The 100-storey Najib Tower

This is extract of speech by Lim Kit Siang at the first of two consecutive 2,000-plus-people Wisma Penang DAP fund-raising dinners held at PISA on Monday, 18th October 2010.

Other speakers on the first-night Wisma Penang DAP fund-raising dinner were DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, Deputy Chief Minister and MP for Batu Kawan, Professor P. Ramasamy, DAP Penang State Chairman, State Exco and MP for Tanjong Chow Kon Yeow and DAPSY chief and MP for Rasah Anthony Loke.

Speakers for the second-night Wisama Penang DAP fund-raising dinner, also held at PISA on Tuesday 19th October 2010, apart from Lim Guan Eng, Chow Kong Yeow and Lim Kit Siang were DAP National Chairman and MP Bukit Gelugor Karpal Singh and DAP Wanita DAP chief and MP for Bukit Mertajam Chong Eng.


27 Replies to “The 100-storey Najib Tower”

  1. //Other speakers on the first-night Wisma Penang DAP fund-raising dinner were DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, Deputy Chief Minister and MP for Batu Kawan, Professor P. Ramasamy, DAP Penang State Chairman, State Exco and MP for Tanjong Chow Kon Yeow and DAPSY chief and MP for Rasah Anthony Loke//

    Wow!!!how can we be sure DAP is a multi racial pary and fights for every Malaysians…

  2. Jib is resorting to threats of violence and crushed bodies etc if umno should lose in GE13. That is a completely irresponsible behaviour; and it is definately very unbecoming of a prime minister and leader of a country. I am sure he has undergone the BTN indoctrination and is now completely fearful of some imaginary foes.

  3. Why not use the money to compete with Singapore for BRAIN-GAIN ???

    Or, build 10 new hospitals for Sabah and Sarawak, plus upgrade the road-system for the so-called “fixed-deposit” states.

    …and stop all the empty promises, especially those made during the by-elections.

  4. Son of razak wanna emulate his father’s era of doing the May 13th thing, I guess!
    Me and my family are more eager and bound to see that BN is booted out for good.
    Me wanna see that he eat up his words!!!

  5. …PNB could finance the project on it’s own without outside help / without using rakyats’ money….(PNB boss)

    that’s very reassuring…. but where does PNB obtain such a big sum to spend?

    is PNB telling us that it has kept a big chunk of its profit all these years from the investors?

    either way, the rakyats should ‘show’ their power come GE13.

    Save Malaysia, kick BN out !

  6. PNB was set up to advance the objective of NEP. It is government policies and funds put together to move Malays away from the special position, like in the ICU. Malaysians want NEP to achieve the stated target, no matter how we are not convinced of the basis and rationale. So to Malaysians, PNB money is government money in a different pocket. It is not as though PNB belongs to private individuals who are entitled to lose whatever their ancestors handed down to them. PNB funds are government funds.

    The CEO of PNB said that 5,000 million tower would create 5,000 jobs; one RM million a job. That must be the most costly job creation any where in the world. As year goes by it gets more expensive to create jobs for UMNOputras.

  7. Non-Malays have given up hope on UMNO making changes from its racist policies since Najib has just demonstrated that he is a racist. The Malays who have been trained overseas returned to see that people who are lesser qualified/endowed than them occupying a position above them, or as their boss. Non-Malays accepted such phenomena as the norm of Article 153 or NEP. But Malays are made to feel like non-Malays facing UMNOputras. That is why Malays are split, one group belongs to UMNOputras or UMNOputras hopeful and those who cannot think. The two other groups comprise of those who are religious and thus are against UMNO’s racist policies which are against Islamic teaching, and others who have seen the world and feel sure that UMNO has turned Malaysia into a failed state.

    RPK has just said that if there should be any repeat of a riot, it would be between those who are religious against those who are corrupt. The non-Malays can remain onlookers like they have always been since NEP.

  8. Once upon a donkey time ago, many many many moons ago, long long long forgotten time ago, some people wanted to build a tower called the Babel Tower. Because it nearly touched heaven, Allah decided to do something about it because you see, heaven and earth do not mix. To this day, no one knows where this fantastic archaeology site is. hmmm…wonder why ???

  9. Better start moving all your money outside before the country become bankrupt. All umno people already put their money outside and why don’t we? Diam’s money is already all over the world, so is mamakthir’s son money. Taib billion is already outside so is the apa nama moron trying to smuggle a suitcase of money to Australia.

