Why only very inclusive and 1Malaysia speeches/statements before by-elections but racist slurs and very anti-1Malaysia sentiments especially after Umno/BN by-election victories?

Malaysians are entitled to ask the reason for the recent phenomenon – why only very inclusive and 1Malaysia speeches/statements before by-elections but racist slurs and very anti-1Malaysia sentiments especially after Umno/Barisan Nasional by-election victories?

Two days before the Galas and Batu Sapi by-elections on November 4, 2010, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s speech to the World Chinese Economic Forum was described as a “reaching out” to the Chinese Malaysian Community conceding that Malaysia’s 2020 goal of a developed nation might fail without its support.

Najib’s speech said:

“Malaysia would not be what it is today without the industry, expertise and dedication of the Malaysian Chinese community.

“Likewise, there will be a bleak future for Malaysia without the Chinese community’s support. We would clearly fall short of reaching the goals to become a developed nation by 2020.”

However, very opposite sentiments seem to have the upper hand immediately after the Galas and Batu Sapi by-elections with obnoxious statements and a very serious slur against the Malaysian Chinese and Indians made in less than one week of the two by-elections on November 4.
On Tuesday, 9th November, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi insulted Malaysian Chinese and

Indians when he told Parliament during question time that the low participation of non-Malays especially among the Chinese and Indians in the military could be due to “lack of patriotism”.
The next day, Wednesday, 10th November, 2010, the Umno-owned newspaper Utusan Malaysia carried a

prominent article which described May 13 as “a sacred day” and a day to be celebrated.

It is unfortunate that my supplementary question to the Deputy Home Minister Datuk Abu Seman in Parliament yesterday was not allowed by the Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin, as I had wanted to know whether the joint committee set up by Home Ministry to deal with offensive, sensitive and seditious media reports would be acting on Utusan Malaysia’s article glorifying May 13 as “a sacred day” – when it is the blackest day in the history of Malaysia which cost the lives of Malaysians of all ethnic groups.

As Utusan Malaysia is Umno mouthpiece, the article must be taken even more seriously as it tantamounts to a public repudiation of Najib’s 1Malaysia policy.

How can the Prime Minister expect his “inclusive” 1Malaysia concept and policy to command credibility as well as national and international confidence when there is so much flip-flops demonstrating a Jekyll-and-Hyde dimension?

28 Replies to “Why only very inclusive and 1Malaysia speeches/statements before by-elections but racist slurs and very anti-1Malaysia sentiments especially after Umno/BN by-election victories?”

  1. Read about how “they” steal from contracts….from notebooks to construction of palaces and hospitals….same modus operandi each time….

    If you complain too loud, they will tell you that you are reminding them of the “sacred” May 13. The warning is clear…they will not hesitate to start another one.

  2. As long as Malaysian remain stupid, UMNO will keep on fooling them again and again.
    Despite all the venom, insults and vitriol spewed at the Chinese and their children, they still voted for UMNO in Galas.

    If the non-Malays want to vote for UMNO despite being called ‘prostitutes”, ‘beggars’, ‘pendatangs’ ‘unpatriotic’ and wild accusations of challenging Malay rights, then they deserve this treatment.

    For once and for all we must treat UMNO like lepers.

  3. Judge not by what they say. Rather, judge what is on their minds and in their hearts. They never will change. Malaysians must kick them out.

    ”Sacred” May 13 is to frighten the non-Malays into voting for them. Secondly, it is to mislead the Malays into believing that the non-Malays are trying to bring down a Malay Government which UMNOB is; that the Malays must be ready to defend UMNOB even if it means ”loss of lives” or ”crushed bodies”

    Accusations that non-Malays non-Malays refuse to join the Armed Forces because they are ”unpatriotic” is tantamount to telling the Malays to be wary of the non-Malays and their hidden agendas, and that the Malays must unite against them as the country belongs to them while the non-Malays are ”Pendatangs” who are out to destroy their ”Negara yang tercinta”

    What can rakyat expect when Malaysia is governed short-sighted racists, bigots, shameless hypocrites, greedy, corrupt, stupid, pea-brain, irresponsible, dishonest, unpatriotic, flip-flopping, seekers of worldly pleasures ……… UMNOB leaders.

    The non-Malays do not have the number to change UMNOB. The Malays must want change to take place, otherwise the non-Malays cannot do much to help. Are our Malay brothers ready?

  4. The inanity is that they do get away with it. This is the the difference between the educated and independent minded versus traditional dependent groups.

