Let’s stop talking politics and get real!

By P Ramakrishnan
President of Aliran

Let’s set aside political rhetoric and rigmarole and become sensible and serious. We cannot – and should not – play politics at the expense of our national well-being to score meaningless political points. What should be uppermost are the nation and its people.

The Pakatan Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Ibrahim Anwar, has come out with his 100-day plan to transform Malaysia’s economy for the greater benefit of Malaysians. His transformation plan for the country, according to him, will cost the national budget RM19 billion.

Our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, has pooh-poohed this plan. His caustic dismissal of Anwar’s plan won him a round of applause from the party faithful. They laughed and felt good that Anwar was being bashed.

Najib, in evaluating Anwar’s plan, questioned where the fund was coming from for this grandiose transformation and contended that if this plan were to be implemented it would bankrupt the country in two years and reduce it to the pathetic status of Greece.

On the other hand, Anwar had countered Najib by claiming that RM28 billion can be recouped from corruption and leakages the country suffers as a result of poor management as estimated by the Auditor-General in his report. By waging a relentless war against corruption, the government can recoup this colossal amount and use it for the benefit of the many instead of allowing a few connected cronies to reap profit through graft.

Anwar talked about saving RM19 billion from the subsidies given to the Independent Power Producers and another RM4 billion by overhauling the toll concession system. We are not sure how successful Pakatan would be in these two areas considering the legal implications involved.

However, recouping the money lost as a result of corruption and poor management is a real possibility. The Pakatan-led Penang government has shown that prudent and stringent management of public coffers can indeed save millions of ringgit for the benefit of the people. Not only has the Penang state government provided various benefits for the people, it has also accumulated more reserves – a fantastic achievements within three years.

Anwar has stated that he is prepared to defend his transformation plan and has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging Najib to a national debate. This is a golden opportunity for Najib to expose what he claims as Anwar’s irresponsible and irrational plan that is not achievable. If Anwar is fishing for votes with plans that are attractive to the voters but which will spell doom for Malaysia, Najib has a responsibility and duty to expose this hog-wash which is presented as a national plan.

We are not interested in the views of BN politicians, one or two economists and academics who tend to parrot the Prime Minister and deprecate Anwar’s plan because they are people who are expected to flatter the Prime Minister. Their role is as expected, to toe the official line.

We are not interested in Umno Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin or Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz picking up the gauntlet to debate Anwar. They don’t measure up to the Prime Minister’s status or stature to stand in for him and therefore do not qualify to debate Anwar. Anwar did not challenge them to a debate; he challenged Najib. It is as simple as that.

Anwar is the Leader of the Opposition; Najib is the Leader of the BN. Anwar is the Prime Minister-in–waiting; Najib is the serving Prime Minister. Both are top leaders of their respective parties. They are equally matched to take on each another.

Apart from that, the issue involved is a matter of grave importance to the nation. The economy is the cornerstone of our survival; it is what will ensure our success and well-being. That is why a national televised debate is all the more crucial for the people to make an informed decision.

This matter concerns not only the party faithful of both parties but also all citizens. They have a right to this debate. They want to know where the economy is heading to; they want to know what is in store for them and for the country.

Let the debate take place and let us set a precedent for debating all issues concerning the nation. Let this be the trend for the future.

It is a real pity that Najib has turned down Anwar’s challenge to debate their economic policies. Najib’s decision has not taken anyone by surprise but Malaysians are disappointed that Najib has failed to justify his criticism of Pakatan’s plan through a national, televised, public debate. He could have nailed Anwar and projected the BN’s economic policies as superior and deserving the people’s support. He failed himself and let down the BN government terribly.

Najib’s justification “that voters did not need such an exercise to decide if they wanted Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat in Putrajaya” does not hold water. If a referendum was taken to ascertain whether such a debate was necessary, without a doubt a vast majority of voters would welcome it.

Najib does not make sense in stating, “If we want to debate, there must be an outcome from the debate. I do not see one and what is important is public opinion.”

Indeed, if there was a debate there will be an outcome. Malaysians will be able to judge whose economic policy is superior and who deserves their support. Malaysians are clamouring for this debate.

We should consciously cultivate the culture of public debate rather than having a mindless mob at our doorsteps or turning up at the police station to make innumerable reports that amount to nothing.

22 Replies to “Let’s stop talking politics and get real!”

  1. Here is the best opportunity for Najib to back up his claim he is also People’s PM…a point he made at his famous Rajang Park election speech..not forgetting an offer of RM5 million… “I help you. You help me” deal.
    All Malaysian people…regardless..who the are against or supporting him…will surely welcome him to accept a debate with Anwar on such important issues.
    But no…he turned it down and said.. with his pink lips..saying… let the people decide.
    What kind of a PM is he..keep talking so much how bad Anwar is…yet dare not debate …face to face for the good for all Malaysians.
    His “People First. Performance Now” slogan sucks.
    And day by day….more and more UMNO B member are getting fed up with his lying and low class hypocritical acts.
    Najib split personality is daily seen and he is exposing himself…a totally insincere man. No need for others to expose him.

  2. Najib will lose hand down if he were to take on Anwar.
    He is a sluggish speaker, uninspiring, lacking in oomp and energy.
    How can he debate with the most charismatic speaker in the country.
    Off the cuff, Anwar can demolish Najib.
    Najib is a coward. Najib is yellow.

  3. in bolehland one can’t never talk sense to people like katak Ali, katak zul, katak wee and the likes of mamak. They don’t care. they are more interested in talking sens and ringgit going into their pockets.

    no point doing this except getting rid of them like a pestilence.

