Chief Secretary Sidek’s “Mother Hen” Folly

By M. Bakri Musa

Chief Secretary Sidek Hassan did not acquit himself honorably in so quickly defending federal civil servant Nik Ali Yunus in his very public and ugly squabble with Penang’s Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

            Sidek’s swift reaction reflects more of a “mother hen” instinct of protecting its brood rather than the cool considered judgment of the head of an organization of professionals, as our civil servants would like us to believe them to be.

            A state development officer (Nik Ali’s designation) is pretty far down in the federal civil service scheme of things, yet Sidek felt compelled to intervene.  He did, in a rash and clumsy manner.  At the very least he should have sought the views of both sides before rendering judgment.  That would have been the mark of a true professional; it would also the decent thing to do.

            Sidek’s quick reaction to this personnel crisis stands in sharp contrast to his lack of one to another far-from-exemplary behavior of a very senior civil servant.  I refer to the utterance of Solicitor General II Yusof Zainal Abidin to the allegation that one of his lawyers was romantically involved with the key prosecution witness in Anwar Ibrahim’s “Sodomy II” trial.

            While not categorically denying the allegation, Yusof simply dismissed it, adding this astounding assertion, “What my team does in their own personal time is not my business.  Usually, I don’t check on their personal lives.”

             A Solicitor General is high up on the totem pole of the civil service; you have to be very senior and capable to reach that lofty position.  Yet we have this character failing to recognize the potential implications of a member of his team being romantically involved with a witness, especially a key one.  To think that we have as Solicitor General a lawyer who is unaware of the essence of professional ethics and conflict of interest!  This reflects poorly on the caliber of persons we appoint to senior positions in our civil service.

             Yusof’s inept attempt at minimizing that lawyer’s role in his prosecuting team was equally unprofessional.  Yusof conveniently forgot that he was dealing with a lawyer, a professional, in his department, not the office clerk.  It does not matter whether that lawyer “was only brought in to help with taking notes, compiling data, evidence.”  A lawyer involved in such unethical activities ought to be disbarred regardless of where she works or what she does.
Lack of Professionalism at the Highest Levels

 So we have two disturbing displays of less than exemplary behaviors if not outright lack of professionalism at the highest levels of our civil service.  One is the Chief Secretary not hearing both sides to the Lim Eng Guan and Nik Ali squabble before rendering judgment, and the other, the Solicitor General failing to recognize a breach of professional ethics.

             Contrary to Solicitor General Yusof’s assertion, what civil servants do in private can and do have a major impact on the effectiveness of their official duties.  If our top civil servants do not know this, as clearly demonstrated by Yusof’s remarks, then Sidek has a monumental task ahead of him.

             Back to the squabble in Penang; in defending the federal officer, Sidek chided Lim for being extreme in resorting to public criticisms of the officer.  Sidek also asserted that there was nothing unprofessional for Nik Ali to retaliate openly by condemning the Chief Minister at an UMNO gathering.

             Nik Ali was obviously ignorant of the internal channels available to him to express his dissatisfaction; hence his enlisting the help of a political party.  With Sidek’s rousing endorsement of Nik Ali’s action, this could well prove to be the new and accepted way.  I shudder to contemplate the consequences to the nation generally and the civil service specifically should that be the norm.  Perhaps I am being naïve here for this may already be the set pattern; hence the sorry shape we are in.

             For his part, Lim claimed that he had sought a private meeting with Sidek as far back as May to discuss the matter, but he (Sidek) cancelled it at the last minute.  Had Sidek acted professionally, he would have realized that the request came not from an opposition politician but the chief executive of a major state.  If Lim’s assertion were true, then Sidek owes the public an explanation for spurning Lim.  Sidek should have been more respectful of federal-state relationships.

             Incredibly, Sidek also did not find anything unusual or a breach of the civil service code for a federal officer to be addressing partisan party gatherings.  Sidek’s excuse was that he as Chief Secretary had to be present when Najib gave his speeches.

             Sidek obviously failed to grasp the essential difference between Najib the Prime Minister and Najib the party president.  Yes, Sidek should be by Prime Minister Najib on official functions, but Sidek should not be seen or be in any way officially or unofficially associated with the President of UMNO.  Sidek is a career civil servant, supposedly politically neutral and a professional.  If he were a political appointee, that would be a different matter.

            Sidek’s incredulous assertion and crudely inappropriate behavior did not end there.  As Chief Secretary, he manages matters to be discussed at cabinet meetings.  That he saw fit to bring this to the highest level revealed Sidek’s warped sense of priorities.  I would have thought that the cabinet had other more pressing matters.  It was pathetic to see both the Prime Minister and his deputy putting in their dua-sen comments on this lowly personnel matter.

            As leader, a major part of Sidek’s responsibility is to solve problems, not create them.  He should also be able to anticipate them, and thus try to avoid or at least be ready.  With the Penang issue, Sidek not only fails to solve it but he also aggravates it.

             More deplorable, Sidek fails to anticipate the potential ugly racial undercurrent to this conflict.  This is Malaysia and any conflict quickly acquires a racial hue unless intelligently and sensitively handled.  Sidek’s management of this crisis fails on both counts.

