Scrap the 10-yr-old Education Ministry circular restricting formation of non-Muslim religious societies in schools – against 1Malaysia and NEM to educate a critical and creative generation of Malaysians

The 10-year-old Education Ministry circular restricting the formation of non-Muslim religious societies in schools is the best example of Little Napoleons running riot in the civil service working against the national interests of educating a critical and creative generation of Malaysians and harnessing the multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural assets of plural Malaysia.

What is the use of boasting about Malaysia as a model of ethnic, cultural, religious and biological diversity and Malaysia’s rich and unique cultural heritage when restrictions continue to be in place affecting the formation of non-Muslim societies in schools?

The Cabinet on Wednesday should scrap the 10-year-old Education Ministry circular restricting the formation of non-Muslim religious societies in schools as it is against Prime Minister’s 1Malaysia slogan and policy and the New Economic Model objective to educate a critical, creative and innovative generation of Malaysians.

The Education Ministry circular dated 16th December 2000 stated that non-Muslim religious societies formed before 2000 need not have to be registered but remain as status quo. Those set up from 2000 onwards need approval by the registrar, which is the state education department director.

For ten years, the circular was used by Biro Tatanegara-trained Little Napoleons in the Education Ministry to discourage, hamper or downright disallow the formation of non-Muslim religious societies.

Why should there be a distinction between non-Muslim religious societies formed before 2000 and after – when it should be a positive factor to allow and encourage the formation of non-Muslim religious societies in schools under proper guidance and supervision?

The Cabinet should not only scrap the 10-year-old Education Ministry circular restricting the formation of non-Muslim religious societies in schools, but should call for up for review all government regulations and circulars which run contrary to the 1Malaysia policy enunciated by Najib as well as the other pillars of Najib’s National Transformation programme to transform Malaysia into a inclusive, sustainable high-income developed nation.

70 Replies to “Scrap the 10-yr-old Education Ministry circular restricting formation of non-Muslim religious societies in schools – against 1Malaysia and NEM to educate a critical and creative generation of Malaysians”

  1. Muhiyiddin have had the education portfolio for a year now. Exactly what has he done? Actually can anyone tell me what has Muhiyiddin done in his ENTIRE CAREER except getting political office that is any good? Just point me to a list of decision making and ideas that has to do with running a country that says he deserve to be DPM?

  2. If LKS is bringing out this again….it can mean the usual talks with no actions by UMNO B crooks too.
    I suggest Mel_a_yu stop his stupid art to judge a Legend and find out the truths.
    You want to trust Muhyuddin…we want to trust Lim Kit Siang…so who is right and who is wrong?
    However LKS have a track record to be trusted…so we do not easily throw our trusts like idiots.
    Are you a racist idiot?

  3. Stick to the topic. I disagree that non-Muslim religious societies in schools are disallowed. It shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Now that it is scrapped, why make so much noise some more?

  4. How do you know it is scrapped?
    You mean everything said by UMNO B crooks are gospel truth?
    And are you saying Lim Kit Siang does not know what he is talking about?
    Give readers proofs and not just day we are noise maker.
    You are not a non Malay and you know next to nothing about our sufferings for decades.
    So shut up or give is proof that LKS is talking nonsense.

  5. Yes I agree it should be scrapped.
    The only rules for such societies should be that anyone interested can join and maybe at least 30 studdents sign up as members.
    Club activities should also promote harmony in the school and society.

  6. Lim Kit Siang knows EXACTLY what he is talking about…all said clearly in this post.
    And he is not a lunatic to keep shouting for something not done.
    UMNO B crooks have evil ambitions and intentions to create religious fanatics…with money .race and religion.
    Are you aware of that?

  7. Monsterball, you are the one who has to prove to everyone else that non-Muslim religious societies can indeed function by activating them. Whats the problem?

    In the first I didn’t even know that there was such a ruling. I’m not saying that LKS is talking nonsense. You are the one who is bending backwards in his defence.

    Your statement about me being a non non-Malay, so I know next to nothing about your sufferings for decades is bullshit. Don’t get carried away by racist sentiments like that. I’m a human being as much as you are. If you feel inferior or left out thats your own problem. Stop blaming others (racially) for every problem that you have. If you have a chip on your shoulder, you will still have it, no matter which political party governs.

