Why only 12 Chinese students out of more than 4,000 get student grants from Selangor PR State Government?

Yesterday, I received an email from blogger nkkhoo entitled why “The number of study grants for Chinese students in Selangor is terrible low” and asking for “serious attention to this unfair treatment given to Chinese students by the Selangor Pakatan Government”.

In his email, nkkhoo said:

Dear YB LKS and YB LGE,

I hope both of you as DAP Supremo pay serious attention to this unfair treatment given to Chinese students by the Selangor Pakatan Government.

The total study grants given to students in Selangor is more than 4000, but only 12 Chinese students are in the list. This is terrible wrong compared with treatment given by BN in the past.

The news was released by MCA Selangor (in Chinese) at http://mykampung.sinchew.com.my/node/121939?tid=6

“I do not believe Chinese in Selangor suddenly become the rich people in less than three years after Pakatan took over Selangor.

Please do something quick before Chinese voters turn against DAP and Pakatan.

First let me clarify that I am no “DAP Supremo”.

I forwarded the email to DAP Selangor senior exco Teresa Kok for her attention and I received her prompt reply, viz:

Dear Mr Lim,

The statistics were given by state govt when Exco Dr Halimah and I have press conference on the education loan offered by Selangor state govt few days ago.

I was the one that asked Dr Halimah to do the pc with me, to announce the education loan of Selangor state govt and Yayasan Selangor to the media when I found that there are so few Chinese applicants due to ignorance and other reasons.

If I am not mistaken, there were only 12 Chinese applicants of education loan last year and all 12 of them were given the loan. This means 100 percent approval to all Chinese applicants.

One of the reasons our higher education loan is not popular with Chinese students could be the amount offered is only RM6500, much lower than PTPTN offered by higher education ministry. For those who apply for education loan from the state, they are not allowed to apply for loan or scholarship of other institutions. That’s why the education loan offered by Yayasan Selangor and state govt is not that popular amongst students in Selangor.

Sgor state govt doesn’t impose quota in this education loan. If u look at statistics, Chinese and Indian applicants are not many in past years. That’s the reason I call the press conference to encourage more non-Malays to apply. Looks like my good intention has been twisted by MCA and they turned it into a racial issue to attack Pakatan govt now.

I am using my mobile phone to reply this email, I can’t reply to the sender of that email. Pls fwd this email to him. He can contact me directly if he wants more clarification.


Teresa Kok

Teresa’s explanation not only explained why there were only 12 Chinese students out of more than 4,000 who get student grants from the Selangor PR State Govermment but exposes the irresponsible tactics of MCA and MCA leaders in trying to twist and expoit this issue for their political ends.

Malaysian Chinese and Indian students, who are grossly under-represented in the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat state government award of study loans although there is no quota imposition in this scheme, should make full use by applying for the study grants available in Selangor state.

78 Replies to “Why only 12 Chinese students out of more than 4,000 get student grants from Selangor PR State Government?”

  1. As soon as I read the heading I asked myself, “How many Chinese applied for the loan?” for I know Pakatan will never discriminate students based on race.
    I told myself maybe only those 12 applied.

    That’s my faith in Pakatan and the DAP.
    Teresa reply should bury all misgivings and bury MCA.

  2. Thank Uncle Lim for the clarification. I am no interested on finger pointing game, but more interested on the solutions.

    Q1: Teresa admitted the awareness campaign is weak, and the next question is what proactive actions are taken by PR government to correct this weakness?

    Q2: Why the number of Malay applicants are that high? It could be multiple applications to various organizations, and if so, Selangor government should cancel those applicants for violating the terms and conditions set by Yayasan Selangor. The fund can be channeled to better use.


  3. Budy, the important thing is not there were only 12 Chinese applicants for that education loan, but whether ALL those students who received the RM6500 will pay back the money.

    From past history, the vast majority of borrowers fail to repay their loans, even though they had been working for more than 50 years! The names of all those cheats should be listed inside the new history textbooks

  4. k1980…that is true. Funds managed by BN and Pakatan are wasted for lack of enforcement to recover the loans. I believe many students apply many grants to enjoy luxurious lifestyle.

    Malaysia is heading to a bankrupt nation is for sure.

    johnnypok…. You show people your “real quality” in your name calling skill. LGE also should never repeat this kind of nonsense.


