Racist slurs by two school principals – impotence/irrelevance of MCA/Gerakan/MIC Ministers highlighted

My urgent motion in Parliament to debate the controversy of the two racist school principals in Johore and Kedah who made racial slurs against students in schools was rejected by the Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia on the ground that he had been informed that the Education Ministry and the Public Services Department had begun initiating disciplinary action against the duo.

However, Pandikar Amin was unable to enlighten Parliament what form of disciplinary action was being initiated by the Education Ministry and the PSD.

The inability of the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to lay this issue to rest after nearly two months since its first occurrence by convincing Malaysians that proper and commensurate disciplinary actions had been taken against these two errant principals stands out as a sore point highlighting the lack of commitment and even loyalty of the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister to the Prime Minister’s “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” policy.

This has now become even more serious as Muhyiddin has been delegated the task by Najib to ensure the success of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP). This was revealed by Muhyiddin himself when speaking in Melbourne yesterday – disclosing that the Prime Minister had handed to him the responsibility to ensure the success of the GTP through various initiatives in the National Key Results Area (NKRA).

Who can believe that there is a future for the GTP based on the “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” policy when the man now responsible for the success of GTP is so lukewarm towards the policy that he declares himself “Malay first, Malaysian second” and is unable to say what disciplinary action has been taken against the two errant school principals for making racist slurs against students after two long months?

MCA/Gerakan/MIC irrelevance and impotence have also been further highlighted by the episode when even their Ministers do not know what form of disciplinary action had been initiated against the two school principals guilty of racial slurs against students in school – which is why the MCA and MCA Youth delegates over the weekend had been making fierce denunciations over the issue, like minor officials of MIC and Gerakan.


8 Replies to “Racist slurs by two school principals – impotence/irrelevance of MCA/Gerakan/MIC Ministers highlighted”

  1. Penang BN is using the 3,3,3,1 target to win enough seats to topple the Pakatan Rakyat state government in the next general election.

    The 3,3,3,1 refers to Umno adding three state seats to the present 11; and MCA and Gerakan winning at least three seats each and MIC gunning for one.

    This will bring the BN tally to 21 out of the 40 state seats, hence a simple majority.

    So if BN wins, the next CM will be KTK’s good friend, Akmed Ismael

  2. I’m willing to bet the “discipline” meted out to these 2 clowns would be leave with full pay for the rest of the year, plus fully paid excursions to Zimbabwe to study the education system there and how it may be applied to minorities.

    And maybe an extra week of practice on holding one’s tongue.

  3. Rejected, on grounds there’s no urgency? And the Deputy PM suddenly finds himself ‘powerless’ to take disciplinary action against civil servants? This is unbecoming of Parliament Speaker!

    So if Prime Minister Najib’s “zero tolerance” applies only to NONs, whilst protecting Malay racists eg the two school principals in Kedah and Johor, then he might as well bury his “1Malaysia” or throw it out the window!

  4. The fact that no one seems to know what is going on to the two racist idiots is good enough reason for parliament to be told and updated on the matter. For parliament represents the people and therfefore parliament which is supreme to the umno gobermen and any organ of the umno gobermen like for eg the psc.

  5. If the Minister of Education himself does not even know if he has the power to deal with these two racist principals, how can you expect this group of EUNUCHs to raise the issue with their TUAN????

  6. ” …..was rejected by the Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia on the ground that he had been informed that the Education Ministry and the Public Services Department had begun initiating disciplinary action against the duo.”

    This is a standard stock reply given whenever the BN Govt wants to avoid answering the unanswerable. I was not in the least bit surprised and expected this reply from thr Speaker.

    BN, cover up and do what you are so good at. DAP, be sure to remind the people in the next GE. Not a hope that the voters will forget over time. This plus all those issues that the BN Govt. chickened out. We will remind the voters during the next GE.

  7. D 2 school principals may b racists 2 DAP n most citizens
    But they r d perfect role models of UmnoB n perfect products of BTN
    So, Y debate over them? Irrelevant, not urgent n d motion naturally rejected by d Speaker

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