DAP ropes in prominent Malays

Latest entrant’s father had served in Cabinet of first three PMs
By Carolyn Hong, Malaysia Bureau Chief
Singapore Straits Times

Zairil Khir Johari
Mr Zairil Khir Johari, seen here at a Pakatan Rakyat convention, is the son of the late Tan Sri Khir Johari, an illustrious Umno politician. –PHOTO: THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK

KUALA LUMPUR: The short-sleeved white shirt was a dead giveaway. It’s marked out Mr Zairil Khir Johari as an active member of the opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP), as it is the attire favoured by this Chinese-based party.

‘I’m just an ordinary member,’ he said.

But he already devotes a substantial amount of time to party work. The 28-year-old businessman had made his maiden political appearance last month when he gave a well-received speech at the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) convention in Penang. The DAP is one of the parties making up the opposition PR alliance.

His speech raised a few eyebrows for two reasons: one, he is a Malay who has joined this Chinese-led party; and two, he is the son of an illustrious Umno politician, Tan Sri Khir Johari.

As his late father had served in the Cabinet of the first three prime ministers in a career spanning almost 30 years, the decision not to join Umno sent an uncomfortable signal to the dominant Malay party.

But it was his choice of DAP that caused the greatest stir. It is rare for a Malay to join this party seen by many Malays to be a Chinese chauvinist party.

He is not the first Malay to do so. Three years ago, Tunku Abdul Aziz Ibrahim, a former vice-chairman of anti-graft organisation Transparency International, also made waves when he joined the DAP.
There have been other Malays within the party as well, but none as high-profile as Mr Zairil.

The DAP hopes these high-profile members can help allay the anxiety among Malays about it. The Malay acceptance of the DAP, as Mr Zairil puts it, ‘is at its lowest point’.

This is not good news when the Malay population is growing much faster than the non-Malays, and as more seats become mixed constituencies. In the 2008 general election, the DAP won the Malay votes because of the backlash against Umno but it won’t be able to count on this in the next general election, widely believed to be called this year.

Political analyst Ibrahim Suffian, who runs the pollster Merdeka Centre, said the DAP must transform from being operationally a Chinese party into a true national party for its survival.

Mr Zairil said it was unfortunate that DAP is saddled with an anti-Malay image, recalling how he was asked by a well-to-do Malay woman recently if Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng – who is also DAP’s secretary-general – was anti-Malay.

Flabbergasted, he pointed out that the authorities in Penang are so meticulous that the island even separates its revenues from halal and non-halal sources. Islamic activities are funded only from halal sources.

‘It’s all vicious spin,’ he said.

But he realised this perception is far-reaching when some Malays accused him of betraying his race by joining the DAP. Fortunately, his friends and family were wholly supportive.

He, however, does not believe that the DAP should try to recruit more Malays as part of its efforts to shed its anti-Malay image. Instead, he believes it should work on issues affecting the Malay working class, such as jobs, housing and transportation.

These issues are, in fact, the concerns of the urban poor of all races. He warned that the DAP must avoid playing to the ruling Barisan Nasional’s mould of racial politics. ‘That would be silly,’ he said.

In a bid to attract more Malays into its fold, the party has set up several Malay-led branches in Kuala Lumpur.

So far, it’s still an uphill battle. But the party is banking on the younger generation to be more open, its strategist Liew Chin Tong said.

36 Replies to “DAP ropes in prominent Malays”

  1. Penang # Uno in attracting total capital investments for manufacturing projects in 2010, RM12.2 billion; Selangor, #2, RM10.6 billion (despite sabotages by UmnoB/BN)
    SYABAS – b positive like d World Champion Nicol Ann David, a Penangite who leads
    Penang n Selangor must help Kedah n Kelantan 2 improve economically
    Now, PR must capture Perak, Johor, Sarawak, Sabah n d Federal Gomen, forward march!

  2. The truth is… Malays are not interested to join DAP…why must they put their special privileges at stake by voting/supporting DAP? How many Malays have joined DAP for the past 45 years? Less than 100? Just because something is statistically insignificant does not mean that it carries some weight.

