Pakatan pledges ‘100 day’ reforms for Putrajaya win

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The Malaysian Insider
December 19, 2010

KEPALA BATAS, Dec 19 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) finally revealed a detailed policy framework today, emphasising quick economic and political reforms should the coalition win federal power.

Titled the “Pakatan agenda”, the policy framework is seen as PR’s answer and solution to questions surrounding the opposition’s administrative plans in comparison to Barisan Nasional (BN).

Speculation is rife that a general election will be held as early as next March although BN’s mandate does not expire until May 2013.

“Pakatan Rakyat will initiate reform plans throughout the country in all fields following the original principles underlined in the common policy framework,” an excerpt from the 56-page orange-bound booklet read.

According to the booklet, PR promised instant reforms within the first 100 days of them taking over Putrajaya.

Among the reforms are:

1. A restructure of institutions including the Elections Commission (EC), the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the Attorney-General’s Chambers and the Royal Malaysian Police. During a debate on the policy framework, DAP’s Anthony Loke said PR bring the MACC under the purview of Parliament.

2. A repeal of the Internal Security Act (ISA)

3. Instruct Khazanah Berhad, Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) and other government bodies to take over highway assets from the concessionaires in order to abolish the toll system.

4. A restructure of the country’s subsidies, to lessen subsidies given to the private sector (such as the RM19 billion in gas subsidies given to independent power producers) and transferring these to subsidies for the man on the street.

5. Acknowledging the role and sacrifices of civil servants by studying the current pay schemes and increasing the incentives for teachers by RM500 a month

6. Transferring private water concessions to the government

7. Offering free wireless Internet access to those in urban and semi-urban areas

8. Cancelling Felda Plantations and opening up its farms to second- and third generation Felda settlers.

9. Increasing oil royalty payments to Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu and Kelantan to 20 per cent from 5 per cent currently.

10. Formation of a Royal Commission to solve the problem of illegal immigrants and citizenship issues in Sabah and Sarawak.

“This is what we can promise you immediately, within 100 days, if you vote us in. We can deliver results, which BN has never done,” said Loke earlier today.

PR’s CPF last year touched on issues of federalism, separation of powers, along with fair and free elections, but was heavily panned for lacking details in its implementation details.


23 Replies to “Pakatan pledges ‘100 day’ reforms for Putrajaya win”

  1. Pakatan Rakyat is truly rakyat-oriented. This is the finest common policy platform that I have read in years.

    Now the man on the LRT and Transnational must be made aware of PR’s pledges – 100 Days of Reform in Putrajaya.

    Malaysians are fed-up with the thieves, burglars, thugs and hooligans in BN!

    Malaysians want to take back their rights.

    Malaysians want a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

    Cliched. Sure. But I see nobody has the heart and spirit of Abraham Lincoln except Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat.

    I promise to get 100 of my family, closest friends and associates to vote PR.

    Let’s ROLL. Anwar Ibrahim for Prime Minister of Malaysia.

    najib ….ahem, pergi main jauh, jauh-lah

  2. Yes to PR for better of change.FIRMLY NO to incorrigible BN.53 donkey years of BN doberman is enough of hell that any decent person who can wisely judge the past and present doomed days will shudder in thought to accept bloody BN any longer.Save our country from this racist,selfish devil and bloodsucker before it’s too late.PR is definately the RIGHT CHOICE.IT’s results speak for itself!

  3. UMNOB will PR is making empty promises, that the country will go bankrupt. But rakyat now know that UNMOB/BN can no longer be trusted to govern. They have plundered the country to almost dry. We will kick them out and give PR a chance to prove themselves. As to whether PR is making empty promises, the rakyat will judge, not UMNOB/BN thieves. Now do you understand??

  4. PR cleverly left out several very touchy issues:

    1. What will the PR government do to ensure a truly independent and competent judiciary free from cronies and bias, which will act without fear or favour, and truly dispense justice?

    2. What will the PR government do to ensure the rights of non-Muslims are protected that there is justice for non-Muslims? Right now the non-Muslims faces dead-ends on many issues involving Islam and Islamic courts on a host of issues? What will the PR government to to ensure justice and equity for all? Have a plan to ensure that there is dialogue between all religions to ensure harmony.

