1 Malaysia – A blurred and confused concept

By Ahmad Mustapha Hassan
November 30, 2010

NOV 30 — 1 Malaysia was announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on September 16, 2008. It is now over two years since that announcement but till today no one is clear of what 1 Malaysia is all about.

According to the 1 Malaysia website which is the personal website of Najib, it is stated that: “1 Malaysia is intended to provide a free and open forum to discuss the things that matter deeply to us as a nation. It provides a chance to express and explore the many perspectives of our fellow citizens. What makes Malaysia unique is the diversity of our peoples. 1 Malaysia’s goal is to preserve and enhance this unity in diversity which has always been our strength and remains our best hope for the future.”

And with that mission statement, a slogan was also created — “People first, performance now.”
Continue reading “1 Malaysia – A blurred and confused concept”

Promote ‘ketuanan rakyat’, Anwar tells Pakatan leaders

By Boo Su-Lyn
November 30, 2010
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 30 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has urged Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders to spread a “ketuanan rakyat” (people supremacy) message to voters in states under their control.

The opposition leader said the Malay supremacy concept has been “twisted” by some Malay elites, echoing his wife Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail’s rejection of the concept that led Perkasa Youth to label her a “political prostitute”.

“The responsibility of the states is to affirm their stand on ketuanan rakyat,” said Anwar in his closing speech at the PR mentris besar and chief ministers summit in Shah Alam yesterday.
Continue reading “Promote ‘ketuanan rakyat’, Anwar tells Pakatan leaders”

Pakatan still alive and kicking, says Kit Siang

By Boo Su-Lyn
November 30, 2010
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 30 — DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang has proclaimed Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to be alive and kicking despite internal strife wracking its component parties.

PKR’s recently-concluded direct polls were plagued with allegations of vote rigging that were mostly highlighted by the losers in the election, while Selangor DAP went through one of its most divisive elections last weekend.

“We are more than alive and kicking and we propose to go forward in our political struggle for Malaysia,” said Lim in his closing speech at the PR mentris besar and chief ministers summit in Shah Alam yesterday.
Continue reading “Pakatan still alive and kicking, says Kit Siang”

‘Shooting’ in Parliament

By Mariam Mokhtar

During a parliamentary session last week, Deputy Foreign Minister A Kohilan Pillay called vocal overseas Malaysians “traitors” and said they had “breached loyalty to the King and country”.

He told the Dewan Rakyat: “The ministry monitors the behaviour and actions of not only people from the opposition parties but also tourists and those who reside abroad.”

Kohilan Pillay accused these Malaysians of giving foreigners the “wrong perception” of Malaysia.

But hasn’t he shot himself in the foot with his ludicrous charges?

Malaysians need not bother dishonouring the good name of the country and its leaders. Kohilan Pillay need only search in his own backyard and judge for himself how his government, principally the Umno faction, has tarnished Malaysia’s good name, both within and outside Malaysia.
Continue reading “‘Shooting’ in Parliament”

Patriotism in perspective

By AB Sulaiman

Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi stated recently that there have been too few non-Malays serving in the armed forces because “they lacked patriotism”. Malaysian politicians are not renowned for coining any worthwhile wisdom, and this one may prove hard to beat.

Sure enough this statement angered the public. But it’s so very odd. Where else have we heard an incumbent defence minister claiming his own illustrious soldiers and pool of citizens as not patriotic enough? In this writing I am trying to have a modicum of understanding to this bizarre situation.

Thanabalasingam, the former Navy chief, and Goh Seng Toh, a retired general, came up with their disappointment and anger, the former describing the minister’s remark as “it hurts,” and the latter with “unfair, stupid and racist”.

D Swami, a retired officer, then wrote on CPI of many cases of (non-Malay) military officers showing patriotism in warfare both within the country and abroad. They have clearly denied the ministerial accusation.
Continue reading “Patriotism in perspective”

Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #42

By M. Bakri Musa

Chapter 5: Understanding Globalization (Cont’d)

Maximizing the Benefits and Minimizing the Downside of Globalization

Understanding the consequences of and the forces driving globalization would help us maximize its benefits and minimize the risks. Globalization has its own dynamics, and like the mighty Mississippi, there is no point in trying to stop it and getting swamped in the process. Malaysians would be better off trying to channel and tame the beast to benefit them. Levees along the Mississippi created vast expanses of rich fertile farms while at the same time controlling the floods. Channels and locks converted the river into an efficient and vital transportation artery. Likewise, damming provided cheap hydroelectric power as well as vast recreational lakes.

