Malay contractors association apologises to Guan Eng

By Himanshu Bhatt
The Sun
Jan 7, 2011

GEORGE TOWN: The Malay Contractors Association of Malaysia, which has in the past accused Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s administration of marginalising Malay businesses, apologised to him today through a delegation to his office here.

The association’s deputy president Datuk Mohammed Fadzill Hassan, who headed the delegation of about a dozen members, personally tendered his apology to the state government.

He said they wished to cooperate and work along with the administration. Lim responded by describing the new outcome as a “positive turn of events”.

“I hope we can start a new relationship based on facts and not emotion,” he said.

Lim stressed that accusations that Malay contractors were sidelined under the current Pakatan Rakyat government were untrue.

“Malay contractors are able to perform very well, as most of those who have won contracts under the state’s open tender policy are Malays,” he said.

He said that previously, companies won contracts with the state government because of political connection, but now under the Pakatan Rakyat administration, contracts were issued on merit, with considerations given to quality and best pricing.

It is understood that the delegation had also spoken to Lim about retracting the names of 49 contractor members listed in a circular by Lim’s office to all department heads in the state government.

Lim said the state had not blacklisted the any company.

“We only want to ensure that all government contractors are competent and qualified, and not cronies of anyone,” he said at a press conference before the closed-door meeting with the delegation.

In one of his last attacks on Lim in December last year, Mohammed Fadzill, who is also the association’s Penang branch chairman, had alleged that Malay contractors were awarded only state projects of insignificant value.

Lim had responded by showing records that Malay contractors had been given 94% of the state’s Public Works Department (PWD) contracts and all the state’s Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) projects.

18 Replies to “Malay contractors association apologises to Guan Eng”

  1. I am happy to read this report.
    It shows Malaysians ..particularly the Malays do think and weigh the pros and cons and not jump to wrong conclusions.
    Above all…it shows Lim Guan Eng is getting the trust and respect he deserves.
    It is not easy to clean up all the dirt and filth left by Koh Tsu Koon for 18 years….particularly on supporting UMNO B corruptions with both eyes closed.

  2. This is because they are feeling the pain. No contract, no money. Without money they cannot service their bank loans.

    And they know BN will never retake the State Government from Pakatan.

    So they have decided to come crawling to the ‘racist’ CM.

    Whatever it is, Lim is not going to give them contracts on a silver platter. They will still have to bid for it in an open tender.
    Anyway, this is a good development.

  3. I am a very large number of Malay contractors won ccntracts on merits. It debunks Mahathir’s claim that Malays cannot compete with other races. Open tenders will help check corruptions and power abuses in the government and put the nation on the right footing toward vibrant economy which will benefit all Malaysians.

    If the Federal Government persists in handing contracts to only party members and cronies the people must send them packing in the 13th GE.

    With self confidence and hard work, the Malays can succeed like any of their hardworking Malaysian brothers. Compete fair and square and preserve the pride of the Malay race. Personally, I wish to see the ordinary Malays do well economically because being the majority race their failure will stymie the progress of the nation and people.

    I wish them all the best.

  4. When there is good news…lets give everyone the benefits of the doubt and not have negative thoughts about them.
    We need to have many thousand to be awakened and vote for change in Govt…and to me…this is good news for Malaysians.
    Lets not only think about Penang but the whole country.

  5. /The Association’s deputy president, Datuk Mohammad Fadzill Hassan, who headed the delegation of about a dozen members, personally tendered his resignation to the state government/

    Malaysians should emulate Datuk MFH for his courage and strength to apologise after realising his mistake. For that he deserves my respect. Keep showing good examples, Datuk.

  6. 100day reform is a good way to show people esp malays who were terrified of change and reform by umno’s (and dr mamak’s) fear and ketuanan tactics. Penang is one good example. Umno says malay cannot compete in open competition. And they will be swamped by non-malays esp chinese. But penang malays are doing fine. They can compete. They can produce results. Fantastic progress guan eng. Bravo.

    And now, penang malay contractors do the nation a favour. Tell to the rest of the malay contractors in the nation the true story. Yes tell them your new experience.

  7. ///but now under the Pakatan Rakyat administration, contracts were issued on merit, with considerations given to quality and best pricing.///

    There is nothing wrong to apologize to someone who you have wronged as apology will not cost a single sen. I have just apologized to a colleague of mine for accidentally sending her an outdated email.

    I believe, over time, the Malays of Penang will a very progressive and competitive people compared to Malays of other states as Lim Guan Eng has taken the pain to put right the system for contract award.

  8. cinta-my-butt-gara, where are you?

    see this or not? the rambutan tree is there, just make sure you know how to pick the fruit. no need to spoon feed you.

    now run back to your masters and report this good news as is.

  9. I am sure Ibrahim Ali is also very happy with LGE for helping promote the industry among the Malays. I think he would like to send his heartiest congratulations to the CM and wish him a thousand tahniahs, right?

  10. This at least is a starting point by the Malays to prove that they are not JELLYFISHES! Syabas! If every Malay in Malaysia has such intelligence and attitude, Perkasa can close shop and Ibrahim Ali can makan sendiri!!!!!

  11. Bravo Penang,
    Now that you have won the confidence of the Penang Malay contractors,do encourage them to promote this success story to the next group, like the hawker association at Komtar, then the next.
    Show them how S’pore treats her citizen equally, and you have another RED Dot in the making on the opposite end of the peninsula.

  12. The mamaks in Penang are using dirty racist and religious gimmicks to harass LGE.They have threatened LGE to resolve the unlicenced restaurant issue within 7 days otherwise they would cause more havoc.Penangites should boycott eating outlets run by the mamaks.

  13. Mamakthir started the so-called negotiated contract. The persons allowed the contracts were pre-selected. Those who had no hold on UMNO candidates’ party election certainly stood no chance. Of course, those candidates who supported Mamakthir and his slaves were in the list. His opponents stood no chance.

    Penang practices open tender now. So whether or not the contractors are supporters of UMNO candidates makes no difference. The criterion of selection value for money in the government contracts. On a open competition, UMNOputras need not have advantage over ordinary UMNO members. Now those who never stood a chance under the negotiated contract system are awarded contracts. The fact that Malay contractors obtained the majority of the contracts just confirm the theory of equal opportunity, and proportionately more Malay contractors competing would end up with a higher percentage of Malays awarded the contract. That is meritocracy. Only Mamak opposes meritocracy because it calls his bluff to use it to achieve his selfish objective.

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