PR will move urgent motion on 1st day of Parliament Oct 11 if no satisfactory action taken against two school principals who made racist slurs against students in schools

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has again rubbished Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s slogan of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” when he made the startling statement yesterday that he is completely powerless to act against the two school principals, one in Johore and the other in Kedah, who had made racist slurs against students in their schools.

The previous occasion when Muhyuiddin rubbished Najib’s “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” concept was when the Deputy Prime Minister declared that he is “Malay first, Malaysian second” – diametrically contrary to the 1Malaysia objective to create a Malaysia where every Malaysian would regard himself or herself as Malaysian first and race second.

Muhyiddin’s latest gaffe was made at the opening of the Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific regional seminar on the Criminalisation of Bribery in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, substituting for Najib who has left for New York to address the 65th United Nations General Assembly.

Malaysians wonder whether Muhyiddin would declare that he is “Malay first Malaysian second” or “Malaysian first Malay second” when his turn comes to address the UN General Assembly in his capacity as Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia!

Be that as it may, Muhyiddin’s statement that it is completely outside the jurisdiction of a Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister to deal with school principals who made racist slurs against their students in schools, making a total mockery of the Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia policy, has more than raised eyebrows from Malaysians as it raised troubling questions about whether Najib’s 1Malaysia policy represents serious government policy and the degree of Muhyiddin’s support and loyalty to the 1Malaysia policy.

Is it outside Muhyiddin’s power to condemn school principals for racist slurs against students in schools which are totally against the spirit and intent of 1Malaysia policy, making insulting, offensive and insensitive statements against the race and religion of students in a plural society?

If not, why the thunderous silence by Muhyiddin over the case of school principals making racist slurs against students in schools for more than six weeks?

No wonder one tweet response to Muhyiddin disclaimer is:

“wah, can act against a journalist and send her to ISA for reporting racist ceramah, cannot act against principal tsk tsk tsk”

The Prime Miinister had himself declared a policy of “Zero Tolerance for Racism” two weeks after the nation-wide uproar over the racist slurs by the two school principals but unfortunately the Najib administration is showing an enormous capacity for racism as 45 days have passed since the first incident of a school principal making racist slurs against students in schools without any sign of meaningful action being taken to effectively check the rise of racist bigotry and religious extremism in the 18 months of Najib premiership.

Let me serve notice that if no satisfactory action to honour Najib’s declaration of “Zero tolerance for racism” is taken, particularly in the public service with commensurate penalty meted out to the two school principals who made racist slurs, Pakatan Rakyat will move an urgent motion in the first day of Parliament when it reconvenes on Oct. 11 for the 2011 budget session to demand a full debate.


32 Replies to “PR will move urgent motion on 1st day of Parliament Oct 11 if no satisfactory action taken against two school principals who made racist slurs against students in schools”

  1. I’ve had the chance to have a group meeting with him when he was MBJ. I wasn’t paying too much attention on his blah….blah….blah because back in my mind was the disbelief that a man of low calibre like him could become Menteri Besar!

    Knowing him to be the person that he is, I am not surprised by his clowning antics. But I am very, very surprised UMNOB members picked him to be their NO. 2 which is enough for one to discern UMNOB the party and its 3 million members as claimed.

  2. How can Najis or Mooheaddin take action against racist chauvinist (deleted) when they have officially registered PERKASA as their mouthpiece? When they won’t take any action against Utusan Malaysia Editorial Board, katak Ibrahim Ali and all the other racists, including the apanama mother of all racists for inciting racial hatred, it is not surprising that the Mooheaddin is condoning the racist slurs of the two principals? I wonder whether Najis, Mooheaddin, Kerismoodin or any of the UMNOputra warlords really want the 1Malaysia concept to be implemented. These (deleted) are only worried about the vote banks. They do not want to ruffle the feathers of the diehard racists among them. 1Malaysia and all the other political rhetoric about NEM are just public relations acts to show they are in favour of a liberal, democratic country. In practice, it is Mahathirism in its worst manifestation. So long as mamak kutty is around, these guys won’t change. They fear the mamak might do another coup detat as the one he did to the sleepy head.

  3. I don’t quite agree that there should be action against the principals. As soon as the two will stand up and apologise, we should accept their apologies. No such events should be repeated in the future.

