Ten questions about ‘Teoh’s note’

The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 10 — Questions are now popping up over a “note” found last year in Teoh Beng Hock’s sling bag ‘that may throw some light regarding his death’ after the Attorney-General’s Chambers denied suppressing evidence in his death inquiry.

The AG’s Chambers issued a statement last night about the discovery of the note by Investigating Officer ASP Ahmad Nazri Zainal last October 7, more than two months after Teoh’s death.

Question 1 — Why did the investigating officer take two months to say he found the note in Teoh’s sling bag a day after the political secretary to Selangor executive councilor, Ean Yong Hian Wah, was found dead on July 16 last year.

Question 2 — Why do the police look like they are lackadaisical in investigating this death? Did they need a psychiatrist to tell them to look for a suicide note?

Question 3 — Why would the police even consider it a suicide case before finding the note? Were they looking for evidence to show its suicide?

Question 4 — Why did it take time after the note was translated to verify it? Wasn’t it a matter of utmost urgency?

Question 5 — Is it really a note in Teoh’s handwriting? What proof is there?

Question 6 — Why is the AG’s Chambers revealing it now and not immediately after it tested the note for authenticity or at the outset of the inquest? If the AG wasn’t satisfied then, why is he satisfied now to speak about the existence of the note?

Question 7 — Will the AG be satisfied to reveal the note on August 18 when the inquest resumes and hears Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand’s testimony? She did say it was probably 80 per cent homicide and only 20 per cent suicide.

Question 8 — How many people had access to the sling bag before the police officer found the note? Is there a chain of evidence and custody to show the bag has not been tampered with? The inordinate amount of time is suspicious.

Question 9 — Why would a man about to be married to the mother of his unborn child commit suicide after overnight questioning? Did a psychiatrist think such a man would consider suicide?

Question 10 — Is this ‘note’ the tipping point to end the inquest, to clear the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and to remove the need to have a Royal Commission of Inquiry into their investigating procedures?

The public has a right to know as the AG’s statement last night was scarce on details.

All it said was Ahmad Nazri recently owned up that he did find the note when he searched the sling bag on July 17 last year but did not realise the significance of it as other documents were also found and that they were written in both Chinese and Roman characters.

The statement said the AG’s Chambers was equally startled by the discovery of the note and had instructed an investigation to be carried out.

The note was immediately translated and there was sufficient cause to send it to be analysed by a document examiner at the Chemistry Department on October 9 and subsequently on October 20 last year, it added.

It said the document examiner prepared his report and they were considered by Attorney-General, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, himself and who was not convinced of the authenticity of the note due to insufficient samples to verify the handwriting, in particular the Chinese characters.

In addition, the note was said to have been discovered some two over months after Teoh’s death and that this would raise suspicion over its authenticity and discovery.

It statement noted that the AG’s Chambers was earlier briefed by the investigation officer that he conducted a thorough search after being advised by a psychiatrist that, ordinarily, a note would be left in a suicide case.

“As a result of this, the attorney-general decided to put the note in and directed the investigation officer to explain this in court to avoid any repercussion in future and let the coroner decide on its weight after considering the explanation by the investigation officer and the document examiner’s report,” it said.

The statement said the AG’s Chambers felt that there was no suppression or withholding of evidence and that the decision for not tendering the note earlier was made based on the document examiner’s report as well as the discovery of the note which could give rise to suspicion.

“The Attorney-General’s Chambers will tender the document as evidence only when and until it is satisfied that any shroud of suspicion surrounding it is lifted,” it added.

84 Replies to “Ten questions about ‘Teoh’s note’”

  1. You are either suppressing evidence or you are downright incompetent. Nothing in between. Will heads roll for incompetence ? Not in Bolehland. No wonder we keep losing high profile cases of murder and corruption.

    Is there no shame in the AG’s Chambers ? What is wrong with these people ? Can mel_a_yu help me answer these questions ?

  2. “The Attorney-General’s Chambers will tender the document as evidence only when and until it is satisfied that any shroud of suspicion surrounding it is lifted,” AG’s Chambers

    What a stupid statement. No wonder the boss only has a general degree from Universiti Malaya. The shroud of suspicion is not determined by the AG’s Chambers. It is determined by the public, and no amount of justification by the AG is going to remove the deep suspicions that already surround this case.

