Teo Nie Ching apologises to Sultan of Selangor

DAP MP for Serdang Teo Nie Ching has issued a public apology to the Sultan of Selangor over the Surau Al-Huda incident. Her statement reads:

Pada hari Ahad 22hb Ogos, saya sebagai ahli parlimen Serdang telah mengunjungi Surau Al-Huda, Kajang bertujuan untuk menghulurkan bantuan berbentuk sumbangan kerajaan untuk memperbaiki pagar surau, dan berbuka puasa bersama ahli jawatankuasa dan jemaah surau.

Oleh kerana saya telah dijemput untuk memberi sepatah dua kata, saya dengan secara ikhlas memberikan sedikit penjelasan mengenai program pendidikan kerajaan negeri yang memanfaatkan rakyat Selangor.

Saya menyesal bahawa perkara ini telah menimbulkan perasaan keresahan antara umat Islam negara kita dan isu ini telah diperhangatkan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu atas sebab-sebab politik.

Saya ingin menegaskan secara ikhlas dan murni bahawa lawatan saya ke Surau Al-Huda tidak berniat politik, dan tidak bermotif untuk menyebabkan kesucian surau dan masjid dipersoalkan.

Saya menyambut baik pesanan, peringatan dan nasihat dari semua pihak mengenai perkara tersebut, dan akan dengan segala upaya, menjalankan tugas saya dengan lebih berhati-hati supaya tidak menimbulkan perasaan kurang senang dan perselisihan faham di kalangan umat Islam pada masa yang akan datang.

Akhir sekali, saya juga akan memajukan penjelasan dan permohonan maaf kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Al-Haj, Sultan Selangor Darul Ehsan mengenai perkara ini.

38 Replies to “Teo Nie Ching apologises to Sultan of Selangor”

  1. Umno’s follow-up reaction to the statement above:

    Teo Nie Cheng was not sincere with her apology and she showed no respect for the Sultan. The reason is because she placed the Sultan last with these words: “Akhir sekali, saya juga akan memajukan penjelasan dan permohonan maaf kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Sharafuddin …”

  2. This Ramadan month is full of controversies. And we are celebrating our National Day at the same time too.

    Life used to be less complicated and the people more united, more tolerant. But that was then, now is now.

    If a well-intentioned innocent event can be turned into something offensive, then we have lost a good amount of our common decency and goodwill towards our brethren.

    Will things improve?

  3. Some people are never satisfied and will continuously find fault with their enemies. They will always like to comment, poke fire and purport to speak on behalf of another.

    They take cheap pot shots with ill intentions. They have only negative sentiments. Do they have any locus standii?

  4. UMNO is instigating a lot of racially sensitive issues throughout the country as part of their political blietzkrig for survival. I am not surprised that UMNO is also behind the demonstrations in Indonesia to divert the attention of Malaysians from the economic and political troubles in the country and draw symphatizers towards their “nationalistic” cause.

  5. For once I support UMNO on this issue. Non-Muslims should be banned from entering the mosques & suraus. Make that as a law. This law will be good for everyone as this will stop non-Muslims from converting to Islam. Then non-Muslims need not worry about Malaysia becoming an Islamic country.

    If the law prohibits Muslims from leaving Islam, then to be fair, the Parliament should make a law that prevents non-Muslims from converting to Islam.

    Do you agree?


  6. great idea BoycottLocalPapers. yeah. fair and square. Make it a law. No moslems should be allowed to leave Islam, and no non-moslems should be allowed to be converted to Islam. dare to do it, umno??

  7. ///The Kubang Kerian MP also said that BN’s attacks on Teo showed that the ruling coalition was becoming more “racist”.

    “They (BN) are more racist and extremist,” said Salahuddin.///

    Folks, open your eyes. Which party offers more democratic freedom and more tolerance towards religious beliefs – PAS or BN?

    So, say bye-bye to BN come 13th GE!

  8. Pls extend my invitation to Ibrahim Ali to my Tua Pek Kong temple, he can freely talk about religion there. But no racist talk, that is only condition.

