2011 – The Rise Of Pakatan Rakyat, The Imminent Fall Of Umno/BN

by Richard Loh

Let us Malaysians start the New Year with a Big Bang. May our New Year resolutions not be for self but for the country. We should resolve to be fully committed to voting in a new Federal Government at the next GE, one that will bring about the changes Malaysians have desired for so long.

It would appear that 2010 was a very good year for Najib, even though all he did was to plaster the whole country with slogans and rhetoric that benefited no one but his wife, foreign agents and cronies. Just imagine the millions or even billions wasted to promote them. And it is the rakyat’s money!

What comes out of Najib’s mouth sounds so hollow. You must have read in the Mainstream Media his various speeches in front of different communities. He paints a rosy picture to arouse the rakyat into believing that what he is ‘trying’ to do is for the ‘good’ of the country.

He talks about unity, equality, religious tolerance, Bangsa Malaysia but his actions contradict his preaching. He can still tolerate the racists Utusan, Perkasa and civil servants spreading racial hatred and religious intolerance. All these are living proof that Umno/BN have failed in their 54 years of administration and governing.

The alternative media and bloggers too have countered all these insincere promises and pointed out that talk and slogans alone will not unite the country and bring prosperity to the rakyat.

We must reject Umno’s/BN’s call to return them to power again. There is totally no hope that they will change. BN’s continuing rule of this country will only bring more hardship to the rakyat and will bankrupt the country.

After March 2008, we expected Umno/BN to realise that there are so many faults in their ways of governing. However, instead of making amends, they have continued to use strong-arm tactics, undemocratic processes and a divide-and-rule system to stay on top. It is in name only that Umno/BN upholds democracy. In reality, it is leaning towards becoming a totalitarian regime.

Can you still tolerate Umno/BN, given their undemocratic actions, corruption and racism? While taking a break from writing this article, I read the news that Najib & Co are on their way to power-grabbing Selangor – just like what they did to Perak. And it was reported too that no cross was to be visible and no sermon allowed when Najib attended a Christmas function recently. This is a clear sign that 1Malaysia is not accepted even within Najib’s own administration.

Najib & Co do not care about the rakyat. They are busy planning and plotting how to take back the States that they lost in order to regain a two-thirds majority. They will not hesitate to resort to underhanded methods and undemocratic processes and yes, they will get the help of the EC in the coming GE to ensure a win.

The 2008 tsunami shook up Umno/BN but it did not destroy their corrupt, arrogant, racist and undemocratic nature. To date, they have still not felt any shame in using their power to betray the rakyat and choke the States under PR of development funds. This country cannot afford to continue to allow such incompetent and undemocratic leaders to govern any further.

Malaysians must learn to accept the truth – that this country and its citizens can survive without this regime. We need not be afraid of their threats. We must recognise that it is we who decide the government of the day, not Umno/BN. We need to punish Umno/BN for not listening to us and we must put them into cold storage for 2 or 3 terms.

We must believe our hands are not tied. We have choices in everything. If you don’t like a Proton Saga, you can go for a Persona. And there are many other choices of car models and makes. If you don’t like Versace, you can have Christian Dior, Amani and many other brands of clothing, perfume and make-up. The choice is yours to make. But make a wise choice, for otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

Umno/BN have been the ruling government for 54 years and we have grown tired of their undemocratic actions, their censoring of our freedom, their corruption, racism, unequal distribution of the nation’s wealth, poor education system plus their downright incompetence.

We now have a choice, an opportunity to rid our country of the cancer inflicted by Umno/BN and to start afresh with Pakatan Rakyat. Yes, there are weaknesses and flaws in PR. They may not be 100% perfect (which government is?) but I am very sure they are well over 100% better than Umno/BN.

So, join me in spreading this call:


