Mukhriz’ “bizarre” dismissal of GFI report Malaysia lost RM888 billion in 9 years in illicit capital outflows – a pre-emptive Mahathir strike to forestall full inquiry into corruption and financial scandals under his premiership?

International Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Datuk Mukriz Mahathir said today that the government will not look into claims by international financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI) that Malaysia had suffered illicit financial outflows in excess of RM888 billion or US$291 billion due to corruption and mismanagement between 2000 and 2008.

He categorically dismissed the GFI report listing Malaysia as the world’s top-fifth country with illicit financial outlays in the past decade due to corruption and bad governance as bizarre.

Mukhriz told a press conference after launching Google Malaysia’s new office in Kuala Lumpur:

“We do not see the need to look into it. If you go through the report, they have made quite a few bizarre claims against several countries.

“Going by Bank Negara’s figures, we know how much exactly is going out so you can hardly consider those figures (from GFI) as factual.”

Who is this “we” – Mukhriz and Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak or Mukhriz and his father, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohhamad?

It is really bizarre that a lowly-ranked Deputy Minister like Mukhriz could openly contradict the Prime Minister’s open directive to Bank Negara last Friday to explain Malaysia’s RM888 billion illicit capital outflows in nine years from 2000 – 2008.

Five days ago, Najib said the RM888 billion illegal capital outflows could be for “many reasons” but he said: “let Bank Negara provide more specific comments on that”.

Yesterday, Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim said Bank Negara has already begun its probe into the GFI report.

How then could Mukhriz publicly contradict the Prime Minister and Deputy Finance Minister’s statements, even countermanding them by dismissing the GFI report as “bizarre” and declaring that the government would not look into the GFI claims of RM888 billion illicit capital outflows from Malaysia from 2000 to 2008?

Mukhriz does not have the political weight or heft to contradict the Prime Minister’s public statement unless he is speaking on behalf of his father, Tun Dr. Mahathir, the person who had brought down two Prime Ministers and would not hesitate to topple a third one!

Is Mukhriz sending out a pointed message on behalf of Mahathir that there should not be any public inquiry, let alone a Royal Commission of Inquiry, into e GFI’s report of RM888 billion illicit capital outflows from Malaysia from 2000 to 2008 because of corruption and bad governance, as four of the nine years covered under this nine-year period would be under Mahathir’s premiership?

Is Mukhriz’ “bizarre” dismissal of GFI report that Malaysia lost RM888 billion in nine years in illicit capital outflows a pre-emptive strike by Mahathir to forestall full inquiry into corruption and financial scandals under Mahathir’s premiership?

Malaysians are reminded of the allegation by Barry Wain in his biography, “Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times” that the former Prime Minister had wasted or burned up to RM100 billion on grandiose projects and corruption in his 22 years as PM.

A full-fledged inquiry into GFI revelation of RM888 billion illicit capital outflows from 2000-2008 because of corruption and bad governance must involve re-opening investigations into the many corruption and financial scandals of the Mahathir era.

Is this what Mahathir trying to forestall with Mukhriz’s dismissal as “bizarre” the GFI report?

The Cabinet met today. Malaysians are entitled to know whether GFI report of RM888 billion illicit capital outflows from 2000 to 2008 because of corruption and bad governance had been on the agenda of the meeting and the outcome or whether all Cabinet Ministers steered clear of the subject and there is nothing to report to the voters of Tenang voting in a by-election this Sunday?

57 Replies to “Mukhriz’ “bizarre” dismissal of GFI report Malaysia lost RM888 billion in 9 years in illicit capital outflows – a pre-emptive Mahathir strike to forestall full inquiry into corruption and financial scandals under his premiership?”

  1. MMK & son: All bluff 1. How can >RM888 billion simply disappeared fr Msia? Magic aah?
    Where got magicians of David Blaine or David Copperfield class here?
    Tsk, tsk ….. no need 2 bother with dis kind of lies lah, waste of time, nak sabotage M’sia 1

  2. ///“We do not see the need to look into it. If you go through the report, they have made quite a few bizarre claims against several countries.

