New information on Anwar “black-eye” assault in 1998 surfacing in the public domain

New information on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s “black-eye” assault in 1998 surfacing in the public domain has fortified the case of Datuk Zain Ibrahim Ismail, the police officer who headed the investigations into the case, for a proper closure of the 12-year-old police stain to restore police image and credibility.

This new information in the public domain was made by Mat Zain himself in his 19-page Open Letter to the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Ismail bin Haji Omar, yesterday entitled: “Lagi Mengenai Insiden Mata-Lebam”.

On 9th November, 2010, when moving a RM10 salary-cut motion for the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail during the 2011 Budget debate in the committee stage of the Prime Minister’s Department, I had referred Mat Zain’s allegations accusing Gani Patail of fabricating evidence in the Anwar Ibrahim “black eye” investigation in 1998, which had not been unrebutted.

Although the RM10 salary-cut motion was defeated in the House, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had promised Parliament he would bring the ;public interest issues which I had brought up to the Cabinet.

In his Open Letter to the IGP yesterday, Mat Zain has called for a proper closure of Anwar’s “black eye” police assault, volunteering information strengthening his call for a “full and final’ closure which could restore police image and credibility in public esteem – as there was no need for any Royal Commission of Inquiry to ferret out the facts for the simple reason that the police itself was completely competent and capable of getting to the bottom of the incident.

The new information in the public domain are contained in Sections 12 – 14 of Mat Zain’s Open Letter, viz:

12. Saya percaya Tan Sri,pucuk pimpinan tertinggi dan warga PDRM keseluruhannya,berminat mengetahui apakah tindakan yang diambil oleh pucuk pimpinan PDRM sendiri ketika itu, untuk membawa penutupan segera kepada peristiwa tersebut sebelum didedahkan dalam prosiding Suruhanjaya Di-Raja, yang pada pendapat saya, tidak sepatutnya diadakan.Untuk faedah Tan Sri,saya ringkaskan seperti perenggan-perenggan berikut dibawah;

12.1. Sebenarnya persetujuan untuk penutupan sepenuhnya insiden mata-lebam itu, dicapai antara jam 2.30 petang hingga 3.30 petang hari Khamis 8.10.1998.Persetujuan ini dicapai diantara Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor (TSRN), Ketua Polis Negara ketika itu,Tan Sri Norian Mai,Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara dan saya selaku Pegawai Penyiasat,didalam bilik Pejabat TSRN sendiri.Wajar saya menyatakan kesediaan dan kerelaan TSRN mengambil tanggungjawab sepenuhnya insiden mata-lebam yang telah berlaku itu,dibuat secara sukarela dan tanpa pujukkan sebagai seorang gentleman. Proses penutupan ini juga dipersetujui dibuat secara professional,mengikut lunas undang-undang dan perlaksanaan sepenuhnya dibuat secara “above board”. Saya telah ditugaskan untuk menyiapkan kertas-siasatan serta merta dan lain-lain dokumentasi yang berkaitan,termasuk menyediakan factor-faktor mitigasi (mitigating factors),yang saya perakukan boleh disiapkan dalam tempoh 2 hari.Dengan mengambil kira tempoh rayuan 10 hari daripada Isnin 12.10.1998, jika ada sebarang rayuan keatas hukuman, kita menjangka dapat menutup kes tersebut sepenuhnya pada Khamis 22.10.1998.

12.2. Setelah memberi persetujuan tersebut saya lihat wajah TSRN begitu tenang,dan menerusi “body language” beliau, saya dapati seolah beliau begitu lega, setelah beban diatas bahunya dilepaskan.Malah beliau sambil bersahaja menanyakan kepada Tan Sri Norian, sama ada beliau(TSRN) layak membeli staff-car Mercedes yang sedang beliau gunakan itu, dan jika boleh beliau minta tolong, untuk repair sedikit-sedikit mana yang rosak.TSRN juga memanggil PA beliau untuk menyemak baki pinjaman perumahannya atau bil-bil Kerajaan yang perlu beliau jelaskan.Malah beliau berpesan kepada Tan Sri Norian untuk menjaga kebajikkan “budak-budak” (anggota polis) yang menjaga dan mengawal kediamannya dengan baik.Tan Sri Norian juga ada menyatakan yang beliau dan seluruh warga Polis tidak akan melupakan jasa-jasa TSRN kepada PDRM dan berjanji akan membantu beliau dan keluarga setakat yang termampu setelah TSRN meninggalkan Pasukan;mengikut rancangan,dua hari selepas perjumpaan kami itu,bagi membolehkan PDRM membuka lembaran baru.Begitulah antara suasana dalam bilik TSRN ketika itu,dan selepas bersalaman dan memohon kemaafan dan ucapan terima kasih saya dan keluarga kepada beliau,serta berjanji akan menjengok-jengok keluarga beliau di-Melaka, saya telah meninggalkan Pejabat TSRN jam lebih kurang 3.30 petang, membiarkan mereka berdua untuk meneruskan perbualan.

