Was Teoh Beng Hock “forced to commit suicide” when he plunged to his death from 14th floor of MACC headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16 last year?

The Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail should be censured for the travesty of justice in exposing details of “new evidence” not yet tendered in the Teoh Beng Hock inquest.

This is in addition to the gross irregularity and impropriety of the Attorney-General in suppressing the “new evidence”, which should have been introduced at the beginning of the inquest as it would affect the whole course and direction of the inquest through cross-examination of witnesses.

Because of deliberate “leaks” in the media, the country is awash with talk that there is a “suicide note” left by Teoh Beng Hock, which has been countered and challenged by Teoh’s family counsel Gobind Singh Deo.

Even if the veracity of the “suicide note” is eventually not established, great damage has been done, not only in getting to the truth as to how a young, healthy idealistic political worker looking forward to his marriage preparations the next day, could be forced to end up plunging to his death from the 14th floor of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam, but in further undermining national and international confidence in the independence, professionalism and integrity of key national institutions with far-reaching economic and nation-building implications.

Putting aside the questions of the veracity of the note and whether it is a “suicide note”, does the “new evidence” show that Teoh Beng Hock had been placed under great stress and pressures, whether mental and/or physical, by the MACC interrogators and if so, was this aspect fully pursued by the Attorney-General through the Public Prosecutor in the inquest?

I was asked by a member of the public about the possibility that Teoh Beng Hock was “forced to commit suicide” when he plunged to his death from the 14th floor of the MACC headquarters on July 16 last year and whether it wouldn’t be a crime to force a person to commit sucide.

This is a question that must be fully and thoroughly investigated by the inquest.

46 Replies to “Was Teoh Beng Hock “forced to commit suicide” when he plunged to his death from 14th floor of MACC headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16 last year?”

  1. The one and the only way is to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to get to the whole truth of Teoh Beng Hock untimely death.The AG should be taken to task and sack for suppressing evidence and denying justice for the deceased family.

  2. so guys…next time before you enter government building for any matter, make sure you write your own suicide note first. or somebody else will write it for you. i just wrote mine…

    my sweet daughter, my wife…today i am entering the police station to lodge a lost IC. i am not sure if i can get out alive due to this long interrogation process. they may probe my ‘where the sun don’t shine’ to see if i hide my IC there. i am not sure when i will be out. i may commit suicide during this unbearable process…if i come out alive, let’s celebrate and have ice kacang.

  3. Never mind undertaker888 I am sure some one will notice your loitering around the police station sometime 6am the next morning before … guess I shant mention that. And months later you will continue to loiter there. And and they then move the police station to another location.

  4. This nation has been invaded by Satan’s army.

    They have taken control of all institutions of government beginning with the Cabinet, The Judiciary, PDRM, MACC, AG chambers, Editorial desks etc etc.
    The rot is complete!!!

    Now will the Good triumph over Evil?

  5. Many in the UMNO camp hated the Chinese, starting from Tun Mahathir. Those MACC officers under the influence of their master from UMNO would not hesitate to torture the Chinese people. Therefore, I honestly believe TBH case has been compromised. If Malaysian jet engines could be stolen so easily, Altantuya’s immigration record is erased, UMNO could twist the fact of TBH death from murder to suicide. I have no trust in UMNO, PDRM and our judiciary system.

    However, I have high respect for PAS and PKR administration. The Malays of this camp is matured and fair!

  6. Actually, lets ask ourselves why the elaborate conspiracy? Who or What are they trying to protect? Are they trying to protect the reputation of the MACC, the administration or someone specifically?

    If its the institutions, its a lot of work for a shredded reputation. In the end, they can always hang someone out to dry for it.

    Or is it someone – someone that has deep dark secrets? The more this case goes on, the more I think its someone who has deep dark secret, someone that can threaten key people and bring down Najib’s administration.

  7. Cover ups upon cover ups have made these low class worms come out with ideas that only corrupted fanatics can think of.
    It shows totally no respect to the dead of another race to MACC.
    With all the twists and turns and the machinery they have to protect murderers…thieves and robbers…not enough.
    They must insult the living relations and the dead…while the many living big crocodiles are roaming free in the country.
    MACC is a brilliant idea spoiled by Najib to put chosen personalities to protect him and UMNO B party…not Malaysians.
    MACC is an UMNO B political institution….under Najib.
    Najib has to keep on applying his famous low class cunning character..pulling MACC noble name into a trash bin…with him..just as he is doing to the Police Force and making deals with few Judges….thinking… Malaysians are idiots and do not know.
    In all great and noble Institutions..Najib have made them stinks with foul smells and bad reputations.
    Without his stinking low class leadership…what chances have him..being elected as PM?
    We can guess he knows…his days are numbered…staying put as appointed PM..by UMNO B Supreme Council…and dare not call for a GE inspite of claiming 72% support he has.

