Lim Kit Siang

The insidious pattern

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The Malaysian Insider
January 16, 2011

Since Election 2008, the racial and religious mercury has appeared to rise in Malaysia.

Little incidents of friction have sprouted here and there, testing inter-community ties and blotting the Malayan, and later, the Malaysian dream of Tunku Abdul Rahman and the Merdeka generation.

Fact is, there is an insidious pattern all over Malaysia, especially in states held by Pakatan Rakyat (PR), where little slights have exploded into full-blown crises that appear to require the deft touch of senior politicians to maintain calm and cool-headed thinking.

Name the issue, from Lim Guan Eng’s name in a prayer, relocation of temples, destruction of suraus and, the latest, where a surau allegedly had its speakers turned down after a complaint from an MCA man.

Many of these things were brought up, broadcasted, twisted and turned to major issues when the solutions could have been found within the communities themselves.

What is certain is that most are linked to either Umno or their allies, who manufacture racial or religious slights and then go on about how Malays/Muslims’ interests cannot be protected by PR.

In doing so, these protagonists have no care about worsening racial relations in the country. That most communities have lived through thick and thin but now face tests to their community spirit to resolve issues rather than make it a cause.

The ends justify the means. They just want to regain control of the states which fell to PR. That appears to be the aim from Day One. Create an incident. Then appear to be the salvation. That only one party can be the balm and boon for the country.

It is up to Malaysians to decide if these despicable and desperate tactics are acceptable. If these are not acceptable, then the message must be sent at the ballot box.

This country needs to move forward and not be afflicted by such issues that are blown out of proportions. Or by people or groups who have vested interests to keep Malaysia in a perpetual state of crisis.