  5. The Selangor PR State Government should increase the higher education loan to at least RM10,000 or more. By today’s standard, RM6,500 is not a lot of money. This sum is within the reach of many middle and lower-middle income families.

  6. Higher education loan of RM6,500 – mayb sup sup suay lah 4 nonMalay students
    Mayb nonMalay students prefer 2 apply 4 PTPTN, >RM6,500, sure get 1 n no need 2 pay back 1 (score 1st class honours lah) (otherwise, no need 2 worry 1 cos officers so inefficient in tracing n chasing graduates 2 pay back loan)

  7. With BN’s racist government policy, this is nothing new. The Chinese and Indians have been bullied and cheated of their rights since the start of NEP in 1969. Everyone should know who plotted this NEP which took away all the non-Malay’s right.
    Since the government is still under BN/UMNOs , the racist policy prevails.
    Nothing to do with PKR, all decision still comes from UMNOs, of course ,they will try to make Opposition look bad.
    They just don’t understand that we are not beggars voting for some pity for scholarship or an extra Chinese school here or there. We are voting for a Malaysian Malaysia government. We 100% reject this present Racist BN.

  8. I repost reply from Teresa for public viewing.


    I don’t have time to go to computer to reply in LKS’ blog, but I reply to u in email here, u can post it on LKS’ blog if u want:
    1) As I said, I was the one that asked Dr Halimah to have joint press conference with me to openly encourage poor chinese students to apply for Selangor state govt higher education loan. This is to overcome the problem of lack of awareness of the education loan in chinese community.

    As I said, for normal degree course, the loan per year is only RM6,500, whereas the education loan (PTPTN) offered by higher education ministry is much higher than state govt loan. A student in local university told me that she got RM15,000 loan for her 2 years business course, this means she gets RM7,500 per year, higher than loan of Sgor state govt. That’s why some Chinese applicants did not turn up for interview for the state education loan because they get better offer from PTPTN.

    2) You assume the reason of higher Malay applicants is due to multiple applications. Our state govt education loan department is quite strict on multiple applications, if I am not mistaken, they are online with higher education ministry, they’ll certainly take action if they find out.

    Pls take note that this is a LOAN which the borrowers must pay back, no point for students to borrow money from multiple organisations as they have to pay back at the end.

    As I know, Yayasan Selangor even hire “debt collectors” to chase back the money they lend to students.

    I am surprise MCA people go so low to twist and turn my statement on the education loan offered by Selangor state govt. They just want to prove one point, ii.e. Pakatan govt in Selangor doesn’t take care of Chinese interests, they try to play racial politics, what’s the difference between MCA and UMNO?


    Teresa Kok

  9. MCA only dares 2 mention or twist facts against PR 2 look like champion of Chinese
    But when racist n corrupt UmnoB discrminates against nonMalays n sucks d nation dry, MCA keeps quiet as a church mouse
    A philantrophist wanted 2 help UTAR students in Kampar by donating a big sum of $$$ 2 UTAR 2 build hostels there, but UTAR did not welcome d donation – did MCA make any noise over dis bizarre incident? Y not?

  10. I repost another reply from Teresa for public viewing.


    What I know the highest loan they give to utar student is RM48K for bachelor degree(3 years). They will give RM8K each semester for 6 semester. With 3% interest. For tar college diploma applicant, they give RM12K. They give RM2K each semester for 6 semester.


    Teresa Kok

  11. No point to keep bashing MCA, they are opposition party in Selangor and there are just doing ugly job paid by the taxpayers.

    PR government should counter any mis-informed news with facts and solutions.

    President Obama has never blamed Bush for old problems he has to solve. This is the basis duty for a new government to carry over whatever good or bad issues from old government.

  12. Some Minister like Zahid Hamidi might next say that the Chinese and Indian students are ‘not that loyal’ because they did not apply for the loan.

    Didn’t Teo Nie Ching highlighted the educational opportunities for Selangor State when she spoke at the surau recently?

    And she got into serious trouble with the Sultan, the BN government, the Islamic department, the Police etc etc for giving a ‘political ceramah’?