    Well,….the truth hurts, but lies worse! After all, DAP is a family oriented party…How to cope with Nepotism.?

    On the other hand… We have yet to hear Nik Aziz and Hadi Awang declaring they are Malaysian first…and Malay second… Pakatan talk about “leading by example,” but what does that mean?

    1. Cintan egara,
      Please factually back-up your following claims using statistics of reputable sources, if possible.

      1. Malays will be put their special privileges at stake by voting/supporting DAP.

      2. The number of Malay members in DAP since its inception.

      3. Nepotism in DAP.

      Perhaps you might have forgotten: Malaysia was a multi-racial, multi cultural country when it achieved independence and it still is.

      However, if the Chinese and Indians citizens are treated more and more as ‘pendatang’, there will surely come a time when Malaysia will once again be Tanah Melayu.

      Just remember this 100% x $10 = $10 and 5% x $100,000 = $5,000. Some prefers 100% x $10 and some prefers 5% x $100,000.

      What do you prefer?

      As for me, when push comes to shove, shove comes to force, I will just move down south. It will then be 1% x 1,000,000 = $10,000.

      Do you understand me? As usual, you have the right to reply. Please utilize it. Be happy to see your thoughts on the points raised.

  3. My recommendation is that DAP must set a plan to change the language of work to English and Bahasa. My grandparent is long gone and although my parents, uncles and aunts who only has rudimentary education don’t read Bahasa, they understand it and they will be gone soon in less than 10 years. Just put in place a plan over 10-15 years, don’t have to change everything overnight..

  4. The truth..bakka malays are not interested to join DAP or PR unlike wise one like En Zairil and others who care for people of malaysian regardless of race.En Zairil and his likes well respected malays do not need to depend on tongkat cause they have grown up brains and are not paralysed by eating too much unfertilized rambutan fruits contained with too much worms.Someone has the cheek to spew out the worms and yet still prefer to be parasite.Well the lies of someone hurts other wise malays.After all UMNO is much worst for corruption amongst cronies and nepotism.On the other hand,Nik Aziz and Hadi Awang is deeply loved by all races.No doubt about that.

  5. Kudos to Enchik KJ Zairil>>>for your political Pakatan choice..and personal endeavour
    Get my vote as well as many of my friends,relatives.
    God Bless Pakatan Rakyat and dispensing His mercy to all civic minded Pakatan rakyat2 Malaysia.

  6. DAP can start shedding off some of its Chinese-ness to let people see the party is not a “Chinese oriented” party. While Teo Nie Ching is doing a grand job visiting mosques to foster good rapport with the local Malay communities, DAP can do even better by going into Felda land to understand the problems faced by the settlers there. DAP should grab the opportunity to hold Hari Raya “open house” yearly so as to interact and cultivate good relationship with people of all creed and races. Hari Raya is our big national event; there is nothing wrong for non-Malay parties to celebrate with the people.

  7. UMNO has used the mass media to portray DAP as a chauvinistic party and anti-Malay. After years of this indoctrination, the Malays, many who are gullible, believe that this is gospel truth.

    Remember, the Malays even believed that Tunku Razaleigh indeed wore a head gear with a cross and wanted them join Christianity. UMNo does the thinking for them.

    UMNO has exploited their gullibility and naivete making them into unthinking robots.
    Today, even some educated Malays fear the DAP as they fear the ghost.

  8. cintanegara :
    The truth is… Malays are not interested to join DAP…why must they put their special privileges at stake by voting/supporting DAP? How many Malays have joined DAP for the past 45 years? Less than 100? Just because something is statistically insignificant does not mean that it carries some weight.

    Even if there are only 100 Malays in DAP. they belong to those who know that in the name of NEP mamakthir made people of his choice billionaire, at the expense of Malays who have to continue to be seen as an endangered species. They know that Malays were placed in a special position out of need, not as some who thought and think that it was a special right because of race.

