PM Najib threatening speech at UMNO Assembly, a sign of desperation

By Dr Chen Man Hin

Najib’s opening speech at the UMNO Assembly has shocked bloggers, internet surfers and the public.

The main media has censored Najib’s opening speech before the UMNO Assembly, filled with threats of crushed bodies, lost lives and ethnic cleansing to avoid causing panic and loss of support among the people and investors.

The Altantuya murder and the trumped up sodomy charge against Anwar and now a speech laced with threats of ethnic cleansing reveal the dark side of Najib.

How do you reconcile this with the sweet talk of 1 Malaysia and Malaysia is for all races?

Now it is obvious that we are dealing with s aplit personality prime minister, who is flip flopping most of the time.

The threats uttered before UMNO leaders is a serious breach of democratic protocol and should be brought up in Parliament.

The UN should be informed and let them see the contrast between his speech before the UMNO assembly, and the speech Najib made before the UN Assembly.

It could be that Najib is influenced by hard core UMNO leaders who feel they are losing control, and the only way for Umno to survive is to revert back to their trusted ideology of Ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy), Malay privileges (rights) and 30% bumi quota.


21 Replies to “PM Najib threatening speech at UMNO Assembly, a sign of desperation”

  1. ///Now it is obvious that we are dealing with split personality prime minister, who is flip flopping most of the time..///

    This is the problem with unprincipled two-faced leaders who use different language and terms to suit different kind of audience in order to gain political mileage.

  2. Racist n dictator MMK gave a thumbs-up 2 NR
    Excellent, well done n well spoken, unlike d useless spineless AAB!
    With MMK’s endorsement n blessing, NR is now ready 4 d next GE
    Confident his army of UmnoB/BN supporters will annihilate PR so dat he will b crowned d real voters-elected PM, not d back door type

  3. Najis is NOT the politician to be TRUSTED. Its all Polemics.

    Different audience he will definitely sing Different Tune. Amongst the Chinese in MCA Convention, he will sing sweet music to please them and now to UMNO he must be “garang” to show his manhood.

    Lets make him the “shortest term PM” in Msian history. For this, PR MUST really be UNITED; no unnecessary in-fightings please.

  4. ///Now it is obvious that we are dealing with s aplit personality prime minister, who is flip flopping most of the time.///–Dr CMH

    Najib has multiple split personalities. He speaks ghost language to ghosts, and human to human beings. Since he does not own what he says, or be responsible for what he said, he cannot even qualify to be a flip-flop. He simply does not mean what he says.

    Malays’s do have dilemma. They thought that the author of “Malay Dilemma’ knew their problems when there was none, at that time. Little do they know that the racial opportunist Mamakthir knew that he would be able to con the Malays by misusing the provisions of the constitution. Poor Malays only wanted to live a balance material and religious life, and they are not bound to be involved in business activities if they do not like. But many Malays are uprooted from their land because Mamakthir brainwashed them to be jealous of others’ success in business. They are made to believe that with number they could have business expertise installed in them, like computer software. But over the years with Mamakthir’ formula, Malays have succeeded in obtaining government projects and subcontract them for quick gains. They have learned to push papers just like their 1.2 million Malay civil servants. All was well with the easy money until a Muslim in Penang question the ‘haramness’ of the government handouts. Now that sense of enjoying haram money should haunt those who are truly religious, as Muhyiddin believed that funds available to Penang state government were haram, when federal funds do not come from a cleaner source.

  5. Najib and all his ministers and including former PM Beh Ah Tee need to take an intensive course on how to govern a country. They ought to be humble and to go learn from the Red Dot government.

    Don’t be shy lah……For the sake of the rakyat and country, go lah. Just nearby only what.

  6. It is quite clear from the recent UMNO general assembly that it will continue with its racist policies and continue plundering the country’s wealth for selfish benefits. MCA and MIC will continue to be puppets and political eunuchs of UMNO. A vote for UMNO and BN is a vote for corruption, racism, injustice to continue in Malaysia. My family, relatives and friends will never vote for UMNO/BN. Let’s work together to vote out UMNO/BN and give Malaysia a chance to regain its past glory. We should be on the highest alert that the UMNO/BN political machinery and EC will make the next GE probably the dirtiest and the most rigged in history.

  7. recently, my mom say, “pm” is a nice person. what she see and knows about the person is thru media and newspaper news. both of my parent are the homely type, and never like attending ceramah or whatever being organize by politicians. previous elections, they have been voting “bn”. only for the last general election they have decided to vote “pr”, reason was, they see the favoritism on one race, and listening to stories partly from me, relatives or friends. “pr”, especially the wakil rakyat will need to work much much harder thru this sort of people from door to door to explain and get to know them personally. i have been “dap” supporter since day one, because of “lky” fighting spirit for the people. his action speak louder than words. he walk the talk! majority of my friends are also “pr” supporters. reason was, they believe in multi-racial…

  8. Yes there is desperation but more importantly it means that Najib don’t have a plan, he is merely fighting fire hoping to get lucky.

    In the history of UMNO/BN and this country, they have never been able to solve real critical problems by looking inwards. Each time they have done that, the administration has ran into trouble and was removed. It happened to Hussein Onn, it happened to Mahathir, it happened to Badawi. At the root of why they do it is because it goes back to Razak who did the NEP because of Tunku refusal to look inward when he got into trouble. The problem is the theory is highly flawed because Razak was not tested and Hussein Onn who took over shows Razak may not have survived if he continued.

    Its possible to get repreive when you are backed up against the wall by looking inward and sacrificing long term strength for short term political gains but those methods run out of steam very faster each time you use it.

    Najib’s problem is that he does not have a long term plan. Spending his way out of trouble is not a long term plan unlike Mahathir who opened up foreign direct investments and even Razak who, while he did the NEP, also let loose the Ali-Baba system that let loose the productivity of the non-Malays.

    At best Najib’s plan can buy him another term but its doomed. And it may not be enough even then. In the short term, they are highly unpopular and while UMNO is reconsolidating around him, BN is breaking up – the fragmentation means too many ways things can go wrong. There simply is not enough discipline and poor talent within UMNO to manage the many things that can go wrong.

  9. Was the PM merely voicing out his true feelings or was he pandering to the demands of UMNO hawks? This totally contradicts his 1 Malaysia concept. Luckily, what we were reading in the newspapers the following day was a sanitized account of his speech. Otherwise BN will just lose a few hundred thousand votes in the next GE.

  10. The PM is a ‘Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde’
    Delivering a nice speech at UN Assembly
    But giving a threatening one at home side
    Contrary to his own 1Malaysia ideology

    Wise up BN voters to UMNO’s evil intentions
    Lets give PR a resounding victory
    This coming 13th general elections
    For Malaysia to regain its former glory

  11. Fong asks PM to explain his Umno speech to Parliament.


    It doesn’t take an idiot to recognise that Najib’s speech is frightening whatever that stupid Mohd Aziz of Seri Gading may say about proverbial phrases. Aziz is no linguist; on the contrary, he is a political lap-dog. Now, that is proverbial.

    Nonetheless, it won’t frighten Malaysians to vote out BN. You bet.

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