26 Replies to “2011 – The Rise Of Pakatan Rakyat, The Imminent Fall Of Umno/BN”

  1. For 2011 it is confirmed and reconfirmed…Najib is every what we think of him.
    He can also take the trophy to be the biggest liar and hypocrite amongst all PMs.
    He declared the RM500 millions was given as commission for the purchase of 2 Russian submarines….should have been investigated by the “E” branch of the police.
    Added to that …a murder is linked to that deal…with Balan telling all the details…answering 81 questions truthfully….yet no actions from the Police or AG.
    Just compare this incident with one from Britain…Australia .. USA or China .. S. Korea ..even S’pore.
    All will arrest that culprit…..no matter who he is.
    But in Malaysia….UMNO B seems to think they own the country…with all the smart laws and by laws..amendments and re-amendments of the Constitution.. created to protect themselves…masterminded by Mahathir.
    Just watch these two talk and act.
    Downright arrogant….boastful and sickening corrupted crooks feeling no shame whatsoever…stealing from the poor and keep fooling his own race.
    But Najib is a lousy actor with split personalities…and we are real sick of his low class acts to keep fooling Malaysians.
    Yes for 2011..it is confirmed and reconfirmed…Najib…the lapdog of Mahathir…is getting worst..and we are getting stronger and stronger united to vote UMNO B out once and for all.
    I predict 2011 is the year for all Malaysians to witness history in the making of our beloved country.

  2. The people are ready to kick out BN. But it all depends on the performance of the PR. To date the PR, especially PKR have not get their act together. They let hubris to get into their stupid heads and think that the people love them.

    Anwar Ibrahim has foolishly squandered his cachet as a reformist leader by hatching foolish and dangerous schemes against the BN without considering the pitfalls. He thought that he was invincible and teflon-coated against any BN attacks, but now he knows his limits and it would take a herculean effort to regain the cachet that he once possessed.

    Let Anwar not run away from his responsibility by constantly going overseas and pontificating to the West while his house is on fire as if it would gloss over his poor leadership. His neglect of the party’s problems has allowed the BN to infiltrate and buy off discontented members. Anwar has to be humble and listen to reasoned voices and it is better for to remain in the country and work his butt out for the people. Less rhetoric and more hard work will counter the BN propaganda.

    For the new year I wish there would be less mistakes committed by the PR and really hard honest work on the part of the elected MPs and state representatives.

  3. Hope all of us can make this your New Year Resolution ,
    which is make sure you get at least one person to
    vote for PR — the more the merrier. And if every one of us can convince
    just one family member, neighbour, friend, office colleague — and again the
    more the merrier too, to do the same then half the battle is won.Just
    through your efforts alone we shall have A BETTER Malaysia for ALL

  4. 2011 – The Rise Of Pakatan Rakyat, The Imminent Fall Of Umno/BN?
    Why so confident – is there a basis for this, aside from mere wish and hope?

    Barely 2 months after Zaid Ibrahim left PKR, now Jeffrey Kitingan leaves, with Kota Kinabalu division chief Christina Liew expected to soon do likewise.

    This is from Malaysian Mirror’s Farah Azreen
    Wednesday, 28 October 2009 07:14 –


  5. The prophecy of “RAHMAN” have ended and these could spell the end of UmnoBN regime but wicked Jibby is trying to change the fate by all wicked means.
    For Pakatan to rely totally on us to win the next GE can be a very difficult task indeed ‘cos we really need a blardy lot of votes to offset all those frauds and cheats that Jibby is planning.
    Question is, how are we gonna put a stop to all those frauds and how are we gonna “tame” those EC fellas?
    And what about all those votes buying tactics which are done openly as well?
    What about the dead who are “coming back” to vote?
    How are we gonna deal with it?
    So, PR leaders! Please find a solution before it’s too late.

  6. Like all Empires ruled by dictators…UMNO B will fall like a ton of bricks in 13th GE.
    Study the famous Rise & Fall Of The Roman Empires.
    The French Revolutions. The revolution against Marcos of Philippines..and Soeharto of Indonesia…just to name a few..all dictators fell.
    Smart ass Mahathir admitted he was a dictator and said Malaysia needed dictatorial rule…20 years ago.
    I guess he meant forever and ever?
    Sad that alot of Malaysian….especially UMNO B Muslim racists…are blinded by daily being fed with false hopes ad dreams.
    But better later than never…and so many thousands have awakened to realize UMNO B make suckers out of them.
    All that have got rid of Dictators have overtaken Malaysia in progress and developments…and all do not have so much natural resources and wealth as Malaysia.
    Enough is being sad.
    Lets make our votes speak for ourselves in 13th GE.

  7. ///He talks about unity, equality, religious tolerance, Bangsa Malaysia but his actions contradict his preaching. He can still tolerate the racists Utusan, Perkasa and civil servants spreading racial hatred and religious intolerance. All these are living proof that Umno/BN have failed in their 54 years of administration and governing.///–RLoh

    It is certainly a wrong perception that he was tolerating racism, he was the master of it. Do you not know that in 1987 he created the situation for operation lallang?. He said that he would soak kris in Chinese blood. That is racism at the highest order. Except for AAB and Hussein Onn, Razak, Mamakthir and Najib built their career through racism, and while in power, pretended to talk about diversity in strength. It is not for him to select whether there is diversity in race in the country and whether impurity is good or bad, Malaysians not classed with Najib has as much right to vote him out as others. That said we know how UMNO converted parliamentary defeat into complete racial supremacy that Perkasa wants to Mark May 13 the rebirth of Malays. Yet Najib called for moderation at the UN general assembly. One off the virtues of a man is to know shame; Najib knows not.