12.3. Manusia hanya boleh merancang,tetapi Allah sahaja yang boleh menentukanNya. Saya mendapat tahu kemudiannya, iaitu pada jam lebih kurang 5.00 hingga 5.30 petang 8.10.1998 itu,Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah (Allahyarham) diringi oleh orang kuatnya Datuk Abdul Ghani Patail ,telah menemui TSRN dibilik Pejabat KPN.Lebih kurang jam 6.00 petang itu saya dipanggil untuk berjumpa dengan Tan Sri Norian dan beliau cuma memberitahu saya “untuk meneruskan siasatan seperti biasa”,dan apabila melihat beliau membuat gesture bahunya sedemikian,saya faham bahawa persetujuan yang dicapai antara kami beberapa jam sahaja sebelum itu telah dibatalkan.Saya harus menyatakan bahawa saya terkejut dan hampa dengan perubahan ini,tetapi siapalah saya untuk menghalangnya, oleh kerana kita sendiri tidak tahu apa yang akan berlaku pada hari esok.

13. Untuk mengelakkan sebarang kekeliruan dan mengenepikan sebarang keraguan Tan Sri, kepada ketepatan kronologi yang saya huraikan diperenggan 12 diatas,saya menggesa Tan Sri mendapatkan Kertas Siasatan kes mata lebam IP No:8497/98 bersangkut Tun H.S.Lee Rpt:25223/98 yang mungkin masih tersorok di-Jabatan Peguam Negara;untuk menyemak Diari Penyiasatan saya dan juga Minit-Minit saya bertarikh 15.10.1998,29.10.1998 dan 27.1.1999 yang kesemuanya berjumlah lebih daripada 100 muka surat, bagi tujuan verifikasi.Walaupun Diari Penyiasatan saya, tidak 100% lengkap seperti sebuah novel,namun tarikh,waktu dan rakaman ringkas peristiwa penting adalah cukup untuk menyegarkan ingatan saya kepada peristiwa sebenar yang berlaku.

13.1. Sudi nanti Tan Sri merujuk Diari Penyiasatan bertarikh 8.10.1998 (Khamis) siri 75 hingga 78 muka surat 22 hingga 24 khasnya nombor siri 78 bertarikh 8.10.1998 mulai jam 2.30 petang berkaitan dengan persetujuan penutupan berkenaan.

13.2. Untuk peristiwa berkaitan sebelumnya,sudi juga merujuk siri no:73 bertarikh 7.10.1998 (Rabu)jam 8.45 malam hingga 1100 malam dirumah Tim.KPN, Tan Sri Norian.Saya juga ada merakamkan nama Pengarah-Pengarah PDRM yang hadir sama.Perjumpaan ini adalah bagi membincangkan pendirian PDRM dalam menangani siasatan ini dan cara terbaik menyelesaiknya segera, tanpa membelakangkan undang-undang.Saya juga telah diberi mandat untuk mengambil keputusan sendiri, asalkan nama baik dan imej Pasukan dipelihara.

13.3. Dalam siri No:74 pula saya ada merakamkan mengenai perbincangan menerusi telefon antara jam 1200 tengah malam(7.10.1998) hingga 1.00 pagi (8.10.1998)dengan KPN.

13.4. Mengenai pendirian TSRN sendiri berkaitan siasatan ini pula,sila Tan Sri rujuk siri No:15 jam 9.30 hingga 11 malam,Ahad 27.9.1998, bertempat di-Pejabat Komander Brigade Tengah,Ceras.Dalam perjumpaan ini beliau secara one-to-one dengan saya mengarahkan untuk siasatan dijalankan secara berkecuali dan “to leave no stone unturned”.TSRN juga berpesan bahawa sebarang keputusan yang saya bakal ambil,hendaklah meletakkan imej Pasukan diatas segalanya.