    3. The PR government should take immediate steps to ensure that all wrongs are put right. If there is a need for a witch hunt, so be it and bring all the witches and wizards to justice. Numerous court cases springs to mind. If there is a need for reopening and review cases, so be it.

    4. Revamp Parliament and State Assemblies, their structure and governance. Ensure that kangaroos don’t rule.

    5. Have a strong, lean and efficient Government, one that is not XXXXXXXL size.

    6. Review all government contracts above RM 100 million and check for abuse.

    7. Declassify all documents (except those that affect national security) that are currently listed as “Official Secrets”.

    8. A Freedom of Information Act.

    9. Strong Human Rights and Environmental Protection laws.

    10. Repeal the Printing Presses Act and licencing.

    11. Freedom of Association and Assembly.

    12. Make National Military Service mandatory (not the summer camps).

    13. Implementation of Meritocracy. Need I say more?

    14. 20% Oil and Gas Royalty for ALL states not just the 4 states mentioned.

    15. Make the country a true FEDERATION and a Constitutional Monarchy.

  5. The more days delayed….the worst Najib’s position will be.
    March is is…after Chinese New Year 3rd & 4th .
    Nice to note a 100 days Reformasi program….and Malaysians can give 100 reasons why BN must be voted out.
    The most important simple fact lies before voters are vote t be slaves to UMNO B Govt….or vote to be free Malaysians.
    The need be convinced…to be reminded…not to vote selfishly for personal likes and dislikes.
    They need to grow up and be responsible Malaysians for country and people.
    We are indirectly at war with words….since the day Najib declared he will defend PutraJaya with his life…as if he owns the country..and worst of all…..this so call “People’s PM” call Oppositions as traitors which means those who support Oppositions are traitors too.
    Study his desperate behaviors and mentalities.
    Do not be afraid…for that’s what he wants ….to create fear…and that provocations and creating fear politics have be applied so many times in these three years by him as PM…without any success…for this is 2010..not 1969…..where Malaysians are all educated and can think themselves.
    It boils down to …vote for change 54 years from one party governing is really that we do have a good alternative..OR….stay as racists..divided and be slaves to UMNO B again…who will no doubt be encouraged to take money by the RMbillions to do as they like…and all Malaysians looses…including those supporting BN with their votes.
    12th GE was the doorway to Freedom.
    13th GE…will you open it wide to walk freely for all?
    Are we afraid? Afraid of what?
    It’s all in the minds that UMNO B programed millions to believe they are the Savior of our Nation and must govern forever to protect one race…the MAJORITY.
    If anyone believer that reason…I am sorry for young Malaysians and Malaysia.

  6. Sheriff Singh,

    Whilst I agree with you that the devils lie in the details, I also believe that you can’t bring 56,000 pages of details to the man on the Transnational or the rural kampung folks.

    The outline would carry the spirit of the substance. The Rakyat will hold PR accounatble for that spirit. Within the broad framework, PR comonents will still need to tune, fine-tune, tweak and re-tweak the strategy formulations and strategic proceesses to completely overhaul the termite-infested woodwork and the rust within all the pillars in Malaysian society.

    Meanwhile, we need to keep faith and believe that PR’s will extend beyond good intentions.

    And if after 4 years, PR doesn’t deliver, welll, then PR will also be consigned to the brimstones and sulphur of politicaal hell, shall we say.

  7. Not another 16th September thingy please. What the rakyat really want is what BN is pushing hard now. The song by SPRM on corruption hardly existed until BN’s many defeats. BN is doing what you are doing now. PR with all your inexperiences act like police road blocks for the BN. This will cut down kopi o licenses, mina rempits, drunked drivers and accidents.

  8. Uncle Lim, the above pledges are really good.
    The BN cannot come close even if they rule for another thousand years!!
    But the PR must make very, very sure that every Malaysian knows about them, ESPECIALL THOSE IN THE RURAL AREAS.
    The additional points given by Sheriff Singh in #6 above are relevant and should be considered by the PR.
    In fact, many good points can be culled from those posting their comments in this blog.

