Hypocrisy of Ministers – appeal to rescind PPSMI policy

from Sheela R

I am a mother with three school going children. My children who have greatly benefited from the PPSMI (policy for teaching Science and Maths in English) are alarmed at the impending switch to Bahasa Malaysia.

They have been in school for some years now and the prospect of changing a language midstream is “nothing short of disastrous” to them. (I have quoted them verbatim).

There has been a great hue and cry on this issue but the government has continued to maintain a maddening silence. The reasons for continuing the PPSMI have been well elucidated in other websites and it is not my intention to reproduce them.

Instead, could you please highlight through your blogs or other means, the Ministers and politically connected persons’ children who are being educated at international schools and overseas, who have access to quality education in English? Why must our children be victimised by this retrogressive move while their children continue to enjoy the advantages of a superior education?

Let the people realise the hypocrisy of our government’s policies once and for all.


5 Replies to “Hypocrisy of Ministers – appeal to rescind PPSMI policy”

  1. First and foremost, those civil servants had to undergo courses at BTN, they are what they are today because of BTN courses, therefore, what makes you think the impending switch from English to Bahasa for the teaching of Science and Maths is a retrogressive policy?

    Secondly, do you see MCA, or specifically, the Deputy Education Minister, or namely Wee Ka Siong doing anything despite being in Putrajaya about the non-halal food issue in a mission school in Sarawak and the action be taken against the two racist principals?

    Thirdly, what you see is what you get i.e. you vote for BN for the last 53 years, as some people believe it’s better to vote for the devil that you know than to vote for the devil that you do not know, you should expect the ‘devilish’ plans and ways it devise for you. So what’s the great hue and cry?

  2. Yes, indeed, what’s d noise abt?
    A majority of voters were NOT alarmed at dis switch of PPSMI, in fact they welcomed d switch n voted 4 BN in d last 2 buy erections
    In dis BN-controlled n -bullied land,
    peasants will learn n b taught in BM, while d ruling class n putras will ensure their kids learn n r tot in English
    As we sow so shall we reap

  3. Yes, change it to Malay next year and in another one two years and english standard dropped and then they will change it back to english. You don’t get the latest tech in malay and that is a fact.

  4. t//he Ministers and politically connected persons’ children who are being educated at international schools and overseas, who have access to quality education in English? //

    Mdm Sheela, they are doing so because that is the surest way their children can continue to lead your children by the nose. In the country of the blind, the one-eyed fellow will be the king

  5. UmnoB/BN DON’T want peasants 2 know English n 2 surf d Internet (esp 2 read LKS’s Blog, Malaysia Today, Malaysiakini, Malaysia Chronicle, etc – dis would b DISASTER mah)
    UmnoB/BN want peasants 2 continue 2 read Berita Harian n Utusan M loh
    UmnoB/BN want peasants 2 continue 2 listen 2 MMK, RM, NR, BRA, Moo, etc in BM lah
    Like dis, baru UmnoB/BN can continue 2 govern M’sia 4 a long2 time, don’t know meh

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