  8. Najis:Orera wa bakayarou.BN minna san harakiri suru zhou.Sayonara bolehland.
    PR:Banzai!Banzai!PR Omedetou hip hip hurrey!Najis and zembu BN san bye bye da you.

    The bright day will come to shine upon our beloved Malaysia.May all the crooks be punished and to be rid of forever.All malaysian with nationality conscience regardless of race should work hand in hand,help decisively to push this nation forward and for future betterment.Focus to change for better prospect and don’t wait till we regret for our life least for not knowing what is next for our kids and grandkids.Anyway i’m not married yet but still a concerned citizen cause future lives have to go on just as this planet is 24hrs/365dys spinning around the orbit.We only hope for better living.Come to worst,what do we loose for a change than this pathetic present state of our life?Bring on the next GE.The spirit inside us are burning!

  9. It looks like there are two articles.

    Article 153 – Special position to raise the status of them. It can be reviewed or cast a review from times to times by request or demand of Malaysians to reduce quota till phase out .

    After May 13

    Article 513 – Special position to raise the status of them. It will be sedition act to request a review of it.

    Why the same number 153 or 513?

    Maybe magic number 153 must be the same except rearranged it to be effective.

    And maybe the number say something like 5 by 1 by 13 by 3.

    The magic number be broken once the 513 completed.


    Counting from after 513 PM, currently PM be no. fifth/5.

    Promoting 1.(which mostly a lie)

    Coming election is 13th.

    New 3rd force forming.

    exactly 5 by 1 by 13 by 3.

    Now it is the good time the opposition should consider to promote Malaysians1 sound as Malaysian as 1/one may stand for equality as it maybe 1 to broken 513.

    Malaysians1, this is what many Malaysians dreaming of.

    Free Malaysians be united as ONE.

    Malaysians1 or MalaysiansOne

  10. This is a natural law! Just like the tides, when one side of the earth is having high tide, there must be low tide on the other side! Obviously, with Pakatan up and coming, BN will be seen to slide down the scale!

  11. Yes..at this time..it is a real pity MCA… and Gerakan
    chose to support race and double standards dirty politics.
    A person can wake up to the truths sooner or later…but MCA and Gerakan parties are not truthful at all.
    They have been given warnings in the 12th GE…and the way they keep on fooling their own minority race….as if there is no other choices like before…when clearly shown at 12th GE..the choice is there…yet they continue to fool the Chinese.
    And since all were voted out and put back into actions by a small teeny weeny..Dictator…I guess they need to ampu much more than ever for selfish reasons.
    To see Chua Soi Lek stoop so low after being elected as MCA President..is clear for personal benefits.
    Koh Tsu Koon and Gerakan is finished.
    And we will finish off MCA totally during 13th GE.
    What low class politicians they are…..keep fooling their own race when all the time they know.the Chinese vast majority hates them.
    We need to forget all the blinded people being fooled by MCA and Najib…and move on….as that numbers are getting smaller and smaller…you bet.
    Malaysians by large and numbers value dignities and principles in life….more than money.

  12. Loh’s observations in #9 are correct. Pakatan Rakyat is facing a different kind of political animal with different kind of stealth weapons from that of the comparatively straight-forward “AAB and Hussein Onn”.

    What strategies do we see here being deployed???? To name a few:-

    • A talk of 1 Malaysia ostensibly pushing for pluralistic/unity agenda – including declaring a national holiday on 31st December by reason of Malaysia’s winning the Suzuki Cup and yet showing a tolerance/acquiescence/patience of what Perkasa, Utusan Malaysia and Jakim said, in highly visible and public way, against the very grain of pluralism/unity;

    • A talk of abiding laws/constitution/convention and yet contrary to these notions, when expedient, a proactive actual taking over of the Perak Legislative assembly without getting Perak’s Rakyat prior mandate as well as pushing a state secretary to Selangor MB who cannot work with him;

    • Using others/pressure groups to inflict damage and exert pressure by accusations against PR’s Perak MB Nizar and Selangor’s Khalid of “derhaka” “biadap” towards the Sultan and Malay values, threatening sedition etc to cower Opposition’s objections of constitutional impropriety in respect to the improper appointment of Zambry’s BN Perak State govt. and the new State Secretary;

    • On one hand projecting a pluralistic and tolerant signal by attending Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur’s Christmas tea party and at the same time negating it by requiring Catholic church officials to remove crucifixes and to avoid hymns being sung in order just to appease and pre-empt the objections of those opposed to tolerating other’s religious rites and practices – and when confronted blame the same on officials own overzealousness of planning.

