Nearly 50% of Malaysians feel graft has worsened

by Aidila Razak
Dec 10, 10

Close to half of Malaysians surveyed in a global corruption study felt that corruption is on the rise in the country.

According to Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer 2010, 46 percent surveyed believed that corruption has been higher this year than last year, while 19 percent felt it has dopped and 35 percent felt that there has been no difference.

However, out of the 1000 people surveyed by market research agency TNS Malaysia in face-to-face interviews from June 28 to July 26 this year, only 9 percent or 90 admitted to have given a bribe in the past 12 months.

The 90 said that they had bribed either a police officer, or people working in the registry and permit processing, land, medical, utilities, state education departments, judiciary and customs.

This puts Malaysia in the seventh spot among the 22 Asia Pacific countries canvassed, with South Korea leading the pack at only 2 percent of the people interviewed there admitting having done so in the past one year.

Police most affected by corruption

Most Malaysians interviewed felt that the police force is most affected by corruption, followed by political parties , legislative bodies and parliament.

They score 4.1, 4.0 and 3.4 respectively, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being most affected by corruption.

Following that are the public and private sectors, both scoring 3.0 , same as the judiciary.

And NGOs are at 2.9, followed by media at 2.7, the education sector 2.4, armed forces 2.3 and religious bodies were believed to be least affected at 2.4.

Interestingly 48 percent of Malaysian respondents said that they felt that government effort to combat corruption is effective, compared to 20 percent who felt that it was not and 32 percent who saw no difference.

Worldwide, police were the institution found to be most affected by graft with 29 percent of those having dealings with the force saying that they have paid a bribe either to avoid problems or cut red tape.

One in four have given bribes

Alarmingly, however, according to the survey conducted on 91,000 people in 86 countries, an average of one in every four persons worldwide has indulged in this social sin at least once in the year.

Countries with the highest number of reported bribe payments in that period -more than once in every two respondents- were Afghanistan, Cambodia, Cameroon, India, Iraq, Liberia, Nigeria, Palestine, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Uganda.

The Global Corruption Barometer is the largest cross-country survey measuring both perception and experience of graft.

It was released yesterday in conjunction with the United Nations International Anti-Corruption Day

8 Replies to “Nearly 50% of Malaysians feel graft has worsened”

  1. Only 50%? Show you still lots of things people don’t know about. There is massive corruption going on. It has to be because Najib has to ‘buy’-election again soon. Where is he going to get the money?

  2. 13th GE is near and all sorts of agree to disagree tactics are applied to favour the Govt only.
    It is in a way..saying the Govt is fighting corruptions …which is a bunch of bulls…knowing Najib’s wheeling and dealing tactics….and break all promises the next moment by bribing in by-elections.
    We are after CORRUPTIONS ….by the billions stolen by the Govt from all Malaysians….including UMNO B racists.
    What are being surveyed are corruptions as way of life..all over the world…that does not do harm or benefits to the country but person to person’s givers and takers.

  3. This survey by market research agency TNS Malaysia of a 1000 people seems to address only police/bureaucratic corruption of bribes to “police officer, or people working in the registry and permit processing, land, medical, utilities, state education departments, judiciary and customs.”

    It is difficult for the survey – by mere asking “have you bribed?”- to gauge extent of police/bureaucratic corruption.

    The flip side is to look at the performance of the government based on facts and figures to infer how much leakages.

    In this respect Pakatan Rakyat state government led by DAP Lim Guan Eng scores high points if one measures financial performance of (say) Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP). It was ailing financially prior to LGE takeover in 2008. Per MPSP’s finances, look at the figures below: –

    MPSP Surplus/(Deficit)
    2000 – (RM5.1 million)
    2001 – (RM31.2 million)
    2002 – (RM36.7 million)
    2003 – (RM39.0 million)
    2004 – (RM48.9 million)
    2005 – (RM57.1 million)
    2006 – (RM5.4 million)
    2007 – (RM5.1 million)
    2008 – RM3.0 million
    2009 – RM14.6 million
    2010 – RM54.39 million (as at 4 October 2010).
    What does that tell you about chop-stick wielding culture of financial discipline and fiscal restraint by LGE? Don’t talk about BN’s controlled state – even other PR controlled states, can they compare? Penang is praised by Global Anti-Corruption watchdog Transparency International for its anti corruptions efforts.

    Moving on, the biggest item, which the survey does not seem to address, is Political corruption or kleptocracy – we lose billions here- by politicians’ and government officials’ use of legislated, political and government powers and discretion for illegitimate private gain via awards of government contracts/jobs and licences.
    Money/leakages are implicated in such Political corruption or kleptocracy but that is not all. In non monetary sense it is also Political corruption or kleptocracy to misuse government power for political purposes, such as repression of political opponents and general police brutality, influencing judiciary, police, government doctors for political agenda.

    To add to the list, the latest is lingusitic corruption as well, ie corruption or bastardisation of the way language and words are used, skewing their meaning to be supportive of certain political agendas in departure from their normal and ordinary grammatical usage.

  4. I would really to hear some suggestion from Pakatan’s leaders regarding this issue. It seems that the government is not doing enough to hinder corruption from our community.

    I always hear complains, but no suggestion. That is just sad. A good leader will be able to come up with a solution. So please, no more complains but more solutions.

    SPR is doing their best at deterring corruption. I think it would be best for everybody if Pakatan work with SPR rather then work against them.

  5. The worse thing is a new government is not seen to stop or prevent. But, encouraging. Why the PK CM in Slelangor can “work” tirelessly to “uncover” a Corruption in 1987 just to “proved” invalid and illegal title issued to an irresponsible Developer for the last 30 years to be respectful?
    In the area where a DAP is also voicing a lot but towards Gazetting the land which could mean the State has to buy back a “Stolen” piece of Public land designated for Water Retention Ponds and Town Park!!

    Apparently some 30ha of land! But, in reality close to 100ha if not 150ha!!

    YB, as leader of DAP, a leader of PK, what do you say?

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