    For the longest time, I could never understand why my parents keep insisting on some of their point of views even though I have explained it to them again and again. My parents did not have much formal education but self-taught themselves. When I reached adulthood knowing how self-reliant my parents were, I thought it would be easy to discuss issues with them. As it turned out, it was not. They had never read anything other than mainstream paper and media. They talked much with neighbours and friends, people they do business with. Even though they know newspaper did not tell the truth, they really never had a comprehension how the extend they were being lied to. They were influenced by their friends, relatives and neighbours and even those influence had caveats i.e., it if involved painful change, then the more friends and relatives they need to hear from.

    The truth is at any instance or issue, only 20% of us can have truly independent opinion, typically less. Look at the 1M against Merdeka Tower. Supposedly there are over 6m facebook users in Malaysia. Assuming 50% will not go against BN, that still leaves 2/3 million facebook users. Yet the ones that signed up is only 10%. Yes. The ones that don’t sign up may still vote against it but it goes to the fact that many decision influence voters and that at any instant, you can’t rely on more than 20% of the vote. Each influence overlaps so its marginally harder for each mistep to influence voters especially the more disconnected they are from the big fundamental issues. PKFZ have make a million voter vote against BN but the Merdeka tower is not going to add 1million voter to the opposition. And the racism and conflict is going to add even less.

    THAT is how BN gets away with it. Every voters gets harder and harder to win over. The main fundamental driver of change is simply young voters not all these things they do wrong. If you have a PKFZ, CSL sex scandal, you need billion dollar losses of another project and worst sex scandal will still not match the effect of the original. Its what I called the law of declining voter change.

    Its why I say past result for PR is no indication of future change. Future change will only get less if nothing new comes in and unfortunately for PR, what is new is often negated by its own failures/mistep.

    PR simply is unable to take Putrajaya if it keep relying on the same things and the same people of the past. Like it or not, it got to come with more than what they have in the past – much, much more in fact.

  5. 1) The killing of 2 million Jews by the Nazis regime is a sacred day.

    2) The Bosnian War (1992-1995) or the ethnic-cleansing and genocide of more than 100,000 Bosnians by the Serb forces is a sacred day.

    3) The bloodshed of May 13, 1969 is a sacred day.

    4) How can pendatangs be recruited into the army? Surely no pendatang is patriotic enough to defend the country.

    Now says Utusan, UMNO ketuanan and Bolehland supporters who voted for BN, “DOES ANYONE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT?”

  6. they do that for as long as we know, but there are still stupid chinese and indians keep on voting them over and over again.

    what can i say except stupid prostitutes and beggars. stupid si botol and si sepet. stupid unpatriotic chinese and indians. stupid pendatangs.

  7. wahai ahmad zahid hamidi, siapakah penyumbang terbesar pingat emas NEGARA MALAYSIA di sukan komanwel 2010 ? jawapannya Non-Malay. kalau mengharapkan Malay aje, berapa butir sangat NEGARA MALAYSIA dapat ?

  8. Well, we Malaysians are what we are: forgetful and prefer blinkers to glasses. The little dot south is producing GDP more than us in spite of our Petronas. The leaders keep creating emotional appeal for votes so that they can continue sending us to Zimbabwe. By the time we double our per capital to us$15 k, the so-called advanced nations would have hit us$70K, then we will remain stuck as “developing” country then. I think we should adopt Roy Orbison’s song ” Dreamin” as our slogan and national anthem.

  9. Something extraordinary must be done to teach these buggers some lessons in order to change bolehland overall policy;external pressure,opposition counterbalance n right,educated thinking malaysian is all we need.The lattest is the hardest cause majority(malays);they have bein spoon fed to be like worms(parasite ketuanan),not need to work hard..I believe bolehland if still as the present state for years to come,the self claimed ketuanan,tanah tumpah negaraku,tanah melayu will be no longer a glory pride for their self deceit pride.Bolehland will become apa pun langsung tak boleh land.Wake up lah,my brother and sister,pakcik,makcik and the ones who are smart but sorry to say,to leave this bolehland in the blessing of god.May god bless this nation as a multi-nation as it is from or before merdeka day.Let god bless everybody in this nation regardless of race if you truely love ur family and negara.

  10. The problem is most Malays are still racists..even some in PKR.
    They are Malay first….Malaysian second and LKS know that too well.
    Until PKR can find ways and means to make Malay voters wake up to the truths..the road to PutraJaya will be rough and tough.
    You can expose as much as you like.
    End of the day….are you making head ways to convince Malays…Malaysian First…Malay Second.

  11. There is no way you can convince a whole generation of Malays that they must be Malaysian first and race second. Not after they have been brought up on Mamakthir’s NEP policies.

    I think the country must go bankrupt first before there can be a true mental shift amongst the Malays. It’s by no means guaranteed – if the Philippines is anything to go by, bankruptcy may not lead to any monumental change.

