“No Mega Tower” fb campaign – 157,264 @ 8.30 am 25/10/10

Latest score of “No Mega Tower” fb campaign – 157,264 @ 8.30 am today, 25/10/10.

Forty-eight hours ago, it was 113,205, an increase of 44,059 or about 1,000 addition per hour.

In contrast, the support Mega Tower fb campaign recorded 1,585 at 8.30 am 25/10/10, an increase of a miserable 960 in the past 48 hours or 20 per hour – as it was 625 previously.


12 Replies to ““No Mega Tower” fb campaign – 157,264 @ 8.30 am 25/10/10”

  1. I think what galvanised a lot of people against it is because Petronas is charging for the ticket to go up. To the constituent of Malay heartland they have to sell this project too, it feels they have no real stake in it and at best, even if it makes money, almost all beneifts goes to the elite particularly UMNOputras.

  2. How many was present at the UMNO General Assembly? 4000+? Cannot even get 50% of them to sokong their “leader”?

    And where are their BN “partners” MCA, MIC. Gerakan etc.? Cannot even get 5% of their members to support their big brother UMNO?

    Perkasa claims it has more 300,000 members. Alamak, 1% support already improve this 100%!!!

  3. NR: Ai ya yah, only 157,264, nak action oredi
    Kami UmnoB’s members a lot U know, >3 million members U know, not counting millions of members of MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PBS, etc U know, we tsunami U, U know

  4. Hey rasputin (comment #2), see if you can lay your hands on a copy of the minutes of that meeting. The minutes could reflect who amongst the reps from our side did most talking and negotiation. That would definately be interesting.

  5. Have you ever been abroad? Have you ever been to other country? People knew Malaysia quite well you know. Why? I can give you a few reasons why.
    Malaysia is famous for our KLCC, KLIA and not forgetting Putrajaya. You’ll be amazed how much people abroad knew about these landmarks. It’s simply world famous. Who built them? You can answer the question yourself.
    Country like Singapore, the UAE are racing to build monuments, which will cost them billions of dollars. Why built it? As a symbol of a prosperous country.
    There’s nothing wrong with building another tower. Yes it cost a lot. But think about what the new tower will bring. More jobs, more tourists etc. These in time will also bring in money.

  6. by#8
    People know umno cronies built them with huge overrun costs.They also know rakyats’s money will be used to build 100 storey phallic towel with the result many empty lots not occupied except ghosts.

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