Malaysia ranked ‘partly free’

By Shannon Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
January 15, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 15 — Malaysia was ranked ‘partly free’ in terms of political rights and civil liberties with Indonesia the only country in Southeast Asia to be ranked ‘free’ for 2010 in a report released by US-based freedom watchdog Freedom House yesterday.

On a scale of one to seven, with one being the best score, Malaysia obtained a four for both political rights and civil liberties while Indonesia managed a two and three respectively.

Malaysia edged out Singapore (5, 4) in the Freedom of the World 2011 assessment while Burma obtained the worst possible rating of seven for both categories which resulted in the tag of “Worst of the Worst.”

Other countries that scored two fours were Honduras and Nepal while Australia, Belgium, Germany, the US and UK were among those that obtained the best possible score of two ones.

North Korea and Somalia were among eight other countries that joined Burma at the bottom of the rankings.

A ‘partly free’ country is one in which there is limited respect for political rights and civil liberties, said Freedom House in its summary report released early this morning.

“Partly Free states frequently suffer from an environment of corruption, weak rule of law, ethnic and religious strife, and a political landscape in which a single party enjoys dominance despite a certain degree of pluralism,” it said.

The combined average ratings of both political rights and civil liberties determines the overall status with ‘free’ being 1.0 to 2.5, ‘partly free’ between 3.0 to 5.0 and ‘not free’ at 5.5 to 7.0.

The report also aggregates total scores of political rights and civil liberties into a scale of 100 where Malaysia showed a net improvement of between 1 to 4 points since the 2007 report.

The 70-year-old organisation did not release full details of how the 194 countries and 14 territories it assessed performed in its study but said the full report with country assessments will be published in spring this year.

The study, which measured freedom in 2010, also said that global freedom suffered its fifth consecutive year of decline, which is the longest consecutive drop since it first published its report in 1972.

Freedom is defined by the independent watchdog as the opportunity to act spontaneously in a variety of fields outside the control of the government and/or other centres of potential domination.

Freedom House’s website says it was established in New York City by prominent Americans concerned about US isolationism as Nazism threatened to engulf Europe with the encouragement of then US President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was its first co-chair when it was created in 1941.

The summary report also stated that Freedom House supports global freedom through comprehensive analysis, vigorous advocacy and concrete assistance for democratic activists around the world.

20 Replies to “Malaysia ranked ‘partly free’”

  1. Heck. Dont know what to make of this piece of news, really. But whatever it may be, it has to be bad. I mean our constitution guarantees freedom. And we are not a communist country or under military rule. So a “partly free” judgment must be counted as an indictment of our national ideals.

    And who is responsible for this state of affairs? Umno with their Prinsip2 Ekonomi Pokok Rambutan, of course.

  2. a dog with a 5 meter leash on it is also partly free. but to umno and its cohorts they are totally free. Totally free to plunder, rape, pilfer, murder its citizen and some foreigners also of course.


    The group Pekida and Malay rights group Perkasa demonstrated outside Masjid al-Ikhlasiah in Kampung Kerinchi yesterday afternoon They also called for the MCA man to be arrested under the ISA for threatening national harmony and demanded that he issued an open apology to the Muslim community.

    political rights = 4? A stupid joke

    civil liberties = 4? Another stupid joke

    Sarah Palin instigated the shooting deaths of 7 people in the US and yet the political rights and civil liberties of the US are (1,1)

  4. Wah liao, by the Freedom of the World 2011 assessment Najib will boast that Malaysia in obtaining 4 for both political rights and civil liberties actually could actually edge out the ‘Red Dot’ Singapore (5, 4) in at least something ie the area of ‘political rights’ – maybe Malaysian “incompetent” leaders not a margin competent enough than S’pore’s to manacle ‘political rights’ more effectively!!! LOL.

  5. How can this be true when newspapers and TVs keep publishing and producing news.. like advertising medias…how good the Government is….and how great Najib is as PM.
    Presuming Internet also lumped in…then it maybe be true…but out of no choice from the Govt.
    And that’s not a “partly free” Malaysia at all.
    It’s out of no choice that thousands speak against the Govt….and there is nothing Najib can do…unless he is cocksure..all police and judges are on his side.
    If so..he will not declare to defend PutraJaya with his life.
    I will not waste time to believe this is good news.which is exactly what Najib wants Malaysians to believe…how democratic he is.

  6. More accurately:

    Political rights ranking for BN members = 2
    Civil liberties ranking for BN members = 2

    Political rights ranking for non-BN members = 6
    Civil liberties ranking for non-BN members = 6

    Average political rights ranking for Malaysia = (2+6)/2 = 4
    Average civil liberties ranking for Malaysia = (2+6)/2 = 4

  7. UmnoB/BN 2 rakyat:
    Thank Allah, Malaysia was ranked ‘partly free’ in terms of political rights n civil liberties
    Better than d little red dot
    U rakyat ‘umm chai si’, want 2 migrate there huh?
    NR in Sarawak: Wondeful news, I will announce Monday 17.1.11 a national public holiday 2 celebrate dis achievement, after I hv a peep at Taib’s sexy new SYT wife first lah, he he he
    Got Mongolian SYT standard or not ah?

  8. Yeah, we got freedom, rights n liberty!
    Utusan Malaysia suspended senior reporter Hata Wahari
    Now Hata cannot enter any Utusan office n needed permission fr UM 2 do so
    But BEST of all:
    “During d period of your suspension, U r not allowed to leave your neighbourhood”
    WOW, UM power man! Judge, jury, prosecutor, polis – ALL in 1

  9. WOW, even an MCA man, loyar pula, takut Perkosa
    “… now wants to move away fr his home in Patai Hill Park becos he fears 4 his safety …”
    WHAT? No protection fr KTK n MCA’s CSL against Perkosa, their sleeping partner?
    How can? How come? We r better than d little red dot in terms of freedom, rights n liberty

  10. If we apply state-by-state :
    Penang = 1
    Selangor = 2
    Kelantan = 7 = Afghanistan & Somalia
    Other BN ruled states = 4

    Conclusion : If Pakatan were to rule is no better if we have PAS in it – this cannot, that cannot, un-Islamic etc. We’ll lose our freedom too.

  11. All these rankings and ratings comparing across countries are just farting. Oh yes, you have your rights to shout, to complain, to demonstrate and to petition but what happened to you after that is a different story altogether. In Singapore, people don’t actually die in police custody that often, in Singapore, they don’t shot you randomly, or threaten to inject drug into you. Please look everything in context. Only morons will reduce each country into a number and take it a God’s truth. I don’t have to do any study, I also know when come to corruption, Malaysia is now probably like some of our neigbouring countries at one time.

  12. As a Malaysian, I’m glad to hear that news. At least we’re partly free and scored a 4 in the scale. That put us in front of few countries.

    Well, to be frank, even though of all the countries, Indonesia is the only one ranked ‘free’, look at the country today. It’s less develop than Malaysia in every way.

    Our time to be ranked ‘free’ will come. No doubt about that. But for now, let’s be thankful to God as our country is one of the most prosper in South East Asia.

  13. Our time to be ranked ‘free’ will come. No doubt about that. But for now, let’s be thankful to God as our country is one of the most prosper in South East Asia. by perampok cinta1

    Our time to be ranked ‘free” when PR come and BN go,chau and mampoi time.No doubt about that.But for now,let’s be thankful to god’s tsunami interference,4 states if not 5 in fact belongs to PR.Soon mother tsunami will swallow BN into total oblivion.Then our country will be the most prosper nation in south East Asian and the entire world.

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