    The Malay DAP members who meet the party standards of choice would stand a chance winning seats in areas where MCA and MIC would consider as safe seats. The non-Malays would be happy to see the non-Malay BN MP candidates defeated by opposition Malay candidates. DAP does not need a whole lot of Malay members like UMNO, to use them to protest. Capable Malay members in DAP would be able to help provide candidates who might not be able to win in constituencies where Malays are perfectly fed up with corruption in UMNO lead BN but felt uneasy voting for non-Malays. For them a Malay DAP member as candidate would offer them an alternative.

  9. cintanegara :

    Well,….the truth hurts, but lies worse! After all, DAP is a family oriented party…How to cope with Nepotism.?

    What about:
    Dato Onn Jaafar, Tun Hussein Onn and Hishammuddin;
    Tun Adbul Razak and Najib
    Tun Abdullah Badawi and Khairy
    Tun Mahathir and Mukhriz

  10. ChiNA,

    There is no segregation of race or status here and there is certainly no such thing as a first or second-class citizen. We should be grateful here that everyone is treated equally and fairly without discrimination. According to reliable sources, there are at least 3 non-Malay Generals in the army and 1 commissioner police…You cannot find this in the TINY country…
    Recently, Komtar assemblyperson Ng Wei Aik has apologised to a restaurant owner over his behavior. Have you Forgotten? Of course, such news is banned in this blog…Why is the DAP being so quiet? Unlike the so called ‘racist remarks’ made by principal in Kulai … They acted differently…urging the PM/DPM to condemn bla bla bla ’ …, Another double standard?


    I have explained that many many times…Go ask Godfather, K1980, Katdog or other DAP hardcore supporters…

  11. cintanegara,

    First you say Malays are not keen to join DAP as they do not want to lose their special privileges ( special rights or ”ketuananess” )

    Next you say three is no such thing as first or second-class citizens; that everyone is treated equally and fairly………

    cintanegara, are you not contradicting yourself? My advice: you better go and have your head examined.

  12. Hei cintanegara,you don’t need to talk much cock la.Read what your other brother said in MK,the usual one talking like you..Pls..pls..convince him ok ..for najis, by right he is the one who should debate with Datuk Anwar Ibrahim as a man to man fight.You guys talk cock without substance.

  13. Cintarambutan:

    Ask me about what ? That it’s OK for BN to practise nepotism, and that it’s not OK for others to do so ? That others have to prove “meritocracy” but BN members don’t have to ?

    Bodoh punye orang. Duduklah diam diam di bawah pokok kamu.

  14. Can you see the advanced people’s principle,family’s love,and patriots and whatnot.Do you have that passionate feeling for all but you,definetely not yourself only and the same parasites.I think i should refer you to more appropriate word like parasite judging from your comment that malay will not risk their privileges cause they want to continue with that tongkat ali,Wasalam man..Allah..akkuBARRRRRRRRRRRR folom as i what i heard..so.Pls la be more like allah’s created people,no boundaries on race and religion like you ichiban pien lang hoi kau

  15. that cinta bugger is the kind of Malay DAP will not rope in. they can turn frog anytime. even if u kiss them, they will be as ugly as that Ibrahim bugger.
    he is still dreaming in his rambutan land. why don’t he question himself how he got to university by scoring donkeys and elephants?
    that’s by the grace of mamak-tocracy he entered university. this is just syiok sendiri. people are looking at it as tiada maruah.

  16. cintanegara :
    According to reliable sources, there are at least 3 non-Malay Generals in the army and 1 commissioner police…You cannot find this in the TINY country…

    What utter bullshit are you sprouting?

    From 1st July 2009, Colonel Ishak bin Ismail caps his 28 years with the Singapore Armed Forces by being the first Malay to attain the rank of brigadier-general. The first Malay one-star general is clearly one for the history books, but the question remains whether it will be the only star shining for the foreseeable future.


    And there Indian generals, Indian President, Indian Deputy Prime Ministers, Indian Senior Minister, Indian Ministers in the little red dot. And the Indians are even more of a minority. So, what does that tell you about the smaller number of Malays in senior positions?

