Utusan’s got 14 days to apologise to Guan Eng

The Malaysian Insider
December 22, 2010

GEORGE TOWN, Dec 22 – Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has given Utusan Malaysia two weeks to apologise before he takes the daily to court.

Lim’s lawyer, Jagdeep Singh Deo, told reporters today he had sent a letter of demand to the national Malay newspaper yesterday asking it to withdraw certain words said to be slanderous in its December 20 article titled “Kebiadaban Guan Eng (The Rudeness of Guan Eng)”.

Utusan had said to have called Lim a racist and an “anti-Malay” in the article that ran a day after the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) rally.

Lim who is the party’s secretary-general also wants the paper to publish an apology and pay compensation for defaming him.

Jagdeep said Lim had denied the allegations in his notice of demand.

“He has also not gone against the Malays or oppressed them, did not cancel the Maulidur Rasul procession or stop the Malays from trading in Komtar during Ramadan month and has not demolished any villages,” said the lawyer who is also the state DAP vice-chairman,.

“Neither has the chief minister used funds from the Penang Turf Club for the senior citizens’ appreciation programme,” Jagdeep added.

Lim had vowed personal court action against the Umno-owned daily for allegedly calling him a foreign stooge and urging the DAP be banned.

“These are lies printed by Utusan,” the first-term Penang chief minister told The Malaysian Insider two days’ ago.

“I have no choice but to take a civil suit for defamation against Utusan,” Lim said, adding his party would also file a separate defamation suit against the paper.

Jagdeep said Lim had sent Utusan Malaysia five letters of demand since 2008.

One defamation suit has already been filed in court, he added.

9 Replies to “Utusan’s got 14 days to apologise to Guan Eng”

  1. Anwar will sue..Lim Guan Eng will sue…and so are all PR politicians will sue….if lies are said about them.
    Mahathir will not sue…Najib will not sue…and none of UMNO B politicians ever sue anyone.. accusing them….being a corrupted lot and even a murder mastermind.
    Now go and decide…who are more truthful and honourable…that you will cast your votes in 13th GE.
    Naturally Govt. will make sure all law suits made by PR guys will take years to be in court or files lost…no case at all.
    Voters must know..PR guys mean what they say and say what they mean and no court case is not their plans. They do not govern the country yet.
    Najib accused PR guys blowing hot airs…no actions and it is him blocking all actions.

  2. We know cases will not be heard for a long time…but the fact is…Anwar Karpal and Lim Guan Eng dare to sue those ba…trds.
    Will they dare to sue anyone accusing them?
    You see…if they are cocksure UMNO B will rule forever…..what is the problem?
    It is at the back of their minds…they will be asking fo trouble to sue and get heard by PR Govt. ….and looses all cases..and go to jail faster.

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