    “Going by Bank Negara’s figures, we know how much exactly is going out so you can hardly consider those figures (from GFI) as factual.”///–Mukhriz mamakthir

    How does Mukhriz Mamakthir know that the report against other countries were wrong. Even if reports against others might be wrong, it does not imply that report against Malaysia must be inaccurate too.

    Bank Negara’s figures might be different from the GFI report. When the figures differ significantly, then an inquiry has to be made to explain why Bank Negara had missed such a big chunk of the illegal exit of astronomical sum of money. The amount 889 billion ringgit is not a small sum; it is one-third the amount of money USA utilized to prop up its economy at the recent financial crisis. Malaysia certainly cannot afford to have a continued outflow of a vast sum of money, when FDI of much smaller amount was considered important to boast local economy.

    How is Mukhriz affected by an inquiry that he would contradict the statement of the PM and Finance Minister? Was he afraid that the inquiry would show that most of the money were sent out by Mamaks who called themselves Malays?

  3. if the funds were legal, they would be been captured by bnm’s balance of payments. just wonder how the bop could be balance? a big portion of the bop is import export related. those figures are from the ministry of international trade and industy.

  4. You want us to tell you how many chickens we illegally took from the henhouse ? Are you kidding ? There were so many foxes in the henhouse, so there is simply no way we can keep count.

    We can tell you how many chickens we LEGALLY took from the henhouse, but not the illegal ones. Blame it on the supervisor of the foxes.

  5. Mahathir is sending out a warning through son Mukhriz to NOT probe into RM888 billion illicit money outflow. Smart mamak. Rakyat should now be clear about the position of PM Najib. That Mamak is the real strong man running the show, in fact, the CHIEF PRIME MINISTER of Malaysia-a position higher than LKY’s who is only Mentor Minister of his small island state.

    Father and son have shown utter disrespect to the PM Najib. Rakyat will not support a leader who is not in control in the running of State affairs. Najib must now strike back in order to reclaim his power. Probe ‘888’ and throw mamak behind bars to show rakyat you can lead the nation. Only then, and maybe too I can change my mind to support you.

  6. Godfather,thanks for 9(ZERO) after the first 3 digits.Too much mind boggling for me to figure it out.Really that smell of the fragrant of haram money should be traced back.Ya the france’s lawyer’s investigation over the submarine,what happen?Can any decent country informant which hold information of our ministers’s illicit money account,please step forward to help point the money looter and let us bring the culprit down to his knee to repent la.Cane each of them till their bum cannot sit down without the help of soft pillow.Taxidriver,please get some pillows ready for the first few exposed culprit.

  7. My head is now confused with 889 hundred and 889 billion.I think i choose the right one la hoh?.Wow.”you just won billionaire ‘mystery money’ competition,congratulation”So easy like that following umno’s stlye i got 889billion.No wonder we are the champion in the world.Bravo!Bravo!

  8. Mahathir’s words

    By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on January 24, 2011 8:55 AM | Permalink | Comments (43) | TrackBacks (0)

    ///1. In an interview by Nanyang Siang Pau, I pointed out that there is no country in the world, except Malaysia where the Government allows and pays for schools which use a foreign language for teaching in schools meant for a community whose ancestors came from a foreign country.

    2. A NSP reader claims that I was wrong because in many countries the Chinese language is taught and are spoken.///–Mamakthir

    When Malaya delegates went to UK to negotiate independence in 1955, the population then was 2.5 million Chinese, 2.5 million Malays, and 0.7 million Indians. According to the population then and the fact that Chinese medium schools had been in existence from time immemorial, there was not any dispute that the vernacular schools should continue and expect to continue. There is no other country in the world where the population of 40% could lord over others. Through discriminations and cleansing Malays now have 55%. The natives of Sabah and Sarawak are supposed to enjoy the same special position as Malays. Certainly Kadazan and Dazaks would not ask for the establishment of schools using their mother tongue. But have they less right than Malays?

    ///3. May I point out that there is a difference between teaching in a foreign language and learning (and speaking) a foreign language. I was referring to teaching (medium of instruction) in a foreign language not learning a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is usually not only permissible but encouraged.