  3. d@mn, the captcha thing is annoying. but this is how the public will answer the questions:

    1) There is no suicide note at that time.
    2) The police looked at the bomoh for
    answer at that time, not the psychiatrist.
    3) Same as answer (1).
    4) They don’t want to flip-flop like the anwar
    case. So need more time to fabricate.
    5) There is already a foreign writing expert
    hired to proof this. Not sure if APCO is
    6) see answer (4).
    7) Ya, she is a thorn on the tip.
    8) When it involves patahi and macc, all credibility will go down the drain. useless asking them questions.
    9) TBH has less than 2000rm in his account.
    10) We, the public do not believe this BS.

  4. Stop Press !!!

    An ASP has admitted that he found Al…..ya’s ‘suicide note’ in a handbag while he was jogging through the forest last month.

    It was apparently written just before she blew herself up with some explosives she found by the roadside.

    The ASP did not realise the significance of the note as it was written in Mongolian script and had to be sent for translation.

    He kept the note for a while not knowing its significance until an psychiatrist told him to look for a suicide note.

    He then sent it to the authorities who requested it be sent to the Chemistry Department for testing. But the tests were inconclusive and it had to be tested more thoroughly ‘just to be sure’, a senior government lawyer said.

    Finally it was decided to let the public know of the ‘suicide note’ lest the authorities be accused of hiding or suppressing information.

    The ASP has also been requested to give explanations and clarifications. The Mongolian Charge d’Affairs has been informed.

  5. #4 There was no necessity for a suicide note by Saddam k1980. Bush made sure he murdered Saddam and he was proud of it. But then they don’t have the DAP in the U.S. Even if they have its ok..white people and their ‘justice’ and ‘democracy’ will be respected, no matter how silly. Bush’s WMD was one classic example.

  6. Classical example of telling one lie to cover another, then more lies to cover more lies. Looks like GE is being prepared and Teoh’s case must be settled, by hook or by crook. No one believes them anymore.

  7. Why it took the police & forensics to come out with a suicide note only after 2 months.
    1) all the corrupted police cannot write chinese characters.
    2) it takes them 1 month to find 1 who can write chinese.
    3) then it takes another month to practice the style of writing by Teoh Beng Hock.
    That’s why!!

  8. Only in Bolehland can this happen and Malaysians are not stupid and gullible like Mel-a-yu to believe all the fairy tales spun by the AG with the imminent testimony by Dr Pornthip.It is indeed a desperate last minute attempt by the AG to Cover the misdeed of the MACC and to project its Credibility.Just like Anwar case the final judgement is predictable even by a child.

  9. #12 I didn’t say I believe, neither did I say that I disbelieve. I don’t get easily swayed by emotion just because I don’t like the government.

    #11 when you dislike someone and when someone you like so much is beyond ridicule, that he’s not guilty even if he’s guilty, then that is when your mind starts coining conspiracy theories. Everything is a conspiracy to you.

  10. Amazing what evidence can be found months later on the victim’s person.

    Before we know it, we will even find Teoh “suicide letter” and “book detailing all his secret dealings with opposition leaders”, maybe even “documents” of his recent conversion to Islam.

    Why I won’t be surprise, if Teoh “secret Maybank account” was soon discovered and found to contain hundreds of millions of ringgit.

  11. This suicide note,fake or genuine,I think is another cunning move to delaying justice.Frankly I think it’s also another dubious attempt to protect some important people. Like I said it’s malaysia’s tragically broken political system which is now creating all kind of twists and turns to confuse the people in general and to save some guilty ones.

  12. Scary revelation fr our professional AG Chambers kakis n IOs
    What other things did d investigating officer pocket without d knowledge of others?
    Is there an SOP for chain of custody of materials collected at a crime scene?

    Whoa lau, dis is world class wayang/dream, just learnt fr Inception 2 implant ideas into our minds, very smart

  13. The trick is not to be caught. If you are caught, you are incompetent. To prevent charges of incompetence, you make sure that the police, the AG’s Chambers and the MACC are all on your side.

    That’s the UMNO way. If you don’t like it, it’s the highway.

  14. Mr. Mel A Yu, only M’sian “proud of it” when other get killed. Altantuya get killed, abdul razak’s family were “proud of it” during trial. We respect the US justice and democracy is because they do not have Umno and Mel_a_yu elements there. They do away with apartheid! They called themselves American not like Mel_a_yu. When American get killed they could go to war for that reason, we got a M’sian get killed in MACC custody, we have to fight the whole government + Mel_a_yu just to be informed there could be a suicide note after a year +.

    If only Altantuya was American, if only TBH was American, the truth has to surface, how on earth we do not respect America?