  10. The tower will destroy the Tunku Abdul Rahman park and drive a dagger deep into Malaysian history and kill it forever…

    This has to be the Mamak’s final push to kill all memories of the Tunku..

    Apart from the impending destruction of the Merdeka Stadium and Stadium Negara, the historical schools of MBS, the Victoria Institution, Davidson School and Confucian School will now be a distant memory as all these schools will die natural deaths and their grounds taken up to build useless condos..

    Malaysia as a nation will be no more. The RAHMAN syndrome has truly come back one last time and who would have thought that Najib will stand not only for the destruction of UMNO but Malaysia itself. Where is God…..

  11. Nothing wrong with tall buildings per se as symbols of achievements except where there are no real achievements to be really proud of and one tries by these superstructures to project image of wealth, power and influence to cover the lack thereof. When one puts structural developments in tall buildings as more important than human capital development it is folly and financial profligacy compounded by vanity and hubris.

  12. D new 100-storey phallic symbol will b named d MACC Tower
    MACC will occupy d 100th floor 2 test if their guests/questionees can fly
    Our newly self-proclaimed 1st lady will hv her dept there too 2 entertain her frens

    LKS was shocked by d new blood-sucking nation-busting budget
    He suffered dizziness, vomitting, hearing loss

  13. Why not you sucker build a space station instead?
    In that way you can suck off lots of money from the nation’s coffer.
    You can also boast and show off to the world that we, Malaysia really bolih.
    Whether the station can float in space or not, who cares!
    Most important is, can put you bunch of “trash” up there when PR is in control of the nation.

  14. The building of the 100-storey Najib tower will cause Malaysia to go bankrupt sooner than 2019!

    Why must the country boast of its wealth when it has not got the appropriate resources to carry out this kind of project?

  15. //Why not you suckers build a space station instead?//

    Good idea. We will fix a pair of Boeing 747 wings to our undiveable Scorpene submarine and let our recently married space tourist take his wife to the moon for their honeymoon. This will frighten the sh#t out of America.

  16. Aaaah, PNB got $$$$ n declared dat it will not use funds fr unit trust investors or d goment 2 develop d Warisan Merdeka project which will incorporate d 100-storey tower

    NR keen 2 throw $$$$ on mega projects
    Yet, we still hv students studying in a cowshed n snake environment
    For >8 years, pupils of SJK(T) Ladang Batu Kawan, Pg, hv been studying in d houses of 4 estate clerks n two metal cabins
    What say U Moooo, SV, KTK, CSL?

  17. 100-storey building. Wow. So what will its foundation be like this time huh? A gigantic pad like the ones under the klcc towers, only larger and thicker? I pose this question because we could well have the same ground condition here in the stadium as that seen in the ampang race course. That means the foundation will be mighty expensive and (technically speaking) tricky to construct too. Besides, a foundation pad of such size defies, I believe, any logical engineering analysis – not even on the basis of adopting a likely analogy using an appropriately scale down pad. In other words, engineers would not be able to undertake any structural design for it (my view)! The foundation would then be a very large mass of concrete with lots and lots of steel rebars thrown in.

  18. Just an observation. The location where the proposed jibby-tower would lie is by my estimate within 1km of the palace. So wouldnt the palace and the palace ground come into full view of all those in the building later on, esp those on the higher floors?

  19. dagen :
    Just an observation. The location where the proposed jibby-tower would lie is by my estimate within 1km of the palace. So wouldnt the palace and the palace ground come into full view of all those in the building later on, esp those on the higher floors?

    It is to give way to the 5 billion RM tower that a new palace is constructed in Jalan Duta. See, Najib can dictate what the conference of rulers have to approve, like not amending constitution to article 153. But at 935 million, the palace is cheaper than the tower. Would the King fell slighted?

    For what 100 STOREY BUILDING.
    Its better spend on school, hospital and transportation, Make better Universities for all malaysian.Look at our pudu raya. we need good system for all this . its beeter to use for the rakyat than taller tower. our economic is getting worst and worst. so dont waste the money for white elephant.we need better school for our future children. Im not a politick person just a nomal person live simple life. but i love to see they spend the rakyat money for the people of all MALAYSIAN.
    Kick UMNO / BN OUT.

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