    4. The claim that in Thailand there are schools which use Chinese as the medium of teaching is not correct. There are International schools which do not use the Thai national language but they are not funded by the Government. Similar international schools to cater for expatriates are found in many countries including in Malaysia. Some nationals also go to these schools. But they are not like the Chinese and Tamil schools in Malaysia which are Government funded schools. ///–Mamakthir

    I know for certain that there are Chinese schools using Chinese as the medium of instruction, now. The schools certainly teach Thai and English as well. Chung Ling High Schools used to have students from Thailand joining the school at the secondary level.

    ///5. Even in Singapore there are no Government funded schools where the medium of instruction is Chinese or Tamil. But the students must learn another language other than English, which is the medium of teaching in Singapore.///–Mamakthir

    The Chinese schools in Singapore are better organized that what we have in Malaysia. That was why NanYang University was established where both Chinese and English were used. The main source of students was from Chinese schools in Singapore.

    ///Incidentally the policy of the Singapore Government to use English as a teaching medium rather than Malay, Chinese or Tamil has not resulted in it being accused of being anti-Chinese, anti-Tamil or anti-Malay. ///– <a,akthir

    Singapore does not politicize education like it has been done in Malaysia. Strangely as UMNO government is against vernaculars schools, they never declare that they would not collect income tax from citizens educated through vernacular schools. Aren’t their money non-halal?

    ///6. Nationally the national language of predominantly Chinese Singapore is Malay but Chinese, Tamil and English are also official languages which are taught and may be used instead of English.///– Mamakthir

    Singaporeans never complain about gaps in communication when all the languages are allowed.

    ///7. If anyone wishes to refute what I state here, they are welcome. But they must provide evidence to show that I am wrong.///– Mamakthir

    The facts are known to all who have no ulterior motive.

  9. this means RM98,666,666,667 a year, which work out, for 27 million people, RM3,654 a person a year. If a Malay family consist of a dad, a mom and 5 kids, tat is RM25,580 loss for the family…imagine a high children to parent ratio poor family can do with that money – no more taugeh only for their meals.

  10. Looking at the father and son,they may want to mislead and confuse the majority of the ignorant and simple minded folks.Just wait for the day when they realise who has actually fooled and deceived them and should be held responsible for losing hundreds and thousands billions of national wealth.Maybe the day will come soon when the crooks and the hypocrite mamaks are put behind bars for their unforgiveable crime to loot the country dry.

  11. “How then could Mukhriz publicly contradict the Prime Minister and Deputy Finance Minister’s statements, even countermanding them by dismissing the GFI report as “bizarre”.

    Simple. Mukhriz thinks he is going to inherit the throne! Mahathir probably thinks that he can start his own dynasty in Malaysia – MB Incorporated. (Mamak Bendahara Incorporated).

    This is why BN must be kicked out in next GE. Otherwise, who know what RM8xxxxx…. billion will go where, for what purpoose, and God knows for whose benefit.

    I am beginning to suspect there is a power struggle between Tun M thru proxy Muhyiddin and Najib. It willl be interesting to see who survives. One has the crafty Loh See Mah as de facto ruler, the other has a seasoned horse, tested and tried in dirt warfare to back him. So won’t it be fun.

  12. It is not bizarre if a thief cries no theft in broad daylight with the loot behind his back!
    But it is totally bizarre that no inquiry is necessary over GFI report that Malaysia lost RM888 billion in nine years in illicit capital outflows!
    Is the government of the day giving this bizarre a thumb down? Or to be more direct like the idiomatic expression: like father, like son, like thieves?

  13. I remembered my dad told me when bo..doh.wee was insulted on nepotism richness,Bo.doh.wee said”you and family are more richer than us” said the pu tau hoi(mandarin) to mamak-nickname reffered by Nga Ker Ming,DAP MP.So who will be richer than who is why illicit money is getting hotter competition.ANG BAH…you know?.. this idiots with no conscience of their doing to the nation will continue to stubbornly and with impunity guaranteed to loot more luk kau illicit money.

  14. This RM888bil is what has UMNO and BN has taken from our country’s coffers, and we still have schools that look like chicken coop. A vote for UMNO/BN is a vote for rampant and massive corruption to continue in Malaysia.

