Umno and PM declaring war against the rakyat?

Richard Loh
Malaysia Chronicle
October 23, 2010

Is our country at war? Is our country being attacked by outsiders? It looks that way when we heard the Prime Minister declaring “Even if our bodies are crushed and our lives lost, brothers and sisters, whatever happens, we must defend Putrajaya.” I would be the first to stand by the PM and sacrifice my life to defend Putrajaya and the country if we are at war with outsiders. When an enemy attacked a country they will go for the capital city, trying to capture it, and if they succeed, the country will be theirs and they win the war.

This morning when I woke up, I hear no gun fire nor any bombing, just the normal sound of vehicles passing by and a beautiful sunny day.

So, what is the PM declaration all about? After reading it more closely I realized that it was umno and it’s president that is declaring war against the rakyat. They have taken control of Putrajaya and that Putrajaya belongs to umno, no one else has the right to it and they will protect it at all cost.

Let me, the rakyat of Malaysia, tell Umno and its president these actual facts.

Putrajaya does not belong to any individual or party, it belongs to all Malaysians.

The rakyat will decide who to run Putrajaya and incidentally, umno was chosen to helm Putrajaya for 54 years. This does not mean that umno now owns Putrajaya and it can declare to defend it at all cost. There is nothing for you to defend if the rakyat decided to throw you out.

By declaring war against the rakyat, which they put you there in the first place, indicates that you are now no longer interested to serve the rakyat and country, but to preserve your control by any means which is legally wrong. It is even more wrong to use threat and force by indicating that you are willing to shed blood to remain in power.

Whether you remain in power and control over Putrajaya is not yours to decide nor defend by foul means.

Pakatan Rakyat or any party that wins the majority seats as decided by the rakyat will control Putrajaya and rule the country whether you like it or not.

The rakyat are now fully aware of the true color and intention of the PM after hearing his statement to defend Putrajaya at all cost. The PM is more concern about himself and umno rather than to serve the rakyat and country. All his talks and slogan of “1Malaysia, People First Performance Now” are just empty promises to con the rakyat into voting for him.

The rakyat will capture back Putrajaya and throw Umno out and our March to Putrajaya will not be through crushing of bodies or loss of lives but by peaceful mean and that is using our vote.

My fellow Malaysians, you had given your mandate to umno for 54 years and now they are turning into a monster that cares not about you or the country. They are willing to crushed bodies and lost lives to protect their existence.

We must tame this monster not by brute force but by using our vote.

To Umno and the PM, we, the rakyat, no longer fear your threat of another May 13 nor your threat of crushed bodies and lost lives. We, the rakyat, hold the power to decide who control Putrajaya.

Malaysians, we must not allow fear to stop us from marching to Putrajaya. We are now a step closer to Putrajaya when our enemy are showing signs of defeat by declaring war against the rakyat.

Change we must and this is not an option.


17 Replies to “Umno and PM declaring war against the rakyat?”

  1. If for the last 53 years UMNO leaders had not been self-serving and truthfully implemented the NEP to help the poor Malays and non Malays, the 30% equity would have long been achieved and probably too, Malaysia would be on par with Singapore if not better. The rakyat have totally lost confidence in the UMNO-led BN government and we are ready to PR a chance to govern.

    When UMNO is supposed to be helping the poor Malays but instead cheated them like in the case of Felda settlers, then it is not surprising that even their Malay supporters in the rural areas are eroding. No doubt they took a long time to wake up from their slumber but it is better late than never.

  2. “The PM is more concern about himself and umno rather than to serve the rakyat and country. ” Right, but PM is more concern about himself only coz he needs support of umno to vote him in as PM. Rakyat voted the party and pm is there at the mercy of his party. So he has to act wayang2 throughout his tenure

  3. “Pakatan Rakyat or any party that wins the majority seats as decided by the rakyat will control Putrajaya and rule the country whether you like it or not.” – LKS.

    I doubt it. I doubt whether UMNO like it or not, UMNO will still control Putrajaya through any means necessary, legal or otherwise. Legal, via “another Perak” power-grabbed. Otherwise, well, a short cut which save time, BLOODSHED.

  4. He stressed:”Melayu,Melayu,Melayu” for many times and won applause from floor instead Khairy speech muted all!

    All come this far with efforts but back to starting point again after the UMNO assembly!