    By the way Mr. Mel A Yu, is the quality of the comment that important not the quantity, you are as confuse as Umno on this.

  15. //won’t be surprise, if Teoh “secret Maybank account” was soon discovered and found to contain hundreds of millions of ringgit.//

    This will be followed by—-
    (1) A support letter from the DAP to appoint Jibby as PM-for-life

    (2) A love letter from Anwar to Saifool

    (3) An application letter from Nik Aziz to join unmo

    (4) A letter from Tian Chua admitting to the murder of Altan

  16. In Malaysia, when an UMNO figure or crony commits crime, the CJ declares it as “a thing of the past, let’s forget it and move forward”. This is the pathetic state of our judiciary now.

  17. Why so stupid of putting 10 questions even if you put ten thousands questions so what Listen lah I am AG i have to the power i can put in what I want shy are u people so a stupid fellow asking only ten questions

    if you give me ten of thousand of question that was not my duty to answer u my duties to charge people and please my master

    please do not wasting yours time to put any questions I do what i think is good for the country

    this is call what you people know best CALL ON DUTY to protect the beloved country of Malaysia

  18. Do it first justify later

    that the motto of getting thing done

    this is what we call MALAYSIA BOLEH


    Statement after statement just to justify

    CHINESE CHARACTER. WE have not expert to analyze it as ALL MACC do not have one who read CHINESE CHARACTER the notes have to send for analysis

    do play play afraid to be false have to make 1000% sure only can tender to the court

    must do thing properly

    I have told you that this was suicide since you people refused to believe me and believe the Thai so I have no choice lah have to use this

    please do not blame me I am just doing my works


  19. when all the people were shouting MURDER for the past one year, this AG did not mention any suicide note. Now suddenly a suicide note. you ingat kita bodohkah? tipu lu punya adik bolehlah. maybe it is the psychiatrist who tell them to put a suicide note there.

    what was the police searching on the slingbag during that time? some cash to buy rokok kah?

    hello, ag dan macc. just tell the truth la, OK. If you tell truth at least the rakyat will respect you for it. now, you are digging even deeper grave for umno and bn. it is not tbh that commit suicide. this is a suicide note for umno and bn for GE13. kapish?

  20. ANS 1:That was easy. People in Malaysia are very relax, that incl investigators lah. Why rush ? Two months is very good if not taking 2 years. Further that sling bag was so smelly that I have to put in more time to search over it.

    ANS 2: That normal lah. We police, you think only investigate TBH we have so much works to do lah. Gaji sikit mau saya kerja kuat kuat.

    Poli Malaysia kebanyakan SPM sahaja. Mana tahu look for suicide note.

    ANS 3: This was police instinct. We have trained so. Do not ask this stupid quetion. Next

    ANS 4: after translation. We have to translate again because we do not believe in the translator as he has not given an answer that we want. We have keep looking at a good translator that can co operate with us and give us the ans we want. That was the instruction. Any more?

    ANS 5: what? Are U saying Proof ? In Malaysia we proof anything? We can proof a house is a donkey. We can get people to it. We have the money. If you want a ghost to do the proof we can do so. We have the money. Just let us know what proof U want. do not wast time. Next Q pls.

  21. I can only feel utter contempt and disgust at that snaky attorney-general “Patai” and his half pass six team. Are they so incompetent to even realise that it is simply not enough to just come out with a statement and expect the whole world to believe the lame explanation given that they needed to make sure that the ‘note’ was authentic.
    Do they really expect us to believe that it was that difficult and had to take that long (several months) to get a Chinese translation for the said document?
    This is real sickening. After such a long time, they said that they found a note. You mean the so called investigating officer and the super duper “efficient” PDRM are so negligence in their work? They did not study it because it is in Chinese. You mean they do not give it to somebody for translation. Look!, this is a serious case where death is involved. Who with the right mind would believe these dumb dumbs now?
    That “patai” and his super duper cronies should be wrapped up and whizz to Zimbabwe to help mamak kutty buddies Mugabe and gang.

  22. It is not easy to for Gobind Deo to just pin suppression of evidence (ie “suicide note”) on the AG. The AG has the “excuse” that he needed some time to refer the note to the document examiner of the Chemistry Department to evaluate its authenticity and evaluate state of public suspicion blah blah blah! One notes the AG himself made clear he too had doubts : refer to AG Dept’s statement in the form of a caveat – “AG’s Chambers was equally startled by the discovery of the note ……the document examiner prepared his report and they were considered by Attorney-General, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, himself and who was not convinced of the authenticity of the note due to insufficient samples to verify the handwriting, in particular the Chinese characters”.

