Halal? Haram? Heck if I know…

By Hafidz Baharom

It’s really surprising that people want to talk about halal and haram, but not just in Penang. It’s truly impressive, in Penang, how a bunch of geriatrics say that they don’t want money from any source that is considered haram.

It seems as if we are back to the same holier-than-thou mentality in politics that was visible in the 70s, where even graveyards and grieving for a dead relative were politically segregated. This was the age when Umno and PAS supporters were so passionate to the point that the arguments clearly extended after death.

There should be no paranoia when it comes to the question of halal and haram. Not in this nation where we are opening up to the rest of the world to prove that we are, in fact, truly a moderate Muslim majority nation that in all honesty respects the rest of the population as equals. That was the true Malaysian goal.

What we have now in the 1 Malaysia campaign, is a farce. A cover-up of gigantic proportions. All talk and no “meat”, per se.

The scary part of all this is that it is becoming more and more like 1 IslamicConservativeMalaysia, where everyone and everything is merely discarded as being non-Malaysian, plus the constant criticism and censorship.

Seriously, we can’t drink, we can’t eat, we can’t even talk without looking over our shoulders for fear of offending someone.

This is what makes me believe that we are now all truly non-Malaysian.

Past Malaysians were curious to seek out knowledge. They were confident. They were jovial with one another to the point where racist jokes were nothing more than a laughing matter.

Yes, they do sound like Russell Peters.

They were helpful and courteous with one another and everyone else. They were the kind of people who would never look at someone’s dress, or hair, or even contact lenses and think that the people were not proud to be Malaysian or Muslim or Malay even.

We have moved away from that.

The Malays are not to be trusted and lazy, the Chinese are too greedy, the Indians know nothing better than to get drunk and beat up women. And even worse, if you’re from Sabah and Sarawak, you’re not even Malaysian.

These are all the exemplary statements and notions that are flying all around the nation. I’ve heard of them and I am sure all of you have too throughout the days, months and years of your lives.

The very purpose of having the Sedition Act was to undo these perceptions that were being spread purely for political motives, dividing the people using a quote by Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Perhaps so many times that it becomes ingrained in your mindset.

With all that being set, what has been done by Umno in Penang is open a can of worms. The whole idea that welfare money comes from gambling, drinking or even the sale of cigarettes, which are also haram by fatwa, goes to show just how little Muslims truly know about halal and haram.

Honestly think about it, Muslims, devout or liberal alike.

What should you do should you gain haram money, in Islamic teachings?

You give it away to the poor and needy. All of it.

Be it orphans, widows, single mothers or the elderly.

So, for the state of Penang at least, who else would be more needy than paranoid geriatrics who obviously skipped a few lessons in Pendidikan Islam to allow themselves to be taken advantage of by opportunistic politicians?

People so desperate for salvation but who are miseducated to believe that gambling money would send them to Hell. This is what Umno in Penang has done.

They have somehow taken the idea to people who feel they are so close to death, so afraid to lose the promise of a better life after death, that by taking this money to help them live their lives with a little more comfort, will damn them for all eternity.

This, of course, coming from people who themselves gamble. Look at the elections. If you do not get a certain number of votes, you lose your deposit. Now isn’t that in itself a gamble?!

This just goes to show another Muslim teaching in parable. Knowledge is power. The faithful are those who not only seek knowledge, but propagate and question it in order to gain deeper knowledge, thus leading to piety and the honest fact that we, as mere humans, were never meant to understand everything thus leading to the belief in a higher power guiding us.

Call that power whatever you like, be it Allah, Jesus, God, Yahweh, Guan Yin, Shiva, Guan Yu, Kali et cetera.

And yes, that’s as spiritual as you will get me to ever admit in a column.


22 Replies to “Halal? Haram? Heck if I know…”

  1. Here’s a way on how to spend your haram money. Go to any umno mamak nasi kandar outlets. Order a sumptuous meal. Enjoy your meal. When paying for the meals, let the mamak knows the money you are paying them with you just got from the 4-D outlets.

    Hey!!! You may get a free meal if those hypocrites refused to accept your money. And if they demand their food back, well brother, they can collect from the loo.

  2. Najib is teaching the whole world what it means to be a moderate Muslim.

    Well, this is what he probably means:

    1. We snatch away dead Muslim bodies from non-Muslims or even dig them up from the non-Muslim graves.

    2. We ban the use of ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims.

    3. We confiscate VCDs and the Bible or ban newsletters that use the world Allah.

    4. We arrest Muslim who indulge in close proximity or consume liquor. (VIPs, Royalty and UMNO leaders are given dispensation by UMNO ).