    This did not make sense of his international speech about Malaysian and Malaysia. Read and look in depth about it!

  5. Therefore it is imperative that PR must close ranks amongst its individual parties and also amongst PKR,PAS,DAP,etc.

    Every patriotic members should NOT be sideline after they are defeated in the party’s elections for office-bearers. They must be have a effectie role to play. The real enemy are UMNO/BN.

    This generation can make history[defeating BN] to capture Putrajaya. But no stones should be left unturn, every blade of grass must be covered. Sacrifices are needed. PR Leaders should not be SELFISH and only protect their own safe cosy corners. Get out of the comfort zone and create History. Syabas.

  6. Just who is Najis or anyone in the PM position if the RAKYAT does not stand behind him????? Who made him PM in the first place? Is he a self-declared PM?????? Is this what MALAYSIAN DEMOCRACY is all about???????

  7. Housing, Education, Transporation, Security, Health, Social Well being, Country Development, etc.. are Duties of every government. They are where Taxes are for and what make an Administration and its “Public Servant” indispensable.

    A house has to go with the necessary security, services and a Peace of Mind to make it a HOME. The Administration should make policy for the People and also for their own duty. However, the Acts were done more for the sake of the Developer and power for the Administration without the obligations with free will of enforcing NOT!!

    In Subang Jaya alone, many public reserved area which should be for each section had been abused by the Land Office for housing projects (including commercial), such as the Subang Plaza, area opposite Carre Four, etc..etc..and also the “Town Park” were “stolen” and turned into Private land for housing projects.

    The Laws, the Administration had bankrupted to make further housing project creditible. Instead of an obliged National Policy, it has turned into a commerical, political and “stealing” acts gang-up with Developers. The Housing projects in USP was dragged with closed to 10 years with late delivery even with prices topped up under the monitoring of State Assemblyman LHB and a Singh.

    MOH has no place to make any “voice” and “noise” on Housing matter in Malaysia!!

    How many water retention ponds, recreation areas been stolen into housing projects? How many abandon project that has caused x100,000 familes in pain and suffering for x10years? They are billions in RM!! with Interest not spared!!

    How many banks will help house-buyer in chasing after delays, bad quality, poor management and all sort of bullies which had in fact down graded the properties in mortgage to them?

    All are there just waiting to suck the sweat and blood of those house buyers. How many work for obligations, duty and professionalisms in their own sectors? How many lawyers has misled housebuyer with the S&P where MOH has no excuse of not making it adhesive to the ACTs?
    Judge in court did not even bother to ask for a Development Order and giving verdicts by what were presented by the Developer and said by the Town Planner of PJ!!

    Summer Villa Condo in Subang was sold without the mandaorty standard S&P and not even with Sales and Advertising Permit. MCA coucillor and later State Assemblyman “helped” the Club house to become Hotel of the Developer’s sister co. and from there moved into KLSE!!

    The Administration, MOH, Land Offices made “stolen” properties into shares!!
    House Bubbles, Share Bubbles by the Bubble Administration and Ministers!!

    Are we far from Bubbled Malaysia??

    How many abandoned project still pending? How many houses are left empty?

  8. Jib was attempting to fire up the umno solidarity and fighting spirit. That was obvious. Wasnt it? He thought that he was doing a winston churchill. But it seems that he had set fire to more than just umno’s solidarity and spirit. I really dont know whether that was his design – to burn umno and to bring it down. In fact I wonder if he foresaw the consequences of his words at all.

    But it surely was stupidity at its worst. And a completely irresponsible uttering from the leader of a nation. No respectable head of state would do that! Winston Churchill certainly would not. Only Ah Pek in the neighbourhood kopitiam is qualified to pass remarks like that. But not he, jib the PM. Not he. Not he, in public. Not he, before an important forum like the umno general assembly. And dare I add, not he even when he was drunk!

  9. UMNO and their 3 million members has formally declared war on Malaysian people. As stated by their leader, they will fight to the last to hold Putrajaya, the Federal government and the money strings within the Treasury.

    It is without a doubt that flash-bang grenades will be used to dazzle and confused the Malaysian people. However we must stay on target and remove them from power. We are in a situation of Total War.

    They have nearly robbed the Malaysia dry. If Malaysians do not win now, in 10 years it won’t matter. Remember it will take decades to repair the damage that 50 years of miss management destroyed. And you can’t make repair if you have no money. And you need money to even make money.

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