CORRUPTION: The Pass Mark Eludes Malaysia

by Tunku Abdul Aziz

Judged internationally, by almost every performance indicator known to man, Malaysia is a duffer, and that is putting it charitably. Our report card is drowning in a sea of red ink. The 2010 Corruption Perceptions Index just released shows Malaysia scoring 4.4 points at number 56 out of 178 countries surveyed. Many have questioned the methodology used and have gone so far as to suggest developing our own index. But let me just say this. Whatever we may think, the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index enjoys a reputation second to none as the world’s most authoritative index of its kind. A similar sentiment has been expressed about the world’s top universities index. Shoot the bearer of bad news and retreat to hide under our tempurung and croak our lungs out for the entire world to hear about our version of Malaysia’s achievements. We have become a nation of bad losers.

When Datuk Anwar Fazal, Raja Aziz Addruse, Datuk Param Cumaraswamy and other like minded men and women of the highest integrity met in the Royal Commonwealth Society one night many years ago to discuss forming the Malaysian Chapter of Transparency International Malaysia, they had seen enough, and had become greatly concerned at the speed with which corruption in national life had destroyed the moral fabric and consumed the very soul of our people. It was not the easiest of undertakings to operate an anti-corruption non-governmental organisation during Mahathir’s corrupt and repressive regime.

The Registrar of Societies in this case was helpful, and much to our delight, approved our application. TI owes its existence to Tan Sri Hassan Marican, then President of PETRONAS a highly principled servant of this country. He invited me to lunch in my capacity as President of TI and said, not five minutes into the meal, that he would like to support our work, and how much would I need? I responded by saying I was not interested in a one off grant, but long term support. I asked for very little, not wanting to be greedy. He agreed. I understand the PETRONAS support continues today, with no strings attached.

In the years since the TICPI made its appearance in 1995, two years after Transparency International was founded, Malaysia has very rarely achieved the minimum pass mark of 5 points. We used to be ahead of South Korea regularly, and in Asia were for years only behind Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan. What all this shows is that we have regressed to a point that corruption in our country is no longer just a fact of life, but it has graduated to become a way of life. When we look closely at the countries that are perceived to be among the least corrupt, we find they are invariably well governed and that there is a correlation between good governance and competitiveness. These countries realise only too well that corruption if unchecked will distort and destroy their moral values and value systems and, sooner rather than later, their economies.

The symptoms of moral decay is everywhere in this country. It never ceases to amaze me at the naivety of our government leaders that they think that mere rhetorical expressions of good intentions to fight corruption could camouflage the unbridled systemic subversion of the country’s mechanisms of checks and balances and other institutions of government as part of our constitutional arrangements to protect the rights of our citizens. Mahathir’s had a cynical view of his stewardship, a concept totally alien to him. He set about destroying, like a man possessed, what he saw as constitutional or legal impediments to his personal and political ambitions. His legacy to Malaysia is best described as a lasting and deeply entrenched culture of corruption that this country will be saddled with for all time unless we, the citizens, take matters into our own hands and vote the corrupt government of the day out of office. Do it before it becomes a case of too little, too late.

In the meantime, my advice to Najib is to stop playing the silly games much loved by Abdullah Badawi, the keeper turned poacher. He put up a slew of anti-corruption showpieces such as the National Institute of Integrity, the Royal Commission inquiring into the Royal Malaysia Police, and new anti-corruption laws to support the work of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, all nothing more than a sleight of hand that has fooled no one, with predictable results. Badawi’s exercise was both dishonest and costly, and as the latest TICPI shows, corruption has the last laugh.

In a speech I made in 2001 at the Asian Development Bank-organised conference in Phnom Penh, I reminded my audience that “Even before we contemplate any action against corruption, it is important for us to recognise the special and complex circumstances that give rise to it. Studies show that a common cause of corruption is a lack of strong and unsullied government institutions, such as the judiciary, the legislature, the office of the auditor-general, the police, the office of the attorney general, the media, civil society organisations and the private sector.”

In Malaysia, sadly, Mahathir has succeeded brilliantly in doing his foul deed. None of these important institutions can any longer even justify their existence and they have become part of the problem of corruption. “The main purpose of developing strong institutions is to prevent corruption from occurring in the first place rather than relying on penalties after the event” according to Jeremy Pope in his TI Source Book 2000.