  8. What about the TINY country? Do they allow that? The word hijab comes from the Arabic for veil and is used to describe the headscarves worn by Muslim women. Not very far from here, in February 2002 , a 7-year-old Muslim girls were thrown out of school for wearing hijab .

  9. That other people was part of our ppl last time. We share the same history. Almost the same racial composition. What they do there and what they don’t do there, what you aspire to be done here and what you want to avoid happening here, more or less has some relevance.

  10. Truth to some entent but Singapore is Singapore,an intependence copuntry and we should not let our own racial problem be link to it. What we do is our business and our business to find ways and means to harmonising the various races in the country for our own good for the present and also for the future of own children. Hence I think we should not drag other country as an excuse to re-dress our own ills.

  11. What about the TINY country? Do they allow that? The word hijab comes from the Arabic for veil and is used to describe the headscarves worn by Muslim women. Not very far from here, in February 2002 , a 7-year-old Muslim girls were thrown out of school for wearing hijab – by cintanegara

    By comparison,bolehland will never be fair in all matters pertaining politic,education,chances of works for non-malays n ect.That’s why our FDI plunged to 82%.Wake up you guys n cintanegara,forever rely on NEP!Independent word,you know what it means?

  12. You’re very right. I don’t think there is any intention on anyone’s part to drag another country as an excuse to redress our own ills. We live by examples and there is nothing wrong in citing what happens elsewhere, not necessarily S’pore for that matter, as a reminder of what to avoid and what to learn from what happens anywhere else. Its a global village after all.

  13. You talked about global village but are we practising it ? Most people are trying pretty hard to learning “English and Mandarin ” now but we are not only neglecting but slowly and steadily discarding them. Are we not out of the global village ?

  14. “Not very far away from here,in Feb 2002,a 7 year old Muslim girl was thrown out of school for wearing a hijab.” Cintanegara.

    Really! In 2002 several Muslim children decided to wear the hijab when they were admitted into government primary school.However,they were refused admission on the basis that wearing hijab was not in keeping with the regulations of schools since it is not part of school uniform.The rationale behind these regulations is wearing school uniform is important in the promotion of
    integration amongst members of the group.
    They were suspended and would be lifted when parents would comply with school rulings.However a couple of pupils chose to travel to JB for schooling.
    Now Cintanegara,(1) Why do you think Sikhs are allowed to wear turban?Does it just happen recently or was it started right from day 1 of Independence? (2) Do you know that a lady member of Parliment was thrown out of parliment during a parlimentary session for wearing hijab? (3) Do you know a female pilot in a Turkish Airline was sacked wearing hijab during working hours? And you know why?
    Recently Iranian girls were banned from participating in 2010 August’s inaugural Youth Olympics in the six-nation tournament in Singapore.It is now lifted because the Iranians have agreed to wear caps to cover their heads instead!
    So Cintanegara I suggest both you and Mel_a_yu to organise a big protest demonstration to register your utter disgust
    across the planet at Turkey’s lack of Islamic sensitivity in front of the Turkey Embassy!

  15. Response to #20. Nope, I don’t think we’re discarding and neglecting them. We should do more, yes, but that is not solely a government’s job.

    Discarding and neglegting the national language also does not make you not alert about being in a global village and vice versa. We have our national interests too. Being nationalistic does not make one less global.

    I’m all for learning, knowing and mastering English, Mandarin, Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia, Tamil.

    My children are learning Mandarin, apart from English and BM.

  16. Come on Mel a yu, who said about discarding and neglecting BM. On the contrary,all malaysians are proud of BM However I’m saying certain arrogant politicians who insisted the usage of BM at the expense of the two global current languages ie English and Mandarin.

  17. AhPek, in that case I suggest LKS to organize the protest since he claimed DAP is a party that fight for the human right, regardless what race or what religion they are? This is possibly an opportunity for LKS to prove that he is a man of integrity and one of the most honest guys. He would have been highly respected and thoroughly competent, if the protest is held in front of the embassy of that small country.

  18. What is really needed is for the PR to be in Putrajaya to do a very, very thorough revamp of the whole governmental system in this country.
    So, let us go all out to make it a reality!