    How come I never need to worry about losing my race and religion or get stolen.

    Ours is not that complicated, you can joint or leave, is between you and Tua Pek Kong, but we value that like others. We ‘kuat’ praying, other ‘rajin’ praying, we pray almost everything from batu, kayu, besi…, other pray manytimes a day, but we value that like others.

    But we don’t see that as problem, this month we hang flags everywhere in Penang, not merdeka flag but triagle flags, who say we don’t hang flag.

  9. Hi Boycottlocalpapers,I disagree,reason is GOD/ALLAH is no respector of man/woman.Moreover religion is choice.It’s a personal thing,you believe it,you take it,you don’t like it,you throw it away. Hence religion must not be forced on people or regulated to control people. You see all human being wanna be free to choose,to express and to assemble and our Creator has given us all these,therefore why must we let our own kind to take away all that GOD has given to us in the first place. In faith people only listen to GOD.And in faith too no man can judge an other man as he only believes that his creator the one and only GOD/ALLAH can judge him. Who are these human to judge other human,don’t they know that all are born a sinner.And as sinners,who are they to judge others.

  10. If it is a man not big problem.

    If it is woman without headwear/headcover inside Muslim prayer place is big problem and woman cant do talking.

    In Muslim, male and female are not the same.

    Politicians should know these.

  11. politics is dirty, can be criticized
    religion is sacred, cannot be criticized
    so why mix religion with politics?
    when religion is mixed then it can be criticized

    what is wrong with non muslim visiting mosque?
    if this first approach is not allowed, then how non-muslims can be closer to allah?

    If that is the case, then muslims should not be friend, shake hand, much less marry foreigners……non muslim are full of pork inside.

    to save authority from trouble, just seal off the mosque, only certified muslims are allowed to enter…….rather than chasing out a chinese and say cina tak bolih masuk…….hello, not only malays are muslims, there are million of chinese who are muslims

    The onus is with the mosque officials to advise the protocol

    have muslims being treated like this when visiting other houses of religion?

    religious tolerance is a time bomb
    religious understanding should be encouraged

    malay not happy ~ chinese not happy ~ indian not happy, therefore the government is fair….remember who said this?

    Why can’t we work towards long term objective, that is to make everyone happy, malay happy, chinese happy, indian happy.

    happy national day, happy malaysians

  12. Aiyooo….ini pun mau heboh….maybe imam and this MP made an HONEST mistake…maybe MP is naive….but everything was done in GOOD FAITH looooo….something BN goons will never understand…

    As usual, they think kampong folk are bodoh bangang and will use this to politicize the issue…maybe..but dulu lain..and sekarang lain..

    You see dulu…kampong folk “not enlightened” and senang kena tipu and didnt understand democracy…but with the new media…they are enlightened and can think for themselves…an they know a BN with Jibby and Toyol are more dangerous then a Chinese woman giving away presents in a surau..so BN…try harder lahhhh…as usual your tactic will backfire ESPECIALLY in Sabah and Sarawak where every Allah believing soul is watching the Sultan and Gomen with very very sharp eyes…Come on Jibby…this is a good time as any to call for an election…CALL IT NOW..

  13. Go to Turkey and Egypt and see. You are allowed into the mosque.

    How can you be banned from entrance for something built using your tax money? If the property is private, I have no argument.

  14. PAS is more open-minded muslims compared to BN-UMNO.

    Nik Aziz defends DAP MP over speech in surau
    August 28, 2010

    KOTA BAHARU, Aug 28 – PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat has defended a DAP member of parliament for speaking in a Kajang surau on Sunday.

    The Kelantan Menteri Besar said it did not contravene Islamic law and was the best way to get to know Muslims better.

    “There is nothing wrong for a non-Muslim woman to speak in a surau as long as she is decently dressed,” he told reporters after presenting Aidifitri aid to orphans at Rumah Puteri Harapan Taman Sabariah here today.