The Executive can change the hitherto negative international perceptions and at the same time exercise greater legitimacy to govern by making it mandatory for all holding elected public office, including the prime minister, to declare their assets and those of their wives and immediate families to an all party parliamentary commission. Other areas of concern relate to issues of integrity of the various key national institutions. Public procurement as practised in our country breeds grand corruption and is one of the reasons why we score badly in overall terms. The Official Secrets Act protects the corrupt and must be replaced with a Freedom of Information Act. It would be extremely important to bring new, intelligent and untainted blood into the MACC which at the moment seems to have run out of steam before the whistle to commence play is blown. It must report to an all party parliamentary commission.

While we want those who commit corruption to be suitable punished, this must be done within the scope of the existing judicial practice. The idea as suggested by TI Malaysia President that for the MACC to operate effectively, it must be given the power to prosecute is dangerous as it shows a lack of understanding of what constitutes justice. What is implied in this preposterous idea is that we abandon all principles of fairness and fair play so that the MACC could trample on our justice system with impunity. Enough is enough.

Early next month I will be speaking in Sydney, Australia at the annual conference of the Australian Corporate Lawyers Association on, no prize for guessing, my favourite subject, Overcoming Corruption: A Regional Challenge. I will have a field day calling a spade a spade. I hope I will not be accused of disloyalty to my country, but if telling the truth is treachery, so be it.


27 Replies to “CORRUPTION: The Pass Mark Eludes Malaysia”

  1. ///In the meantime, my advice to Najib is to stop playing the silly games much loved by Abdullah Badawi, the keeper turned poacher.///

    if the government practices corruption, how can the people rely on her to wipe out corruption? The only way to get rid of the corruption menace is to vote in a new government. Hopefully, the new government has the conscience to put things right.

  2. Please, please Tunku, tell the whole world how corrupted this government is.
    They scream that they are defenders of race, religion and country while hiding their ill gotten gains in foreign banks.
    Even the Chief Justice has admitted to giving bribes. Now, how lucky the score is 4.4. It should have been lower had TI interviewed the common man like me who has seen corruption at ALL levels of government, even in the kampong penghulu’s/ketua kampong’s offices.

  3. bn=umno=corruption. 8 out of 10 times i encountered either the police or customs, they will stick their hands out for $$$. getting 4.4 i think is too generous. it should be 2.0.

    they dumno are thinking that we are stupid and dont know what is going on. every layman on the streets when they talked about the government, the first thing sure to come out from their mouths is CORRUPTED TO THE CORE.

    all the draconians laws implemented are just to protect their corrupted activities.

  4. ///In Malaysia, sadly, Mahathir has succeeded brilliantly in doing his foul deed. None of these important institutions can any longer even justify their existence and they have become part of the problem of corruption.///–Tunku Abdul Aziz

    Malaysians cherish democracy but politicians work the system of democracy to stay in power. They have to show the election results though they can hide the process. To make sure that they are challenged, they make the institutions serve their political interest by enfeebling their opponents, within or in opposition parties. Populist policies were utilized to create loyal voters to make them return to power.

    Malaysia would not have to face politicians like Mamakthir if the Agong had the power in Malaysia similar to those wield by the Sultan of Brunei in his country. The Sultan of Brunei takes his country as his own possession and he loves the country. He would not do anything to harm the institutions because those institutions serves in the interest of the nation.

    We are in trouble because the politicians utilized the system of democracy to prevent the Rulers demonstrate their love for the country.

  5. We are in trouble because the politicians utilized the system of democracy to prevent the Rulers demonstrate their love for the country. by #38

    Umnoputras n i.we.ra.him goons take us to the understanding that sultan or what so ever agong are above everything for us to question their previlege special or order-they’ve everthing right to decide n rule,right?.So the question is,are the sultan and agong just playing along with racial issue?Who is the main decision maker-umno or ruler?

  6. Petronas is a product from the misappropriation of power and misappropriation is the engine for most, if not all, the corruptions.

    Many institution or NGO in Malaysia are there just to give a smoke that “someone” is there doing the job!! How much these NGO had done for the People except making noise from time to time. What has the Human Rights institution in Malaysia done?

    The lawyer assaulting clients in Penang when he was and still in the file of representint the clients can be silent by the Police/KUP/AG and even the PCB of the PM Office!! The case he is representing is on a Defamation case arised from the notorious Wangsa Baiduri housing matter which was a result of the gang-up of the Land Offices/PKNS/MPPJ/MPSJ and the Developer with Red herrings as “house buyers” in both the Townhouse and the highrises.