Thus instead of bemoaning the erratic cycles and the seemingly overwhelming power of globalization, Malaysia would be better off preparing her citizens to meet this new challenge and making it benefit the nation. Malaysians should concentrate on building the equivalent of channels, levees, and dams to tame and exploit globalization so it could benefit Malaysians by taking advantage of this massive global flow.
Continue reading “Malaysia in the Era of Globalization #42”

Historic mission to end Umno political hegemony and make Malaysia a normal democratic country

Fifty-three years after Merdeka and 47 years after the formation of Malaysia, Malaysians are at last within reach of a historic mission – to end Umno political hegemony and make Malaysia a normal democratic country where change of government through the ballot box is accepted as a healthy democratic process and not one to invite threats of man-made disasters.

Three years ago, before March 8, 2008, Malaysians would not dare to think or dream of this possibility in their lifetime – but now it is not only a realizable dream but one which could be accomplished in the next general elections expected to be held in the first half of next year.

This is the magnitude of the change in the political landscape brought about by the political tsunami of the 2008 general elections less than three years ago.

This is also why the Selangor DAP State Convention today is taking place at a historic moment in the nation’s history and why it is attracting national attraction well beyond its state boundaries. Continue reading “Historic mission to end Umno political hegemony and make Malaysia a normal democratic country”

MIC Youth secretary C. Sivarrajah misleads public with false information to warp no-racial-quota education loans by Selangor State Government into a racial issue

by Teresa Kok
Selangor State Senior EXCO and Member of Parliament for Seputeh
27 November 2010

MIC Youth Secretary C. Sivarrajah has copied MCA central committee member Ti Lian Ker to warp my good intentioned effort to openly encourage students from all races to apply for Selangor State Government’s no-racial-quota education loans into a ploy to mislead the public about how students of Indian background have supposedly been marginalized.

The fact is that in 2010, Selangor offered the education loan to 28 students of Indian background and not only 4 as Sivarrajah claims. In his quest to be a “hero”, he has resorted to deflating the true number of Selangor’s positive efforts by 7 times!

Furthermore, the total number of education loans offered by Selangor in 2010 is 525 and not the trumped up 4000 figure provided. Continue reading “MIC Youth secretary C. Sivarrajah misleads public with false information to warp no-racial-quota education loans by Selangor State Government into a racial issue”

8 motions to dock ministers’ salaries next week

S Pathmawathy
Nov 27, 10

Several opposition parliamentarians have vented their displeasure at certain targeted ministers and two high ranking civil servant by filing motions to slash their salaries by RM10. One was RM100, the set limit.

The current parliament sitting saw eight pay-cut motions being tabled, several being high-profile ministries.

So far two such motions filed by Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) had named attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Abu Kassim, both shot down by the Dewan Rakyat.

Lim’s motion against Abdul Gani claimed that the AG stood accused of fabricating evidence in Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim’s “black eye” case in 1998.

Meanwhile, he wanted the House to punish Abu Kassim (below) because for the last 16 years Malaysia’s score had been the worst in Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index for the Asia-Pacific region.

“It’s my impression that the these are the highest number of salary deduction motions in one sitting,” said Lim, a veteran legislator.

The sitting is now debating the next Budget or Supply Bill 2011 is in its committee stage, so the remaining six motions filed under Standing Orders 66(9) will be dealt with from next week.

According to accepted practice these motions ultimately mean a vote of no confidence in the ability of the respective ministers. Continue reading “8 motions to dock ministers’ salaries next week”

In the military, the non-Malay is ridden like a horse

Written by Major (Rtd) D.Swami
Friday, 26 November 2010
Centre for Policy Initiatives

Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi remarked that non-Malays shun a military career because they lacked patriotism. His sense of history and of the contributions of the Chinese, Indians and our brothers from East Malaysia towards the sovereignty of Malaysia leaves something to be desired. Zahid’s is a racist and bigoted view, pure and simple.

I’ve previously blogged about the winners of valour awards, not including those who had laid down their lives, are maimed, and not forgetting the non-Malay police officers.

I guess when the Chinese and Indians were bleeding and dying for this country, Zahid might just have been a dirty glint in his father’s eyes. I am not insulting this dull fellow, just that this shallow-minded individual needs some input regarding who was the first Malaysian to be awarded the Pingat Gagah Berani. He was a Chinese! Sergeant Chong Yong Chin PGB of the First Federation Regiment.

Dey Zahid, I suppose you did not know that. Insults have to be politely reciprocated with civility, I am doing just that. Continue reading “In the military, the non-Malay is ridden like a horse”

Keen To Join “BN Baru” But Needed Answers To these Questions First

by Richard Loh

Very interesting that ‘Umno controlled BN’ is now opening the door for direct membership. To avoid confusion over the many questions that arises with this introduction, let me called it “BN Baru”. There are many confused statements coming out from the various leaders of what this ‘BN Baru’ constitutes.

Fellow Malaysians, before we rush in to sign up, we need to clarify a few things first in order not to get into ‘Umno controlled BN’ entrapment or deceit.