  4. Since he couldn’t act against the two school principals then he should resigned as MOE. Maybe it’s a good sign after all cos in future when some one happens to make a rebelious attack against the BN government,the MHA would also saying that it’s outside his jurisdiction to do anything. Frankly we are really in “boleh Land”.

  5. A Chinese teacher, one of the co-founders of Merdeka University, was transferred by the ministry from KL to rural Jertih in Trengganu in the late 1970s. (He resigned rather than to be relocated to a kampung 400 miles from home). And the minister is claiming that he is completely powerless to act against the two school principals?

  6. Just tell the reporters that these principals have climbed the career ladder of success to reach such a high level and they must not make them lose face or feel malu because the students in the rest of the country might not respect their own principals also. At the end of the day, it is the face that matters. Or image. Not the right things. Therefore please remember. When you promote someone, do not do it just to fill the vacancies or because of political support or because someone tells you to or because someone owes someone something. This sort of nonsense and rubbish is still happening. That is why you will forever have Little Napoleons. Just because you are 52 or 60 or 100 grade or whatever title you are called and the politicians cannot do anything with you, you think you are God with an unzipped mouth ?

  7. A racist will never condemned other racist which suit their taste. I really hoped RAHMAN formula on the sequence of Prime Minister of Malaysia will works. Najib will be the last Prime Minister from UMNO. We pray a racist like Mr Moo will never be the no 1 person in Malaysia.

  8. Premlal Premkumar, publishing editor, Chennai:

    “I feel ashamed and hugely disappointed.

    We can say goodbye to our ambitions to host the Olympic games for some years to come.

    I don’t blame the government of India, but the officials responsible for organising the games.

    The majority of us Indians believe that the team are a bunch of incompetent officials who are at the helm only because of dirty politics that encompasses anything that relates to power and money.

    Everyone agrees that the committee has been misusing our money, our tax money.

    God willing, everything should fall in its place. We do want the games to start as planned – this is a big deal for us. But sadly, our country’s reputation has been damaged.”

    These words were plucked from the BBC News site and they are words that were said about the Indian Commonwealth Games fiasco.

    Actually umno is no different.

    Defy umno. Deny them in GE13.

  9. Boll**ks! You mean the second most powerful man in the country has no power to take action against two maverick school heads? Who is going to believe him? I think the DPM has no sincerity at all in wanting to resolve this issue. If people as powerful as the CJ could be removed, dealing with two racist small fries won’t take much sweat. No need to seek Agong’s approval. Just a phone call and they will be in the wilderness

  10. Read their characters well.
    What more to say about pure hypocrites and crooks…hoping race and religion ….divide to rule will win hearts of Malaysians forever and ever.
    It boils down to Malaysians supporting UMNO B to wake up and stop being racists.

  11. Our DPM cum minister of education Moodidn’t Yaksin said “that he is completely powerless to act against the two school principals” and probably he’s telling the truth. The jurisdiction to act lies with de bra Ali @ katak under the Department of Perkosa. The Katak recently announced that the 2 principals acted within Perkosa’s rules and principles, so the case is classified as “NFA”. So pigtail’s bonking department also threw the case out as NFA. Semua ok, semua boleh, 1Malaysia mah…

  12. The majority of UMNO votes come from those who share the sentiment of the two racist principals. UMNOputras rule using the general election to project democracy in form but act like secret societies. They will want to lose votes, and so no action will be taken against the two racists. That implies that Muhyiddin and najib are not racists. But who knows? Najib declared in 1987 when he was Youth Chief of UMNO, and his statement is best left not repeated. He has neither retracted it nor apologized. As for Muhyiddin he declared he was Malay first to be consistent with his followers who would shun him if he declared otherwise.

    We might see the two principals “punished” and transfered to some GLC for effecting solidarity among UMNO racists for their remarks. Have anybody seen the face of those two convicted murderers of Altantuja Sharribuu?

  13. In # 18 “They will want to lose votes” should read “they do not want to lose votes”.

    Mamakthir said that if UMNO did not embrace Perkasa they might lose the general election by 200 votes. There are certainly more than 200 persons who would support the two racist principals. UMNO powers-that-be do not want to lose 400 votes.