  13. Many univ students these days used PTPTN $$$ not 2 pay their fees but 2 buy cars
    In a way, PTPTN $$$ is used 2 support our national cars, Perodua n Proton

    M’sia is not USA; UmnoB/MCA/Gerakan/BN r not gentleman politicians (like ex-Presidents of USA who don’t bad mouthed their incumbent President) & they twist facts n lie, n exploit rakyat 2 enrich themselves

    Y no affordable student halls in Kampar UTAR campus? Y students there must rent expensive rooms n houses? Who own d houses there? MCA members or cronies?

  14. Why is it always need to boil down to Chinese, Indians, malays? Chinese get this %, they get this %. The whole body is already dying from cancer, yet we have the fingers that complain they are not receving enough blood. The feet doing the same. So is the head.

    Mr Khoo, kill the cancer first. That is umno and it’s BN hordes. That’s the root cause of all evil.

  15. Well, the mentality of BN would not change. Even at UTAR, would MCA implement the policy based strictly on merit? say like those Ivy League Universities in the USA. But based on the issue raised by the Philanthropist from Kampar, it is very obvious that MCA will attach THEIR conditions based on their political agenda. Even from the inside, it was noted that quality education is not their first priority. If UTAR is to be manipulated for any political agenda, then the aspiration of the community to create a top-flight University will not be achieved. In view of the fact, that there are many private university-colleges around , maybe the Community should purchase one of them so that the criteria of a top-flight unversity for the nation could be worked on.
    After all the international reports and quality assessments, it is beyond hope that the power that be is willing to make changes to maintain the competitive edge of the Nation in this sector. If Mr. Yew were to read this, maybe he should take a neutral stand and kick off this. With his sincere offer to give rm$30 million, it is agood start!

  16. I am not concern of the statistic. If only 12 Chinese qualified than so be it. Deng Xiaoping says, regardless of white cat or black cat, any cat that catches the mouse is good cat. So let be reminded that we don’t point fingers at one another otherwise opportunists will capitalize and who suffers, you and me.

    I proposed the immediate removal of all kinds of quota and based our selection on merit if not why have exam.

  17. undertaker888…..I asked why only 0.3% Chinese is qualified to receive study help IF we believe meritocracy principle is used.

    No everything mention about race must be racial mental, but more on eliminate any racial policy.

    If PR cannot preach what they say, kill off UMNO/MCA/MCA is meaningless because PR will replace BN with same racial policy but with different name.

  18. MCA suddenly wake up from its long beauty sleep to complain about ‘racial’ discrimination. All these years, UMNO had been treating non-Bumis like dogs and yet this MCA dinning dogs never raise a voice.

  19. I put up these questions for YB Teresa.

    I do not convince screening process by Yayasan Selangor is effective or thoroughly done.

    The logic is simple, Malay students are already receiving more helps from BN Federal government’s racial policy, the number of Malay leftover to apply for smaller loan from Selangor State should be much lesser than non-bumi.

    99.5% bumi against 0.5% non-bumi ratio can tell us many clues if we analyze it carefully,

    Besides lack of promotion to non-bumi, other possibilities are waiting YB to investigate.

    Possible 1: Maybe there is irregularity in the Yayasan Selangor to allow no qualified Malay students receive loans.

    Possible 2: There are many fake bumi applicants.

    Possible 3: Many non-bumi application forms have never reached the decision maker or management.


  20. Very simple ,when NEP was drafted By DrM and Razak in 1969, MCA and MIC should not have nodded on this plot. How could they sold away our citizenship rights without even consulting us. Very-very corrupted BN.

  21. born in Malaya…. repeating a historical fact thousand times does not change that PR is the present state government who is in- charge of Yayasan Selangor.

    If you cannot argue with fact, let someone capable from PR to do free public relations job.

    I also know less than 60 Chinese students were given study loans each year by the previous BN Selangor Government.

    What is the point to compare who is more suck? PR was elected in Selangor because rakyat expects PR can perform better than BN, not to compete on who is less capable.