    One notes that the AG is not staking his reputation on this suicide note. It may not be the AG but perhaps someone within the MACC/investigation side that wants this note to surface and AG merely passes it on and pushes the buck to the Coroner of the Inquest to determine the note’s authenticity and evidential value. The AG Dept said this: “…the attorney-general decided to put the note in and directed the investigation officer to explain this in court to avoid any repercussion in future and let the coroner decide on its weight after considering the explanation by the investigation officer and the document examiner’s report..”

    Ultimately it boils down to 2 possibilities – (1) TBH wrote it or (2) somebody else wrote it to give an impression that it was TBH who wrote it.

    Evaluating motives, it is hard to imagine a young man, and an expectant husband and father at that- had suicide on his mind or if he ever had, would choose MACC precincts – of all place – from which make his final exit! It is also not as if the note was found by fiancée or close friend who could collaborate his depressive state of mind. It was found by investigation officer – ie member of the security apparatus- retrieved from TBH’s sling bag which within 2 months of his death was probably in sole and exclusive dominion and control of the security/investigating authorities any one of whom would have the more probable motive of planting such a manufactured note to deflect public suspicion of foul play within MACC precincts.

    Evaluating forensic technicalities of proving authenticity, the note opens a Pandora box of questions: for examples, where did the paper/note come from? And where was the pen or pencil? Has there been a test for fingerprints on the pen or pencil or paper or note for THB’s fingerprints? After 1 year lapse could such evidence be ever established? Had there been a psychological evaluation of TBH before his death to suggest he might be prone to suicide? What are the problems of verifying authenticity of handwriting when it is expressed in Chinese characters? How would one explain with credibility why suicide note was found inside TBH’s sling bag more than two months after his death in July last year? What are probabilities such a note could be planted as the sling bag was at all times under dominion and control of the authorities? Why would the public give greater credence to our local document examiner of the Chemistry Department to evaluate the note’s authenticity when the TBH’s family & the public have not even accepted our local forensics report and findings and have clamored for Thai forensic expert Dr Pornthip to testify? Does it mean that if local document examiner of the Chemistry Department were to say that the handwriting was TBH’s the opposite side will again engage foreign hand writing experts for Chinese characters to rebut? There’s no end to this.

  23. This is what happens when we have an AG that could not even get an honours degree. He got to where he is by pandering to mamakthir’s whims and fancies, especially against Anwar. Now he has to pander to Jibby’s whims and fancies. Sad state of affairs in Bolehland, and even our Malay friends can see this now.

  24. hi Mel_a_yu….I wrote in the simplest English for ou to respond…in previous post on “allah”…you chickened out.
    You are like Najib..keep talking cock and bull.
    You wish to give idiotic answers…are OK..is that it?
    Lim Kit Siang have spent more than 35 years in politics and is the one and only one…keep exposing frauds..lies and corruptions.
    If ever LKS have been proven a liar…DAP is finished….but in 12th GE..more and more Malaysians respect and trust him.
    Now back to the post with the 10 questions…answer them properly and stop twisting and fooling as you like..when you have no answers.
    As far as vast majority Malaysians are concerned…MACC is unreliable and clearly playing politics protecting UMNO B and not a government.
    As for Bush……he was proven a liar and now being insulted by his own people.
    And you are talking about the post powerful man country on Earth.
    You want to be like mamak…a hero to Muslims insulting US government?
    hi..idiot…no honest developed Nations are treating UMNO B government with respect at all.
    Those nice smiles you see in papers are diplomacy….not respect..you nut head.
    Bottom line…who does Malaysians trust more….MACC or Lim Kit Siang.
    OK…Najib’s apple polisher….shoot your respond…with sense and sensibility..OR shut up!!

  25. ANS 6: From very first we told U this was “chi sat” U people do not believe it. We have no choice. It was not we want to hide anything. We also want the truth. U ask for it now we show you now. That was exactly why it take such a long time.

    ANS 7: We almost get the job done. But this Thai is the last hurdle. We have no choice that why we need to use it now. OK.

    ANS 8: wE HAVE LOST COUNT? Any body can have access. If you have jalan you know. What I mean just give $$$ any one can access. That normal here. Almost a custom already. We need $$$ everything possible. It that ans U?

    ANS 9: They are so many PSYCHIATRIST in Malaysia. depending what ans you want. I can get one to testify that was not impossible.