  12. It’s not over yet and not even started yet.
    Winning in Galas and Bukit Sapi does’nt meant that the rakyat are supporting them.
    Just remember that during those by-elections, it’s only 70-80% who’ve voted and not in full force yet.
    Rakyat nowadays are smart enough to make every move and need to outsmart those BN fellas.
    We need to tricked those buggers and make them feel comfortable.
    Let’s take Bukit Sapi for example!
    Why give them such a big majority?
    Most said that it’s sympathy votes while some argued that it’s buying votes.
    The truth is that most rakyat have been tricked by BN for so many decades and now the rakyat are “hitting” BN back.
    If PR will to win, how many month or years are they gonna secure that seat?
    Less that a year and what’s good to PR?
    Difference is that BN will be more aware and keep on delaying the next GE.
    Nothing wrong with those rakyat taking those “angpow” and fooling Umno as well.
    It’s like killing two bird with one stone.
    Let those buggers celebrate till their last day for the “big bang” is just around the corner.
    It’s the rakyat who’re planning every move and playing by strategy.
    For PR leaders, you’ve got not much time left for the real “battle” to begin and the most important task is to find ways to counter every dirty tricks that BNUmno are going to use and most important thing is to subdue the police force and the EC.

  13. To those naive non-bumis out there, ask yourselves this: after the launch of the slogan “1 Malaysia” by Njib, is there any changes to your citizenship’s rights?, Is there any changes to the special right for Malays?, Is there any changes to the Malay special quota system?, Is there any changes in the BN government’s race base Policies?.

    If you naive bunch don’t read, see what happen when you buy a new house, there are 2 prices there, one is with 7% discount.

    The BN leaders has gone from moderate racism to extreme racism nowadays. Statement from their leader and rulers have openly published in papers and speeches nowadays asking you fools not to question their special rights which was enshrined in the federal constitution by BN or UMNO. Yeah! you fools support them more, let them win more than 2/3 majority in Parliment so that they can enshrine more special rights.

    Special rights supposedly to help the poor Malays has been enshrined into helping just one race, whether they are poor or rich, special rights is abused by UMNO to pull votes during election. What happen to the poor Chinese and Indians???. Any rights for them?, Yeah! rights to be non-bumi and second class citizens.

  14. Some Malays really hate Chinese and Indians, brain washed by certain leaders. That is why they don’t treat us as equal brothers or sisters. Alot of things can be brain washed, including their privileges or even dressing. The few leaders’ fault, really evil.

  15. Why the court ruling on force conversion of 2 Hindu kids to Islam was made immediately right after the buy-election?

    Why it wasn’t made before the buy-election?

    This is not the first time where controversial court ruling was made immediately after the buy-election.

    Why Pakatan Rakyat is totally silent on this force conversion issue?

    DAP should speak up against this unfair ruling by the Federal Court as we the persecuted rakyat cannot rely on Gerakan, MCA, and MIC to speak up on our behalf.

    Why Samy Vellu is making noises on the place of worship decision in Selangor right before the court ruling was made on the 2 Hindu children (as though he knew something in advance) but totally silent on Shamala conversion case?

    Is Samy Vellu trying to distract Indian community from the unjust ruling on Shamala conversion case?

  16. As long as corrupt Umno/BN rules
    We are getting worse in most aspects
    Some BN voters are still being fools
    While others are ignorant of the facts

    People esp those in the rural region
    Beware of Umno/BN the hypocrite
    Preaching 1Malaysia before election
    But after that back to whatever bulls__t

    BN has not made every endeavour
    To regain our nation’s former glory
    Elect PR the alternative our saviour
    To make us a roaring success story

  17. Could the melayufication of Indians and Chinese be responsible for their continued insistence of sodomisation by UMNO????

    Really have no explanation for the Chinese voting for UMNO in Galas…principles dont appear to be a srong point among these fellows…

  18. 1 Malaysia is just a gimmick slogan to brain-wash the aborigines in Malaysia.
    The Slogan has changed from calling us non-bumis to 1 Malaysia this year but the race base policies which was enshrined by UMNOs have not change at all. Only fools will fall for this. R U a fool?????.

    1. najib in his concluded umno general assembly speech recently blew his horn that indian muslim from india, indon from sulawesi and sumatra, bugis, kadazan, and etc categorized as MALAY … but purportedly left out Indian, Chinese, Punjabi and few other monorities – eventhough we lived here for ages “we pendatang” are NO class compare to others he indicated in his closing speech.

      YHSIEW commented “Can a racist change its “spots?” … if you are in control – YES ….

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