  15. There is a Chinese saying ‘ cher ti wu ying san bai liang ‘ The story goes like this: A crook saw a few officials walking toward his house. Thinking that they came to investigate him for a recent 300-taels robbery, he quickly told the officials he did not have 300 taels in his house….

    Father and son ( Mahathir and Mukhriz ) just did exactly what the crook in the story did, ”here got no 889 billion ringgit”

  16. Loh :

    Bank Negara’s figures might be different from the GFI report. When the figures differ significantly, then an inquiry has to be made to explain why Bank Negara had missed such a big chunk of the illegal exit of astronomical sum of money.

    Well, for a start, even huge amount of cash can be siphoned out. Remember that MoMo MB who was caught with millions at the Australian airport? How many such transfer went through without being detected over the 9 years from 2000-2008?

    Even so, cash transfer is inefficient. A more efficient way is bearer bonds where tens or hundreds of millions can fit into a brief case.

    What about telegrahpic transfers? Can it be done without notifying Bank Negara? Would a bit of grease with the right people enable them to TT without informing BN?

  17. What do you expect him to say….that is father is the mastermind on massive corruptions..that he and his family benefited by hundreds of millions?
    He needs to override all…including protect his father…and indirectly himself.
    Enjoy all illogical comments from a nobody speaking on behalf of his father.

  18. They are already perfect in articulating malaysian from the long and improvised experience so do not follow your your instinct to tune in their heart and mind of pervert motives. Beware man,these are the real crooks and crocodile in the immatured wild jungle rule.No mercy !!!

  19. Malaysia lost RM888 billion in 9 years in illicit capital outflows…it is RM 888,000,000,000/= and
    it is like taking out RM 1 billion each or RM 999.9 million each by 888 corrupted cronies, politicians, pm, ministers, cm, crooked ceo, failed glc . . . . .((.not by / thru’ the average, ordinary 25 million population.)) . .
    and look at the extensive empires, estates, bank accounts they have overseas . . .

    This illicit capital outflows works out to be
    RM 100 billion each year .. . . for last 9 years . . and this will continue yearly .

    This illicit capital outflows will continue unabated every year ‘cos nothing can stop those greedy corrupted powerful ones.

    This illicit capital outflows is worst then the all the treacherous murderous incidents taking place in the country recently. Your eyes didn’t / can’t see it in the past, but you can feel it right now, It will rapidly bleed and strangle the country to an eventual death bed.


    Mahathir behaves like a demi-god. Lee Kuan Yew says Malaysian ex-PM undemines (places mines between the legs ) of his chosen successor! What an idiot, both! Read Malaysian Insider for fuller story.

    Better still, buy LKY’s latest book. Learn something even if it’s from Singaporeans. Idiots always think they are smarter than their neighbours.

  21. If the 1 million or 2 million foreign workers (legal and illegals) sent out RM 100/= each month consistently, it works out to be only
    RM 1 billion to RM 2 billion each year of this illicit capital outflow or legal capital outflow.

    If they sent out RM 200/=, it will be only RM 2 billion to RM 4 billion each year. Definitely, they cannot be sending out more than this, ‘cos their earnings are so low, and they have to pay for rental, food, booze and entertainment in chow kit road and petaling street.

    So, the big question on RM 96 billion illicit capital outflows each year . .. and every year. . . ???

  22. This untalented mamak Jr is made a deputy minister because of his corrupted Sr!…a chip of the old block. The true color is now emerging, shielding the truth of 23 years raping by the infamous mamakutty of Kerala on the nation wealth and how the money was siphoned out of the country. This Sr faked melayu should be charged for treason!

  23. There is a direct co-relation between (1) illicit outflow of capital and corruption; (2) corruption and politics based on racial patronage and (3) racial politics and mindset/feudal political culture.

    1. is obvious. When one makes large illicit amounts one has to take the evidence out to avoid detection, and even if detected to avoid proof.

    In respect of the 2, patronage means the power to give jobs or favors. So racial patronage based on communal politics, as we know it, means the general norm to grant favours based on race made legal & constitutional.