    ANS 10: To yours last Q i HAVE NO ANS BECAUSE YOU HAVE ANS FOR ME. Thanks

  26. My foreigner friends commented that our government is making a fool out of themselves. This would never happened in their countries as medias would shot them in the headlines. the problem in this country is that the Malays under UMNO are “malas” and “manja”. They are big bullies.


    Suicide note also found in Kogan’s slingbag. Apparently he whacked himself to death while singing the famous song “1malaysia”. However, unlike Anwar, he did not leave behind a black eye.

  28. Can you imagine…after more than ONE YEAR…BRAVO!!…MACC have evidence saying Teoh wanted to commit suicide…..an evidence just days before Dr.Phorntip testify.
    Great to not…Teoh’s family is following Najib wherever he goes…in case he forgets..to remind him of his promise to settle the case.
    Teoh’s sister said….may forget and so they need to keep following him..to remind him.
    Now Mel_a_yu…that’s call follow up a task… until completed…you nut head.
    Your mission is so obvious… keep insulting DAP or PR….and so we will do likewise to you….fair?
    On the right hand corner is Mel_a_yu.
    On the left is Kopitiam man….Monsterball……hahahahahahaha

  29. The note may exist with TBH saying ‘good luck…”.

    TBH knew he will be tortured by MACC to death the night before his death. During the break, he could have written a good-bye note in case he did not make it.

    What was written is extremely important and must be scrutinized by the experts.

  30. Question 11 – why wasn’t a copy of the suicide note given to the wife or family members of TBH to verify the authenticity of the hand writing? Why hold back when the AG mentioned that they do not have TBH’s writing sample to compare it with?

    Question 12 – How, why and when Ezam managed to know about this suicide note? How is it he is aware of it and TBH’s family not?

    Question 13 – All belongings are usually identified and every individual items tagged immediately when they received. How is it possible that it could have missed out until two months later?

    Question 14 – what are the other items in the bag that the AG has not revealed for example, recorders, handphone, camera, pen, pencils, papers (how many pages), etc? These could give additional evidence whether the paper, pens, pencils were used to write the suicide note. Where these things available or missing? (Note that after 1 year, these pens and papers might be compromised and used for any forgery to make it appear genuine).

    Question 15 – After the authority found out that it was a suicide note 10 months ago:
    a) why that important fact was not informed to the Court?
    b) why was the AG sitting on it and did not send it together with the pens, papers in TBH’s bag to the chemist department for investigation into the authenticity instead of only now lament he does not know about it’s authenticity?

  31. This only explains to state of anarchy this country has descended into. This country is run by UMNO, PDRM, MACC , the AG and the Judiciary.

    Be it murder,corruption or whatever crime committed by them will be covered up.

    Unless we throw them out in the next GE, we are doomed.

  32. Suicide note? Now disclosed? After all these while? After all the publicity and open debate on the possible causes of beng hock’s death? And the umno gobermen expect us to swallow this? now? Come on. 308 and 9 of 11 by-election wins turned out the way they did precisely because the umno gobermen time and again churned out absolutely stupid, obviously ridiculous and unbelievable stories to cover-up their misdeeds and evil acts.

    Clearly GE13 is coming and umno felt pressured to clear up the many many loose ends it has kicked up so that pakatan would have no more issues to chew on during election campaign. But not this way. Quite the contrary, this is a sure way to enlarge the issues for pakatan to chew; and worse, for the people to reject umno.

    Err people. AG has possession of a note written by anwar years ago. The note says:

    “I whacked myself black and blue in the eye while in police detention.”

  33. Am sure Chinese characters are definitely not easy to copy in other peoples hand writing. So let them produce it and it can be checked by Chinese experts from China, Taiwan or better Hong Kong. The more the spin the easier to catch.

  34. More questions:
    This is indeed a masterpiece, base on the psychiatric advised, they go
    hunting for a suicide note and wah lah, a suicide note was discovered. How convenience, they found nothing in the first search but after talking to the psychiatric they managed to find one suicide note. You still cannot see how sloppy they can be, wanting to plant a fabricated evidence?
    Good Lord, A Suicide Note Left Behind From The Deceased Teoh Beng Hock

    GE 13 – Change The Federal Government No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty two years.

  35. I see many people ask what else that the police found.Soon you will be told the police found a pistol, some drugs and a few used/new condoms.Why I say this?
    Well MACC wanted to say “Teoh wanted to kill himself with a bullet in the head.He couldn’t do it.Then he took some drugs to give him the courage, still couldn’t do it.Finally Teoh went and rape the janitor, felt really guilty and he jump to his death.Wah! Can you believe that?

