Ketuanan Melayu: A risky experiment

Mariam Mokhtar | Dec 6, 10

I was born Malay and was hardly conscious of my race, either at school or at home. Race hardly cropped up in conversation except when we had form-filling to do – like applying for an identity card. Religion was something sacred and the only time we’d be aware of our racial and religious differences was deciding what to wear for a wedding or whose open house to visit, during the various festivities.

Thus, the recent clamour for “ketuanan Melayu” is destructive and damaging – not just for Malaysia but more so for the Malays, the very people that the “ketuanan Melayu” concept is supposed to protect. It is wrong because “ketuanan Melayu” is a dangerous experiment in social engineering.

Our neighbours were both Chinese and Indian. As children, we studied and played with each other, even hitched lifts to school when necessary, whilst the adults shared garden produce, swopped certain special dishes for the various ‘open houses’ and practiced their own version of ‘neighbourhood watch’.
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Hishammuddin’s reply to me on Mat Zain’s allegation on fabrication of evidence on Anwar Ibrahim “black-eye” case

Penjelasan dan Jawapan secara bertulis oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri kepada soalan-soalan yang tidak sempat dijawab semasa sesi penggulungan perbahasan bajet 2011:


Merujuk kepada surat terbuka bekas pegawai polis kanan, bekas Ketua CID Kuala Lumpur, Dato’ Mat Zain Ismail yang bertarikh 8 Oktober 2010 yang merupakan bukti kuat bahawa sistem keadilan negara kita terus merosot setelah pembentangan laporan Suruhanjaya Polis Diraja Dzaidin.

Meminta supaya mengkaji semula siasatan kes atas bukti-bukti palsu yang dikemukakan terhadap Dato’ Seri Anwar dalam kes serangan mata lebamnya dalam tahun 1998 demi melindungi kredibiliti kebebasan dan imej PDRM yang telah terjejas serius sejak 2006. Mat Zain telah membuat dakwaan yang serius bahawa bekas Ketua Polls Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan dan Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Ghani Patail telah mencipta bukti yang palsu dalam serangan mata lebam Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan mestilah bertanggungjawab terhadap sistem keadilan jenayah yang kucar-kacir ini.
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Najib has degraded political discourse with his vicious attacks on Pakatan Rakyat as “anti-national”, “evil”, “despicable”, “very dangerous”, etc which can only boomerang on him and BN leaders

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has degraded political discourse with his vicious attacks on Pakatan Rakyat as “anti-national”, “evil”, “despicable”, “very dangerous” etc which can only boomerang on him and Barisan Nasional leaders.

In fact, in his speech to the Barisan Nasional convention yesterday, Najib was guilty of three of the four “political diseases” he had warned would crush the Barisan Nasional, viz delusion, amnesia and arrogance.

Najib was guilty of delusion when he spoke of Barisan Nasional’s “manifest destiny” to “bring this great nation, Malaysia, to its fullest potential” when Malaysia had been losing out to one country after another in economic development and progress in the past five decades, with an unchecked brain drain and domestic capital outflow to the extent that the country was warned recently by a Cabinet Minister that the country was heading towards bankruptcy in 2019.
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