    The extreme of corruption in Malaysia is not only they are flooded but they are netted and backed up by the officials from top to bottom. And, some are even started from the Government!

    The PKFZ is a clear mis-appropriation of power, overriding even Parliamental procedures with ignorances from MP, PM, ministers to allow even fund-raising outside the regulations. Yet, the government has taken every steps under the eyes of the MP and the Parliament to let it get “loss”. Had any MP confirmed that the project had gone far out of the original preliminary approval and so is the mis-appropriation of the PM and the cabinet? Had any MP condemned the mis-appropriation of the billions of “soft-loan” and the fund-raising is not within the approval and so is illegal?

    What has TI Malaysia done as part of the TI worldwide to alert the Malaysiana and use the influence of TI international to exert pressure on the Government?

    This brings the recall of the Bar president in leading her members to appeal the PM for a sound RCI and at the end of the day, out of the blue, “Give him a Chance” and the public criticised unsound RCI was then gone through.

    Can those Index tell the seriousness of the corruption in Malaysia? The Corruption in Malaysia is “super” because the Government are the backbone of most, if not all, the corruptions. Even hospitals and the medical shares can be their hands. Such as many case of those died in Police locked-up!! In the lawyer assautling clients case in Penang, the GH has white-washed the medical report!!

    Did TI Malaysia used the same methodology and Ethic as the World TI in putting up the TI index?

    Has Malaysia been lacking out of any institution that the World have so far? NO!! But, hardly any had the same ethic, discipline or professionism to win the confidence of even the Malaysians!!

    Will Tunku be talking about Index or how corrupted is the Malaysian Government in Australia? I believe, the more appropriate topic should be “Overcoming Corruption, a Political and Adminstrative Challenge”!! If Malaysia can have nothing to show the world how they had fight corruption, especailly the Government, how can an ex-Government high officer, be at the world stage to tell the world how to fight corruption? Same for the poor disciplinary of many lawyers in Malaysia, what to tell the lawyers in Australia?

    If Najib can speak “loud” in the World Political Stage, so why not for anyone from Malaysia!!

  7. Corruption is government-sanctioned. The government announces billion ringgit projects which are awarded to the highest bidder, and the funding – EPF or PNB or GLCs are saddled with overpriced projects. And if these projects don’t work, the government bails out these projects through Khazanah or Petronas or forces the banks to take huge write-offs.

    This is the Mamakthir standard operating procedure which has become UMNO’s standard operating procedure after 30 years of refinement.

  8. Another blatant form of corruption which we will find almost impossible to stem out is the collusion between government agencies and the underground. This is why illegal DVD sellers, pimps, drug pushers, human traffickers, smugglers thrive in this country like never before, as they have the protection of the many agencies concerned.

  9. 1. “The Registrar of Societies in this case was helpful, and much to our delight, approved our application.”
    Yes, registration of an Association or alike is at the mercy of the “public servant”! Please tell the audiences in Australia.

    2. Is Petronas under the regular scanning of transparency by TICPI?

    3. How many Government Agencies or offices, including the Bar, Judiciary, Disciplinary and the GLC are under the scanning of TICPI for Transparency? How many of them fulfilled their Client Chapter?

    4. “In the years since the TICPI made its appearance in 1995, two years after Transparency International was founded, Malaysia has very rarely achieved the minimum pass mark of 5 points.”
    Before 1995, there is no synchronised system of comparing and the so called Anti-corruption system was not there! There is also no media to expose but the root of corruption had florished eversince it was Independent!!
    From the record of the Wangsa Baiduri Project, the land of the Subang Jaya Water Retention Pond, which is also part of the Town Park, was already “stolen” by the State Land office in 1979 or about and given to PKNS and most of the land was given title to the Developer – Sime UEP who had surrendered the land after completion of Subang Jaya. They are pulbic reserved land under the NLC which is restricted from further re-alienation. Even the State Land office has no rights of re-alientation. From there corruptions rolled, keeping MPPJ/MPSJ and many departments “busy” in the road of corruption. Making a taxi-driver a millionaire and thereafter billionaire!! How many similar cases happened in Selangor and other states?

    5. Fighting corruption needs the Moral maintenance of the People with respect of Fairness via personal and social awareness from Education in the family and school, social monitoring by the Public as well as enforcement by the Administration with laws of Fairness. Has ethic been an index for employment,especially with the Government?
    RELATIONSHIPS & MUTAL BENEFITS are the key index being used up to now!!
    Fullfilling obligations have never been a target even in the Malaysian Government and the related.