  36. Wait 4 more new announcements of additional sensitive evidence ……..

    Hold your breath, actually d IO also found a bomb n sex toy in TBH’s sling bag, but did not inform others until AG confirmed dat d bomb was real n d sex toy was useable
    TBH so shameful n decided 2 write his suicide note b4 flying down
    Cor blimey! Case promptly solved n deposited in “Ripley’s Believe It or Not” HQ
    MMK very proud of d achievements of Malay AG, his kakis n d court

  37. Beware! Dis is d modus operandi in 1M’sia when a trial or investigation is ongoing
    U go into a trial without knowing or possessing all facts against U
    U r assumed guilty n expected 2 prove your innocence without knowing all d facts
    U r left as blind as a bat

    If U r guilty but considered 2 b a friend, then evidence destroyed or modified, witness gives contradictory evidence or parrots ‘forgot lah’ ‘lupa lah’

    If U r not guilty n not considered 2 b a friend, good luck lah
    As d trial proceeds, goal posts keep shifting, new evidence surface, new witnesses appear, rules r changed, n different rules r applied 2 different parties
    Tak mati ke?

  38. That’s absolutely bunch of sh*ts from bunch of suckers! They “cooked up” whatever “dishes” to hide & settle the case against our innocent Teoh! Previous “dish” with deceased account having less than RM$100 could not satisfied the public demands. What the good “Chefs” ?

    I grant you if this evidence is insufficient to substantiate their claims. They will go on and on to cook up another “dishes”! They are professional (deleted) with exotic chefs in cooking up dishes to please the public…

    It took months, nearly a year, to discover and disclose this small evidence! Malaysia Police tentu-lah BOLEH!!! LOL. Those who believe them are those with retarded brains.

  39. My father and his father told usme and my siblings not to worry about what the DAP says. “They have condemned every govt that has the name ‘Malay’ in it, since forever, since they were in PAP. Even if the govt is right DAP and its supporters willl say it is wrong, what more if the govt is at fault. So, don’t worry. Nothing new. They have a govt is wrong mentality, until they become the govt. Thats what they really want. Deny them their wish.”

  40. It’s quite obvious isnt it…If indeed the suicide note is authentic, which I doubt very much…it was probably written under extreme duress.

    1. Teoh was loyal
    2. He may have felt guilty and may have written the note especially after he was tortured worse then a dead dog.
    3. If he was treated worse then a street dog, that would explain all those horrific external and anal injuries, including the strangulation marks over his neck.
    4. Whether the strangulation marks killed him or nearly killed him is now irrelevant. TBH was killed by MACC o0fficers who would have to face homicide or manslaughter charges.
    5. Portnip must be made testify and showcase to the world how a loyal, young boy with hardly RM2000 in his bank account was inhumanly tortured like he was worse then an animal.
    6. This, the whole of Malatysia and the World must know,.
    7. The show has just begun.
    8. The BN will and must fall. And they must fall hard.
    9. TBH is the first real casualty of war. You can kill a Mongolian and get away. But you will never get away killing a Malaysian.

  41. “Even if the govt is right….” That’s a big “if”, and they have been proven wrong for 54 years ! Mel_a_yu’s father and his father still won’t believe that the country has been stolen blind by the UMNO goons. And they want their son Mel_a_yu to propagate the lie for another 50 years.

  42. #4 What do you mean the country has been stolen? Only you and your cronies say that, you say it so many times to make people believe, to brainwash them into your rote-learning kind of education. In actual fact there is no subtance to what you have drummed into the heads of your gullible, robotic followers.

  43. I sat in Mamakthir’s office when he signed a letter authorising the transfer of a deal from his crony to a listed company. No substance ? Ask Mamakthir your hero. With the stroke of a pen, he gave RM 800 million to this crony. BN caused the RM 12.5 billion PKFZ scandal. Maybe it didn’t happen for you, your father and his father. Shame lah, still living in denial in this day and age.

  44. Perimekar got RM 500 million in commissions – not denied by the govt, except to say that it was paid by the seller of the submarines. The new palace cost ballooned from 400 million to 800+ million and still rising. What do they use in the palace, gold plated taps ? Toyol has a huge mansion worth millions, which he can’t account for. Taib has millions stashed away overseas in property holdings.

    In the eyes of Mel_a_yu, his father and his father’s father, this is not stolen from the country.