    MCA takes DAP to task over low number of Chinese recipients


  22. nkkhoo :
    I put up these questions for YB Teresa.
    I do not convince screening process by Yayasan Selangor is effective or thoroughly done.
    The logic is simple, Malay students are already receiving more helps from BN Federal government’s racial policy, the number of Malay leftover to apply for smaller loan from Selangor State should be much lesser than non-bumi.
    99.5% bumi against 0.5% non-bumi ratio can tell us many clues if we analyze it carefully,
    Besides lack of promotion to non-bumi, other possibilities are waiting YB to investigate.
    Possible 1: Maybe there is irregularity in the Yayasan Selangor to allow no qualified Malay students receive loans.
    Possible 2: There are many fake bumi applicants.
    Possible 3: Many non-bumi application forms have never reached the decision maker or management.

    Mamakthir would say that the Chinese are so rich that only 12 Chinese in Selangor state needed loan. Is that true?

    The other possibility is that poor Chinese families cannot even have their children complete form 5 education and they are not capable of applying for university places. That was why only 12 found it necessary to apply for loans. The others were too poor to afford tuition while in school to pass the public examinations. Malaysians students do well not because they learn in schools; they pass by taking tuitions.

    Would Selangor government provide loans for students taking tuition? It is necessary because teachers are not teaching in class!

  23. The Selangor PR government should save all this money, change the entire management of UNISEL to reflect the PR government..and focus on making this one little state owned UNiversity to world class standards and see if they can attract world class students and lecturrs to come over to this U…

    If you are world class…money will come looking for you ….not the other way round….now why is Selangor still persisting with a dead beat management and lecturers at UNISEL….is Khalid having problems there too????…now that Rossie is gone …PR should be able to manage this place well…..

  24. nkkhoo, since you supported MCA so much, I am sure, you are a MCA member. Even if I repeat the history for a million times, there will still be running dog like you.
    As long as the government is not under PR, we can’t judge PR for any failure since funds come from the government.
    From equal rights to second class citizens, this is what MCA in BN has to offer for all non-Malays in malaysia.
    Study loan is only a very small part of special privilege that we are losing.
    We are fighting for an equal citizenship status, fighting for equal job apportunities, fighting for equal wealth distributions, fighting for equal study status base on merits, fighting for a Malaysian Malaysia. BN, like what I say can only offer us from equal rights to second, and gradually third and forth class citizens and lower and lower and lower………..

  25. nkkhoo, as a MCA member ,you should know that MCA has a Major stake in Star paper:http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/11/22/nation/7476085&sec=nation.,
    so the article you advertise is publish just to downgrade PR .
    Would Star advertise things like : Selangor government is giving citizens free water .
    As most newspapers in Malaysia are own by BN , it is highly-highly unfare for UMNOs or MCA to use this medium to their Political advantage. People read news to learn the truth but you don’t read the truth from these papers anymore.Very-very low tactics, shameless.
    For nkkhoo, I have a question for you: please tell me ,Which widely distributed newspaper is own by PKR????.Wake-uplah Khoo, most people are not as happy like you being treated as pendatang or non-bumis.

  26. born in Malaya….If you can prove I am MCA member, I kowtow 1000 times to you. But should I challenge a person with no gut to put their real name online ?

    LGE rebuttal against Rais Yatim on politicizing heritage issue was published by The Star. This news is also unfair to PR?

  27. nkkhoo, MCA has been in the Malysia government for the past 53 years, whether PKR is another BN or UMNOs, that we want to see, let PKR take over the federal government first, before we decide on who is the best government. One thing is for sure, BN is definately the worst.With all the special rights taken away from us, the general citizens has nothing to lose. For example, I am very unhappy when I have to pay an extra 7 or 10% extra for a new house we buy. Of course, for you, like most MCA member, you could be there because you get paid by UMNOs in some ways for double crossing the non-Malays. Have you got any solution to acheive the same rights status for both Malays and non-Malays, is 53 years not a long enough time for MCA to prove to us that they are for the Chinese?????.I read from the papers that Ling Leong Sik is being charged in court for misleading the government into the Billions lost in PKFZ project. What have you to say about this article?????.

  28. Since you are with BN, of course you can put your full name in the web, don’t you know that ISA is only mend for the opposition?. Do you have any solution to get the equal rights for Chinese and Indians in malaysia???.Don’t tell me your answer is: to give BN another 53years in government.

  29. Some people has been nicely raped for>50 years and would not want a ‘CHANGE’ cause out of sheer ignorance or non self confidence.Wake up lah,don’t be any more sacrificing victim.Vote PR in n kick out already proven corrupted n racist BN!

