Lim Kit Siang

Teoh Beng Hock’s death — Open Verdict

Twitter updates from @limkitsiang

01/05/2011 01:08 PM
Will justice be served? Teoh Beng Hock inquest decision at Shah Alam Court @ 2.30 pm. Will b there 2 await verdict?

01/05/2011 02:48 PM
TBH inquest – ShamAlam court fully crammed awaiting verdict while outside large crowd who cannot find places. Its 18long mnths since tragedy

01/05/2011 02:57 PM
In court Karpal Gobind Malik TeresaKok TanKokWai TeoNieChing LimLipEng AuYongHW EliWong Xavier TBH fmly members Sgor MB Khalid otw

01/05/2011 03:06 PM
Court sits – TBH inquest begins

01/05/2011 03:10 PM
Coroner thanks counsel from all parties for assistance in the TBH inquest

01/05/2011 03:12 PM
Coroner starts reading his verdict

01/05/2011 03:14 PM
Dealing with the law on inquests

01/05/2011 03:20 PM
Now on undisputed facts of the case

01/05/2011 03:29 PM
Likely time of TBH death on July 16,2009 – between 715am to 1115am

01/05/2011 03:34 PM
Two theories of cause of death advanced – death by homicide n death by suicide

01/05/2011 03:40 PM
Discussed theory of death by suicide – issue of “suicide note”. Concluded – coroner said he is not qualified to say it is suicide note.

01/05/2011 03:38 PM
Coroner ruled out verdict of TBH death by suicide

01/05/2011 03:51 PM
death by homicide – ruled out.. Coroner returned Open Verdict

01/05/2011 04:41 PM
TBH Open verdict vindicated original demand 4Royal Commission Inquiry into all aspects of MACC death esp inquest finding of pre-fall injury

01/05/2011 04:43 PM
2prong response 2TBH death verdict – call 2Najib 2honour undertaking 2family 4RCI if not satisfied w inquest n apply 2High Court 4revision