    Are you also going to blame Oxford University, Cambridge University and the Ive League universities for practising discrimination because there are very few Malays in those universities?

  17. Yes, appeal to the working class Malays with better jobs, income, housing, transportation and etc……ordinary people issues.

    At the moment, the biggest and most influential employer of Malays is the government…..there is a reason why our government is getting bigger by the day.

  18. Treated Equally? You must be joking? Is UITM, MARA, ASB, ASN, AP’s all point equal treatment? I do not which Malaysia Mr.Cinta Negara is living in.
    There used to 4-5 non Malay Police Chiefs, today only 1 Chinese is entitles. No Indians or any other race for State Police Chief and in any respoect any of the top 10 positions in Bukit Aman.
    In the Military, Non-Malays can go up as far as being a Major in rank! The next level is Lt. Col that gives u commading of battalion. U either must be a Malay or Muslim before u are given the post and must give allegiance to the ruling party.
    My school mate after 25 years of Military Service has resigned his commision as a Major & now runs his own consultantcy business.
    Mr.CintaNegara – people are not as guillable as u think!

  19. DAP probably already know but Malik Imtiaz Sawar has expressed his choice of DAP if he were to join a party. Please encourage him to sign up. He would be a great contributor and a valuable asset to the party.

    source: BFM interview, http://bfm.my/breakfast-grille-140111-malik-imtiaz-sarwar.html
    (via http://malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/special-reports/37493-championing-reforms)

    He mentions his choice about 49:53 into the interview.

  20. Since when you have lost your memory like your mamak who doesn’t seem to recall anything,Cintanegara?Have you already forgotten all the huha kicked up when Khalid made the suggestion that UiTM should admit 10% non Malays into the campus?Even the VC came out to publicly protest.Doesn’t he know that not only the university is paid for by non Malays,his salary is also!
    Do you also not know that you people are the only people on earth to be specifically chosen to be cared for from the womb to the tomb by taxpayers money and yet you say there is no apartheid in this country? Who do you think you are trying to kid?

  21. cintanegara :
    There is no segregation of race or status here and there is certainly no such thing as a first or second-class citizen. We should be grateful here that everyone is treated equally and fairly without discrimination.

    if that is the case how come only bumiputras got discount when buying properties irrespective whether the bumis is rich or poor.

    cintanegara :

    Recently, Komtar assemblyperson Ng Wei Aik has apologised to a restaurant owner over his behavior. … Unlike the so called ‘racist remarks’ made by principal in Kulai … They acted differently…urging the PM/DPM to condemn bla bla bla ’ …, Another double standard?

    Ng had reiterated that he did not make the comment, yet he is humble enough to meet the restaurant owner and apologised. On the other hand based on various news reports including MSMs, there is no doubt that the two principles had made racist comments. Had these two apologised? I haven’t heard about it.

    cintanegara :
    I have explained that many many times…Go ask Godfather, K1980, Katdog or other DAP hardcore supporters…

    Godfather had responded to this. Thks Godfather.

  22. According to history recorded by dagen,he is several thousands years old than Mamak.As we can read in his posting, his memory conveniently failed him most of the time.He does’t need tomb anyway,he will just naturaly..layu and drop dead.

  23. DAP must make greater efforts to draw in more Malays and Indians, and others to stamp truly a multi-racial party. It’s got to shed off its unwarranted image as a Chinese-based party. The name of the party itself can stand as a multi-racial one.
    The fact that Zairil Khir Johari has joined the party is good news and let us pray more will follow. It’s up to Kit Siang to follow through faithfully that DAP is for all and all for one.

  24. Mr Zairil is rare a bred indeed.He knows DAP is truly commited to our country development and to serve all malaysian regardless of race.That’s the reason why he chose DAP to fight along with us till we will be able to see the sun smiley shine on our land again.When Malaysia prospers so do majority malays too.Smart respected comrade.Salute to him

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