  30. Lim Kiat Siang and Teresa Ko response let me realized that DAP might be Chinese political party. If I’m a Malaysian leader I would also investigate if other minority students were taken care. Why did this posting only asked about Chinese students? Thus, DAP leader if you want to lead this country do answer question properly.

  31. At least LKS and teresa kok were never rumoured to have plunder rakyat and nation money.PR still stands or proves the most idealistic party to champion every malaysian rights;better much or not lest than.

  32. lyhmsia….MCA attacked DAP with a tiny number of Chinese students, the correct response should be on the question, not divert to how many orang asli in the list.

    So..why is wrong to address injustice on Chinese by DAP? Are DAP wash their hands off when someone brings out Indian students issue to them?

    May be I should change my name to Abdullah Samy Khoo to make me less racist and more Malaysian?

  33. tak tahan…another no name person, why you people do to change for better except crying foul BN was the culprit?

    Chinese voters (>80%) fully supported Mahathir after Anwar’s black eye incident in 90s when majority Malay voters wanted to change government. I believe many of them regretted now, but blame others for keeping BN in power.

    Why people must vote PR if they are as bad as BN?

    born in Malaya….ISA is not for a small fry like you. Calling me MCA boy is still no qualify you to be arrested under ISA.

  34. My biggest problem with such MCA behaviour is that there is no need for it.

    The Malaysian Chinese community is faced with a globalized world full of challenges that we have no choice but to embrace. Not only must we embrace it, we have to overcome the challenges that keep dragging us. Yet we have so many of these leaders that seek to cowardly, exploit, be negative, selfish, small minded, shameless rather than look at the positive, to build, to be part of something bigger.

    With fast rising China and Asia at our doorstep and we are linked to the world, we can build so much not only for everyone of us but to even share it with others – but only if we have a sense of community, a larger liberal view of our interest as part of a larger community and the world at large.

    These behaviour are archaic – they are behaviour of those that betrayed us to the Japanese, the communist, invaders of imperial and feudal times. It is no longer us.

    The fact these people are among is unhappiness but the fact they are in such position of power is shame to Malaysian Chinese community. We can’t account for them to other races and other communities and the rest of the world.

    If we can’t at least walk away from these people, if we can’t shame them which our ancestors used to do in their villages in China, then we have no reason to be proud of being Malaysian Chinese.

  35. Why people must vote PR if they are as bad as BN? by nkkhoo

    Then why made complaint to LKS and crying so much for help or clarification?Anyway,ISA is not something malaysia can be proud of-draconian law or lawless act by lawless party.Are you also one of them?

  36. nkkhoo, stop saying people did not put the real names, nk khoo is also not a full name, if you want to say:(another no name or similar), put up your full name and IC number firstlah?
    It is people like you that turned us into second class citizen. Helping UMNOs and getting a cut for yourselves and sacrifice the whole Nation’s non-Malay. How can you be so low?, if we are all treated as equal, we will be the number one who is supporting BN now.
    Pleaselah, only you and the other MCA or MIC running dogs are happy, how many % of the whole Chinese and Indians in Malaysia are MCA and MIC members???. Your voice do not represent the population, your voice only represent the minority MCA who help UMNOs to turn us into pendatang and second class citizen. Like what I say earlier, you are the few of those who are happy to be called dogs, pendatang or fourth class citizen in malaysia.

  37. NKkhoo, go write all your support in Mahathir or the UMNO’s blog, you have logged on to the wrong web sitelah.Only you are happy to be kicked around by UMNOs, most people have dignity, unlike you or people like Tsu Koon.

  38. tak tahan no name person, I complained to many politicians from BN and PR unlike you, a talk cock only person. Your mentality makes PR like another BN.

    born in Malaya…I am not a coward like you, I have blog and MCMC knows my real identity and know how to contact me at anytime.

    Want to debate with me, disclose your identity with MCMC first and set up a blog. I will not wasting my time to debate with a coward.

  39. on cheng…What PR government did to a Kajang counselor who alleged to abuse power to give contracts to his cronies or even relatives? PR machai always there was a big fish, why you bother to look for a PR fry?

    If PR believe in meritocracy, you have to earn the support from rakyat, not to beg for it.