  19. #24 In my vocabulary there is no such thing as using the BM at the expense of English (the already long-time global language) and Mandarin (the recent global language, for economic reasons). Using the BM is a must where it should be used, as an official national identity. English is a matter of eddort & hard work in bringing it back to where it once was in this country in terms of fluency, and Mandarin, where the ones teaching it or educated in in it in Chinese schools should willingly & unselfishly share the study of, to their non-Mandarin speaking fellow Malaysians.

  20. Errata/typo: #24 In my vocabulary there is no such thing as using the BM at the expense of English (the already long-time global language) and Mandarin (the recent global language, for economic reasons). Using the BM is a must where it should be used, as a medium of instruction, as an official national identity. English is a matter of effort & hard work in bringing it back to where it once was in this country in terms of fluency, in terms of communication and Mandarin, where the ones teaching it or educated in in it in Chinese schools should willingly & unselfishly share the study of, with their non-Mandarin speaking fellow Malaysians.

  21. “That other people was part of our ppl last time. We share the same history.” Mel_a_yu

    Betoi, we share the same history….the same history as the original melayus come from Yunnan and was part of the Han culture. Let’s all use chopsticks!

  22. In truth, I am glad that someone like Mel_a_yu agrees that the formation of non-Muslim religious organisations in schools should be allowed. He/she understands his/her roots and the benefits of an open society.

    On with the next topic.

  23. # 30 that is going too far back Godfather. This was only just some slightly more than 3 decades ago.

    #31. Thank you. And an open society does not change the status of Islam being the official religion of the country.

  24. # 30 sorry :) just slightly more than 4 decades ago – some slightly more than 500 months ago. And when I said same history with S’poreans it meant we were Malayans & then for some years, Malaysians. I’m sure you havent forgotten that.

    As for Yunnan being the original land of the Malays, as you very well know it is only one of the theories:

    The Encyclopedia of Malaysia: Early History, has pointed out a total of three theories of the origin of Malay:

    The Yunnan theory, Mekong river migration (published 1889)
    The New Guinea theory (published 1965).
    The Taiwan theory (published 1997)

  25. Let all cultures, religions and values co-exist in competition. If you genuinely believe that yours are best, why are you so afraid? Why the need to stifle others’. It only shows one thing, may be in open competition, nobody may want adopt and practise yours anymore. Have you thought about that, nincompoop?

  26. #28 Mel a yu why must be muslim mandarin teachers from China ? why’s it that local non malays teachers not be used ? Why’s it that you used racial/religious slur ? Frankly though Islam is the official religion of the country,an open society is needed to help prevent any religious extremism.

  27. #35 Ah ha..I know I would catch you there. Muslim Mandarin teachers from China are still Chinese what. My point was just that they would understand the Malay/Muslims better. Only in that sense.

    BUT, if local non-Malay teachers are willing to teach the Malays Mandarin, well and good, I welcome it. They would understand the Malay/Muslim/Malaysians better than their chinese counterparts.

    Yes, I agree that any religious extremism should be prevented and avoided.

  28. In theory and in the formal way, national leaders formulate policies and expect everyone to follow. But in practice and in the informal way, there are parallel policies, propagated, conjured and nurtured to further the parochial interests of caveman. This has been the main problem of this country for the last 50 years. Of course, despite the reform and humility that they now proclaim, this parallel policies perpetuated through BTN is still very much alive and kicking. Little napoleons are not the creation or the initiative of the civil service (trust me, they are not that smart). Little napoleons are covertly promoted and tacitly supported by the highest national leadership. One just has to look at the mentality of that mamatail, the so-called leader and national statesman.

  29. #34.. A limkamput just called me nincompoop.

    This is nothing about being best and not being best, about mine or yours. I have the right to retain my own identity as much as you have the right to retain yours. And as far as being a Malaysian is concerned, every Malaysian (just like every American, every French, every British, every Chinese..etc etc) you and me should be proud to retain our own identity. And ours is already spelt in the constitution. If you don’t like it, then don’t be a Malaysian. I don’t care if you’re a taxpayer or not, not even if you’re the country’s biggest taxpayer.

  30. See typical caveman, if i don’t like it, may be i should leave, i am sure you have that in mind . Look, who is fighting for their identity in this country? The non Malays and the non Muslims are only fighting to remain part of Malaysia and Malaysian, do you get it? For you, it is Malay-Islam centric, what else, the whole country should be uniform, following your way. That is why you would prefer a muslim chinese from China to a chinese Malaysian here to teach mandarin to malay muslim. Look, if you don’t like others’ view, why don’t you leave, go to Jordon or Iran or Pakistan.