    For the privileged politicians in corridors of power, it also means access to financial benefits of awards, licences and jobs that the State is able to grant that, given human nature, is a system destined to be abused by elites of privileged group. For eg politicians and bureaucrats could award jobs to crony contractors to build schools at cost of RM35 million to RM50 million where it only cost RM5 million to construct. Schools are then erected to accommodate 5000 in areas that only 500 need accommodation. Public contracts are awarded – the bigger the better – based not on feasibility and returns but on justifications on paper why the project will ostensibly good for people and nation.

    Surplus money made is retoured by round tripping to those connected to power to maintain the link to patronage. There are of course other ample justifications: contributions to political funds for political party – and justification of officially sanctioned affirmative help for the group targeted by law and state to be helped – all in all justified on basis of “system” maintenance.

    The system including its divisive race based raison de etre is then defended at all cost because it feeds so many.

    Detractors are put down by threats assisted by law enforcement.

    In respect of 3, though corruption is acknowledged bad, however it can be circumvented – whether in terms of conscience or law – by simply considering an act that is corrupt as not corrupt because it is part of affirmative help officially and legally sanctioned.

    The illegitimate can hence be legitimised by such arguments and prevailing norms.

  24. Continuing from above posting (currently under moderation)

    Elites abusing position can only be held accountable or booted out in election if their “taking” of benefits from their official positions and “giving” some of the spoils back to constituents/voters are considered by latter as part of a natural process not amounting to corruption!

    This is where traditional feudal mindset helps. It is inclined to support patronage system likened to traditional feudal gift-giving where traditional leaders who accumulate wealth are tolerated and supported for so long as they redistribute to their supporters a part thereof.

    This is exacerbated in a milieu of communal politics. Under such a milieu accumulating wealth from political power is not really deemed corruption – no matter that it is deemed such by outsiders especially westerners – but really the only means to share national wealth when there is really no level playing field to compete legitimately so with others without official favouritism.

    Because of the interlocking linkages of co-relationships 1. to 3. stated in above preceding post – which the country cannot break itself free from – there is but only one inexorable way for the country to go (regime change or no regime change) – (all the way down) and being globally top per capita in capital flight is hardly shocking but has however to be denied.

    Ultimately it is a thing of political culture as an offshoot of traditional feudal mindset. If this is not changed regime change will not change the substance of things.

    See the case of recent developments in Indonesia and how in spite of there being an official secular and no race specific discriminatory policies (an advantage compared to here), its anti corruption agency, armed to the teeth, and scoring initial successes now succumb to this form of political culture.

    It is of course ridiculous to legalise corruption but at least one cannot complain that such a move is hypocritical.

  25. Typo omission – “… Elites abusing position can only be held accountable or booted out in election if their “taking” of benefits from their official positions and “giving” some of the spoils back to constituents/voters are considered by latter as NOT CORRUPTION but part of a natural process of leaders taking care of and giving gifts to those below in exchange for support…”

  26. Who is the more CUNNING thief, the father or the son?
    The idiomatic expression: “like father, like son” needs some brutal interrogative ‘skinning’ to reveal the true color, extent of the art of national coffer thievery and malicious deed with precise objective clarity (judgement) of The Ultimate Crime of Post-Malaysian Merdeka.

  27. Chia BH is a brave soul who dared 2 stand up against our corrupt polis
    He claimed dat he was held n badly beaten up at several locations by policemen who also allegedly took RM13,000 n threatened 2 ruin his business
    He also claimed dat d police ordered him 2 lodge a false report dat he had been injured in a car accident n if he refused, they threatened 2 plant a blood-stained parang or drugs in his car
    He also claimed dat a policeman from d narcotics division threatened 2 ‘inject’ him with drugs

    WHAT happened 2 d suspended cops?
    Follow dis case 2 form your OPINION of our mata2 n what happened 2 a person when detained by our mata2 – be prepared 2 come out (if still alive) with self-inflicted injuries

  28. There is very little control over foreign exchange transactions in Malaysia.
    IIANM you can change almost any amount with money-changers especially if they know you without any details being recorded.
    In Singapore any amount above S$5000 will get your IC details written down.