  14. dcasey :
    Our DPM cum minister of education Moodidn’t Yaksin said “that he is completely powerless to act against the two school principals” and probably he’s telling the truth. …

    Does he mean that if he had the power he would act against them?

  15. Loh @ #21:
    Does he mean that if he had the power he would act against them?

    The answer is No, had he used that power his people will shun him and he will have to moo together with the rest of the cows in the meadow. That’s why he delegated his jurisdiction to de katak.

  16. Muhyiddin the DPM and Education Minister has NO power? The number 2 politician in the country is impotent?

    What power does he have then?

    Is he a figurehead or kockhead? So how can he lead if at all?

    We are all in serious trouble.

  17. DPM’s new nickname: “Incredible-Moo”.

    Think of a DPM who gets stupider by the day…. you can’t find a better example worldwide. Golly, he’s got mudpies for brains.

    If najib doesn;t chnage his portfolio as Minister of education, millions of malaysian students are condemned to the rubbish heap of malaysian education!

    Malaysia Boleh.

  18. ” The Person with Complete Jurisdiction”
    1) Upon becoming DPM and Edu minister, he can change the Malaysian school’s medium of instruction from English to BM without consultation with the people.

    2) Just talk to the Kluang Kampung Melayu folks. The Malay Reserved Land, which is generally untouchable, was converted and re-sold to the Chinese. It was a win-win for the Malay owners, and the Chinese developers.

    Who had the jurisdiction then?

  19. “NEW YORK: Americans need to understand Islam better to stop the increasing Islamophobia in the United States, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. He said that there appeared to be a negative perception of the religion and that Malaysia was prepared to work with the United States to fend off such intolerance.”

    Hello Najip, don’t pretend you can solve other people’s problem when you have more serious inter-racial and inter-religious problems at home! Obama must be a fool to believe this.

  20. negarawan :
    “NEW YORK: Americans need to understand Islam better to stop the increasing Islamophobia in the United States, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. He said that there appeared to be a negative perception of the religion and that Malaysia was prepared to work with the United States to fend off such intolerance.”
    Hello Najip, don’t pretend you can solve other people’s problem when you have more serious inter-racial and inter-religious problems at home! Obama must be a fool to believe this.

    Najib should tell Obama since Americans are not defined with Islam as one of the criterion for their affirmative action, there should be no fear that Islam would discriminate against the majority. Malaysia has good experience on how to kill the country for the good of a few families, in the name of Islam and race, and those in power should embrace Islam.

  21. RTM news reported that it seems it is the work of pengurusan. So what will you a manager or a pengarah or whatever fancy title and grade you want to call yourself, do about it ? A right thinking manager would severely reprimand this principal especially that one in Tunku Rahman school. Then a letter demanding her explanation should be given and an answer must be given in return. Then all the documents should be submitted to the higher authority because this involves disciplinary action. If you know how to discipline others, then you should know you would be disciplined as well if you are wrong.This is correct management. But a head not right manager would be undecided and might not take any action. This is wrong management. Both are still management. But whether it is the right management or the wrong management. People are not stupid.

  22. I think PM want to teach the world/US that the way is give islam follower special benefit to their follower and let them became rich and have everything and they will happy and will not become terrorist and US 911 wil lnever ever happen again ,,because their follower were poor and left behind and all others should feed them so their follower will happy and won’t bit you ( like tiger/snake with full stomach won’t bit) you US/world must use malayisa way by treating other unequal…

  23. if the student who sing this racist word ,long ago be (gantung sekolah)this mean malaysia law is if you have power and money you can do/said/sing anything you want don’t worry even minister cannot torch you, like NAMEWEE ,who sing and got so many trouble because he is not minister/rich/power person…so for the rich/power do anything you want ,, very good

  24. It is difficult for Muslims in Malaysia to understand why Hindus, Buddhists and certain Christians wear religious medals and bits of string on their bodies. Since no one has attempted to explain, let me venture to do so. It can be a sign or symbol of God’s protection; or a reminder to oneself of one’s vow, taken in a temple; or it could be a symbol of love for a saint or guru.
    Fellow commentators, do take this opportunity to
    explain why medals and strings are worn.

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