  31. #40 I never said that. Why should I leave? And anyway Islam is already the official religion. So, what do you wanna do when you take over? Change the constitution? Go do that in the US, Australia or Canada.

  32. These are countries with official or State religions.

    Roman Catholic:

    Costa Rica
    El Salvador
    Some cantons of Switzerland (state religion):
    Appenzell Innerrhoden (declared “religion of the people of Appenzell Innerrhoden”)
    Vatican City

    Eastern Orthodox:

    Cyprus (Cypriot Orthodox Church)
    Greece (Church of Greece)


    Denmark (Church of Denmark)
    Iceland (Church of Iceland)
    Norway (Church of Norway)
    Finland: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland has a special relationship with the Finnish state, its internal structure being described in a special law, the Church Act.


    England (Church of England)


    Some cantons of Switzerland (Swiss Reformed Church):
    Scotland – the Church of Scotland

    Old Catholic:

    Some cantons of Switzerland (Christian Catholic Church):


    Afghanistan (State religion)
    Egypt (State religion)
    Iran (State religion)
    Malaysia (official religion)
    Pakistan (State religion)
    Palestinian National Authority[4]
    Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (State religion)
    Saudi Arabia (Religion of the Kingdom)
    Somaliland (Religion of the nation)
    United Arab Emirates (Religion of the Kingdom)

    Buddhism as state religion

    Bhutan (Drukpa Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism)
    Cambodia (Theravada Buddhism)
    Kalmykia, a republic within the Russian Federation (Tibetan Buddhism – sole Buddhist entity in Europe)
    Sri Lanka (Theravada Buddhism – The constitution accords Buddhism the “foremost place,” but Buddhism is not recognized as the state religion. )
    Tibet Government in Exile (Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism)
    Myanmar- written in the 1974 constitution

    Hindu :


    Israel is defined in several of its laws as a democratic Jewish state. However, the term “Jewish” is a polyseme that can relate equally to the Jewish people or religion.

  33. Learning chinese from a muslim prc chinese better than learning it from a malaysian chinese? Wooow. Dats powerful logic.

    Mel_a_yu is not a malaysian. And I suspect he is not even a malay. Actually he is a mamak, if you ask me. He is paid to blog. His presence here is an indication that general election is near.

  34. What lovely twisting Mel_a_yu and cintanegara skunks we have here.
    Enjoying the battles for truth with skunks talking sense and sensibilities…hoping all will kowtow to be divided..identified and treat accordingly by his task masters.
    Come on speak some more and reveal racist ways of thinking.
    Cintanegara love to see Malaysians go to the streets and protest to fall into the traps of Najib.
    His brain is real half pass sixes.
    Mel_a_yu want talk in style to promote all should be contented to stay still and backwards.
    New government will free all Malaysians to choose any religion they want.
    As long as there is a corrupted hypocritical government..whatever good will be gunned down..including all the bad ones.
    Freedom Fighters have no time to talk cock and bull.
    Right now we are winning by sitting pretty and shout back in internet with no fear.
    No need to go to the streets.
    We are calm and cultured and the devils are feeling the heat.

  35. Look at that braggart Mel_a_yu trying to educate us on the official languages of the world States.
    Long long list of sweet nothing.
    I told you…when they are cornered…they will talk useless unproductive stuffs to back up their idiotic claims.
    Fortunately….Mel_a_yu …english is not better than mine.
    Hired by UMNO B to insult us here or is a racist idiot…no one knows …no one cares.
    Ghost riders or balls carriers….come one… come all…come drink with us and be merry before we throw you to rubbish bins.

  36. OK OK OK are a Malaysian
    So what?
    It is even better that you say you are a Malaysian.
    Are you old enough to vote?
    Maybe a old cock hired by the government …balls shrinking as 13th GE drawing near?
    I tell you…one huge UMNO B owned company with few hundreds employed and is a loosing venture….a mouthpiece to advertising and promotional work company.
    That few hundred are planning to resign en-bloc if UMNO B looses 13th GE….as they are having easy lives…no work…fat first class air on assignments.
    Now you tell ass Mel_a_yu…why are these few hundred workers planning to resign if government change hands.
    Stay put la…and serve new CEO…but no…they are not serving a CEO now.
    They are serving a political party where the boss pay salaries by the millions for no work….and all know that too well…serious ..a responsible CEO will not stand such nonsense anymore.
    See….UMNO B buy votes and loyalties…and out to buy the country.
    So your Children learn mandarin to carry new bosses??? case old one….voted out?
    Smart ass you are.