  4. Najib and BN employed APCO for their communications expertise.

    Why is there no improvement in the communications? Why are we wasting RM 77 million per annum?

    Instead, the so-called 1Malaysia ‘leader’ chickens out and does not lead.

    Maybe it is time for another leader to take over.

  5. //They don’t measure up to the Prime Minister’s status or stature to stand in for him and therefore do not qualify to debate Anwar.//
    Well, probably the PM was scouting around for someone to stand in for him and this was deemed golden opportunity to the young man. What’s the reason for PM not to take up the challenge? – he has no time to go thru’ the details or he’s not sure what’s this transformation program that somebody has drawn up for him ???

  6. forget it la…. They can’t even debate a five years old. here’s a five-year-old debating with najib.

    fyo: why is Malaysia so corrupt?
    Najib: ummm. Errrr. Ehhhh. Ummmm

    fyo: why did the principal call me sepet?
    najib: ahhh.. errrr …ummmm

    fyo: why is our history book has no malaysian Chinese and Indian contribution?
    najib: uhhhh…ummm..ahhhh

    fyo: I am born here. So is my great great great grandfather. why am I still pendatang and mamak is not?
    najib: brrr…grrrrr …. Arrrrrrrhhhh.. A***h Hu Akbar ….WE WILL DEFEND PUTRAJAYA WITH BLOOD….hoolooo, hooloo, hoolllooo.

  7. It is well known even in UMNO circles that Najib leads – 6 rows from the front. He is not prepared to debate, having been brought up in the pokok rambutan school of thought. Yes, they all sit around the rambutan tree and share their dreams of making it big without having to put in any effort.

  8. Najib’s rebuttal against the Pakatan’s 100 days plan is logic and not politics. That’s the fact, after a careful research on Pakatan’s ridiculous plan.

    The 100 plan is just nonsense. I’ve been talking to some of my friends who are working in the government. These people are not politicians, but the ones that REALLY serve the government. They concluded that the plan is simply impossible to be done in 100 days as in will involved a lot of work.

    Furthermore, the plan will also draw on billions of Malaysian Ringgit, which the government doesn’t have.

    The 100 days plan is only the Pakatan’s strategy to gain supports from the ‘rakyat’.

  9. “Furthermore, the plan will also draw on billions of Malaysian Ringgit, which the government doesn’t have.” Perompak cinta1

    See the effects of pokok rambutan economics ? When Najib announces the RM40 billion MRT, plus the Merdeka Tower, plus the billions in high speed rail, plus another 20 billion for TNB’s new coal and hydro plants, plus another 30 billion in nuclear plants……these goons never stand up and say “Hey, where are we gonna get the money?”

    When someone says “let’s save RM 28 billion” from leakages – and this number is from the Auditor General himself – everyone says Anwar is dreaming.

    UMNO logic is warped, and we know why – too much kampung debate while squatting under the rambutan tree.

  10. just like the rambutan fruit, only hairs grow on cinta1 and cintanegara heads. at least the rambutan fruit has a sweet beige matter and a seed inside. for these two buggers, the grey matter does not exist but only seeds of parasites.

  11. ///3. When Article 153 regarding the special position of the Malays was written into the Federal Constitution of Malaya it was supposed to have been reviewed 15 years after Merdeka, which means in 1972. But the New Economic Policy was launched in 1970 instead. Was Article 153 ever reviewed and if so what were the findings of this review board or committee?///– RPK

    I remember the same. I hope RPK will provide a copy of the original version of Article 153 in his blog.

  12. They concluded that the plan is simply impossible to be done in 100 days as in will involved a lot of work. -perampok cinta1
    And you’ve said that it will involve alot work, which meant that it can be done afterall.
    As for th money, Anwar need not worry ‘cos all he and pakatan government have to do are to rope up all the buggers of UmnoBN and make them pay back every single cents that they “steal” from this country, starting from the mamak.
    And of course not forgetting those kataks too!

  13. ///Najib’s justification “that voters did not need such an exercise to decide if they wanted Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat in Putrajaya” does not hold water. If a referendum was taken to ascertain whether such a debate was necessary, without a doubt a vast majority of voters would welcome it.

    Najib does not make sense in stating, “If we want to debate, there must be an outcome from the debate. I do not see one and what is important is public opinion.”///

    Well, I as voter need it. Who is Najib to say that I do not need the debate to know how the government squandered away an opportunity to save the economy.

    The debate has no outcome in terms of giving a prize to the better speaker, as Najib thinks that a school debate would result. The debate suggested by Anwar would produce a Prime Minister who is elected by better informed citizens. That is the outcome.

    In USA debates among candidates standing for election is a prerequisite. Politicians there are only too eager to be given a chance to tell what their plans are to serve the people. In UK, the leaders of three major political parties had their debates before the most recent election. Any leader there would have lost his position if he said what Najib had spoken.

    In Malaysia, Najib is the leader of BN while Anwar is the shadow Prime Minister of Pakatan Rakyat. The debate between the two would help the people to decide who would be the better Prime Minister. Najib thinks that as the son of Razak he is entitled to be Prime Minister. He may even be afraid to be compared to Anwar. As for Khairy Jamaluddin offering to debate Anwar, he is presumptuous. If he has no mirror to look himself in, he should use water in a bucket.

  14. bn umno head was chosen by its own group, but never by the rakyat, to lead the country! have never consider him as… whatever bn umno may think!
    in the first place, he does not have the qualities to be the one! but anwar do!

  15. Najib should take up the challenge to totally discredit Anwar and PR’s 100 days plan and win the support of the people and the next GE.

    Do your homework and have a debate and let the people decide.

  16. Let’s stop talking politics and get real!


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