    Basically, the Laws, including the Constitution was never done on a Fair bases, respected and enforced. So, how to overcome Corruption, in Malaysia?

  10. ///The symptoms of moral decay are everywhere in this country///-Tunku Abdul Aziz

    This is due to many (though not all) Malaysians – whether politicians, civil servants, businessmen, ordinary men – whether in public or private sector –
    “tiada maruah” (lack of integrity/morals/ethics), which in turn contributes to “moral decay”, a large part of which is corruption….

    What is however integrity/morals/ethics? This again Malaysians have no consensus. Often we hear the definition of these terms being formulated within religious framework. It means not having extra-marital sex (cause of unwanted pregnancy and baby dumping) extended to not displaying affection or intimacy or even holding hands between heterosexual couples in public, women dressing appropriately and not displaying ‘aurat’, hence foreign artistes have to conform to local dress codes; certainly not being a gay or homosexual! Mixed with definitions having religious colouration are secular definitions of integrity/morals/ethics: they include not breaking the laws and of course not being oppressive, exploitative of others and not being corrupt.

    Being not that religious, I am bias in favour of the secular definition. So by my definition a person is still unethical and lack integrity if he oppresses and exploits others and indulges in corrupt practices even though by the religious definition he is otherwise upstanding and pious in the sense that he attends regularly places of his religious worship, dutifully carries out his prayers, dresses conservatively, and has no sexual peccadilloes exposed…..

    With particular reference to topic of corruption – loosely defined as abusing one’s position of power or influence to secure unfair financial or other advantage over others to the overall detriment of others as wider group – the root cause is the propensity to take unfair advantage for pecuniary/material gain.

    It is said that materialism and mud raking quest for money in today’s world is the cause. This however does not explain the problem. Singapore is less corrupt but are the people there less “materialistic” than Malaysians? Surely not.

    I take it that generally most people are materialistic (except for priests, monks, nuns, people of the cloth and Communists and even in these categories there are notable exceptions).

    To love Money, worship the Money God, enjoy the benefits, whether material goods, respect or even power that Money can buy is a human nature and trait. So is equally the human propensity to seize an advantage and opportunity to secure the material aims which by definition has to be an unfair advantage that often, though not all the times, is the most expeditious and short cut way to secure wealth.

    This leads to the conclusion that people anywhere are by nature corrupt looking for unfair advantage to secure personal wealth which by this reality alone implies that the political, economic, social and cultural system and societal rules and laws, formulated and enforced, must be geared to check and regulate this “natural” human trait if it were not to get out of hand and lead to total failure and collapse of that particular society or polity due to the unbridled excesses of corruption. From this perspective the root cause why this country does not attain “pass mark” per the Corruption Perceptions Index, as compared to others, lies in our political economic, social and cultural system – which instead of checking and resisting human tendency to be corrupt, facilitates it instead! A large portion (though not wholly) of the blame for such a system must be pinned on the politicians and their communal and ethno and now religious-centric politics. Instead of offering leadership and political will in area of integrity against corruption, they set the opposite leadership example instead.

  11. In part why development of integrity is slow if not regressed here is due to historical or colonial incidents/policies. 2 centuries ago the Malays here saw 3 waves of migration due to Colonial policies: Indonesians (culturally same as Malays) who generally went to the farms and padi fields, Chinese to tin mines and mercantile pursuits in towns and Indians to rubber estates. With race being identified with economic sector and prosperity, so politics too at the time of the country’s independence became identified with race, hence the emergence of communal parties and politics with UMNO being dominant ruling party protective of the Malay Agenda (Special privileges and subsequent Affirmative policies) rather than the Malaysian Agenda based on Meritocracy.

    This is the first problem. Playing on themes of race – and later religion identified with it- buttressed by an extensive affirmative policy program which only the State could enforce and requires government extensive intervention in corporate and business, such a political social and economic system does not help at all to check corrupt tendencies prevalent amongst all humans, when people in power (whether in political position, public service, and corporate helm).

    The very cornerstone of a political social and economic system geared towards affirmative policies based on racial preferences is “unfair advantage”. It runs diametrically opposite against the first ethical value necessary to combat corruption – and that is to abjure unfair advantage, to accord fairness to others and not to take unjustified and unfair gain and advantage over them – and hence any material benefits to be obtained ought to be obtained by fair competition based on merits.

