like Wee chukiong, did he choose to resign on the eve of by-elections?

  14. The Chinese voters of Tenang were stable-minded and not easily lured by BN’s free cash (there were rumors of vote-buying), free dinners and lucky draw (there were 5 motorcycles, bicycles and flat screen TVs to give away).

    Thanks to Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and other PR leaders who had done a grand job!

  15. BN managed to win back two Chinese-majority polling districts (losing only Bandar Labis Tengah) compared to the last general election 2008 in which it lost 3 out of 4 (Chinese-majority areas).

    Yet it is uncertain whether Tenang or the BN’s winning of 2 other poll stations could be used to accurately assess whether MCA got back or did not get back some Chinese support throughout the country. For Labis is supposedly MCA stronghold held by Dr Chua Soi Lek, and Johore generally UMNO’s bastion. Its also eve of Chinese New Year not to mention the rain and poorer voter turn out without help of selective mobilisation of transportation by BN govt.

    For the kind of support that PAS’ Normala Sudirman has obtained inspite of MCA playing on the fact of her not shaking hands, it looks like even fear of th Islamic state or extreme religiousity of PAS can override the anger and contempt that many Chinese voters still have for MCA, that cannot go away….

    MCA is in an unenviable position, one that it has play second fiddle to UMNO within BN and as a result -no matter what MCA has done for the community on the side – become the target and focus of large swathes of Chinese community’s alienation and anger at its big brother, UMNO’s policies that MCA cannot change, and hence taken to support.

  16. Did BN give out free good luck red/purple Victorias Secret underwear, underpants, drawers, boxer briefs, undies, knickers, panties, briefs, bloomers, lolipops, spankies, thongs, lingerie, G string, anal floss, granny panties, banana hammock, etc 2 Tenang voters n residents? Got or not, ah?

  17. People didnt come out to vote coz they felt indebted to the hopeless party for the goodies they accepted but since they knew they might be tracked on whom they voted for, hence they chose to stay put at home ???
    In the past, they were cases where opposition supporters were given goodies and in exchange their ic were being withheld to stop them from voting until polling stations were closed. I hope these “Smart” brains can be put into better use to benefit the rakyat and not jz the selective elite groups of …. (no eyes to see, sigh)

  18. Its clear the Chinese vote nationally still with the opposition and probably increased. While that is a strength that can be counted on for a while, its not forever and its not enough. The Chinese vote are no mind shapers, changers they are merely leading indicators of things to come. At best the opposition have one more GE after the next one to win Putrajaya on the strength of Chinese votes, PR still need BN to commit hara-kiri in order to win Putrajaya or it. There is no other way to put it.

    The priority of the coming GE must to make result so that Najib is toppled – shake the confidence of UMNO such that Najib goes down. Only Muhiyiddin has the political capital to reform UMNO but he does not believe in it. Meaning that Muhiyiddin will accelerate the extremism of UMNO that will lead to their quicker self-destruction.

    Its the only path that make sense for the opposition. If such a strategy does not succeed, then this country is condemned forever and every non-Malay in this country should demand the right of political refugee in other land..

  19. he Tenang by-election does not prove anything.!!

    No analysis will hold water because of the rampant vote buying, threats, use of police power and most importantly the poor turn out due to floods.

    The result is not a fair indicator of anything to come.

    UMNO can never secure 80% Malay support at the national level. NEVER in a hundred years.

  20. You see. The significant issue here is this. There are no street protests, demonstrations and what not by the opposition to whip up emotions. Something which, I am sure, umno took into account to explain the 308 result. So the relative absence of large scale protests and demonstrations since 308 must have given umno that “feel good” boost. Especially, given the recent few by election wins.

    In view of this the Tenang result must be nothing less than very disturbing for umno. Chinese in the country continue to shut out mca and umno. More importantly, johore chinese – traditionally a mca stronghold state. Secondly, it is now obvious that the decision to abandon mca was a cold and calculated decision and not one which was whipped by emotions. Calculated decisions are more likely to remain firm, unwavering and lasting if you compare them with those that are driven by emotions. Finally, chinese thoughout the country have demonstrated a rather united and consistent stand against umno, mca and barisan. A loud and clear voice is being sounded out by them in rejection of those outdated, incompetent, greedy and corrupt so-called leaders in umno, mca and barisan.

    Bravo! Keep our heads and our hearts on course.

  21. One last posting and I will switch off folks.

    People complained about having to pay umno tolls for using their highways. Mean umno just got meaner. Now umno makes them pay toll whether they use their highways or not. Tax money collected for the benefit of the whole nation will be used to pay umno as compensation.

    Jib’s got tower-power.
    Jib Jib boleh!

  22. UmnoB not worried at all NOT getting Chinese votes, as long as they hv Malay votes
    D electoral boundaries hv oredi been divided such dat 0.5 million or more Chinese votes in a city will vote 4 only 1 PR MP/ADUN
    SO WHAT? No threat lah, when 10K or less Malay voters elsewhere will vote 4 1 BN MP/ADUN, n there r many such constituencies, more than d densely populated ones
    GERRYMANDERING mah, aaah, such a wonderful trick
    If necessary, UmnoB will cut Putrajaya n Tenang into 2 or more constituencies 2 clone more MP n ADUN, LohSiMah can get elected in next GE, easy only lah 2 retain power
    UmnoB/BN RULE FOREVER, ok!? No need Chinese voters 1

  23. the same question will be asked by the people in tenang. what good can BN do to? besides telling everyone there was a large phyton, what else can they do? chua soi lek? he has to ask himself what can he do to the chinese in tenang? but i wonder does CSL aware of such Q. he wont have this kind of idea because his presence in tenang is merely just for a show. a show to BN. is he really going to be there when people in tenang need him? we shall see about it. who has won in the election, it doesnt make any great difference. it is now we should see is CSL going to help the chinese in tenang? it is time for the people in tenang fully utilise the BN group and the chinese people, please get out from the coffee shops and tell CSL what is needed in tenang. then wait for the response. pre-election is just a show for everyone. the more important is post election. ask and demand what we need from the winner. whoever win the seat must have promised something to the public. so we as the voters, as the public, go and get our rights!

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