Notice for urgent parliamentary debate on racial slurs by school headmasters

I have given notice to Parliament Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin for an emergency debate in Parliament on Monday on the 57-day government inaction on racial slurs by two headmasters against students in school which make a mockery of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s international calls for moderates against extremists and his “zero tolerance for racism” and 1Malaysia policy.

The motion I have sent to the Speaker under Dewan Rakyat Standing Orders 18(2) reads:

“Bahawa Dewan mengizinkan YB Lim Kit Siang, Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timor untuk menangguhkan Dewan mengikut Peraturan Mesyuarat 18(1) untuk merundingkan perkara tertentu berkenaan kepentingan orang ramai yang berkehendaki disegerakan, iaitu dua orang guru besar dari Kulai, Johor dan Bukit Selambau, Kedah yang melafazkan kata-kata racis dan menghina terhadap pelajar-pelajar mereka di sekolah dalam bulan Ogos tahun ini, sehingga kini tidak dikutuk atau diambil tindakan displin sekeras-kerasnya oleh pihak yang berkenaan selaras dengan semangat 1Malaysia.

“Dua bulan selepas guru-guru besar dari Kulai dan Bukit Selambau berkenaan – yang antara lain, melabelkan pelajar-pelajar bukan Melayu di sekolah mereka sebagai ‘pendatang’, menggesa pejalar-pelajar kaum Cina supaya ‘balik Cina’, serta membandingkan benang sembahyang yang dipakai oleh pelajar beragama Hindu sebagai pengikat anjing – menunjukkan sikap racis tidak sejajar dengan jawatan mereka sebagai pendidik yang berkredibel, Timbalan Perdana Menteri serta Menteri Pelajaran masih berkeras bahawa beliau tidak berdaya mengambil tindakan untuk memperbetulkan keadaan, sebaliknya mengizinkan kedua-dua guru besar yang berkenaan meneruskan tugas mereka seperti sediakala. Di samping itu, Ketua Pengarah Kementerian Pendidikan yang mengeluarkan pekeliling kepada semua guru-guru besar dan guru-guru dalam bulan Ogos untuk memberikan amaran bahawa ‘tindakan akan dikenakan ke atas mereka yang mengeluarkan kata-kata racis di sekolah’, tidak pula mengenakan tindakan displin ke atas kedua-dua guru besar yang berkenaan sehingga kini, menunjukkan tidak ujud iltizam politik atau falsafah pentadbiran yang betul dalam negara ini untuk membanteras ketaasuban perkauman.

“Semua ini merupakan sindiran langsung terhadap tema hari kebangsaan tahun ini iaitu ‘1 Malaysia Menjana Transformasi’ serta membelakangkan perisytiharan ‘toleransi sifar terhadap rasisma’ Perdana Menteri sendiri.

“Pada masa apabila Perdana Menteri cuba mengamalkan dasar ‘1Malaysia, Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Didahulukan’, seluruh pasukan pentadbiran beliau nampaknya tidak serius langsung terhadap dasar berkenaan, malah lebih cenderung untuk mendahulukan budaya rasis Biro Tata Negara – atau lebih tepat sekali, Biro Tentang Negara – yang meracuni generasi muda dan para pendidik kita selama ini dengan mesej rasis yang songsang dan lebih merupakan ‘Trojan Horse’ dalam usaha kita mencapai perpaduan negara.

“Perdana Menteri yang baru pulang dari Mesyuarat Asia-Eropak Ke-lapan di Brussels telah membangkitkan sekali lagi gesaan beliau di Perhimpunan Agong Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu baru-baru ini supaya diujudkan pergerakan sederhana global semua agama yang memainkan peranan penting di dunia yang kini menghadapi ancaman melampau. Gesaan ini sesuai sekali diulangi di negara kita sendiri yang kini semakin terancam oleh anasir-anasir ketaasuban rasis dan pelampau agama yang mengancam ketenteraman negara serta menggoncang semangat majmuk yang merupakan batu asas Malaysia.”


23 Replies to “Notice for urgent parliamentary debate on racial slurs by school headmasters”

  1. What’s so special about becoming pengetuas? All you require is a basic university degree in some useless arts subject such as Sejarah (they know nuts about Maths or English), plus about 15 years of service and some cable-pulling by somebody in the state education dept. I am sure those graduates with Engineering or Accountancy will beat those bums flat in any general knowledge contest.

  2. Its specific, of public interest but not urgent. Motion denied.

    See? Even I can be the Speaker.

    Muhyiddin as DPM and Minister is not concerned in any way. He’s not even interested.

    So its a non-issue so no Parliament debate is necessary.

  3. Mengikut konsep Ketuanan Melayu yang diamalkan oleh UMNO isu-isu yang menghina kaum lain selain dari kaum-kaum melayu adalah dianggap tidak penting. Amalan tersebut sudah bertahun-tahun diamalkan oleh UMNO dan amalan tersebut masih diamalkan. Mengikut konsep Ketuanan Melayu kaum-kaum bukan melayu adalah hamba sahaja dan perkataan seperti pendatang dan anjing yang ditujukan kepada mereka adalah munasabah dan tidak berbaloi untuk diperdebatkan di parlimen.

  4. Shouldn’t motion be run with one propose, one second and then debate?

    Shouldn’t strong public and influential racial remakes be a challenge to the Constitution?

    Shouldn’t Proper procedures and Constitutional soundness or safe-guarding be the Priority of the Malaysian Parliament?

    Most probably these can only be found in the Democratic countries while Malaysia is no where there?

    So, what is the Malaysian Parliament for?
    For Abuse of Proceedings, Constitutional Rights or Justice, and just a place for Power manipulations??