  29. ///“How then could Mukhriz publicly contradict the Prime Minister and Deputy Finance Minister’s statements, even countermanding them by dismissing the GFI report as “bizarre”.///

    The son and father are afraid of going to jail – that’s why the son took pre-emptive strike to prevent widening investigations.

    It cannot be both Barry Wain and GFI are wrong. There must be some truth in their findings.

  30. The bizarre words are the ones that comes out of Mukhriz! Even if you take the supposition that GFI could be wrong, the very least, you have to look into the details before dismissing it.

    Mukhriz’s word is tantamount to shouting that he is entitled NOT to do his job AND be rewarded still.. THIS is the progeny of Mahathir and his philosophy?

    Honestly, if I were his father, I go over to his office and slap his head.

  31. “According to Bank Negara…….”

    This is the LEGAL outflow of funds. Of course, YTL got permission to wire funds to the UK to buy Wessex Water, Genting got permission to wire funds for the Singapore casino, and Tanjong got permission to wire funds for the Egyptian assets, but what about the IILEGAL outflows from:

    1. Moneychangers

    You can bring RM 3 million in a suitcase to a moneychanger in KL, and they will credit your account in Singapore or London for US$1 million. Remember the Menteri Besar of a state was recently “caught” through this scheme, and nothing was done about it ?

    2. Misrepresentations of Exchange Control

    You go to a bank and say you want to wire US$50,000 to your son’s account in the US. You tell the bank it is for his school fees. The bank approves it on the spot without checking if you indeed have a son in the US, or if he is still a student.

    You go to a bank and say you want to wire GBP 250,000 to buy a property in the UK, and the bank just wires the funds without checking if you indeed have a sales and purchase agreement, or if the sales and purchase agreement is in your name. Chances are that there is no S&P, and even if there is, chances are it has been “recycled” many times for the same purpose.

    3. Hoarding of foreign currency and then taking it out on trips overseas to deposit in foreign bank accounts

    I think we all remember a former Menteri Besar who was “caught” in Australia with a suitcase full of foreign currencies and who claimed that he had poor knowledge of English to understand Australia’s Exchange Control laws.

    BN has laws unto itself. The rest of us mere mortals have to sit and watch the constant stream of revelations about Malaysian “investments” overseas. How did Taib Mahmud’s family buy their assets in Canada and the US ? How did Badawi’s family buy their assets in Australia ? How did Daim buy his banks in Africa ?

  32. Tunisia is a good lesson for the thieves. Anyone who steals money from the Treasury will ultimately have to account for their criminal acts. Mamakthir may have to run to Harare to stay with his pal Mugabe.

    The next country to fall as a result of mismanagement will be Egypt. And after that, Bolehland. I think the illicit outflows are likely to accelerate in the coming months….

  33. Re #32 & 33: “…Elites abusing position can only be held accountable or booted out in election if their “taking” of benefits from their official positions and “giving” some of the spoils back to constituents/voters are considered by latter as CORRUPTION and NOT a part of a natural process of leaders taking care of and giving gifts to those below in exchange for support…”

  34. BN has a private anthem…and they sing this in karaokes, shower, wherever…..

    I wanna be a billionaire
    So fxxking bad
    Buy all of the things
    I never had
    I wanna be on the cover
    Of Forbes magazine
    Smiling next to Oprah
    And the Queen

  35. MMK + UmnoB thieves n their children ARE SCARED of hudud laws, applicable to them
    They don’t want their hands 2 b chopped chopped off
    They don’t want 2 b stoned 2 death

    So, they asked their MCA n Gerakan serfs 2 protest agaist hudud on their behalf
    Dis is Y d tigershow man went 2 town protesting abt hudud in nonMuslim areas, although totally irrelevant, d shameless wife-cheating man

  36. Going by bank negara’s record the grandson of mamak kutty rubbished the reported 880b illicit outflow.

    Boy he is stupid. Those figures in bank negara’s records represent money taken out of the country properly and legally. Otherwise they would not be on record anywhere. The american body is telling us something else. They are talking about money taken out illegally. Those that are not recorded. Those that are not meant to be disclosed or known to anyone. Illicit money.