    Though the justification of “unfair advantage” here is to correct historical/colonial policies that created economic disparities identified along race lines, in no time, this justification becomes thwarted/hijacked and the affirmative policies become “bastardised” in the words of the PM’s brother, CIMB chief. Human tendencies to be corrupt triumph because every public exhortation against corruption can be circumvented by the political and corporate well connected under the pretext of furthering the race and affirmative national agenda – until it becomes a way of life.

    What has evolved is hypocrisy. We have all kinds of national mantra against corruption and even a revamped MACC; we also have a national Institute of Integrity – in other words all the forms of fighting corruption but not the substance. We manage only the perception that we fight corruption but ignore the reality that we facilitate it by the political social economic system set in place.

    Sure, the development and preservation of democratic institutions of check and balance and accountability will certainly help to check corruption but it is not prerequisite. We need one heck of a national leader, a statesman, of intellect, vision, sincerity and stubborn political will to get us out of this morass – and he need not even be a democrat if for reasons of lack of homogeneity of race/religion/culture amongst a pluralistic populace, immediate flowering of the constitutional seeds of democratic institutions grafted by the Colonial masters in 1957 are slow on a foreign soil under different climate.

  12. Here are excerpts of interview by German magazine Spiegel of SMM Lee Kuan Yew which are interesting: (I Quote)

    SPIEGEL: “During your career, you have kept your distance from Western style democracy. Are you still convinced that an authoritarian system is the future for Asia ?”

    Mr. Lee: Why should I be against democracy? The British came here, never gave me democracy, except when they were about to leave. But I cannot run my system based on their rules. I have to amend it to fit my people’s position. In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion. Supposing I’d run their system here, Malays would vote for Muslims, Indians would vote for Indians, Chinese would vote for Chinese. I would have a constant clash in my Parliament which cannot be resolved because the Chinese majority would always overrule them. So I found a formula that changes that…”

    The story of 2 leaders, North and South of Johor Straits is that whilst both were strongman and “dictator” and therefore evince the greatest promise in terms of impact of influencing and determining the course of their nation, the one in the North took the political economic and social system of his country in opposite way of that taken by the one South of it, and today we see the results and the differential arising from the different courses.

  13. ///To love Money, worship the Money God, enjoy the benefits, whether material goods, respect or even power that Money can buy is a human nature and trait. So is equally the human propensity to seize an advantage and opportunity to secure the material aims which by definition has to be an unfair advantage that often, though not all the times, is the most expeditious and short cut way to secure wealth.///– Jeffrey

    That in sum is the root cause of problems we face in Bolehland. There is a saying: junzi aicai quzhi youdao, translated it says a respectable person who loves money should obtain it honourably. There can be short cut to wealth, but it should not be through taking advantage over others, including the persons you do not know, like the general public. Corruption at high places is taking advantage of the public.

    NEP with its 30% discount of share prices is not honourable. People like the SP Setia CEO said that NEP helps him. The collusion with Malays took advantage of others, and the money gained is haram; it matters not whether the recipient is non-Muslim.

    NEP is non-halal, the way it has been implemented. If only non-Malays had insisted that partnership with Malays are done with partnership in true effort, rather than through a scheme of government policies taking advantage of the general public, there would be no collusion between business and the government. Had non-Malays practiced the teaching of Ghandi and observe justice and fair play, NEP would have been dead soon after Mamakthir’s ascent to power. Yes non-Malays are as guilty as Malays in sending this country to hell. The number one non-Malay who started the rot for Malaysia is Mamakthir.

  14. Assemble a team of chartered accountants, auditors and go through every balance sheets, every accounts and make sure debit is equal credit or vice versa. Strictly figurative. Nothing emotional. Not anger. Not ego satisfying. Not self defense. Not fault finding. Put it up for everyone to see. Check and balance. Then, damage control. Repair. Put everything right again. Let the ordinary Malaysians decide what should happen to the custodians of their money.

    1. The Auditor for the Developer of Wangsa Baiduri, Emko, was the same as the Auditor for the Accounts of the highrise for some years. However, the account for the Developer was using the Calendar year (Jan-Dec) whereas for the Highrise, they were for July-June). Those for the Highrise were mentioned as Account for each respective building without mentioning Emko when all in and out of the money for the Highrises and the Townhouse were via the Developer account. Some of the items were not the same between the Developer’s and the House Buyers. And, with much descrepancies that they cannot be not from one master book.

