Why did Beng Hock die? Who are his killers?

by P Ramakrishnan | Aliran President

We don’t need experts or eminent persons to tell us if Teoh Beng Hock’s human rights have been violated. Ask the common man in the street and he will tell you right away that Beng Hock’s rights have been blatantly and violently abused and violated. This fact is as plain as daylight.

So why do we need a Royal Commission of Inquiry to find out “whether it (MACC) had violated human rights”. Beng Hock’s family is not interested in this. Malaysians don’t want a RCI to waste its time in investigating procedures adopted by the MACC with regard to his death. That’s not the issue, dear Prime Minister.

All that everyone is dying to find out is how did Beng Hock die? Why did he die?

Who caused his death?

The inquest has clearly stated that it wasn’t a suicide. How then did he drop from the 14th floor and land on the 5th floor of the MACC building? Who was responsible for this fall from the 14th floor, dear Prime Minister?

The inquest has confirmed that there were pre-fall neck injuries. Who caused these injuries on Beng Hock’s neck? Why were these injuries caused? What damage did these injuries do to Beng Hock? Did he die as a result of these injuries?

This is what Beng Hock’s family is demanding to know, dear Prime Minister. Why are you wasting everybody’s time setting up a RCI to carry out irrelevant investigations that will not throw any light as to how Beng Hock died – and why.

This is what the whole country is interested in, dear Prime Minister.

Beng Hock was interrogated for nearly 11 hours from 5.00 pm right up to 3.45 am the next day in the most inhuman way. He was deprived of food, denied sleep and rest and subjected to intense questioning. What does that suggest, dear Prime Minister?

Before 5.00pm on that day – 15 July 2009 – it was a working day for Beng Hock. Assuming that he got up for work at 7.00 am, it would add another 10 hours to his non-stop questioning for nearly 11 hours. That would mean he was on his feet for almost 21 hours. Doesn’t it strike you as an extreme form of torture that he was subjected to in a barbaric manner, dear Prime Minister?

Under the circumstance, do we really need a RCI to tell us that Beng Hock’s human rights were indeed violated? Isn’t it very apparent? Isn’t it rather obvious?

What is not apparent and what is not obvious is: How did Beng Hock die? Who caused his death? Who are his killers? That is all Beng Hock’s family is dying to know in order to bring closure to this human tragedy, dear Prime Minister.

The purpose of the RCI should simply be to establish why and how Beng Hock died.

Any other investigation will not do justice to Beng Hock’s family, dear Prime Minister.

18 Replies to “Why did Beng Hock die? Who are his killers?”

  1. If it is not suicide then the obvious inference would be he must be killed by somebody either accidentally or premediated. The question in everybody’s mind is why is the Government trying to hide and protect this individual or group of individual. Do they not understand that the political cost is very high. They may loose an entire election because of this. Or is this group of murderers so powerful that they can pull such an effective veil over the entire country.

  2. TBH death is like the issue with State Secretary of Selangor in that in simplicity, all people have to know is that the system is screwed up and its UMNO/BN fault. They don’t have to understand anything else if they don’t want to or are confused.

    We have a dysfunctional system created by UNMO/BN and its just as easy for anyone of us to be the victim. The chances of it anyone of us becoming victim will only go up if the BN govt is not changed. Sooner or later it will be our turn to be victims..

  3. The government should not protect those who have committed wrongdoing. If it continues to do so then people will lose confidence in the country’s institutions.

    It is not worthwhile for the government to protect a FEW people and results in Malaysians and foreigners lose trust in the country’s institutions.

  4. It is the spinning wheel …going round and round to no end…no matter how clear and simple it is to conclude the case.
    Straight to the point..Najib is finished.
    And he is the leader of the Govt..right now..desperately…finding ways and means to keep fooling Malaysians.
    You want to think sensibly and logically under Najib?

  5. Malaysia is a land of MYSTERIES! People are killed without murderers. Plane engines disappear even in tight security areas such as airbases. C4 is freely available. $$$$ go missing without anyone being accountable for.

    Malaysia has just moved to the BERMUDA TRIANGLE!!!!!

  6. Very easy to find his killers. Get hold of all those who were in contact with him for the past 3 hours before his killing and there you have got his killers.

    Same case as with Altan— the last bums who saw here alive were her killers.

  7. The Inquest’s findings of (i) no suicide and (ii) pre-fall neck injuries on TBH makes the likelihood of person(s) unknown causing his fall that makes this a homicide case.

    We can have the RCI, but it is only ancillary & corollary to and cannot substitute or supersede the requirement of an immediate police investigation to determine on the all important question of “whodunit”.

    After all what is the government’s excuse or justification in not launching a full scale police investigation? Isn’t it the duty of government to do so? Especially when this happened within precincts of MACC, the nation’s agency to combat corruption. Why is the government not interested to find out?

    To be not interested or seen interested to do so invites public inference of government having something to hide.

    Unless one gets to the bottom of things of who caused his death, the stain and blotch caused by his unresolved death on MACC, and by extension, the government’s image, especially with regard to law enforcement, is in any right thinking public mind, irremovable.

  8. Sharks. If only i knew sooner. Apparently the god of fortune (choysanyeh) came a-calling earlier than usual this year. Now he is gone. It was a real spectacle, I heard, because choysanyeh came dressed not in his usual red chinese garb and he was without his beard and moustache. Instead this time he was in suit and tie; and he had pouting pink lips and and he went by the rather kinky name jeeeb.

  9. Ramakrishnan, Najib is not interested in why TBH died.

    Najib just wants to close the books. He wants everybody to sleep on this just like everybody should sleep over Altantuya.

    Ask no questions. Probe no further. And you will be told less lies.

  10. “The highest duty of the Man…Is to remain True to himself or the People..?…and let the chips fall where they may….!

    In serving the vision of the truth…what and who…serves the Nation Best…” ?
    May God bless Beloved Malaysia.

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