14. Selanjutnya,sejak 9.10.1998 tempo dalam “gelanggang” siasatan bertukar menjadi tegang.Beberapa kali berlaku pertembongan secara “head-on” antara TSGP dan saya.Tidak mendatangkan faedah kepada mana-mana pihak pun jika saya menghuraikan apa yang terkeluar dari mulut TSGP dan apa pula yang terkeluar dari mulut saya.Mungkin hanya akan menimbulkan permusuhan dan benci membenci antara pihak-pihak yang tidak berkenaan.Namun begitu saya telah mengambil langkah-langkah yang terdaya oleh saya, sepertimana yang saya telah jelaskan terperinci dalam perenggan 10.9.1 Surat Terbuka Pertama.Selanjutnya,tanpa sedikitpun menghiraukan nasihat, sergahan dan amaran daripada saya yang lebih tua dari beliau, TSGP terus melakukan pemalsuan untuk menutup pemalsuan terdahulu dan membenamkan keterangan untuk membenamkan keterangan sebelum itu.TSGP yang sebelum insiden mata-lebam itu mungkin bersih daripada sebarang salah laku jenayah,tetapi kini mengikut pengiraan saya sendiri; boleh dihadapkan dengan sekurang-kurangnya 6 dakwaan salah laku jenayah melibatkan pembuatan keterangan palsu dan menyorokkan dan/atau cuba membinasaka keterangan,kesalahan-kesalahan yang beliau cari sendiri.

14.1. Lebih lama kes mata-lebam ini kekal,lebih banyak kesalahan tambahan yang mungkin akan tercipta,dan tidak hairan ramai lagi orang-orang yang tidak berkenaan akan terbabit, lebih-lebih lagi Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan kita yang bagus-bagus,terutamanya di-Jabatan Peguam Negara boleh menjadi korban keadaan, selain dari ianya merosakkan imej Negara.

I have met with Nazri in Parliament this morning, drawing his attention to Mat Zain’s Open Letter yesterday, in particular the new information on Anwar’s “black eye” attack which if true would mean that police image and credibility had suffered a most unfair assault in the past 12 years and the time has come for a full and final closure of the incident which could restore police image and credibility.

21 Replies to “New information on Anwar “black-eye” assault in 1998 surfacing in the public domain”

  1. When the police can lie …saying Anwar’s black eye was self inflicted…what more concerning other serious death matters of Kugan and Teoh Beng Hock.
    In any case…the police have a long string of record covering and protecting UMNO B …and not BN per se…participating in politics and not policing to protect innocent people.
    Lead by some high ranking police officers…starting with the IGP…bringing the police force reputation to the lowest we can imagine.

  2. The state of corruption and injustice in UMNO-ruled Malaysia is now beyond repair and only God can help us. Every UMNO-led court case against its political enemies or victims is fully manipulated and covered up by UMNO’s cronies in the judiciary and police force. The outcome of court cased such as Anwar, Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan are all already known upfront. The involvement and help from the international community is very much needed, especially from the US and EU to pressure the corrupted and evil UMNO government. May God bring back justice and peace to Malaysia.

  3. The only thing left for the Malaysian government to save its face and redeem its lost credibility is to immediately suspend TSGP, the not-so-respectable AG until the matter is thoroughly investigated.

    AG chambers must then do the needful and take appropraite action on AG once the investiagtion is completed. No stone shud b left unturned. The integrity of AG chambers is more important than TSGP himself!

  4. Lucifer is happy… Malaysia fallen to his chosen Devil.
    Now Devil son said..will defend with his life from traitors….indicating Freedom Fighters are strong and powerful…fighting back successfully.
    Yes 13th GE will be GOOD People’s Power against Devilish souls converted by the Devil chosen by Lucifer….and history shows Devil always loose to the GOOD.
    Lets see where Malaysia heading to…soon.
    If Malaysians..can be bought by few ringgit per person..gone case.
    If Malaysians have any dignities and can look far ahead for their children…then the Devil and Son will run like hell..or die out of the power of natural GOOD.

  5. Anwar’s self inflicted black eye becomes with Mat Zain’s disclosure a self inflicted black eye for those who desired to twist the truth. One day the truth will also come out for Teoh Beng Hock (TBH)’s case.

    Meanwhile we see the circus and some complex political manoeuvres.

    Former IGP Rahim at least owned up. He was willing to say “I did it” due to his temper and grudge recalling Anwar called him “`Ni bapa anjing’ ! That he was prepared to do so to bring closure to police investigations and resign – to protect PDRM’s name- is at least a small redeeming factor. But others higher want to spin it.

    It’s becoming a joke on previous TDM administration. The guy said he was guilty and the powers that be then want to spin that he was not!

    This is very reminiscent of PI Bala case as affecting present admin. He admitted he made false statutory declaration, and said “please charge me” but no one wants to!