  45. You know why the federal government won’t bother with open tenders for public projects, despite telling everyone that they would do so ?


  46. The best part of March 2008 is that not only DAP is saying about corruption (both money and abuse of power), PKR and PAS are saying it too…..and so are some UMNO stalwarts like Tengku Razaleigh.

    Keep up the denial, Mel_a_yu. UMNO will steal the country blind, and let’s hope you (and your father and your father’s father) profit from the theft.

  47. #8 Such people can still be punished. They can still be brought to justice. And that doesn’t have to be done by destroying the whole organisation. There are greedy, selfish and unscrupulous politicians in every political party. You don’t destroy the whole of DAP or PKR just because of the wrong-doings and greed of some unscrupulous hooligans do you?

  48. We can argue all day all night long with our friend Mel-a-yu and you can never change his perception for the truth hurt. All of us including our friend are Pendatangs and the indigenius people are the Orang Asli who are the rightful owners of this land.There is no point debating for even if it is white our friend Mel-a-yu will say black. All we wish for in this motherland of ours is to ensure everyone irrespective of colour, race or religion to have a rightful place under the Malaysian sun.For better or worse we are born here and we will died here.This land and all the natural resources belong to All of Us and it is our duty to safeguard it for our future generations.

  49. aiyo…why bother with this me_layu? sudah layu. him together with his ancestors cannot see all the corruptions around him. but when it comes to parti pembangkang, his eyes are suddenly wide open.

    maybe all these corruptions are avatars created by parti pembangkang to fool him. even the malays taxi driver in kl are shaking their heads talking about this govt. oyy..cukup dah umno me_layu. pi makan sampai kenyang kenyang sampai buntut. jangan lupa cuci mulut ya.

  50. The best part of this TBH charade is that if it drags on long enough, the goons end up digging a bigger and bigger hole for themselves.

    Just like Moo-hee-din telling Lim Guan Eng to pity the poor traders in Komtar since they are living “hand-to-mouth”. After 54 years of UMNO dominance, the traders are still in that state of affairs ? For 52 years there was no pity, and now after 2 years of Pakatan rule, there should be pity ?

  51. #13 corruption exists. I do not deny that. Corruption can be stamped out. The culprits can always be brought to book, but the organisation stays and new members with new zeal, a new will to mend whatever is to be mended will build up the organisation. You guys just take care of yours and make sure that governing is not just about politicking.

  52. #17 Haha. I see no change in those states more politicking. And corruption still takes place. where the rakyat had been tricked into promises of change. All I see is politicking and more politicking. What change?

  53. Mr Mel_a_yu. I see some changes in the states that Pakatan is running.In Selangor we get rm11 free water.In Penang all elderly gets rm100. As far as I remember people from Penang has never had a single sen for the last 20 years and I cannot remember not paying the first rm11 for my water bill. I can remember very well since March 2008 everything has gone up in prices. My packet of nasi lemak also shrank in size.

  54. ////#13 corruption exists. I do not deny that. Corruption can be stamped out. The culprits can always be brought to book,///

    you are right for once…we will stamp them out from the federal govt. then you can go and recuperate, get new members with zeal or whatnot…

  55. That’s bunkum that Mel_a_yu said his father told him…all DAP supporters hate all Malays.
    hi Mel_a_yu….DAP Lim Guan Eng went to jail defending a Muslim girl…with her mother always ever grateful to LGE.
    DAP have so many members of all races.
    Tell me…how many Chinese have UMNO B party enrolled?
    So you like to be a racist and support CORRUPTIONS…you blame DAP members hating your father and you?
    Reading your comments…I pity you being successfully been programmed by UMNO B as a half past six robot.
    Wake up…and see..feel..know…and understand TRUTHS.

  56. “rakyat had been tricked into promises of change”….Mel_a_yu.
    Are you saying voters that support change of government are tricksters?
    Poor UMNO B ..so nice..so good..so pure….TRICKED by voters.
    “You help me. I help you”….Najib.
    Why need help? PM need help by bribing RM5 million?
    hi Mel_a_yu…no tricks la.
    Simply voting CORRUPTIONS out…you stupid dumb ass…keep insulting Malaysians.
    At least Samy will say…”It’s God’s will”….no tricks to show how sincere he is.
    Go ahead…keep talking cock….like Najib.