  40. tak tahan….I support ISA but with a twist, the power to arrest is vested with a committee run by BN and PR MPs and final approval from Agong or other better mechanism.

    There are racist, no name bomber, religious terrorist, fascist, traitor etc. have to deal with ISA.

  41. 0.3% mata sepet applied and 100% got the scholarship. so mr khoo, what is your complaint again?

    if mr khoo so brave, please write in your blog more on,

    1) Taib mahmud mass fortunes
    2) You-know-who link on Altantuya murder
    3) MAS scandals

    come on, put a few big shot names from umno, bn on your blog. then lets see what ISA is all about.

    so far we dont see any racist like katak ali, taliban zul, the two racist principals, the church bombers, traitors who bought submarine which cannot dive and planes without engines, got put in jail under ISA.

  42. There are racist, no name bomber, religious terrorist, fascist, traitor etc. have to deal with ISA by nkkhoo

    Bolehland has more than enough laws to deal with all the pretence,self agenda,holistic deeds of yours against those culprits.Keep on sucking to ur tuan!

  43. no name bigot…. u can keep dreaming Putrajaya forever…Ur tuan already worry losing selangor and kedah….

    bigot can keep talking cock like no tomorrow….csl should give u high for u to remember him. LOL

  44. ///Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has cancelled a visit to Sarawak scheduled for today and tomorrow because of tendonitis, an inflammation of the tendon at the heel.His press secretary Ainon Mohd…///–Malaysiakini

    The PM and DPM are taking turn to fall ill. That is a good sign. For the DPM, the inflammation was more likely in the brain rather than at the heel. Perhaps he used the leg more often than the brain.

  45. nkkhoo, stop calling we all cowards, if you ask me truthfully, UMNOs and BN who violated human rights and taking away people’s rights by force and dirty tactics are the most cowardly dogs in the world.
    If you think BN or yourself is so brave, why do UMNOs needs extra rights to live in Malaysia.
    Let us fight one to one with equal weapons.
    Why should you take a gun and I am given only a stick.
    Are you a Malay or a Chinese?. Maybe your real name is NKKhoo Abdullah.
    Our fights are for the people and children and the BN’s racist government policy is already enshrined by UMNOs in the federal constituition, and that is a fact, no matter how you argue favouring BN, you are still racist.
    No one in this world share your views accept you and those corrupted bunch.

  46. Nkkhoo,since u proudly said u have blog and MCMC knows ur identity;why use nkkhoo khoo.You made urself sounds like cuckoo.Anyway ur tuan csl will definitely give u the priority to get high high mah instead of me.Then only he can be assured u can talk more cock than any cock talker.Can suck n talk cock too is what he likes ya.

  47. 0.3% mata sepet applied and 100% got the scholarship. so mr khoo, what is your complaint again?

    if mr khoo so brave, please write in your blog more on,

    1) Taib mahmud mass fortunes
    2) You-know-who link on Al****uya murder
    3) MAS scandals

    come on, put a few big shot names from umno, bn on your blog. then lets see what ISA is all about.

    so far we dont see any racist like katak ali, kulim zul, the two racist principals, the church bombers, traitors who bought submarine which cannot dive and planes without engines, got put in jail under ISA.

  48. undertaker888 …..u must be totally blind as these coward useless PR machais…You only mention 3 scandals, I mention at least 50 lah…Of course I hentam PR also like this one.

    Why no MCMC and police knock my door, because I hentam BN and PR for their wrongdoings, not as a coward PR machai.

    No gut to speak out with real ID, but talk cock like a hero for Malaysia. Malaysia got future with ppl like you mer?

  49. // I mention at least 50 lah…///
    really? these 50 you mentioned got names attached to it or not? if not why talk kok like a hero?

    no need 50 from you la, those 3 i mentioned is enough. go and write and put some big shot umno/bn names there. and at the end of the article, write your real name and IC number. then we will call you “Malai-sei-nga yin hoong sor chai”.

    of course, if you can do that and be invincible, truly you are BN puppet machai. even a cartoonist can get arrested, let alone you, our “hee-low”

  50. Theresa said, “One of the reasons our higher education loan is not popular with Chinese students could be the amount offered is only RM6500, much lower than PTPTN offered by higher education ministry. For those who apply for education loan from the state, they are not allowed to apply for loan or scholarship of other institutions.”

