Questions thrown out, opposition MPs cry foul

By Rahmah Ghazali
Free Malaysia Today
Mon, 11 Oct 2010

KUALA LUMPUR: Some issues are political potatoes too hot to handle or so it seems when the Dewan Rakyat got down to business today.

The wealth of Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, Perkasa, Biro Tata Negara (BTN) and 1Malaysia concept were all brought up but were never debated.

When the bell rang for the session to begin, 16 Opposition MPs, mostly from the DAP, and an Independent MP, stood up to protest that their questions were thrown out. They claimed the questions on these “hot” issues were rejected “without any apparent reason”.

The ball started rolling when outspoken veteran leader Karpal Singh (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) said that his question, asking Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to state his stand whether he is a “Malaysian first or a Malay first” was rejected.

“Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had once said he was a Malay first and Malaysian second, while Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz said he is a Malaysian first and a Malay second.

“I don’t understand why my question was rejected. Why give special protection to the prime minister? Can I get an explanation from the Speaker?” he asked.

His colleague, Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timor), also suffered the same fate when his question on “racist” BTN (National Civics Bureau) was not entertained by Najib.

“I asked the prime minister why, after 18 months since 1Malaysia was introduced, a senior civil servant has failed to embrace the unity concept?” he asked, apparently referring to BTN assistant director Hamim Husin.

(Hamim sparked a public outcry recently when he allegedly uttered racial slurs when he labelled the Chinese and Indians “mata sepet” (slitty eyes) and “kaki botol” (alcoholics) respectively in a closed-door meeting with Puteri Umno.)

‘Valid question’

Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chien Jen was also not spared when his question on the controversial wealth owned by Taib was rejected.

“I wanted to find out whether the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will take any action (against Taib), based on a report by which alleged that the chief minister owned hundred of millions of ringgit worth of property overseas.

“This is a valid question because the report has been reported… I just want to know whether an investigation has been initiated. But why was it rejected? Is the government too scared of Taib? Is the question taboo?” he asked.

Teo Nie Ching (DAP-Serdang) also got a “red card” when her question on Umno-linked Utusan Malaysia was rejected by the home ministry.

Teo, who was recently embroiled in the controversial surau visit, claimed that Utusan has ignited racial hatred over the incident.

“I asked the home ministry why no action has been taken against Utusan for fanning racial sentiment when it accused me of giving religious talk in a surau.

“The newspaper also published false news, claiming that the main suspects linked to the murder of cosmetics millionaire Sosilawati Lawiya were DAP life members. Until today, the ministry has not taken any action and I am only seeking an explanation from the minister,” she said.

Need for clear procedure

Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) also protested when his question on Malay right-wing NGO Perkasa was thrown out.

“I merely asked the home ministry whether it would take action against Perkasa and Utusan Malaysia for their racist and insulting statements towards other races. If it has not, I would like the ministry to give a reason. But this question was ignored,” he said.

According to Nasharuddin Mat Isa (PAS-Bachok), whose his question was also rejected on technical grounds, Parliament should make clear its procedure for answering questions.

“Who has the final say on these questions, the government or Parliament? If the House is influenced by the ministers’ decision not to answer any questions, what is our role here then? There should be check-and-balance in this institution,” he said.

Upon hearing the complaints, Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia said he would look into the matter and provide the answers.

“I am looking at this matter very seriously and will let you know the reasons… I will be the first person to support any good suggestions proposed by MPs,” he said. He, however, did not give a time frame.

Other MPs whose questions were also rejected include Sim Tong Him (DAP-Kota Melaka), P Ramasamy (DAP-Batu Kawan), Nga Kor Ming (DAP-Taiping), Ngeh Koo Ham (DAP-Beruas), Tan Seng Giaw (DAP-Kepong), Wong Ho Leng (DAP-Sibu), M Manogaran (DAP-Teluk Intan), Nizar Jamaluddin (PAS-Bukit Gantang), Loh Gwo Burne (PKR-Kelana Jaya) and Chua Soon Booi (Independent-Tawau).


23 Replies to “Questions thrown out, opposition MPs cry foul”

  1. this najib has all the answers in his UN speech for the world’s dilemma, but no answer for what is happening in his own backyard. satu-ptuiiii!!! satu-myfoot.

    wait for another perkasa tantrums to neutralize all these questions…about to happen any minute now…

  2. Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya should close down because of waste of so much public money going through so many elections’ process only for show and yet nothing can be done because democracy is also only for show just like the beautiful decoration on a badly baked yukky cake. Only for show. Just a very beautiful make up.

  3. Sorry, but do we not have a Speaker as stupid as the BN MPs and one who is so politically skewed that he doesn’t know the difference between centre, left and right?

    Just expect the same ol’ dumb rubbish from the same ol’ dumb Speaker till the next GE.

    Sorry, Mr. Speaker, mean no offence. Just telling what public perceives to be the truth. I mean, not just this once but time and again.

