Malaysia lost a patriot with death of Fan Yew Teng in Bangkok yesterday

All who know Sdr. Fan Yew Teng grieve at his passing in Bangkok yesterday, losing his personal battle to cancer.

As I alluded this morning when Parliament observed one-minute’s silence as respect to Fan and condolence to the bereaved family, his wife Dr. Noeleen Heyzer and his twin daughters, Malaysia has lost a patriot as Fan had fought many important battles for justice, freedom, democracy, human rights and good governance for the country and people in his life.

Fan was Acting DAP Secretary-General for a year from October 1969 when I was detained for the first time under the Internal Security Act at the Muar Detention Centre, and had held various important positions in the party, including National Organising Secretary and Editor of the party organ, the Rocket.

In 1969, Fan was elected MP for Kampar and under the cloud of a prolonged sedition trial, he was elected MP for Menglembu in Perak and Selangor State Assemblyman for Petaling Jaya in 1974.

Even before his full political involvement and at an extremely young age, Fan already made a name for himself as trade union leader, especially as editor of the organ of National Union of Teachers (NUT).

Fan’s parliamentary life was cut short when he became the first victim of the repressive sedition laws in the country for publishing as editor of Rocket a speech by the then Penang DAP chairman Dr. Ooi Kee Saik at a dinner to welcome my release from ISA.

Fan left DAP over party differences before the 1978 general elections but two decades later, he returned to the DAP fold in 1998 and was in the forefront in the party’s battle for justice, freedom, democracy, human rights and good governance.

Fan contested in the 1999 general elections in the Perak State Assembly seat for Tebing Tinggi but was not successful.

I will attend Fan’s funeral service in Bangkok with other party leaders which is scheduled for next Wednesday.

Fan will be remembered not only as a patriot, but a humanist and a fine human being.

(Note: Fan’s family has set up an email account for those who wish to send their condolences: [email protected] )

14 Replies to “Malaysia lost a patriot with death of Fan Yew Teng in Bangkok yesterday”

  1. I can still remember his outstanding performances as a young MB and later, a famous popular political figure. Yes, he was definitely in the company of patriots championing for pure democracy for a young nation….unfortunately, it was bastardized by
    UMNOputras, the political jerks to the nation!

  2. Farewell dear Mr FAN YEW TENG!

    You were truly a fierce defender of the poor and marginalised and a faithful friend and voice of the people! You were a formidable and respected opponent to the political giants of your time.

    You stood firm in your convictions and strove to live them in spite of the costs and implications! You did not flinch nor feign when your foes did unto you what was most foul. You remained forthright whilst others faltered and compromised to gain favour, fame and fortune!

  3. You held the fort of your political party when its adversaries were bent on finishing it off. Your fortitude and unwavering courage accompanied by your humility and your life of simplicity and frugality will remain an inspiration to many…forever!

    You will be fondly remembered as the fiery orator who fearlessly walked the talk and proved that principled politics is possible! May you rest in peace O Valiant Warrior! You have fought the good fight!

    As you take your final journey, we salute you true patriot! Your flame of justice and truth lives on! May God bless and reward you abundantly!

    How well he fell asleep!
    Like some proud river,
    widening towards the sea;
    Calmly and grandly,
    silently and deep,
    Life has joined eternity.
    – samuel taylor coleridge –

  4. It is good to note….so many FOR or AGAINST political blogs speak lovingly about Fan Yew Teng.
    As I read all…memories start coming back…and he was labeled as a die hard Communist supporter….if I am not much so….UMNO racists applied all sorts of tactics to frustrate him…posting him.. here and there in remote areas as a teacher…and even got him no pension as a retired Parliamentarian with a fine of RM2000 …to make sure he got.. not one sen from Govt…….while those crooks keep stealing from the Rakyat for personal bebefits.
    Yes..he was a real Freedom Fighter who loved Malaysians with an inborn natural loving for the poor and needies..a character and personality…that such a Malaysian who contribute to true unity..must always be gunned down by one that must survive through a divide and rule Govt.
    He died out of cancer at age 69.
    He lived a simple life and died a simple man.
    May his soul rest in peace and God keep him well.
    It also shows.. Lim Kit Siang is a very grateful man towards good friends…especially when that good friend turned up…needed by LKS most in DAP …..even though …right now…that good friend gave up DAP and politics altogether.
    Again may Fan Yew Teng rest in peace…no more sufferings.

  5. I read somewhere that Fan was denied a pension despite being a two term MP. If this is true, I hope Pakatan will pledge to re-instate the pension retrospectively if the next GE is won. Action speaks louder than words, posthumously or otherwise.

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