Lim Kit Siang

Anwar, Karpal, Sivarasa and Azmin to be suspended from Parliament for 6 months

From @limkitsiang:

Pandemonium Parliament w sudden new motion 2suspend Karpal Sivarasa Azmin as MPs 4six mths against Standing Orders/ rules of natural justice

If BN w simple parl majority can abuse its powers violating all rules n principles, what it cld not do when it gets back 2/3 majority?

Speaker Pandikar fails 2explain what is “public interest” he exempts rule Minister’s motion need 7days notice 2suspend Karpal Sivarasa Azmin

Parlment being dragged out over surprise motion agnst standing orders 2suspend another 3PR MPs 4six mths – unprecedented in Msian Parliament

What happened in Parl proves Acton’s aphorism corruption of power – strongest reason Y BN shld not get back 2/3 P majority n must b replaced

Motion 2suspend MPs Karpal Sivarasa Azmin 4six mths – 3 not told of charges or referred 2Cttee of Privileges. Travesty of justice n Parlmnt

Earlier in prolonged pandemonium/altercation Sivarasa Azmin were suspended by Speaker Pandikar. Most disgraceful day in Msian Parl history

Pakatan accuses BN of brute force MP suspensions

By Clara Chooi (The Malaysian Insider)
December 15, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 15 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers cried foul today over the impending suspensions of four of its MPs, accusing Barisan Nasional (BN) of attempting to strengthen its parliamentary power through brute majority.

The opposition MPs said they were “shocked” when they saw the inclusion of a motion notice in today’s Order Paper, calling for the six-month suspension of three MPs — Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor), Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak) and R. Sivarasa (PKR-Subang) — from the House over the Israel-APCO issue.

The three will join Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is also facing the boot from the House for six months for claiming earlier this year that public relations consultancy APCO Worldwide had been behind both the 1 Malaysia and One Israel concepts.

Yesterday, Anwar was the only MP recommended for punishment over the issue in the final report by the House’s Rights and Privileges Committee.

Karpal, who is also a committee member, was recommended to receive severe “admonishment” for allegedly insulting Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, the committee’s chairman.

“You witnessed the drama in Parliament just now. Yesterday, when we were in discussion with Karpal, we only received confirmation that he would be admonished.

“But today, we were shocked to see these new recommendations of suspensions. This means, everyday, things change. The facts may be the same as before but today, they want to suspend three others for six months,” Anwar told a press conference in Parliament.

He accused the ruling coalition of using brute majority to bulldoze through their decisions and strengthen their power in Parliament.

“This is why we would like to record our disappointment here and our strong rejection on the Speaker’s agreement to allow this to happen.

“We are aware of the arrogance of Umno-BN but to use the Speaker’s chair as their channel, this is wrong,” he said.

The motion against Karpal, Sivarasa and Azmin by a Minister in the Prime Minister’s department today states that the three had violated Standing Order 85.

The regulation stipulates that any statement recorded before the House’s powerful Rights and Privileges Committee must be embargoed until its final report is tabled before Parliament.

“On December 6, the Gombak MP, through an emergency motion under Standing Order 18(1) had touched on the statements and a letter that was furnished to the committee on December 3.

“The MPs from Bukit Gelugor and Subang had also insulted and violated the rights and privileges of an MP. It is an insult to the House,” it was said on the Order Paper.

The additional suspension orders on the Karpal, Azmin and Sivarasa sparked off further furore within the opposition bench in the House, and dominated much of this morning’s session.

Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia did not have the opportunity to open the floor for debates on the second reading of the amendments to the Road Transport Act 1987 which was scheduled for today.


Suspensions will give BN two-thirds majority
Dec 15, 10 2:46pm (Malaysiakini)

Pakatan Rakyat claim that the expected suspension of four of its MPs tomorrow will lead to BN regaining its two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Rasah MP Anthony Loke (seated left) said that the implications of this are huge and the consequences dire for Pakatan.

“Maybe this opportunity will be used by BN to amend the Federal Constitution or re-draw the electoral boundaries,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby today.

A motion to suspend Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim for six-months was tabled yesterday in a bid to censure him for claiming that Apco Worldwide – a public relations firm that advises the Najib administration – was linked to the Zionist regime.

Following this, he was referred to the Rights and Privileges Committee which recommended for Anwar’s suspension despite not hearing his defence.

Following public criticism of the committee’s investigation by three Pakatan MPs – Azmin Ali (PKR-Gombak), R Sivarasa (PKR-Subang) and Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) – they were alleged to have broke an embargo on the committee’s report and a motion will be tabled today to suspend them for six months as well.

Loke said that Dewan Rakyat Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia had “allowed the federal government to use their majority as they like”.

“Tomorrow they will pass a motion to suspend Anwar and now three more MPs from Pakatan. I see a hidden agenda here.

“This will give a huge political implication to Pakatan in the Parliament because now there are 77 MPs and if four are suspended that means over the next six months, we will lose our one-thirds number in the House. We will only have 73 in MPs,” he said.

[More to follow]