We need to ask these questions and hopefully the cybertroopers can forward them to their master for answers.

Q1 : “Najib said last week that the historic decision to amend its charter is an effort to make BN more inclusive and open to all who share its concept, principles and policies of the coalition.”

Many left ‘Umno controlled BN’ is because they are not happy with it’s concept, principles and policies. So what is the difference in this “BN Baru”? Have we got to endure the same old racist policies, abiding by master Umno’s concept and the principle of ‘ketuanan melayu’?

Q2 : Who will lead this “BN Baru”, Umno supreme council, BN supreme council or members will elect their own “BN Baru” supreme council? Continue reading “Keen To Join “BN Baru” But Needed Answers To these Questions First”

Chong Eu a great Penangite, a great Malaysian, and a great patriot

By Thomas Lee

Wednesday 24 November 2010 was a sad day for Malaysians, especially Penangites. It was on that day that the beloved Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu passed away.

Chong Eu was born in Penang on Wednesday 28 May 1919 to a young medical doctor Dr Lim Chwee Leong and his wife Cheah Swee Hoon. He was given the name Chong Eu, which roughly translated from Chinese means “heaven’s blessing”.

Dr Lim Chwee Leong was just 22 years old when he graduated as medical doctor and left his hometown of Singapore to work and settle in Penang. The young doctor’s decision to make Penang his permanent abode was certainly a heavenly blessing for the island state as his first child Chong Eu was destined to be the person who would bring abundant blessings to the people of Penang.

Chong Eu was born and grew up during a very exciting epoch-making period of world history, involving two great World Wars, several national revolutions, especially those of Russia and China, many regional wars, including the Korean War and Vietnam War, and the emergence of the anti-colonialism liberation movement in the Third World countries. Continue reading “Chong Eu a great Penangite, a great Malaysian, and a great patriot”

Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu 1919-2010 – Malaysia has lost last surviving giant of Merdeka era

With Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu passing yesterday after a month-long stroke, Malaysia has lost the last surviving giant of the Merdeka era who became Penang’s longest-serving Chief Minister.

Malaysia and Penang have lost a great son.

Tun Dr. Lim’s contribution to Malaysian nation-building in general and the Penang state and economy in particular is acknowledged by all Malaysians.

Although we were opponents in the political and electoral arenas, I always have the highest respect and regard for Tun Dr. Lim’s political struggles and integrity.

My deepest condolence to the bereaved family particularly Toh Puan Goh Sing Yeng, Chien Aun and Chien Cheng.

‘Malaysia, don’t go our way’ call rings out

by M Krishnamoorthy
Nov 25, 10

Malaysians were urged not to take the path of religious fanaticism and not allow politicians to exploit religious or racial issues when campaigning for votes.

“If politicians use religion or race to sway the people’s minds then the country may head for disaster,” said Pastor James Wuye and Imam Muhammad Ashafa in a public talk to an audience of over 200 last night at the Hussein Onn Eye Hospital.

Organised by MRA/ Initiatives of Change Malaysia, they concurred that religious leaders should be sincere, fair and mediate conflicts without any agenda for political advantage.

“Neither should politicians use religious leaders to influence the people, and in countries which have used such propaganda have torn their social fabric and were doomed,” Pastor Wuye said.

The net result of any wrong actions by politicians will be a political tsunami and governments can be brought down if religion or race is preached the wrong way to win the people’s support, Ashafa stressed. Continue reading “‘Malaysia, don’t go our way’ call rings out”

Discontinue the Teoh Beng Hock inquest

by P. Ramakrishnan

We are gathered here today to express our solidarity with the Teoh family.

We are here to express our sorrow over the tragic death of Teoh Beng Hock. We are here to share the pain and anguish that his family is suffering on a daily basis.

Teoh Beng Hock’s death has outraged the conscience of this nation. It is difficult to understand how his death could have taken place in a secure area without the knowledge of MACC officials who had complete control over the premises. Continue reading “Discontinue the Teoh Beng Hock inquest”

Cabinet to query A-G over ‘black-eye’ case

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The Malaysian Insider
November 24, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 24 — The Najib administration has instructed two Cabinet ministers to question Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail over his alleged involvement in the infamous 1998 “black-eye incident” involving Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the Cabinet’s decision came after former police officer Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim claimed to have new information on the 12-year-old case that implicated Abdul Gani, the current Attorney-General.

“I’ve now been instructed (as a result of the Cabinet meeting), Datuk Rais (Minister of Information, Communications and Culture) and myself, to meet and speak to the Attorney-General and we are now waiting for him to come back from Mekah,” Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz told The Malaysian Insider today.

Mat Zain, the former Kuala Lumpur CID chief, had, in an open letter on Monday to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar, called for a full closure of the alleged police assault on Anwar, volunteering information that could “restore” police image and credibility.