    Should the Challenge of the Speaker on proper proceedings be then the most Urgent & TOP PRIORITY??

  5. Standing Order 18(1) is Kit’s way of making the government account to Parliament and Public. Even if the 2 principals’ racist/religious epithets are definitive and of public importance, Speaker would just predictably dismiss it as ‘Isu tersebut tidak memenuhi criteria kepentingan segera disebabkan masih dalam siasatan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam…”

    Last year DAP MP for Ipoh Barat M Kulasegaran was also unsuccessful in his attempt to move Parliament for an emergency debate on the police killing of five Indians in a shoot-out in Klang on November 8 for being suspected gang members and Deputy Speaker whilst conceding that Kula’s motion met two of the three criteria of SO 18(1) of being definite and of public importance, it was however not “urgent” as police investigations were “ongoing”. As usual Opposition would argue “investigations under way” should not be used as an excuse to disallow a parliamentary debate as this will be against the doctrine of separation of powers and as usual who will care about “separation of powers” and the opposite side will point to (I think) SO 43 to say that the Speaker’s decision on matters relating to parliamentary debate is final and conclusive.

    Under our Constitution, the Speaker is drawn from ruling coalition’s rank and there is also a parliamentary convention about abiding by one’s party’s whip/discipline to promote one’s own side and denigrate the opposite side, even though, theoretically, Speaker’s role is supposed to be bi-partisan and neutral. (If there were really separation of power, the Speaker will be appointed from Opposition’s rank instead of the ruling coalition’s!).

    Expressions like “definite” and of “public importance”, “urgent” are open ended words of no mathematical precision and whether these criteria are met is subjective and in that sense depends on the length of a Speaker’s foot, so to speak.

    If the debate triggered by such motion invoked by the Opposition also serves the ruling coalition’s collateral purposes to clarify points to make itself look good to the public, then the matter has certainly better chance of being ruled definite, of public importance and urgent but not otherwise if it foreseeably makes them look incompetent inconsistent or bad!

    Which only means attempts to invoke SO 18(1) serves little purpose except to show that Opposition is still doing its parliamentary job to try make the ruling coalition & government accountable.

    To go one step further to fulfill the longer term Opposition’s purpose of making ruling coalition look incompetent so as to score political brownie points, one must use the “Trojan” horse approach ie. choose a subject for parliamentary debate via SO18(1) that the ruling coalition thinks it will look good and competent in the debate, not knowing that Opposition in relation to this particular subject has some yet undisclosed fact by way of silver bullet to shoot at it in the course of open parliamentary debate, when allowed!

    “Know your enemy and know yourself …Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance ….If you are far from the enemy, make him believe you are near. Secret operations are essential in war….All warfare is based on deception…. He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.” – Sun Tzu’s Art of War.

  6. ///the 57-day government inaction on racial slurs by two headmasters against students in school which make a mockery of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s international calls for moderates against extremists and his “zero tolerance for racism” and 1Malaysia policy./// – Kit

    The ball now is at Najib’s feet.

    He must do something to prove that his international calls for moderates against extremists and his “zero tolerance for racism” and 1Malaysia policy can, indeed, be translated into action and are not mere empty slogans and rhetoric.

  7. The Nobel prizes have been considered prestigious because the selection process has been objective. That is true only in respect of the subjects where the selection committee could remain apolitical. But since the introduction of the Nobel Peace Prize, the Committee has decided to award the Prize to meet their ulterior motives. Barack Hussein Obama was awarded the Prize before he ever showed his intention to work for world peace; perhaps he had just mentioned a vision. Now the Committee decided to award the Prize to a Chinese who is serving sentence in China. That action says that the Committee is better than the Chinese government in deciding what is good for the country which then would be in a position to contribute to world peace. The Committee chose to echo the condemnation of the West against human rights records as perceived West. That equates meddling in the internal affairs of China. Besides, the Prize winner has not done anything which would remotely relate to peace in the country let alone for world peace. If by being jailed is the qualification for that Prize, Anwar Ibrahim would have deserved it more.

    Saidin Chik chose to return the 100 ringgit claiming that the money was non-halal. Nobel Prize laureates should choose to return their prizes now that the selection process is no longer objective.

  8. Sweep under the carpet. And what one cannot see others wont know. Now this is umno’s specialty. The racial slur thingy is yet another issue which umno is presently attempting to hide. Of course these day the people would not let that happen. Even if umno managed somehow to sweep it under some carpet, the people would surely flush it back out into the open again. I mean, even mother nature could not stand umno. Look at what she did right this moment.

    Yeah, check it out here.

    Uh Oh.

    Taib ooooo taib.

  9. ///Representative Christopher Smith, who spearheaded a letter by US lawmakers in February to nominate Liu or another Chinese activist for the Nobel prize, voiced hope that the Obama administration will now become more vocal.

    ” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued her own appeal for his release, saying that “governments should recognize the constructive role that citizens such as Liu Xiaobo play.”

    “Last year, I noted that so many others who have received the award had sacrificed so much more than I,” Obama said.

    “That list now includes Mr. Liu, who has sacrificed his freedom for his beliefs.”///–

    The above statements confirm that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded by the Nobel Committee on behalf of the USA government.

  10. How come our DPM cum Minister of Education keep saying he CANNOT TAKE ACTION against these two racist principals? Don’t school principals fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education? If the Ministry of Education cannot take action against them, then would our DPM mind to tell us which ministry should take action against them? Ministry of Health? Ministry of Defence? Ministry of Transport? Ministry of Tourism? Or which NEW MINISTRY yet to be formed??????

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