    What do u call dumbness repeated many times over, eh? Pure nitwit.

  4. Opposition’s questions attack inconsistencies between Najib’s 1 Malaysia, NEM and GTP Roadmap with that of his Deputy’s Race first and Malaysian second stance and slowness of disciplinary actions against the 2 principals and BTN deputy director making racial epithets and Utusan’s race rhetoric.

    Opposition has to do what it has to do ie. make the government account in parliament to the public for its policies and if it could not account properly, make it look incompetent to lose public support and votes.

    Ruling Party has also to do what it has to do : either use this opportunity of Opposition’s question to explain its policies satisfactorily with cogence so as to appear competent to the electorate and gain votes, or if it cannot, to deflect or stop the questions being asked – for it does not want to look incompetent with elections around the corner and lose votes.

    The latter is preferred course because the government just cannot explain the inconsistencies and contradictions exposed by Opposition’s barrage of questions. The Ruling party is presently mired in a tangle of fundamental contradictions of which it could neither explain nor untangle.

    These contradictions arise because of 308 political tsunami and its conclusions. Until 308 UMNO’s raison d’etre has been structured entirely on a premise of a racially polarized society where it could be seen champions and defenders of race. Likewise, MCA and MIC. Such a system is not sustainable if Malay votes split with nearly half going to PKR & PAS as the political tsunami of 308 shows.

    UMNO will now have to depend on BN’s Non Malay vote of component parties. Here there is a major problem because traditional supporters of MCA Gerakan and MIC have already deserted these parties in 308 perceived as being bullied by UMNO and pro-Malay policies.

    If the choice is between continuing to harp on race to mke these component parties look worse or re-invent to be inclusive to make them look better for the next GE, the PM and UMNO policies makers have determined the second to be the safer bet. For gain of incremental Malay support by harping on race cannot adequately compensate the greater danger of further abandonment of BN by Non Malay voters. So the emphasis shifts to placating the latter.

    So Najib comes out with the inclusive platform of 1 Malaysia and an NEM that “appears” to make some tentative peripheral deconstruction of the NEP and MCA has just been told in its 57th Annual General Assembly that it is given more “space and latitude” to speak its constituency’s cause and interest. The same goes for MIC, and I am sure other component parties like Gerakan as well.

    This paradigm shift in strategy poses major problems because too many UMNO members are insecure that they would lose their vested interests if a more inclusive agenda supersedes the usual race one. They can’t change their 4- decade old attitude overnight just so to meet the requirements of the next GE.

    So Najib is having a hard time in finding the balance between the conflicting imperatives of managing the next GE in the way to get the best results for BN as against the imperatives of not being kicked out by his own party’s warlords in the coming UMNO General Assembly.

    This rejection of Opposition questions has nothing to do with the Speaker’s incompetence in making rulings. The Speaker is just being merciful to shoot down and reject these unanswerable questions by Opposition. This trend of rejecting questions will increase because the contradictions cannot be resolved.

  5. Just who decides whether to reject the questions? The Speaker? The Minister / Ministry?

    We know long, long ago we have a third rate parliament. Didn’t some Minister say this some years ago when they rejected live telecast?

  6. The rejection bespoke inability of our parliamentary system to uphold principles of democracy. Moreover, the absurdity is tantamount to betrayal of the oath the Speaker swore to defend and preserve. Because our political system behooves the Speaker to serve the government of the day, in which case the interest of the Rakyat is treated with complete disregard. As a result the Dewan Rakyat has metamorphosed into a chamber where politicians play hide and seek, instead of one where national interest outweigh any other considerations. It serves no purpose even if PR took over the government as we have a parliamentary system prone to abuse, and the likelihood that PR will install a nonpartisan Speaker is stil inconceivable. No use crying over spilt milk.

  7. With a few lawyers as MP in Parliament, are they be able to challenge this kind of overriding of Parliamental procedures?
    Any motion should be subject to second of the MP and not by the Speaker!!
    This is one kind of Extremism in bully of Administrative Procedures!!
    LOL to see such Extremism being practiced over and over again when NJ dare to talk about Extremism in UN and Brussel!!

    Malaysian Bully!!

  8. As long as the existing govt is in power nothing is gonna change – we have seen that for the past 50 years or so – we can argue till we run out of breath – it still won’t change anything – since they cannot change , we will have to change this govt at all costs – only way is to give them the boot , this will then settle all issues once at for all

  9. Why do you think TM Net is dragging its feet with the High Speed broadband project ? You seriously think that they want full penetration of broadband to the rural areas ? The monkeys are so worried about their antics being caught on Youtube, Facebook, various blogs, etc.

    Our best bet continues to be the dissemination of the truth to the rural areas, and make the rural folk realise that they voted into Parliament a bunch of monkeys who are either incompetent or simply lie and cheat.

  10. Phrase your questions in such a way that it becomes clear what the answers are if they don’t bother to respond. In all cases, post your questions in the public domain. Parliament won’t answer you, the rakyat will answer you. And even supply some evidence.