    The answer sounds logical. But let me ask you why the Malays are ever willing to apply for the loans from the state when I presume they will also be barred from applying loans and scholarships from other institutions. So you think the Malays are readily satisfied with RM6,500 loans. I think you have to provide a better answer. Just like jobs in the civil service, the argument has always been there are no Chinese applicants and therefore no jobs in the civil service can be offered to them. You think that is fair?

  51. It is not because of the amount of loan since Chinese students know that they stand little chance with PTPTN application anyway. I do not believe that those who applied for PTPTN are barred from applying from the Selangor state government, for in any case the successful applicants can choose which loans to give up if needed. It does not make sense that those who needed loan are not on the look out for possible sources. The number of only 12 applicants shows that the problem is more serious. NKKhoo thought that I could not even complete form 5 for suggesting other possible causes. Yes, he had all the answers.

  52. nkkhoo,close ur blog lah ayoh.Boring and not inspiration at all.No wonder i thought ur are cuckoo-real straight cuckoo.Last wish to u if permitted;think deep in ur mind before u nose fart again to destroy this bolehland intentionaly or not.Chau kau!Beh tahan!

  53. Loh…..U’re implying only 12 Chinese completing form 5 in Selangor.

    Another reason comes into my mind is I think the Exco was too busy in her state and Parliament duties, and unable to focus on state matter..Her reply is some sort of unsure for what was happened in the ground.

    Waiting a minute, sound there is barking outside….ignore it.

  54. ///If I am not mistaken, there were only 12 Chinese applicants of education loan last year and all 12 of them were given the loan. This means 100 percent approval to all Chinese applicants./// – YB Teresa Kok

    Are you sure you are not mistaken that there were only 12 Chinese applicants? From where and whom within Yayasan Selangor (“YS”) this data was obtained and could it be independently verified?

    YS is a company limited by Guarantee and at top policy level run by Board of Trustee headed by PKR MB Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim who has discretion appointing Trustee members. All the way down, the people running the show – including processing of scholarship – were (probably) appointed previously by UMNO’s people…What ‘s the racial composition and the culture of these employees?
    Don’t tell me Khalid has tight control of these rank and file who have suddenly embraced the ideals of Selangor Committee for Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat)???

    MACC now investigates the RM300,000 spent to celebrate its 40th anniversary – and PKNS’s spending RM520,000 on astronaut Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor’s wedding dinner last month. Did he prior know about these expenditure – I don’t think so, Khalid is not defending these expenditure does he?.

    And could he control and change mindset of people of those he inherited from previous govt? Why he couldn’t even have his way to appoint Mdm. Low Siew Moi as the Acting GM of PKNS – without PKNS’s people, one or two PAS’s people protesting!

    Talking about state treasury management, responsibility and wastages in Selangor, the PR Selangor government under Abdul Khalid Ibrahim has taken over Yayasan from the previous government which was not audited since 2005!

    So the culture of NEP, little Napoleons and patronage still prevalent/pervasive & deep rooted everywhere : can Khalid & PR change it? Obviously cannot – and the same guys from UMNO & MCA that created this mess now take potshots at PR that it cannot live up to its standards of changing things.

    There a certain things about culture not easy to change : we see this in the way PKR’s polls conducted and the widespread complaints of irregularities. Didn’t Khalid & PR government decide to keep the practice of recommendation “Sokong” letters that is the central point of contention in the RM12 billion PKFZ Scandal???

    At Federal Level the PM talks of 1 Malaysia & NEM and he also recoiled from the backlash!

    Apart from the mess bequeathed by UMNO state govt, the PR state govt has not and could not get its bearing straight on a couple of other fundamental things – for eg is there a broad policy on criteria for scholarship awarded by YS in context of Article 153 or the NEP? Perkasa says follow population ratio and article 153 – at least 67% of scholarship based on racial quota.

    Now if you think that’s irrational, then what’s your (Selangor PR) criteria – is it entirely on merits of being good student from needy/poor background without regard to race? Could you say that you have implemented another criteria for Yayasan Selangor whether at Board of Trustee or Rank and File level when processing and awarding scholarships???