  9. Actually what is the real main issue of the next GE that is crucial for PR? In the end, BN will have a hard time coming up with a manifesto for the next GE. If the BN convention is anything to go by, it will be about attacking PR. Its the the cries of desperation of negative campaigning because there is nothing else to work with. You will hear themes like PR is the enemy, defending this, defending that and at best talk of pride on megaprojects to be build.

    Basically, we are going nowhere, heightened repeated policies of the past that will mean more of the same that has happened since Mahathir rule – It is Mahathirism II, Mahathirism on remote control.

    In that sense, winning the voters is about convincing them Mahathir was not the success it had appear to be. At the heart of it, its attacking Mahathir, Najib is merely the stepping stone to it.

    And there is only one way to really attack Mahathir – that his policies is not Malay – he don’t represent Malay values, culture and sensibilities. He is a mutation, a foreign invasion. But its a hard thing to do.

    The easier way is to rip Najib apart and dig for something sensational to paint him with. But you need something more – one of his current projects that go wrong. Look for a major waste and then point to the GST and Najib is done for.

  10. “It is now or never”!…if all the abuses by the ruling administration are not enough to convince these fence sitters, it is time for “Change” then, nothing will ever going to convince them. They deserve to be screwed by this bunch of corrupts and immoral jerks!

  11. Better still HRP ought to demand Obama be sent back to Kenya and Uthaya takes his rightful place as President of the USA. Then he can threaten to nuke Putrajaya if the Hindus in Malaysia continue to be oppressed

  12. Reforms that PR will certainly do
    For the good of nation, me and you
    PR’s good track record is nothing new
    See Penang and you know it’s true

    Do not let Umno/BN rule be continued
    Their evil reign is long overdue
    Come GE13 let them be subdued
    Voting in PR to start the nation anew

  13. PR you forgot EDUCATION: we want English as a choice for our kids’ high education. We want high education courses that we are qualified-applied for. Remove quota or don’t call it a university, there is no university in the world would discrimate higher education because of ethnicity, race except Malaysia. We want to progress and be a competent professional of a high income nation. If we cannot get this I am making plans for my kids to get education abroad if want it takes. Be serious in polictics.

  14. PR you forgot EDUCATION: we want English as a choice for our kids’ higher education. We want higher education courses that we are qualified-applied for. Remove quotas or don’t call it a university, there is no university in the world would discrimate higher education because of ethnicity, race except Malaysia. We want to progress and be a competent professional of a high income nation. If we cannot get this I am making plans for my kids to get education abroad if what it takes. Be serious in polictics.

  15. Anwar is the nightmare for Najib for sure.
    Making Najib..jittery and unsure.
    Prepare to offer his life to protect PutraJaya.
    Reasons he gave are from .,.from tong sampah..
    Traitors from the left…traitors from the right.
    Surrounding him with all their mights.
    Brain…body and soul cannot move
    Out come his real person sadly uncouth.
    Najib is a gone case…dreaming of a toy.. not his.
    Crying and yelling…like a pampered child.. .he is.

  16. What Najis pledged to do for the state of Penang today should have been done long, long ago! Why does BN treat all “opposition ruled” territories like they don’t belong to Malaysia, with words like, “don’t vote BN, no development”? Don’t these territories still belong to Malaysia? Don’t the people in these territories still pay TAX to the federal government?

    Now, for once, BN is using its head, using REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY! This is the correct approach right from the beginning. Be nice to the people in these “opposition ruled” territories and show them that you care. This is like an “orphan adoption” plan for BN but BN seem to treat all the people in the opposition ruled territories like ORPHANS!

  17. PR, you have not addressed how you would rectify the wrong implementation of the NEP by BN. That is the mother of all problems which you have avoided even mention. You have also not mentioned how you would deal with controversial “conversion” cases and whether you would amend article 121 to clarify which prevails – Sharia Courts or Civil Courts when an overlap of both streams creates a conflict! Does pragmatic politics based on inclusivity in your bid to take Putrajaya require skirting around these two important and burning issue of the day???

  18. They did not forget.

    They just cleverly side-stepped and avoided deciding and dealing with many burning outstanding issues. Just like what our BN government and Federal Court did.

    So PR will just be the same as the current government. Don’t expect fireworks. Just more of the same.

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