    5. We ban non-Muslims students from eating in front of Muslim students.

    6. We ban poor people from receiving haram donations from any kafir state government. (UMNO leaders are exempted from this prohibition).

    7. We demand non-Muslim to respect our sensitivities.


  3. There is a big glaring problem with this writer’s argument. He is arguing we should move away from these things. Who is this ‘WE’? He speaks of ‘WE’ as its something simple. He himself noted about how divided we are.

    How do you move when there is really no ‘we’?

    What has happened and happening is a case of exploitation of class i.e., the elite are exploiting the weakness of underclass and abrogating their responsibilities to them. The elite has built a fence around their exploited constituent and even if you want to help the exploited, you are prevented from it.

    The problem is like the problem of failed public housing experienced in US and other places – it tend to become a nest of problems that really is very difficult to solve.

    Truth is determination will not solve those problem. Individuals and groups will not solve the problems. What will solve the problem is macro trends that will force either the place or the constituent to solve the problem. What is a saving grace is that ultimately the Malay-Muslim remember and know their history and culture. These behavior we see are unnatural to them, it feels weak and hopeless to the sober minded and most don’t want that. If they don’t forget that, then they will ultimately reject the mutation that has infiltrated them for long time now and reassert their rights. They may have to pay a price for it but it won’t be too heavy and ultimately move forward. All these neo-cons leaders you see will ultimately be sidelined.

  4. D opportunistic UmnoBputras in Pg failed 2 confess 2 d simple-minded geriatrics dat all their lives UmnoBputras hv been happily accepting n spending corrupt haram duit
    Apparently UmnoBputras in Pg kept d duit returned by d geriatrics n did not forward it 2 Pg state gomen, truly bangsat punya cheats

  5. /// If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. ///

    Yes, and we have the NEP to prove this point – the lie that Malays are weak and cannot compete without the NEP. This has been done for 4 decades and looks like there is no way to undo it.

    Is institutionalized racial discrimination halal or haram? I only know it is harmful.

  6. ///What should you do should you gain haram money, in Islamic teachings?

    You give it away to the poor and needy. All of it.

    Be it orphans, widows, single mothers or the elderly.///–Hafide Baharom

    It would appear that DPM Muhyiddin was not well verse with Islamic teaching to question the use of ‘haran-if at all’ money by Penang state government to give it away to the poor and needy. So the people who returned the money were offended for being classified as poor and needy. But then Muhyiddin might know very well Islamic teaching and he voiced out against the Penang government out of pride for Muslims who were ‘given’ the money THAT WOULD PUT THEM IN THE SPECIAL POSITION OF BEING WEAK AND POOR. Of course Muhyiddin on the other hand insists that after 53 years, Malays have not moved from the special position. As politician he wanted all Malays to be in one position so that he could continue to harp on the same Article 153. Yet at other occasion he thought about pride for the poor and weak Malays.

    ///Past Malaysians were curious to seek out knowledge. They were confident. They were jovial with one another to the point where racist jokes were nothing more than a laughing matter.///–Hafide Baharom

    The break came after May 13 when Mamakthir accused Tunku for having not done enough for Malays. After the “Malay Dilemma” Malaysians are trained to be sensitive to one another to the extent that people of different communities do not discuss anything beyond the weather, or perhaps traffic jams. The return to the past would began when BN is thrown out from Putrajaya.

  7. ///Is institutionalized racial discrimination halal or haram? I only know it is harmful./// – #5 by TheWrathOfGrapes

    Muslims are taught that there is no racism in Islam and therefore racism, whether individual or institutionalized, is Haram (forbidden).

    If institutionalized racism were intended for the collateral purpose and excuse of facilitating a privileged group to enrich themselves -without having to work hard- at others expense then that collateral purpose and excuse is also haram.

    For the Abrahamic faiths, of which Islam is one of the 3, considers sloth and laziness a vice.

    Greed, sloth and laziness are 2 of the 7 deadly sins in Christain moral tradition.

    Gambling is abhorred by Islam precisely because it is motivated by Greed/Sloth for quick wealth by a toss of the dice instead of working for it.