  57. Mel_a_yu, you seem to take on every comments, what you are trying to do here? you behave like a clown! talk rubbish! Anyhow, you are free to be clown or mad-dog. Don’t use the name that could be confused as Melayu. We don’t want perkasa to perceive Melayu get bullied in this blog. We don’t care your are Melayu or not, there is no privilege here! You talk cock you get cocked! No need to hide behind name of mel_a_yu, nothing proud to be called Mel_a_yu. Shame on it! Do you understand my English now? If not, I can write Bahasa Melayu for you.

  58. I wonder how much he is being paid by UMNO? Yet another corrupt use of the rakyat’s money wasted on a useless UMNO running dog. This is what UMNO and BN is all about, using money and deceit to garner support and votes. I think he is doing UMNO a disfavor here by getting more people to hate UMNO. Among my family members, relatives and friends, we would vote for PAS, DAP, or PKR anytime, anywhere, into our next generation. Rest assured!

  59. Melayu,

    Anyone speaking for the UMNOputras is not a Malay. UMNOputras are aliens. They are faked Malays from Kerala, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan and the Middle East. They don’t believe in Malaysia and they keep harping about Tanah Melayu. Read the Constitution: there is no mention of a Tanah Melayu, this country is called Malaysia, which means it comprises of the Malays, Chinese, Indians and the various groups in East Malaysia. Tanah Melayu was ancient history and legally it doesn’t exist anymore.

    UMNOputras are traitors. Muhiyddin said that UMNOputras are faked Malays first, and Malaysian second. The real Malays are being robbed and oppressed by the UMNOputra faked Malays. UMNOputras always incite the real Malays into hating the other legitimate races in Malaysia and they don’t want the real Malays to learn other languages so that they will remain ignorant.

    I pity you, Mel_a_yu, you are still not liberated from your myopic view of the real Malaysia. Anyway, are you a real Malay?

  60. Mel_a_yu on Tuesday, 10 August 2010 – 4:30 pm wrote

    My father and his father told usme and my siblings not to worry about what the DAP says. “They have condemned every govt that has the name ‘Malay’ in it, since forever, since they were in PAP. Even if the govt is right DAP and its supporters willl say it is wrong, what more if the govt is at fault. So, don’t worry. Nothing new. They have a govt is wrong mentality, until they become the govt. Thats what they really want. Deny them their wish.”


    I am sorry to hear that this is the way that you and your father was brought up. With such fervent political dogma, how can you convince others that you are the intellect that you tried to portray and which I thought you are?

  61. Mr Mel_a_yu’s father’s father was brought up during the era of Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn, the real incorruptible gentlemen of their era. These are the people who knew the meaning of national service and who died with modest belongings.

    Mr Mel_a_yu’s father was brought up during the Tun Razak, and Mamakthir eras, which taught him that NEP was their right, and that crutches would be provided to all the Malays, whether they needed it or not. Mamakthir taught Mr Mel_a_yu’s father that the DAP was nothing more than a branch of the PAP – due to Mamakthir being outsmarted by Lee Kuan Yew. Mamakthir treated the country’s treasury like his own piggy bank and caused losses in the attempt to corner the tin market, losses at Bank Bumiputra and huge losses in foreign exchange speculation. Mamakthir gave deals to all his cronies and kept the poor Malays in the dark with crumbs. Still Mr Mel_a_yu’s father believed in UMNO.

    Mr Mel_a_yu was brought up during the Mamakthir, Bodohwi and Jibby eras which perpetuated the ketuanan claims, and that the Malays must allow UMNO to be in control, or else they will lose all their rights. The scandals continued under UMNO – the Scorpene submarine commissions, the APs, the losses at so many Islamic banks, the new amphibuous vehicle contracts, the MRR2 cracks, the Parliament and Palace of Justice cracks, the stadium collapse, the PKFZ scandal – and still Mr Mel_a_yu says that all those concerned can still “be brought to book”.

    Mr Razak Baginda is enjoying life in the UK. The AP kings still have their helicopters. None has been charged over shoddy workmanship. Ling Ling Ling has been charged over PKFZ but no one believes that he could have done it without complicity from UMNO – and no one believes that Ling Ling Ling will be found guilty.

    Keep up the denial Mr Mel_a_yu. We are gonna change the government, and then we will bring all these criminals to book. It’s the only way forward.

  62. And only then…will Mel_a_yu plan to migrate to Kampong Melayu to find out..those are Malaysians…using broomstick to chase him out… trying to talk race to divide those peaceful people.
    He then join the Hulu Selangor Felda workers living happily as a farmer.
    How’s my prediction….Mel_a_yu?

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