Selangor Exco should review decision to ban 1Malaysia logo from billboards to prove Muhyiddin wrong that Pakatan Rakyat is afraid of Najib’s 1Malaysia concept

The assertion by Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government has banned the 1Malaysia logo from billboards in the state because of Pakatan Rakyat’s fear of the concept is downright ridiculous.

He further claimed that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia vision is increasingly popular and this scared Pakatan Rakyat.

Muhyiddin’s statement is downright ridiculous as he himself has declared that he does not fully endorse the 1Malaysia concept, whose official objective is the creation of a Malaysian nation where every Malaysian perceives himself or herself as Malaysian first and race, religion, geography and socio-economic grouping second.

When I challenged all Ministers in Parliament in March this year to declare that they are Malaysians first and their race, religion or region second, to demonstrate their support and commitment to the 1Malaysia concept, Muhyiddin had responded that he was Malay first and Malaysian second.

In my speech in Parliament in March, I had pointed out the numerous stances where Muhyiddin had spoken totally inimical to the 1Malaysian concept, including:

  • His defense of the racist “brain washing” and indoctrination on “ketuanan Melayu” by Biro Tata Negara despite criticisms and expose of its racist, divisive and seditious content for the past two decades;

  • His attempt to mitigate the Nasir Safar outrage claiming that it could have been “a slip of the tongue” when Najib’s senior political aide labelled Indians and Chinese in Malaysia as “pendatang”, alleging that the Chinese came as beggars and the Chinese women as “prostitutes”; claimed that Umno was solely responsible in drafting the constitution sidelining the contribution of MCA and MIC; and issued the threat to revoke the citizenship of those vocal about the subject cap for SPM examination.

  • His conspicuous silence at the JAKIM (Islamic Development Department of the Prime Minister’s Office) forum at the end of January for 800 civil servants tantamount to an insurrection against Najib’s 1Malaysia concept – with government speakers making inflammatory and incendiary speeches, blaming Christians for provoking Muslim anger by challenging the ban on the use of the word “Allah” and Umno/BN politicians for failing to defend Islam, with one speaker suggesting that a repeat of the May 13 riots was possible if the Christians, whom he accused of practising “extremism” did not “back down”, uttering the threat: “Who knows, there might be a Feb. 13?”

  • His conspicuous silence when the racialist rantings of Umno executive secretary Datuk Abdul Rauf Yusoh at an Umno club function in London earlier this month was exposed; and

  • His hamfisted attempt to aid and abet the inflammatory and incendiary campaign by Umno-controlled media like Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, government television and radio stations, playing the race and religious cards to viciously and falsely paint Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and Pakatan Rakyat Penang State Government as “anti-Malay” and “anti-Islam”.

Since March, there had been even more instances of reckless rhetoric of racist extremism and religious bigotry which attack the very basis of the 1Malaysia slogan – for instance school principals castigating non-Malay students as “pendatang”, telling them to go back to China or India, and derogatory references to the religious practices of non-Muslim students.

The 1Malaysia slogan is in fact the best example of the wide and increasing gulf between words and deeds of the Najib administration – its utter failure to walk the talk of the Najib signature policies whether 1Malaysia, Government Transformation Programme, New Economic Model or Economic Transformation Programme.

This is why Muhyiddin’s claim that Pakatan Rakyat is “running scared” of the 1Malaysia concept is so ridiculous, when the concept does not even get his full support, and why the Selangor Exco should review its decision to ban the 1Malaysia logo from billboards to prove the Deputy Prime Minister wrong.

17 Replies to “Selangor Exco should review decision to ban 1Malaysia logo from billboards to prove Muhyiddin wrong that Pakatan Rakyat is afraid of Najib’s 1Malaysia concept”

  1. Even Tun M has said that 1Malaysia can be made to mean anything to anybody.

    To the ‘ketuanan Melayu’ advocates in UMNO, BN Perkasa and Utusan Malaysia – it means 1 Melayu.

    Najib would like Malaysians from Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia to mean a united nation.

    But you can’t judge Najib by a slogan. You must judge him by his records.

    I dare say it is beyond a shadow of doubt that Najib is 1 of a kind – he is the kind of fudge and deception. So nobody would be offended by his sloganeering. Everybody will believe that Najib intended what they want to believe.