  8. ///Gambling is abhorred by Islam precisely because it is motivated by Greed/Sloth for quick wealth by a toss of the dice instead of working for it.///– Jeffrey

    The selling of shares at market value for profit obtained from the 30% concession given at par value certainly is not working, and there is no need for a dice since the outcome is predetermined. 53 billion ringgit worth of share at par value had been sold to Malays for them to keep so that the government could declare the end of NEP, by 1990. But 51 billion out of 53 billion ringgit worth of shares had been sold at much higher price for profit, by the Malays. The wealth in another form is not relevant for the 30% computation, and UMNO leaders no doubt encouraged and partake in that share for cash scheme. Had UMNO Malays who gained from the 30% scheme donated all their haram money for the weak and the poor, the NEP objective of poverty eradication would have been achieved. Of course they keep their haram money and yet they have the nerve to complain that the 30% target has not been achieved. And worse they blame it all on non-Malays when UMNO selectively lies with statistics?

  9. So, what about these few words excerpted from the RUKUNEGARA – “……membina masyarakat yang ADIL…..” Can there be a SUPERIOR RACE claiming to be above the others in a MASYARAKAT YANG ADIL? Then what does ADIL mean?

    No wonder they have to censor the preamble to the RUKUNEGARA printed behind school exercise books!!!!!!

  10. So the properties that they bought in Melbourne, Sydney, London, Perth with ill-gotten gains must be considered haram. It’s akin to theft of public funds which is punishable by amputation of the perpetrators’ hands.

  11. #10 what does ADIL mean?

    ADIl means that the self-proclaimed “moderate” leader allocates 0.99 to his tuans and the remainder 0.01 to the mata sepets and kaki botols. See the formula below—

    1malaysia = 0.99tuans + 0.01pendatangs

  12. Lick it man. Yeah. Go on. And if the money tastes kinda saltish then its haram. I am serious. Believe me. The word garam is after all approximately similar to haram, for crying out loud. But if you should detect any hint of rambutan taste then pls pass the money to me. I will pass it on to cintanegara. I promise.

  13. Forgive them because they are geriatrics, old people like your old parents and your grandparents or great grandparents. Some of them are stubborn. Some of them are senile. Some of them eat more salt than you. Some old people want face and respect. Give them those and see if they say you disrespect them again. Which state has a Chinese leader ? None except in Penang and imagine how much people will do to wrestle back the seat for the dominant Bumiputra force. Any Indian a leader in any state ? None. There was a time when there was a Chinese leader in Sabah. Now none. Face it. When you are the minority, you will have the majority as the bullies. You need to be strong and you need to interact more especially with your enemies in order to win them. It is stupid to haramkan the money or say the money is not halal. Of course by logic it is not halal and it can come from from haram sources. Why ? Because do you know where your cash note and coin travel to before it reaches your hand ? Would you have known that it has travel to Genting casino and handle by all sorts of people before coming to your wallet ? You would not. It is one thing to attract attention with that kind of statement about the spiritual condition of the money, it is another to make people think that you are weird.

  14. Malay Sai Is On the Path Way To Bankruptcy Lah>>>Doomed By these bunch of Big Filthy Mouth Umno BN Morons ..Please dont Lie any more to anybody as we hv eyes to witness Okay!!!
    Allah will consumate yr corruption Racist Bussiness in the Third heaven.Please dont lie about Growth rate >> yr econ growth figure is pluck from the blue sky and cheat the poors minorities(financial difficulties) >>Rakyat not blind at all… hv eyes to see and right now feeling hungry with daily even with basic 3 meals survival.Dream on and blow yr GE13 Election Ceramahs Trumpet..all media control and owned by BN Morons….
    BN Cabinet Barbarians Lie and will forever lie even what you think ,say,were Filthy right …Infact All Pure Filthy Lies of Gila allah religious morons…Steal Money from the poors was what Umnoists keen at .No Mercy for you ..Morons ..
    Heaven knows..All yr Evils deeds and Expose all yr Filthy Bullshit TV news

  15. The Straits Times, 30th February 2011, has the headlines,
    “Corrupt Politicians Return Money from Corruption”. The article states that certain politicians decided to follow the good example of Penang geriatrics. The politicians returned
    RM1,000,000,000 in fifty dollar bills, money that they now realise is haram. They “returned” the money to UMNO.

  16. Since we are on the subject of halal and haram, I was wondering if the consumption of TAPAI by Muslims is HALAL? This is because Tapai is actually the residue from the fermentation of glutinous rice, which liquid is distilled to make ALCOHOL, something declared HARAM by Muslims! So, if the liquid is HARAM, can the solid residue which still contains alcohol be HALAL enough to be consumed by them?

    Making an analogy, it would mean it is halal for Muslims to eat the solid substance in BAK KUT TEH whilst drinking the soup itself is a NO-NO as it is HARAM?

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