      Can audited account be made for the housing which does not have bank account for the in & out of those expenses? And, different accounting periods? and cannot see the figuires are related?
      Both Accountants Associations did not answer.

      The problem with Malaysian is most professionals are in fact helping the corrupted to mis-appropriate even they are the one to check or audit. Wangsa Baiduri started the Sinking Fund in 1996 with increase of service charge from 150 t0 285 for the highrise when the Sinking fund only official by law in 2002!! Adding a Service Tax in 2000 when it was never materialized for Housing Management. The first audited account was prepared in 1995 to give excuse for the sharp rise of Service Charge starting with close to half a million of Deficit for one highrise, without audited account prepared even by the “famous” Property Management Co. – Henry Butcher! Yet there was a net asset of some 170,000 even before the increase of service charge. The highrise and the Towhouse are sharing some of the service provider, however, it cannot be reflected from the accounts and a number of discrepancies were found but unanswered and the audited accounts were only provided some years later.

      The complaints to the respective MOH, Land office, MPSJ etc.. were never entertianed!! MOH asked the house buyer to provide Court order before they could release information of the Housing Approval. The monitoring section said they do not discuss law!!


      Even a few “house-buyers” can be “arranged” by the Developer to lead the Residents Committee or Association to mislead, drag and abuse other buyers!! Among them are lawyers, financial controller of the steel plant, doctors or even foreigner holding UK passport!!

  15. we have the Auditor-General’s Annual Report of Horrors as a good starting point but sadly very little corrective action is seen to be taken by the other AG; the one who is appointed as a political gatekeeper.
    So Malaysia cannot even take action against corrupt civil servants who keep abusing their psoitions.

  16. if you were to come across any ministers or government officials on the streets, just yell “PENCURI!!PENCURI!!PENCURI” and call the police.

    that’s how bad corruption is in this country run by this regime.

  17. Tunku, you could be accused of disloyal/traitor now by those in power or vested interest…but you will be remembered as a great man in the future – your strong and consistent warnings of corruption destroying our country plus time.

  18. Ethnic can be looked at from 2 ways.

    One being self-disciplined with Fairness as the Guideline. Such as what Loh said at #17. The Ruler to justify is what is well said that “If you do not want it to happen to youself, then, don’t do it!!” Fairness by the heart!!
    Another guideline is “Not to do it when one feel shame of doing it”.

    The other are Passive. To be regulated by Rules and Laws. Such as those for the Professional and those having Obligations to perform. Nevertheless, Fairness are still the guideline for the legislation and enforcement.

    Do we see both in the Malaysia Administration?
    The first one is rarely found nowaday, especially in the Administration and the top officials. The second one almost do not exist and worst of all they lead the break of Rules and Regulations.

    See how the piece of land come into the hand of PNCB? Wasn’t that a piece of land under some Ministry? How can a piece of State land become land of PCNB? The story of Wangsa Baiduri never ended in this Country. How much will that be inflated when turned into Project? Via accounting, the land will be re-evaluated and therefore, any possible previous loss on PCNB’s book will has its new value. New cash flow if they succeed to sell, then cash dividend for those who were in. (loss for those who come in later as shareholders?) The same is going to happen to the EPF to go into joint-venture with RRI

    Formula 1 for corruption in Malaysia!! Never failed as there is nothing that can stopped them!! They made the law, they are “authorised” to swing the law!!

    The period before there is a monitoring system for corruptions, the manipulation of the Government among those cronnie can be considered as doing in the dark, similar to stealing. When a monitoring system was set-up and it continued, it should be considered as Robbery!!

    If the existence of TI has not help to scare away or cut corruption in this country. It has help Malaysia corruption to “upgraded” to the “Stage of Robbery”!! Especially when both Self-disciplined and Regulated Ethnic had almost, if not all vanished in Malaysia.

    In one saying, “Even Robbers have Rules (for the Victim)”. Can it be found in the Administration of Malaysia ?

    Thiefs or Robbers in the past are poor people, in many occasions they were forced to do so. But in Malaysia, they gang-up and works with “consipracy” leaded by the Administration under the Torches of NGO or Watch Groups!!

    Those involved or helping corruptions in the Wangsa Baiduri matters besides the officials, Assemblyman are lawyers, doctors, hostel owner, financial controller of steel work, corporate CEO, big contractors, owners of few houses, teacher, Christians, …. and even a British of East European origin!!

    PR>>Be Prudence and sincere in yr party aspirations .

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