  37. #1 I don’t know anything about what you’re talking about and I don’t even care.

    My children learning mandarin to carry new bosses in case old one voted out?..hahaha…Not to carry your balls thats for sure. Its monstrous!! haha.. they learn mandarin to be knowledgeable people..not like you learning BM for an agenda.

    Can’t you see ppl straight, must you see ppl crooked all the time?

    Look, I respect you guys for your political awareness and political ambition, but it looks like you are the one who’re throwing away your own dignity. What to do, politicians. You are all the same. I’m not one.

  38. hi smart need not say that in so many words..when you tell all this is a Muslim country is enough.
    The fact is this is NOT A MUSLIM country as all love it to be.
    Islam does not teach their followers to apply double standards to non muslims.
    You cannot come near to my intelligence nor hope to think as clear as me in your lifetime…so buzz off and stop insulting me.

  39. hahahahaha..Mel_a_yu said we are not dignified people.
    He is one hell of a thick skinned double headed snake hypocrite what dare not talk CORRUPTIONS…MURDERS…DOUBLE STANDARDS…DEALING … UMNO B and out to teach us dignity and noble living.
    I wonder if that’s what Allah reveal the truths to him…or he believes in the devils.

  40. #3 I pasted that to show you that there are other countries in the world too that have official or State religions. That’s all. Too bad your crooked mind cannot get that straight.

    #3 “You cannot come near to my intelligence nor hope to think as clear as me in your lifetime”

    – yeah so clear that you don’t even know the difference between ‘language’ and ‘religion’.

  41. #34.. A limkamput just called me nincompoop – Mel_a_yu

    Mel_a _Yu. My sincere advise to you, get used to it… People like limkamput, Monster and few other DAP core supporters here are not that smart indeed. They have something in common, When they lose the argument, they will launch personal attack or start name calling game Seems like they can’t take on both of us.

    By the way, Godfather has really stepped up and improved tremendously. I should give him a big round of applause.

  42. Cintanegara,the trouble with you and a whole lot of people like you is that you are oversensitive and unduly attach religiousity to actions or things which have nothing to do with religion.That is to say you attach more importance to symbolism rather than spirituality.As such you equate moves like suspending (not sacking as mentioned by you)for not following school regulations
    (not wearing school uniform) as violation of human rights or not respecting the religious beliefs of others.LKS,unfortunately for you,has no such phobia.You have.Therefore
    you should do as I’ve recommended you to do since in your eyes Turkey’s behaviour is most unbecoming like throwing out a hijab-wearing lady parlimentarian and sacking a hijab-wearing pilot which to you is anti-Islam and also is violation of human rights.
    So common man,start that protest in front of Turkish Embassy like Khairy,your hero is so fond of doing in front of US Embassy!

  43. See AhPek,these guys are not only sensitive but pretty extreme in believing that their religion allows themselves to kill each other is ok for example in Parkistan muslim killing muslim,none said anything but when one who is not of their religion kills one of them,all hell breaks lose to take revenge for another example the american killing the Afghanistan or Iraqis. This’s indeed double standard of the highest order.

  44. If by sheer faith without any reasoning can change anyone inthe 21st century, it would indeed be a miracle. But if by mere sloganeering of saying “I’m Good, please follow me and you actually do all those silly things, I’m very sure it is a waste of time. 30 years ago, it might have worked or indeed it worked in this country. But by now, every action around the world is witnessed almost immediately, you still try to hide behind the translucent curtain??? those little napoleans will remains little napoleans forever; they will refuse to get out of the shell. They will declare being the very best in their shell! this they will contionue to do until the end. So by saying it out loud, they will feel hurt; the inability to accept truth is a sure sign of regression in any society. With our FDI dropping by over 80% and ringgit still flying out by more than 3 folds, we will let cintanegara to proudly crow that nothing bad has really happened in the country!

  45. There are many hypocrites and ostrich like people living here.They are perpetually influenced by nothing else except their racial origin and religious belief.Other races,religions and also languages should be subservient to theirs.They dare not look out of the country and always choose the easy way out by shunning competition.So with this type of backward people gather in number,power and strength,the whole nation will go to the dogs if there is no change.