  8. When they go to all this trouble, it makes you think, really think.

    Never mind MACC. Its just an organisation. Look inside it.

    Just who is being protected? It could be an individual or individuals and he / they are senior people to warrant all this protection, who can pull cables.

    If he / they are small fries, they would not bother but to throw him / them to the wolves.

    It has got to be a big guy or guys. Who? Who?

  9. Somebody also found another note somewhere near MACC HQ, some days after TBH killed, and here goes the note:

    ” … The purpose of this note is to tell all Malaysian, I, TBH jump from the building, I committed suicide and it has nothing to with MACC. In fact MACC treated me very well, and I love them. Thank you MACC. Rgds, TBH.”

  10. Hasboleh took more than five years to come out with a note from pm Harari of Turkey claiming that the Isreali did kill him. Comparing to our AG,it’s no bad as he took about a year to produce the note from TBH saying he in fact committed sucide.Frankly it’s true or false, it has absolutely lost its essence.

  11. Again & again & again, BN with all their “yes men” are taking Malaysia back to the barbaric stone age. And we are crying out loud why FDI has fast eroded.
    Malaysia urgently needs a complete change of guards. Period!

  12. I choked with disgust at this latest revelation and the press statement by the AG’s Chambers almost made me puke.

    This whole issue stinks. The timing of the release of this shocker just before the testimony by Dr Porntip who had alleged that it is 80% homicide and 20% suicide seems too much of a coincidence.

    MACC has all along contended TBH committed suicide and yet in the next breath claimed they did not search his bag properly and discovered the note only two months later. What kind of IO would commit such a schoolboy error? Then they contradicted themselves and claimed the IO actually discovered the note earlier but since it was written in Chinese, thought nothing of it until later. Either we are talking of sheer incompetence or it is a deliberate lie.

    And how did people like Ezam seems to know the existence of such a note before it was revealed in court? Strange, isn’t it?

    And whether a note of this significance is authentic or not is to be decided by the court and not by one man. Is this one man so infallible he is judge, jury and executioner? Why do we need to bother with courts, judges and lawyers if one person alone can determine the course of justice?

    And PM, you promised the family there will be a transparent investigation and no stone will be left unturned. Please walk the talk.

  13. Was TBH forced to sign a suicide note before someone threw him out or he, so to speak, “commited suicide”?

    Well, just ask any ghost? U can’t ask Ghani Patail, MACC, AG’s team of erudite ghostbusters or the police. There is no ghost of a chance any of them either knows or would volunteer an answer. After all, it took them monthsto decide to expose the suicide note.

    I mean if anything can be called “STUPID”, this must be the “mother-of-all-stupidity”

  14. If Teoh Beng Hock was “forced to commit suicide”, this episode can be called the worst of animal crime in Malaysian history.
    Even the animal kingdom don’t succumb to this dastard act of desperation.
    And to support the assumption of suicide with a ‘belated’ suicide note shows the evil and callous mentality of those involved suit for the deepest of Hell.

  15. The manner in which the AG’s office handled the case, even if there had been a suicide, causes the public to believe that foul play of some sort was involved.
    How the latest evidence was published by the AG show that they are incompetent or negligent; possibly both. Can we allow such incompetents to lead the justice system? Remember the “soiled DPP” in Anwar’s case where they want us to believe she did not know anything significant to foul up that case?
    The filth in the AG’s office is significant and the foul odour of dead bodies is terrible.

  16. MCA, Gerakan, MIC and other BN component party and their officials are exceptionally quiet. Too quiet.

    They don’t feel any disgust?

    They have been gagged by Muhyiddin again?

    Chua? Samy? Koh? Anybody there?

  17. Sheriff singh, MCA MIC Gerakan & the rest are all busy stealing the rakyat’s $$. After all it’s a DAP Assemblyman’s assistant anyway. BN component party members are afraid to talk because Moohiddin will say they are talking at the same platform as PR. Seems like they have “cork” stuffed in their mouth.