    What the above instances evince is conflicting inconsistent signals and positions.
    Conflicting signals serve to confuse with deception the political opponent and cater for different audiences of the vote bank. Since time immemorial, deception has been used as an effective weapon when political or military struggle becomes intense leading to a no holds-barred struggle of do or die regardless of principled dealings and constitutional propriety. Homer’s tale of the Trojan Horse demonstrates that deception played a role in warfare at the dawn of European history. Sun Tzi advises in the “Art of War”: ‘Secret machinations are better concealed in the open than in the dark, and extreme public exposure often contains extreme secrecy.’ ‘You conceal your hostility by assuming outward friendliness…”

    Contrary to what Richard Loh argues – that “these are living proof that Umno/BN have failed in their 54 years of administration and governing” – they may well represent living proof of how Umno/BN by these strategies could succeed in the next 54 years of maintaining power in administration and governing!

  13. I am sorry to say this but the fact is PR is facing a very duplicitous apolitical opponent, with a bag of tricks, no less in part purchased and paid for from the sizeable public purse to expert image consultants and political strategist advisers.

    On top of that the incumbent had all the institutional support from mainstream media, state security and enforcement agencies to even royalties. More important the national confers and money to finance electoral campaign, provide goodies buy crossovers and the federal power to squeeze the opposition controlled states of financial allocations.

    PR has none of these advantages. It is not a level playing field. It has to rely on mistakes of the incumbent ruling party/coalition and the depredation of its moribund policies.

    The least PR could do, if it were to have any chance of success, is to contain and minimize its own mistakes and weaknesses, whilst playing and leveraging of those of the opposite side.

    But lo no! As if the ideological conflict between PAS and DAP were not divisive enough, PR’s defacto leader has to side his protégée, gloss over irregular PKR polls, to the extent of causing Zaid Ibrahim to leave and form his own party AKIM, forfeiting in large measure the unstinting support shown by civil society and bloggers in 308. And if the Semenanjong side is not enough sidelined and now cause Jeffrey Kitingan and his whole gang in PKR Sabah to leave and operate outside PR via his United Borneo Front.

    One can’t tell East Malaysians to reject BN Federal govt’s hegemony and yet at the same time side line their aspirations for more autonomy from West Malaysian intervention by parachuting Semenanjong’s preferences at their face just because one wants to shore up one’s protégée’s political base!

    Anwar should know that East Malaysian states are fixed deposit states of BN and there can be no 308 catching on there in next or subsequent GEs that PR could win if PR acts in a manner that makes locals there think that there is no difference between BN or PR when it comes to East Malaysians having a say over their own destiny!

    For a leader on whose shoulder is the sacred responsibility of carrying the rakyats aspirations for regime change to fulfillment and to avert the nation’s hurtling inexorably towards a failed state – that Cause is bigger than petty siding of favourites (for whatever reasons he knows best) that only serves to whittle away and forfeit support from quarters that had supported and contributed to PR’s victory in 2008!

    Being charismatic will not amend this leadership flaw.

    Richard Loh should not be so overly sanguine about PR’s chances.

    If in the next GE it were proven otherwise that BN rises once again and PR falls, that blame will squarely on fall on his shoulders, with disastrous consequences to him as well.

  14. DO NOT b FOOLED or LULLED by d title of dis article “2011 – The Rise Of Pakatan Rakyat, The Imminent Fall Of Umno/BN”

    What rise of PR? What fall of UmnoB/BN?
    SHOW us your achievements, PR! Achievement records dat convince us dat U can rule M’sia
    DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE d staying power of unscrupulous n unprincipled UmnoB/BN
    UmnoB/BN hv bottomless resources 2 twist facts n 2 buy votes
    UmnoB/BN control all agencies, polis, judiciary, even royalties, 2 stay in power

    STILL a LONG, TOUGH road ahead 4 PR, which did not acheive much after almost 3 years in power in four states, very SAD lah

  15. What the heck is there to argue and talk about anymore.
    You all know what BN represents!
    Don’t you!
    DON’T YOU!!
    So, go all out and vote for change!