    Also affecting present admin (from the past) – is repute of govt doctors. If then they could be called to spin on Anwar’s black eye why can’t now they be called to spin on TBH’s case???

    All these allegations by the ex CID chief will make the AG smoke more. Stress!

    What’s net effect of the spin that bypassed police closure to RCI ? Firstly same result – Conscience or whatever else pricked Rahim was willing to admit and indeed admitted.

    But implication is that somewhere along the line an attempt was made to mislead Cabinet.

    Now this (trying to mislead Cabinet) had been made serious: AG threw an unprecedented charge at former transport minister Tun Ling for misleading cabinet (on PKFZ).

    If what Mat Zain said were proven true, then who had tried to mislead Cabinet and will there be a charge on cheating???

    Ironically, the same star witness for both Ling and this case would probably be called and would appear and might well say, “I can’t remember many things but this I remember – No cabinet not misled” – hence no case!

    [Don’t forget Mat Zain himself (I think) once said he met and told the then PM about Rahim’s case]. So how then Cabinet could be misled and why Cabinet ordered RCI on Rahim when he was willing at police investigation level to admit?

    So we now know where’s this all leading to….and why the congruence in thinking between certain people of both sides of political divide that Mat Zain’s allegations be investigated and not shoved under the carpet….

  6. D BIG Q is can voters vote in PR n reject BN in d next GE?
    Once we hv a new federal gomen, hopefully a truly independent judiciary system, AG chambers, polis, MACC, etc can b established
    Then all d old cases can b reexamined n all wrong doers properly tried n punished
    Can dis dream b realised?
    Look at what happened 2 corrupt politicians n former leaders in other nations like Taiwan, d Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Iraq

  7. YB, You should also look at direction of Former IGP Rahim (to corroborate Mat Zain): he’s the key, ask him (whether through Parliamntaruy Select Committee or whatever)who he knew tried to exonerate him when he was all prepared to plead guilty of assault of Anwar? (He might or (being orporate man now) might not want to disclose what he knows).

  8. TSGP was not AG then, and the post of AG was a reward.

    The former IGP said that there were interferences from outside on police work. Mat Zain has just confirmed it. The Home Minister should now investigate based on the remarks of the former IGP.

    Tun LLS misled the Cabinet by remaining silence when the Chairman of the cabinet decided on the price of the land which differed from what the Chairman’s Ministry of Finance wanted. May be LLS noted from the bahu of the Chairman that he should keep quiet. Unfortunately the cabinet record does not contain body language. So LLS is dead duck. But judging from the appearance of LLS in court, the case can be postponed indefinitely for his health reason. That might last longer than the staying power of the most important witness who is in any case expected to claim he could not remember on critical issues.

    The lawyers for the GM of PKFZ was smart to ask for her case to be heard after that of LLS. So the important persons, the accused will no longer be around for the case to be heard. PKFZ would rank as mysterious as the assassination of JFK.

  9. Jeffrey :
    Anwar’s self inflicted black eye becomes with Mat Zain’s disclosure a self inflicted black eye for those who desired to twist the truth. One day the truth will also come out for Teoh Beng Hock (TBH)’s case.

    I am surprised they didn’t claim that TBH’s case was a self-inflicted murder. (Actually, they did – by claiming it was suicide.) Maybe they will next claim that the ground floor flew 14 floors upwards to meet TBH.

    I thought it was TDM who claimed the black eye was self inflicted? How come he’s not called to account for his blatant lies?

  10. It is rather peculiar that this issue is brought up again in the midst of Anwar’s trial. Especially when Anwar is facing difficulties in the court and of course in the upcoming PKR’s polls.
    It’s odd that all this year this guy didn’t come fourth and disclose the information. If I know better, this guy seems to be paid to do so. By who? Only God knows.
    Sometimes, I do think that the opposition is conspiring against the ruling government. It seems that the opposition nowadays is also using conspiracy tactics. It’s rather sad though.

  11. Regarding Tun Ling’s case, I believe it will be one postponement after another. TDM may be star witness but dead men tell no tales. Yes, eventually the case is going 6 feet underground side by side with TDM. LLS is going to get away scott-free if BN is re-elected.

  12. First black eye should be for mamak..if he is still alive..but I am afraid before punching him…he may faint…and the blame goes to Opposition.
    Better leave him alone.
    But one who call us traitors must be punished…”kapook..pow…..bang bang bang”…
    Dotties says..’sudah la..dia pun stinga mati. Kasi chance…kita caput lian Negri. Boleh tak?”
    Tak Boleh!! ….piang…POW…dush dush dush…

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