  15. I would suggest the Non-Muslims tread this path carefully; UMNO is definitely holier than you in their political propaganda. Maybe, it is better to keep the distance if possible. even picking Kelantan as an example may not help. Utusan Just wanted something to shout about. We used to laugh over this incident that happened over a quarter century ago.
    This froup of Moroccans came visiting on a hot afternoon with a lunch schedule. At the restaurant, when drinks were offered, all those Moroccans asked for beer! And the poor local guide told them “No Beer”. The Moroccans wre obviously annoyed and the waiters came to me. Since we were the host, give them whatever they wanted.
    Of course this incident was not forgotten by them when a non-muslim colleague joined another two Musilim colleagues visited them a year later. When they asked them: ” Where are you from?”. They replied “Malaysia” which many couldn’t figure out until one of the previous visitors replied” I know Malaysia. We went there last year! The Land of Ayatollah Komeni!!” That was the impression that we had created then.
    In fact, that trip was an eye opener to the other two Muslim travelers. They had to fly via Libya to get the connecting flight to Morocco and at Tripoli Airport, while waiting for the next plane, a guard appeared and demanded for their passports.
    Just a few minutes before the guard’s appearance, a black man came and asked them if they had applied for a visa. They replied in the negative to which the Nigerian indicated that he was in the same boat: he was on transit but the guards had detained him for visiting the airport without visa for some 3 months!!
    Surprisingly he didnot ask the Non-Muslim traveller for his. what happened indeed shocked my friend! The guard demanded both the other 2 colleagues to follow him. The lady became panic and tried to plead with the guard in Arabic. The guard angrily pointe his gun at her! She actually pissed there; my colleague had thought that leaving both his Musilm friends to deal with the situation was a better choice as they could speak some Arabic with standard quotation from the Holy Book.
    In such desperation, my friend intervened and straight away he knew the guard could not read as he was holding the passport upside down. he had no cjoice but to speak slowly in English, in which case he asked for his Passport and compared them. He kept staring at my friend’s yellow skin. At the end, he nodded his head and left!

  16. ‘great idea BoycottLocalPapers. yeah. fair and square. Make it a law. No moslems should be allowed to leave Islam, and no non-moslems should be allowed to be converted to Islam. dare to do it, umno??’
    If so, also ban Muslim Malaysian from studying, visiting, or working for more than 2 months in non Muslim countries, otherwise they (Muslim Malaysian) may be converted by non Muslim!
    Maybe UMNO should come out with an acceptable way/rule/law etc for Muslim and non Muslim Malaysian to socialize, communicate, etc!1

  17. Now Perkosa IA trumpeted: In America, Islamic preacher Malcom X, who preached 2 Christians n entered their churches was shot dead but in Selangor an “unclean DAP politician” was dragged in2 d surau’s prayer room.
    Naive DAP MPs – they r at times so simple minded n forgot dat UmnoB/BN/Perkosa r so good at illogically making a huge mountain out of a tiny molehill, n howling 4 blood

  18. If UMNO cannot come out with an acceptable way/rule/law etc for Muslim and non Muslim Malaysian to socialize, communicate, etc!
    Then maybe UMNO should ban Muslim and non Muslim Malaysian to socialize, communucate, working in the same firm/factories, attending same school, college, univerisity, treated in same hospital, staying in same hotel, shopping in the same market/shop, sitting in same coach of a train or bus or ferry or plane etc, etc,!

  19. “Make it a law. No moslems should be allowed to leave Islam, and no non-moslems should be allowed to be converted to Islam. dare to do it, umno??’”

    I think making such a law is contrary to basic human rights of the freedom of religion.
    As Malaysia is STILL a secular state, we should amend the constitution so that all Malaysians are free to choose to practise any religion and only the civil courts will have the final authority to deal with all matters of conversions.
    There will be 2 major results:
    1.More inter-religious marriages and the gradual creation of 1Malaysia; with improved religious tolerance.
    2.Less family disturbances over undiscovered conversions.

  20. Teo Nie Cheng is an idiot for walking in the mosque not appropriately attired. By doing so, she left herself open for attacks by UMNO.