  46. How sincere can cintanegara be …giving sincere advise to Mel_a_yu.
    I want to make a deal with you…boleh tak?…tak boleh?…boleh?
    It is very simple…you stop talking cock and bull..I will give to 3 million hell money. Not enough?..5 million? wa so expensive…OK la..loo shuit up…gua give loo 5 million.
    PS: cintanegara….loo tau siapa cakap in macham tak? Say copy dia style la.
    You bloody low down racists say we are stupid?
    How smart are you?
    Everyone F u…tak malu ka?
    Smart my ass.
    Lick Najib’s balls… you very clever.

  47. Godfather being sarcastic to the UMNO B balls carrier….those idiots also don’t know.
    YES… play racists games..we protect our minorities…be it any race.
    After 12th GE….we no fear you racists play your low class game.
    We have advanced without fear to exposed CORRUPTIONS and MURDERS.
    You come here to twist and turn…and ambil Najib’s bodek…also can la.
    We will hentam both of you till your backside come out “oil”.
    Freedom Fighters are People Power and we fear no devils.

  48. Ha ha! there was some comments about hiring muslim chinese from China to better teach mandarin to the Malays.

    Ha ha! such flawed thinking. Maybe we should bring in Muslim Englishmen to teach English? Would that help?

    The problem is, the UMNOputras are unable to view chinese/english language as a SKILL. Instead their racist minds constantly associate the language with race, thus a subconscious (or even conscious?) need to refuse to treat it with any importance and reject learning or using it.

    To those people that continue to reject English/Chinese and refuse to take serious action to learn a global language… its your loss.

    Just don’t whine and bring up issue of race, when you fail to get a job because you can’t even string together an intelligible sentence at a job interview at a global firm that have suppliers in China and customers in Western nations.

  49. Why investors go to China?
    One of the main reason….the government is seriously listening to foreigners on their all complaints and act fact.
    From milk and toys….few China citizens are arrested with death sentences to few too….to tell a message to corrupted few..not to fool with foreigners.
    Here the government encourage corruptions to the extend…over priced items.. in tenders…stadium roof and bridge come tumbling down…no problem and why…because our UMNO B is corrupted to the core.
    When your father encourage stealing…lying and cheating….how will the sons and daughters become?
    Yes China maybe cruel and tough..but certainly dead serious to bring the country forward and with 1.4 billion…it took only 25 years to what they are.
    Malaysia is so rich and blessed that we are cursed to have such a corrupted government.
    The blame lies with voters more than anything else…yet millions are blinded by not knowing the truths…voting blindly out of fear and total selfishness.
    MCA…MIC and Gerakan have supported the devils being totally selfish low lass cowards……..brave only behind gangsters and protections.

  50. What is the use of boasting about Malaysia as a model of ethnic, cultural, religious and biological diversity and Malaysia’s rich and unique cultural heritage when restrictions continue to be in place affecting the formation of non-Muslim societies in schools?

    Why bring religions to school? Religions should stay out of schools. Why are we so fond of interfering in our children’s’ education with the problems we cannot even settled among ourselves. Have we gone mad?

  51. Race and religion divide and rule must always be..or else UMNO B cannot treat stolen money like from their grandfathers.
    So it starts from the schools and on going.
    It is how many Muslims will support dirty politics.
    No the have not gone mad.
    They are so greedy and crooked…these crooks have gone beyond being mad.
    They are very clear in minds.
    They must keep on acting to fool Malaysians.
    Politics in Malaysia is how to find suckers and uses money to trap and cage as many Muslims as possible.
    No Malaysians have not gone mad.
    It is UMNO B keep confusing Malaysians and make them go mad and the more they are “mad”..which we identify as fanatics….the better for UMNO B and Najib
    Najib is a gone case fanatic . That’s why he can lie so easily without a brink of the eye.
    His master and adopted father Mahathir…is the mastermind and trully a devil reincarnated man.
    The adopted son is no better… as all can see.

  52. Whatever state religion those countries may profess, they do not per se make it so blunt on other people’s faith! being religious or pious does not mean trying to impose it on others who may have different thoughts! when you allow shallow thinkers some freedom, they try to simplify the issue and lump them together. and that is the problem we have here!

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