  11. You can still ask your questions when the Speaker calls on you to speak.

    In the budget debate for example, you could ask the PM directly “Are you Malaysian First or Malay First”?

    He will probably mumble something like “I am 1Malaysian First”.

  12. The Home Minister kerismuddin threatened to take action against a Hindraf leader for his comment that appear in electronic media, including MalaysiaToday, concerning the statement issued by the Sultan of Johor.

    The purpose of this writing is not to discuss the content, but what the statements made by Rulers represent.

    In a constitutional monarchy system, as Malaysia is one, the Rulers are not involved in politics in their official capacity. Thus all statements made by the Rulers represent the stand taken by the government. The citizens have a right to comment on government statements. There are laws in the country where the comments have to abide. But that does not include a question of disrespect for the Institution.

    The Rulers are free to comment as a private person on politics in the country. The opinion of the Rulers in their personal capacity can be challenged without disrespect to the person.

    One wonders why the Home Minister has to spend time on the comment made by the Hindraf leader who provided fruitful thought on the issue.

  13. Speaker’s KPI under the Govt’s New Transformation Programme.

    1) Reject any questions re PM
    2) Reject any question re BTN
    3) Reject any question re Perkasa
    4) Reject any question re racist principals
    5) Reject any questions re “Malaysian first”
    6) Reject any questions re. a certain Mongolian girl’s death
    7) Reject any questions re. TBH and Kugan mysterious deaths
    8) Reject any questions re MACC and PDRM
    9) Reject any questions re Taib and upcoming Sarawak elections
    10) Reject any “you tolong gua, I tolong you” questions
    11) Reject any questions on 1MDB RM425m profit
    12) Reject any questions re Sodomy Saiful’s nighttime visit to PM(former DPM)’s house.

    Aiyah, just reject any questions that susah for PM and Govt to answer and allow all questions that is supportive of the Govt. As long as you achieve these KPIs can remain Speaker forever lah.

  14. sheriff singh :
    You can still ask your questions when the Speaker calls on you to speak.
    In the budget debate for example, you could ask the PM directly “Are you Malaysian First or Malay First”?
    He will probably mumble something like “I am 1Malaysian First”.

    He would say I am the first to say 1Malaysia.

  15. Cinapek :
    Speaker’s KPI under the Govt’s New Transformation Programme.
    1) Reject any questions re PM
    2) Reject any question re BTN
    3) Reject any question re Perkasa

    These are the 12 commandments. It is now renamed Rukun Najib.
    4) Reject any question re racist principals
    5) Reject any questions re “Malaysian first”
    6) Reject any questions re. a certain Mongolian girl’s death
    7) Reject any questions re. TBH and Kugan mysterious deaths
    8) Reject any questions re MACC and PDRM
    9) Reject any questions re Taib and upcoming Sarawak elections
    10) Reject any “you tolong gua, I tolong you” questions
    11) Reject any questions on 1MDB RM425m profit
    12) Reject any questions re Sodomy Saiful’s nighttime visit to PM(former DPM)’s house.
    Aiyah, just reject any questions that susah for PM and Govt to answer and allow all questions that is supportive of the Govt. As long as you achieve these KPIs can remain Speaker forever lah.

  16. You get sick day by day seeing and hearing all these arrogant b*stard playing “god” now and then. Their kind of bullish act wanna show us that nothing can match or oppose them even if the god is around.
    Most human are damn fools, when they go for money and power.
    Foolish rakyats continue to vote them no matter how crooked they are, just for some small gain.
    Even the monarch prefer to keep themselves mum, eventhough our country’s future is at stake.
    What the heck is all this?
    Is lucifer in control or is our country fated to be like hell?
    I longed for someone who is much more superior and powerful that can punish and put these sorts of b*stard away for good.
    When will that be and where have all the righteous one gone?

  17. the only reason they dare to do this is because they got the AG,PDRM,Macc, military by the balls. they are all in cahoot.

    nobody is going to investigate them. this is democracy with a veil of dictatorship. but those dumbos never learnt from history. look at south america. all overthrown.

  18. Opposition MPs are doing good job by putting forward questions in Parliament in the best interest of the country. BN rejected all those questions raised b’cos they are not willing to admit or rectify their weaknesses. If that’s the case, ordinary people like me will definitely go for PR in the coming GE13.

  19. “Malaysian first or a Malay first?” Hehehehe… What kind of answer are you expecting to get by asking this kind of question?
    I mean seriously, there are thousands of more appropriate questions that can really help the ‘rakyat’ rather than THIS question.
    I think that most of the MPs today is trying to be a hero in the parliament. They just want to be seen asking question, doesn’t matter how stupid the question it. Just ask questions and slam the table hard, the ‘rakyat’ then will respect you for that. Well, keep on doing that lad, ask MORE questions in the parliament. Do MORE in parliament. The ‘rakyat’ can see you on TV ; )

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