    This also goes to show that in DAP, there are a lot of young turks who arent really people, race or religion sensitive and this is detrimental to Malaysian Malaysia. Go to any DAP ceremahs or dinners, you will find speeches mainly in mandarin despite the fact that there are indians, malays, sikhs etc in the crowd.

    DAP must walk its talk.

  21. Had Perkosa IA dragged d “unclean DAP politician” (wanita yang didatangi haid) in2 d surau’s prayer room, Utusan M would not hv built a huge mountain out of dis tiny molehill
    Semua OK lah
    Did IA n UM make loud outcries when a male binatang outrage a female species out of wedlock? When DPP Frah was romantically intertwined with ful of sai ?
    Double standard!

  22. one question, you said she is an idiot, then who are the idiots of idiots who accompany her?

    hindus, christians or sikhs?

    the muslims that accompany her, that is!!!!!

    people respect you ~ ok to feel proud, not feeling more superior….you only make people stay away from you, despise you….who is tolerating who?

    i feel time for government to formulate laws that all races understand easily and abide by it equally, not one day like this one day like that.

    right now, you are just making people more and more angry with you!!.

  23. k1980,

    his has got nothing to do with baby dumping. Dont confuse both issues.

    This is about Teo being an elected rep should have been more sensitive especially when entering places of worship etc.

  24. JJx on Sunday, 29 August 2010 – 10:55 am said

    Teo Nie Cheng is an idiot for walking in the mosque not appropriately attired. By doing so, she left herself open for attacks by UMNO.


    Saying that she should be more sensitive is one thing, calling her an idiot is something else.

    Even if she is properly attired, I suspect that she will be attacked cos’ even after she apologized, she is subjected to further attacks. At some point in time, you have to question who is being reasonable or not and what is reasonable instead of calling her an idiot.

  25. undergrad2 on Sunday, 29 August 2010 – 7:25 pm asked

    Let’s compromise then. How about an insensitive idiot?


    Are you referring JJx?

    No, I wouldn’t be that harsh on him/her either.

  26. Dear cto,

    I know you support DAP and all, but for this issue, may I suggest you look at things from a bigger perspective. Had Teo wore a headscarf, UMNO will not have an obvious issue to blow up.

    Look, if DAP aspire to take Putrajaya with its partners, DAP needs the malay votes. And to get the malay votes, the party and its leaders need to be SMART and sensitive so that they DONT shoot themselves in the foot.

    And yes, as a MP, Teo is an idiot for not putting on a scarf, and thus allowed UMNO to take this issue to town. DAP must proved to the malays in general that the party will protect their interests or else, malay votes will still go to UMNO in general.

    …. and as for that Malaysian Malaysia thingy, use Bahasa rather than Mandarin in their ceramahs/dinners/meetings etc etc

  27. JJx on Monday, 30 August 2010 – 9:58 am wrote

    Dear cto,

    I know you support DAP and all, but for this issue ….


    First statement is incorrect. I am actually party agnostic.

    However, fair is fair and at some point any right thinking person will have to take issue at the nonsense that is going on. Teo may be insensitive to begin but UMNO is making this bigger issue than what it is. And in the process, stirring up racial sentiments unncessarily. If it is not the head scarf, it will be something else. Looking at the bigger picture, are we going to react and be cowed each time UNMO makes a completely baseless accusation on racial lines? I think not.

  28. In Islam, it is an honour if a non Muslim visit a mosque. Muslims would love to see people coming to the mosque all the time.

    That is the whole concept of Islam, which is to make a person feels welcome and let non Muslims understand Islam better.

    It is most upsetting to see Malay Muslims MP using Islam as their political tool.

    My advice to any non Muslims – don’t think too much about the statements made by Ibrahim Ali and his kind.

    MP Teo shouldn’t have to apologise to anyone. I am a Muslim and I know you are not wrong.

    So sleep well. If you are being punished for any reason, it is because they are tempting to test Allah.

    May peace be upon you and all Non Muslims.

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