    Err btw, how much money was in bank negara’s record. Do tell us so that we can do a tally to find out the total outflow of money from the country (both legally and illegally). Let me attempt a guess. Legal outflow maybe 50% of the illicit amount. That means in the ten years (or so since 2000) the total outflow from the country is (wot?) 1.3 trillion!

    Bring on GE13 this weekend umno. Lets us have a super snap snap election.

  37. Sad to say, the rural folks (who constitute the bulk of umno’s vote safe deposit bank) know next to nothing of the theft of this 0.9 trillion ringgit. Some of them may even be fooled in believing that Pakatan Rakyat leaders are responsible for this theft. So they will continue to cast their vote for umno in the 13GE

  38. Barisan Nasional under Mamakthir has perfected the art of ripping off the rakyat. Of every ringgit spent on the rakyat, the rakyat actually gets about 10 sen worth of work – roads, utilities, security, etc. Another 10 sen go to the minority parties like MCA and MIC. A further 10 sen go to the agencies such as PDRM and MACC. The balance of 70 sen goes to UMNOputras.

    This formula ensures support by everyone – especially if BN preys on the fear that Pakatan will derail the gravy train. The difference between BN and the parties of Marcos and Suharto is that in the Philippines and Indonesia, the rakyat used to get nothing. Here, BN ensures that the rakyat at least get some crumbs.

  39. this is malaysia! open mouth before thinking. MMK is not the 1st person who contradicted PM statements. this is the trick, it is to contradict so that everyone is confused and the attention is diverted to this lay-low slime.

  40. Investigation will lead to a kind of WiKileaks! Surely the son wanted to protect father and family.
    Has anyone get the wikileaks from the Swiss banker? Please post it here for our reading or better still print it for circulation at Tenang and later Port Klang. We need to find out the superb rich and see how much we will get paid for voting them.

  41. If Mukhriz has any integrity to his credit, if he even knows how to blush, then he would have no fear of a RCI on the illicit funds flow.

    Hey, Mukriz, there can’t be smoke if there is no leak, ok? And we know Malaysia has been leaking for years!

  42. I don’t recall Mukhriz challenging Barry Wain, eh?

    Hello Mu, ask yr dad to sue barry Wain for defamation etc. in Singapore. That would be a good first step for you in learnning integrity-lah.

  43. It is a sign of desperation to save father and UMNO B ..forgetting he is a nobody.. but actually he is a the Govt indirectly.. the old man is still governing.
    Najib will not dare to speak ill of the Najib is the actual nobody in the Govt…just a puppet for show chosen by the father.
    But the son is also a nobody for most of the UMNO B top guns do not listen to the father too.
    It is a Govt with UMNO B..right..left..middle…and fence sitters clearly seen.
    But most Malaysians cannot see that for…when issues on corruptions…double standards …unfair and unjust laws are brought out in the open. …all most all are united to talk nonsense…to defend themselves….like criminals fighting ..not to be caught.
    Yes after 12th GE…UMNO B guys do not work. It is always promoting and advertising how good they are and making ordinary people love hen by declaring so many holidays…and caring two hoots how much factory owners are loosing from such holidays.
    Najib knows next to nothing governing a country.
    He thinks he is the chosen King from Pekan…as he does live like a good for nothing princely life…pampered and useless and that is why the cunning old dictator chose him..with a reputation to throw out four DPMs that did not agree with him.
    The day he set up UMNO B party..he has declared himself a Dictator..and the rightful owner of Malaysia…and his party.. UMNO B must rule forever…and why not….he made sure….UMNO B is corrupted to the core in his 22 years…bring all to travel on the river of no return.

  44. Mukhriz’ “bizarre” dismissal of GFI report Malaysia lost RM888 billion in 9 years in illicit capital outflows – a pre-emptive Mahathir strike to forestall full inquiry into corruption and financial scandals under his premiership? by LKS

    This kind of people have nothing for them to “bizarre”1 la “pizza” got la.To them,it’s norm la.Their bowl of rice ma.You know i know la,you don’t know i also don’t know la.

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