  55. nkkhoo basically says if you’re not on top of things – even if you have a good excuse why the house is so messy that you could not house clean well – stop pretending that you are by some blase explanation of Chinese not being interested in scholarship. In line with Lim kam Put’s questioning of Teresa’s explanatioon, Loh has summarised sovereignly “the number of only 12 applicants shows that the problem is more serious”..

  56. D National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) has written off RM59mil in loans 2 2,162 students who obtained Class One Honours fr January 2 July

    Does d education loan of Selangor state govt n Yayasan Selangor do likewise?

  57. nkkhoo :
    Loh…..U’re implying only 12 Chinese completing form 5 in Selangor.
    Another reason comes into my mind is I think the Exco was too busy in her state and Parliament duties, and unable to focus on state matter..Her reply is some sort of unsure for what was happened in the ground.
    Waiting a minute, sound there is barking outside….ignore it.

    You must be smart enough to know that I could not have meant that only 12 persons completed form 5 in Selangor. But since you are so smart, you better figure out yourself what I meant in my post.

  58. Opposition supporter, if you look at what nkkhoo Abdullah has said about MCA achievement of only below 60 Chinese
    were given study loans by BN. It shows that MCA is really being treated like dogs and beggars in BN since they are with BN for the past 50+ years and this is what they can achieve best.
    If MCA is being treated equally by UMNOs, the application should be 30+% Chinese over 60%Malay.
    Like :1200 over 2400.
    As for PR, 12 applicants for the first term in one year+ service is considered very good compare to the 50years term of MCA.

    (by nkkhoo on Monday, 22 November 2010 – 7:41 pm

    I also know less than 60 Chinese students were given study loans each year by the previous BN Selangor Government.
    What is the point to compare who is more suck? PR was elected in Selangor because rakyat expects PR can perform better than BN, not to compete on who is less capable.)


    MCA takes DAP to task over low number of Chinese recipients

  59. Jeffrey….The moment Khalid retreated from appointing a capable non-bumi as PKNS GM, Selangor PR is doomed to be another BN.

    UMNO mentality in the Selangor PKR and PAS does not make PR a viable alternative government. DAP role is like MCA in the BN.

    Khalid is better to burn all his documents before next election is called.

  60. nkkhoo Abdullah, say, your perception comes true, that is fine with us, afterall, we are under the BN racist treatment now and the past 40 over years, like what we said earlier ,we have nothing to lose. Abdullah, your tactics of downgrading the spirit of PKR is futile. Even if PKR will end up like BN , what is the difference now?.
    60 successful Chinese loan applicant during MCA term compare to 12 successful loan applicant under PKR over a total of :4,000 loan application, to me looks the same.

  61. undertaker888….your brave friend is not so brave afterall, who run away to hide in London for saying something he cannot prove in the court. This is not brave, but irresponsible as accusation on Anwar for his sodomy charges.

    born in malaya…. Good to know u hate Muslim convert so much, person like u make the Malay voters say no to DAP.

  62. nkkhoo, PKR and DAP did a good joblah, at least they are not racist, there is no racial quota in this applications. We all support an equal rights political party. Support PKR!!!.
    Unlike BN, always asking people not to challenge their Malay special rights, Shameless!. Who gave them these rights anyway?. I guess people like nkkhoo.
    We are fighting for a Malaysian Malaysia.

  63. please la, dont compare yourself with the guy in london. you are just an annoying kutu (deleted). please la. dont compare.

    you want him to prove in malaysian court? were you born yesterday or what? oh i forgot. (deleted)

  64. Noname undertaker888…your brave friend’s blog comment is almost 100% supporting him…Do you know why? He blocked my ID after I criticized him. LOL

    Yes, I am a fry unlike your brave friend with has royal bloodline….so a small fry cannot talk and “hentam” your boss?

    U go ask your brave friend in London, who was with him and MGG Pillai fighting for Anwar’s justice in soc.culture.malaysia and internet since as early as 1998.

    Noname born in Malaysia…How can a racist against racism? Stop ur hypocrisy, just admit you are a racist who hate Muslim and Malay.

  65. Noname nkkhoo, PKR is not racistlah, wake-up before you start writting, stop your pro UMNOs commend. Please go log on to Dr M or UMNO web to write your commend ,it is not welcome here, stop your hypocrisy , just admit you are a racist who hates Chinese , Indians and all that are supporting PKR. Your commends are pathetic.

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