1Malaysia test of Najib’s Political Transformation Programme – get all BN parties to speak with one voice on 1Malaysia with Utusan Malaysia stop being the biggest enemy of the 1Malaysia concept

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak spoke of his new “transformation” programme after his meeting with Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament on Saturday – political transformation.

Since becoming Prime Minister 18 months ago, Najib has been drumming the “transformation” mantra, with a plethora of alphabet soup like Government Transformation Programme (GTP), Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and now a Political Transformation Programme to gird his signature concept of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now.”

But sadly, the country had never been more divided in the nation’s 53-year history than in the 18 months of Najib’s premiership, highlighting the hollowness and hypocrisy of his 1Malaysia concept, precisely because the loudest voice against Najib’s all-inclusive 1Malaysia concept had come from none other than UMNO’s official organ, Utusan Malaysia, which had been churning out a daily staple of lies and falsehoods to stoke communal hatred and national division.

It is most shocking and outrageous that in the past 18 months, there had been no serious effort to ensure that Utusan Malaysia, as the Umno’s official organ, should spearhead the 1Malaysia concept instead of being its biggest enemy and detractor with the daily diet of lies and falsehoods poisoning inter-racial and inter-religious relations and fanning national divisions in the country.

Why have the Ministers for instance, not only from Umno, but also from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and Sarawak and Sabah component parties, failed to raise in the Cabinet the gravest challenge and threat to Najib’s 1Malaysia – Utusan Malaysia’s daily lies and falsehoods to stoke communal hatred and illwill and undermine national division?

Apart from the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, is there not a second Cabinet Minister who dare to publicly declare his or her full commitment to the 1Malaysia objective and being a Malaysian first and race, religion, geography and socio-economic grouping second?

Or are all the other Cabinet Ministers in support of Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s declaration of being Malay first and Malaysian second – rejecting the 1Malaysia rationale where every Malaysian regards himself or herself as Malaysian first and race, religion, geography and grouping second?

The first test of Najib’s “Political Transformation Programme” is to get all Barisan Nasional leaders and parties to speak with one voice on 1Malaysia with Utusan Malaysia stop being the biggest enemy of the 1Malaysia concept with its daily staple of lies and falsehoods to stoke communal hatred and national division.

Can Najib’s political transformation programme pass this first 1Malaysia test?

10 Replies to “1Malaysia test of Najib’s Political Transformation Programme – get all BN parties to speak with one voice on 1Malaysia with Utusan Malaysia stop being the biggest enemy of the 1Malaysia concept”

  1. Daily staple of lies? Najib is now lying with things he is completely incompetent with criticising PKR 100 day plans when firstly, he could not get 6%-9% right for his own plan in 2009 and as his own plans for vision 2020 6% average growth is falling apart already in the second year. The man has the audacity that to say that PKR plan would be in trouble in 2 years as if we think he can fool us into thinking he could even understand what the numbers are in the first place…

    Forget about lies, just plain incompetence and pretending scares the hell out of me..

  2. UmnoB, MCA, Gerakan, MIC n Sarawak n Sabah component parties ALL NEED Utusan Malaysia 2 fan hatred, even through lies n racist remarks, against DAP, PKR, PAS n PR
    Dis is survival man, survival of d fittest in d jungle of politics, ‘chong aaaah’!
    Too bad DAP, PKR, PAS n PR hv no control of msm 2 brainwash rakyat

  3. //The Ministers for instance, not only from Umno, but also from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and Sarawak and Sabah component parties, failed to raise in the Cabinet the gravest challenge and threat to Najib’s 1Malaysia – Utusan Malaysia’s daily lies and falsehoods//

    These ministers already know that jib’s 1malaysai is a big, bloody joke which can’t even convince kindergarten kids. The only fools who believe in 1malaysai are the mca, gerakan and mic.

  4. Easier to transform “1-Malaysia” into “1-Zimbabwee”.

    Or, split into “1-Malaya” & “1-Borneo”

    “1-Malaya” can be transformed into “3-Malaya” (one for each major race)

    “1-Borneo” = Truly democratic and multi-racial … no problem

  5. NR opined: D PR’s populist 100-day proposed reform plans r unrealistic n irresponsible
    Expectedly, tiger show actor croaked dat PR’s reform plan is nothing but a gimmick
    O yes, $$$ masuk pockets of privileged BNputras but not 2 projects benefiting rakyat

  6. http://komuniti.malaysiakini.com/subang-jaya/subang-ria-park-taskforce-set-to-negotiate-acquisition-in-behalf-of-residents

    “Top” PK politician “creating” taskforce of residents association chairmen, state assemblypersons and government representatives to embark on acquisition talks with Sime on base of an illegal and invalid title obtained by bribery!!
    A Town Park failed to be provided by Sime for 30 years!!

    Is Malaysian “Top” politicians “created” at least 400,000 TOP Fools – the Subang Jayans? to pay to buy back a stolen piece of Public land?

    To create fools of those who has legal and moral obligations to Stop? SILENCE CONTRIBUTE TO ABETMENT!!

  7. Nobody takes 1Malaysia seriously because everyone knows and realizes that it is just an empty marketing ploy by UMNO to deceive the rakyat into thinking that they are doing something good, and hoping for votes in the next GE. The truth is that nothing has improved in the country under UMNO 1Malaysia. There is no real fundamental and sincere effort to unite the races in the country. UMNO’s strategy is to divide and rule, talking differently when they are in front of Malays, Chinese and Indians. UMNO continues to erode the rights of other races, and continues to proclaim malay supremacy through their policies, programs, media like Utusan and TV/radio stations and party organs like Perkasa. So I say 1Malaysia with my middle finger up.

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