  18. I do not think the MACC officers forced Teoh Beng Hock to write the “suicide note” as the “suicide note” contained Chinese characters. I presumed all the MACC officers present at that time were Malays and had no knowledge of the Chinese language. If Teoh was forced by the MACC officers to write the “suicide note”, he would have taken the opportunity to write in Chinese to describe how he was tortured by the MACC.

    If Teoh had no intention to commit suicide, the chance was high that the “suicide note” was brought in from the outside and was inserted into Teoh’s sling bag after he had died.

  19. Many Malaysians can write Chinese, and it is not difficult to even imitate others’ handwriting. With right incentive, there are many persons who would be willing to be a ‘ghost’ writing the ‘suicide note’. If MACC cannot be trusted to ensure that witness go in into MACC HQ alive and come out alive too , how can one believe that the note actually was written on that fateful night? I suppose MACC can also produce witness to confirm seeing TBH writing something on a piece of paper while he was being questioned. They would not say that TBH wrote it in the toilet.

  20. Najib is most trustworthy.
    Mahathir best PM.
    MACC most honorable investigators.
    IGP most fair police leader to all Malaysians.
    UMNO B is the best government. No others are better.
    If you believe all that…you are a NUT.

  21. This is too bollywood…. so stupid try to end the story like this.

    Now I understand, why in sodomy II they dare not give the documents to Karpal.

    Are the AG all bollywood trained? go dance under the coconut tree and throw flower.

  22. Plain wayang n d msm got d details fast b4 d court got them
    msm quickly splashed d news 2 brainwash fools

    Our Bernama plain dumb n no cow sense
    Another misleading news or plain lie fr Bernama: SIBU, Aug 11 — The virus causing the deadly Leptospirosis disease has been detected at two places here, the divisional medical office said today.

    Leptospirosis, a disease caused by VIRUS?
    Ha, ha, ha, ha …….. only UmnoB n MCA Liow TL kena conned

  23. Dap man :
    This nation has been invaded by Satan’s army.
    They have taken control of all institutions of government beginning with the Cabinet, The Judiciary, PDRM, MACC, AG chambers, Editorial desks etc etc.
    The rot is complete!!!
    Now will the Good triumph over Evil?

    This explains why foreign investors shun away to our neighboring nations.

    Why any investments have to spare 30% of share to our current Bolehland government?

    The BN/UMNO and bunch of suckers still waiting and dreaming under the Rambutan Trees for FREE money!!!

  24. Akan datang, Paul d psychic octopus predicts:
    Maybe next day AG also presents a new evidence related 2 sodomy II case
    Found hidden inside ful of sai’s knickers a note scribbled by AI: “May I fark you”
    Ezam then confirms dat it was AI’s wobbly handwriting, written when AI was trembling with expectant sexcitement

  25. Even in their holy month of Ramadan, UMNO and its cronies have no regards for truth and honesty. The judiciary, AG chambers have lost all their credibility and this is already known in international circles. While they can do anything they want while UMNO is in power, they can’t escape the ultimate judgement from Allah.

  26. Let’s not forget that TBH was “summoned” to MACC headquarters as a “WITNESS” and not as a SUSPECT! Why should undue pressure be exercised on a witness? Or has TBH become a SUSPECT? This is no way to treat a WITNESS who will eventually take a stand in court to testify for MACC!!!!!!

  27. The angle of forced suicide is a bit far fetched and outlandish at this moment for the Inquest to even think about.

    {According to Wikipedia, “Forced suicide is a method of execution where the victim is coerced into committing suicide to avoid facing an alternative option they perceive as much worse, such as suffering torture or having friends or family members imprisoned or tortured. Probably the most famous forced suicide is that of the philosopher Socrates, who drank hemlock after his trial for allegedly corrupting the youth of Athens.”}

    Inquest will spend its time better to look into whether (a) the alleged “suicide note” actually connotes or suggests suicide (mere “goodbye “ may suggest severing political ties with his boss or politics rather than ties with the world) and (b) whether the note was authentic, ie written and signed by TBH or some other imposter/forger and (c) why AG knowing the existence of this note withheld and only now tenders it as evidence.

  28. Anyone here have seen the note? And its content?

    China Press yesterday headlined the story with these words: “Sorry I said too much.” [My translation.]