  16. What have been said, already been said a number of times.
    What me and my family can do are to give PR the votes no matter what is happening here or in Sabah.
    I do not care about the infighting and conflict in the party for I’m not a member nor do I get any benefit from it.
    What I hate are those thugs, bullies, liars, murderer, robbers as well as those balless creatures.
    I wish to see those buggers being prosecuted, especially that mamak fella and I need to see those “froggies” being charged in court, especially that Hee and Wee.
    To PR, it’s up to you to make it happen so put on your thinking cap and plan your strategy well.

  17. Yeah! Umno can use money to buy everyone but how much money can they “rob” to spend.
    Most human tend to be greedy when being offered free goodies and they’ll come back asking for more and with Umno and BN members alone, even with all our country’s coffer are not enough for him to give and share.
    So what about the rest of those organisation and every buy elections?
    Jibby can start increasing prices and burden us but to what extend and limit are we going to pay?
    Sooner or later, Jibby’s ” calculator” will explode and disgruntled ones will betray him.
    Every action has its own consequence so Jibby needs to pay a very high price for his action.
    Time to pawn our country to the Jews, Jibby!!!

  18. Where is PR?
    Is Khalid taken as PR when he is acting even more desperate than LHB in abusing Subang Jaya in the Public area of Subang Jaya?
    Should DAP. PAS, PKR keep their eyes close and mouth tight on repeated calls for Justice on this 30 years of Grievance of Subang?
    Why Local draft plan for Subang when the Development should be deemed finished in 1980’s?
    Why Public areas in Subang turned into private Development non-stop during the time of BN and continued with so called PR in Selangor?

    PR cannot even handle the tricks of BN with only one piece of illegal and invalid paper – Sime’s “private title” – on part of Subang Town Park!!

    Can anyone see the Rise of PR in Selangor or the Devil to remain with the coat of PR?
    Do they have TCPA, NLC. LG, or even PC in their mind?

  19. Dis is what 1M’sia means under NR n UmnoB/BN
    NR’s (deleted) Dr RTeaA ruled dat “Christmas should be celebrated moderately as Christians are less than 10% of d population”
    “Christmas celebration sometimes looks as if Christians form more than 50% of d population”
    Gee, I didn’t know dat now in 1M’sia there is a new rule dat celebration is QUANTITATED, based on % of population

    So, in d coming CNY, Chinese must b careful NOT 2 go beyond 25% of total celebration
    Otherwise d (deleted) of UmnoB will come barking again

  20. It is good to see the negative response to my article. It shows that I am right in writing it. This is a New Year resolution to see that umno/bn falls but all who wanted it to happen must play their part, and this include PR. PR must have realised their mistakes, non performances in certain issues etc and it is through your comments and input to remind PR of their flaws. If they listen and make amend we all can still work together and see that the change takes place.

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – Change The Federal Government No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty four years.

  21. Wow! Great resolution for the Pakatan. But I’m sorry to say this, it sounds more like a dream or a desperate call for help rather that a resolution.

    BN did a lot in 2011. Far more than the Pakatan. What did Pakatan do in Penang? The Malays start to complain as their rights are being insulted.

    What about in Selangor? The MB simply wants to sell land intended to build a university for Malays and Bumiputra. I guess that’s good for the Pakatan.

    What about Islam? The non-Malay is going into Suraus and Masjids as they pleased. Nobody is stopping them. Liquor and boost can be sold to Malays/Muslims. What is this?

    I hope Pakatan will fall! I hope PAS will see DAP’s plan to eradicate Islam.

  22. 2011 will be a year of bruising battles in Malaysian politics. Najib has only begun to get really dirty in his politics. There is no limits he won’t go to as far as dirty works and cheating is concern. The outcome of any election, no matter who wins, will be contentious and you can be sure temper will flare and accusations flying. Violence is not out of the question and things will deteriorate to new lows.

  23. “2011 – The Rise Of Pakatan Rakyat, The Imminent Fall Of Umno/BN”.

    Richard, Richard, Richard. You may be speaking too soon.

    The bags of dirty tricks have been opened. There’s going to be alot of ‘dirty dancing’ with a lot of cast members, some willing, some innocent. But the aim is to go for the jugular, PR’s demise. They will not take prisoners. Nothing short of this.

    PR, don’t be complacent. Your days could be numbered.

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