Nazri said Cabinet wanted to hear what Abdul Gani had to say before taking action. Continue reading “Cabinet to query A-G over ‘black-eye’ case”

Kangaroos in full view

by Goh Keat Peng

Once thought to only exist in Australia, we now know better. In fact, even in Australia, these unique animals are more easily spoken about than viewed. In the sixties when on my first visit to that country, I was on the farm outside Perth and my hosts felt it their bounden duty to show this young Malaysian the real thing. So I was put on the front seat of the Land Rover and literally taken for a ride. The powerful vehicle went all over the bush land, in and out of large holes in the ground but eighty minutes of focused search found not a single one of those fascinating animals. The only real kangaroo I could speak of was the one on the lunch table which I partook of only after much coaxing by the gracious hostess!

How was I to know that in this day and time, to view kangaroos, any Malaysian or for that matter any visitor to our land, need not take the Air Asia flight to Australia nor get into a powerful Land Rover. Here in Kuala Lumpur, they need not even have to make their way to the zoo. They need to just go to Jalan Duta. Continue reading “Kangaroos in full view”

New information on Anwar “black-eye” assault in 1998 surfacing in the public domain

New information on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s “black-eye” assault in 1998 surfacing in the public domain has fortified the case of Datuk Zain Ibrahim Ismail, the police officer who headed the investigations into the case, for a proper closure of the 12-year-old police stain to restore police image and credibility.

This new information in the public domain was made by Mat Zain himself in his 19-page Open Letter to the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Ismail bin Haji Omar, yesterday entitled: “Lagi Mengenai Insiden Mata-Lebam”.

On 9th November, 2010, when moving a RM10 salary-cut motion for the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Gani Patail during the 2011 Budget debate in the committee stage of the Prime Minister’s Department, I had referred Mat Zain’s allegations accusing Gani Patail of fabricating evidence in the Anwar Ibrahim “black eye” investigation in 1998, which had not been unrebutted.

Although the RM10 salary-cut motion was defeated in the House, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had promised Parliament he would bring the ;public interest issues which I had brought up to the Cabinet.

In his Open Letter to the IGP yesterday, Mat Zain has called for a proper closure of Anwar’s “black eye” police assault, volunteering information strengthening his call for a “full and final’ closure which could restore police image and credibility in public esteem – as there was no need for any Royal Commission of Inquiry to ferret out the facts for the simple reason that the police itself was completely competent and capable of getting to the bottom of the incident. Continue reading “New information on Anwar “black-eye” assault in 1998 surfacing in the public domain”

Malaysians abroad keeping the government under watch

by Sydney Sasson
The Malaysian Insider
November 23, 2010

Dear Deputy Foreign Minister Pillay,

We read with interest your latest statements in the Dewan Rakyat today that the Malaysian government is keeping Malaysians abroad under watch.

Guess what? Malaysians abroad are keeping the Malaysian government under watch too. Its encouraging to know that a number of civil society initiatives and solidarity actions taken by Malaysians overseas in the past year have been noticed by the Malaysian government.

It means that all those days of braving the cold and rain to protest against the archaic Internal Security Act and government corruption, and writing to various overseas Members of Parliament and lobbying politicians, the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Commonwealth Human Rights Council, the overseas press and international civil society organisations to alert them to the worrying state of human rights in Malaysia has not been in vain.

When will we stop protesting, letter writing, lobbying, campaigning and keeping the Malaysian government under watch? Continue reading “Malaysians abroad keeping the government under watch”

Malaysia and ASEAN should support Aung San Suu Kyi’s call for a second multi-ethnic Panglong Conference to create a federal democracy in Burma to foster democratization and national reconciliation

Malaysia should play a leading active role in ASEAN to promote peace, democratization and national reconciliation in Myanmar as Malaysia, under the then Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, was responsible for Myanmar’s entry into ASEAN in 1997 despite ASEAN reservations and international criticisms on the ground that a policy of “constructive engagement” approach would pave the way for democratization and national reconciliation in Myanmar and security and stability in the region.

Thirteen years have elapsed but none of these objectives had been achieved.

Nine days ago, on 13th November, 2010, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Burmese democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi was released after spending 15 of 21 years in detention under the Myanmese military junta, a release which was long overdue as the series of incarceration against the Nobel Peace Prize Laureatte should not have occurred in the first place.

With over 2,200 political prisoners still in detention in Burma, is Suu Kyi’s release a sign that the Myanmese military junta is ready seriously to address the challenges of democratization and national reconciliation in Burma?
Continue reading “Malaysia and ASEAN should support Aung San Suu Kyi’s call for a second multi-ethnic Panglong Conference to create a federal democracy in Burma to foster democratization and national reconciliation”