    Are these the words (only words) in the note? If so I say the note is a lover’s note, not suicide note. Ask beng hock’s wife. Find out whether near the time when he was killed by macc (my guess of course) she had any disagreement or argument with beng hock (possibly over marriage arrangement matters which is very common)?

    Spycams in tan sri khalid’s office huh? WTF! How much lower can those ex-buggers get.

  29. Follow through all these I am really now feeling ‘sick’ of my eyes and ears but not my pure heart about justice! How to convince other with the way it is handled carelessly for a serious case like this?

  30. A forensic document expert of 23 years experience said not ezi to compare n verify handwritten Chinese characters
    But he is dead wrong – cos ppl can practise n practise 4 mayb 2 months or 1 year, then tra-la perfect matching handwritten Chinese characters
    Don’t believe? Ask AG, d semua-pun-boleh man, lah


  31. dawsheng :
    MACC is Abdullah’s very generous magical farewell gift to Najib.

    AAB had the knack of doing the right thing wrong.

    He created the Royal Commission on the police and ended up implementing those that pay more for police to enjoy but not a bit to improve police functions.

    AAB cancelled the crooked bridge but ended up paying more to the contractor who pocketed the money without working. Now Mamakthir is hoping to have a second bite on the project.

    AAB set up the Koret Koeret Koret commission but Mamakthir proved that he was allowed to switch his memory key as he pleased.

    Is the two spoonfuls Hainanese blood in AAB inferior to two spoonfuls of Pakistani blood? How did AAB lose out to Mamakthir? Is Mamakthir’s puppet a threat to Najib? It is strange that a Deputy PM has to come out to declare his loyalty to the PM. One would think that he should pledge loyalty only to the country represented by the King. As a deputy, he certainly has functions and he could not simply be a yes-man. Is Muhyiddin turning out to be a no-man outside the earshot of Najib?

  32. Let’s leave the suicide note aside and just go on facts! TBH was summoned to MACC headquarters in Plaza Masalam. He surrendered his personal belongings upon entering the premises. He was questioned till the wee hours of the morning. He was found dead at the same building of MACC. His personal belongings were still with MACC, including the “suicide note”. That would be sufficient to prove that he has still not left MACC’s premises.

    How could he have written a “suicide note” and slipped it into his bag when he has already handed over the bag upon entering MACC? Or did he write it even before he was questioned, knowing he had to die? Whatever it is, MACC cannot brush off responsibility for his death for it is clear that TBH had “dived” to his death from the window of MACC’s office!

  33. ktteokt :
    Let’s leave the suicide note aside and just go on facts! TBH was summoned to MACC headquarters in Plaza Masalam. He surrendered his personal belongings upon entering the premises. He was questioned till the wee hours of the morning. He was found dead at the same building of MACC. His personal belongings were still with MACC, including the “suicide note”. That would be sufficient to prove that he has still not left MACC’s premises.
    How could he have written a “suicide note” and slipped it into his bag when he has already handed over the bag upon entering MACC? Or did he write it even before he was questioned, knowing he had to die? Whatever it is, MACC cannot brush off responsibility for his death for it is clear that TBH had “dived” to his death from the window of MACC’s office!

    Good point. MACC should now tell us when was the ‘note’ created. MACC claimed that TBH committed suicide and order the pathologists to only concentrate on evidence which could prove its view. That was done before they found the ‘note’. Is the note now serves to confirm what MACC wants the people to believe.

    MACC knew very well that eventually the ‘note’ could not be a convincing evidence. MACC wants only to create doubt and to MACC the case is solved. Just like the Altnatuja case people around the world are curious why two bodyguards of VVIPs in Malaysia bothered to kill a lady whom they did not know, and to whom they certainly did not fell animosity. Would anybody do thing for free, especially having to take the trouble to make the body disappear? But the case is said to have been solved.

  34. Oooooops, forgot details lah, correction
    Minta maaf, OK? confessed d IO
    Ya lah, how could TBH’s suicide note b found in his sling bag when dat bag was not with him after he stepped in2 MACC?
    U know, I know, tak boleh jadi 1, silly me
    I made a mistake lah, sorrrrrri
    Actually I found d note in his pocket after he jumped n committed suicide, then I put d note in his sling bag, OK, more believable
    I swear, it was like dat; bulan suci, tak kan I nak bluff meh

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