    Najib is Machiavellian in this regard. So they say, apples do not fall far from the tree. Najib is Mahathir’s disciple. If he doesn’t toe the Mahathir line, Najib is finished like Pak Lah was finished. Tun M is vicious and najib should know that – see Ku Li, Musa Hitam, Anwar Ibrahim, yes, even Ghafar Baba. After they have all served their purposes, they were consigned to the rubbish heaps of history. By so doing, I think Mahathir hopes to survive as that evergreen politician.

    I can spot a leopard a mile off by its stripes. Malaysians should have had enough experience of Najib to know this man cannot be trusted with the reins of the country.

    Shame on najib for trying to fool Malaysians!

    Shakespeare’s Macbeth:

    To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
    To the last syllable of recorded time;
    And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
    The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
    Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
    And then is heard no more. It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.”

    The candle is perhaps the soul and the prospects, I pray, for Macbijtch, are grim.

    The last Macbeth quote ‘copied’ from enotes.

  2. What is 1Malaysia? Does it mean that all Malaysian are equal, enjoys the same benefits as citizens? Clearly not!! The Malays get 7% discount when buying houses. Certain govt projects are only for Malays. Even if you get the project, you have to use consultant and lawyer that are from 100% bumi company. Why the discrimination??

  3. It does NOT matter what is the slogan….just prove it to the rakyat 1st that you genuinely mean what you said you are going to do. Slogan or no slogan does not matter. Why waste so much $ on slogan when we are getting nowhere with it?

  4. The Selangor government is right in banning the 1Malaysia logo especially in commercial advertisements.

    The recent BN convention decided to include the 1Malaysia logo into the BN’s party symbol.

    If so, the 1Malaysia symbol is now a political party symbol and this is not right.

    Party symbols should only be used by political parties only and for political reasons only and not by the public at large for whatever reasons.

    So Selangor’s move is right.

    Otherwise PR can also use a PR symbol for all billboards too, to be fair.

  5. Lets support the Government of Selangor. If there is such a law, we must follow the law. Forget Muhiddin. He is just a stirrer, a trouble maker. He will find fault with everything that the Selangor government does. Be fair, be transparent, be competent. I only hope that the ordinary UMNO members can see the difference. Time for change. Lets begin to do the right thing, the right way.

  6. Oh, as for Najib, I found a word for his 1Malaysia.

    It’s “AESOPIC”!

    “Aesopic” or “aesopian” means conveying an innocent meaning to an outsider (that’s 1 Malaysia to the East Malaysians and Peninsular Malaysians) but a concealed meaning to an informed member of a conspiracy or ‘underground’ movement (that is Perkasa, UMNO, BN, Utusan and other co-conspirators of the “ketuanan Melayu” policy/philosophy.

    So you see that because Najib’s 1Malaysia is an aesopic propaganda, we cannot trust him even though he is the PM today. You have to judge Najib from his keris-waving days till today. Do you trust him?

    So vote BN out! Out, out brief candle!

  7. “1-Malaysia” is 100% rubbish, and should be discarded.

    As long as NEP and racial discrimination are still there.

    Simple logic:- “You cannot mix water and oil”.

    So do not be misled by a HP6 PM who is desperately trying to save himself from being thrown out early.

  8. Could it be the last attempt on Ronnie Liu to sabotage the Selangor state government after his “double blow” of not securing his place in the 15-member Selangor DAP state committee party election held on November 28 as well as not in the 5-member appointed state DAP committee member?

    Perhaps…Silence is golden.

  9. Jamesy :
    Could it be the last attempt on Ronnie Liu to sabotage the Selangor state government after his “double blow” of not securing his place in the 15-member Selangor DAP state committee party election held on November 28 as well as not in the 5-member appointed state DAP committee member?
    Perhaps…Silence is golden.

    Some BN fellas are questioning why no ban on the symbol “ROCKET” incorporated into a signboard in a cafe at SS2, PJ .i.e. Kafe Rocket United? Especially those goons from the MCA questioning the Selangor state government why the double standard then?

  10. ///Selangor Exco should review decision to ban 1Malaysia logo from billboards……///

    There is no need to review such a ban – it is not negotiable. Why give BN the advantage?

    Did BN say that the suspension imposed on the four PR MPs recently was negotiable?

  11. What issue?Since PR already explained 1Malaysia is gimmick,then just banned it n forget the the whole damm thing.The course will take its own direction if u are sincere in ur approach.The rest lies with majority judgement.Just focus with own strategies and this will bring the best result.

  12. When it started claimed equality.

    At the final, it is no equality.,

    It is a sign to fool non-malay support and make them think that they vote for equality but it is just a lie to fool them.


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