             The outcome would have been far more favorable, and the nation spared a potentially destructive racial crisis, had Sidek been wise, restrained and professional.  In failing to have the earlier scheduled meeting with Lim, and not hearing both sides to the dispute between Lim and Nik Ali, Sidek flunked the most elementary test of leadership – nipping a problem in the bud.

             Now that the different parties can be the governing as well as the opposition simultaneously at the federal and state levels, it behooves Sidek to provide guidelines on the proper relationship between civil servants and their political superiors.

             Sidek must do this now, well before the next general elections.  Failure to do so would risk our nation having to endure again the ugly spectacle that we witnessed at Shah Alam immediately following the last general elections.  The next time however, it would be far more revolting.  Then Chief Minister Khir Toyo in cahoots with the state’s senior civil servants acted like a bunch of yahoos in destroying state documents and properties, anticipating the change in political leadership.  That was criminal.  That they were not prosecuted again reflected the lack of professionalism in our civil service.

             While he is at it, Sidek should also draw up guidelines on how our diplomats abroad should handle visiting Malaysians, specifically lawmakers from other than the ruling party.  These Malaysians should not be ignored, as is the current practice.  They are our lawmakers regardless of their party affiliations.  Our diplomats should learn from their British and American counterparts in Malaysia and see how they treat visiting Labor MPs and Republican members of Congress.

             As an aside, there was another unpleasant dimension to the Shah Alam spectacle of 2004.  Selangor was not the only state that saw a change in political leadership; there was also Penang.  Unlike Selangor, the transition in Penang was smooth and civilized.  Again this being Malaysia, one cannot escape from drawing a racial conclusion to this difference.  I am embarrassed to state this, but it is obvious though not talked openly in polite social discourse.

             Sidek also needs to scrutinize more closely the performance of his top officers.  He should not tolerate such inept and unprofessional conduct as displayed by the Solicitor General.  That would be more productive than intervening in the personnel problems of junior officers.

             Like his political superior Prime Minister Najib, Sidek talks endlessly of “transforming” the government.  He would have a much greater chance of success if he were to first transform himself.  He can begin by quitting being the “mother hen” and start being more professional.

42 Replies to “Chief Secretary Sidek’s “Mother Hen” Folly”

  1. For her birthday present, she wanted a fast little sports-like car so she could zip through traffic around town.

    So Rosma said, “Look, I want something that goes from 0 to 200 in 4 seconds or less. Please surprise me.”

    So her hubby dearest bought her a brand new bathroom scale.

  2. No lah, not a “mother hen” instinct but a self-preservation instinct
    CS SH n SDO NA r all d same kind, created under d same culture
    CS SH cannot allow LGE 2 chastise NA as incompetent, lazy, n enjoying a high buta gaji under d patronage of UmnoB/BN
    So far, MCA, Gerakan, MIC n others all kwai kwai dare not make a fart abt d incompetency n laziness of d overlording Little Napoleons, resulting in d mess we r in today
    At all cost, CS n d cabinet must silence LGE
    D cat must b let out of d bag

  3. “What my team does in their own personal time is not my business. Usually, I don’t check on their personal lives” – Solicitor General II Yusof Zainal Abidin’s dismissive and nonchalant reaction to the allegation that one of his lawyers (‘Prosecutor’) was romantically involved with the key prosecution witness in Anwar Ibrahim’s “Sodomy II” trial, which Bakri apparently takes exception to.

    We occasionally find an interesting opinion like this one of Bakri’s that does not quite fit so neatly in one of the clear categories of professional ethical ‘do’s and ‘don’ts as Bakri would have it.

    I ask myself what’s so wrong about that romantic relationship. (That’s generally a human right and freedom of choice– to be romantically involved – unless it offends professional tenets guarding against conflicts of interest or injustice or proper administration of justice).

    In the first place, we were not told whether the Prosecutor was romantically involved with the witness even BEFORE Anwar was charged for Sodomy II. Surely if he/she were, one does not expect him or her to recuse from the case if the particular Prosecutor were the most suitable in the team, in terms of competence or knowledge or for him to end the relationship in order just to take on the case.

    If one were talking about ‘conflicts of interest’, mind you, this is a prosecution and NOT a Defence and Anwar’s witness. Otherwise in the case of a defence witness, it might be prejudicial to Anwar because his own defence witness may, in the personal relationship, disclose inadvertently (or deliberately) to the Prosecution’s side information vital to Anwar’s defence, which enables the Prosecution to pre-empt Anwar’s defence approach, to Anwar’s extreme prejudice!

    The fear of inadvertent disclosure does not afflict a prosecution witness-prosecutor romantic relationship, as it would, a defence witness-Prosecutor relationship (or perhaps vice versa a defence lawyer-prosecution witness relation). This is because there must be free flow of information and disclosure between Prosecutor and his own witness during office hours, which after office hours relationship buttresses than negates!

    Does the romantic relationship affect the Prosecutor’s customary competence or incompetence in fighting the State’s case? There is no evidence of this. In fact as a peacock’s feathers are plumiest to attract and woo the mate, so a witness (his own) that he is romantically attached to may enhance the Prosecutor’s performance!

  4. So what’s exactly Bakri’s objection to this ‘romantic’ relationship? That he coaches the witness what to say in fabrication? There is no suggestion of this from any quarters and in any case one does not need a romantic relationship to do that!

    The Prosecutor is not an outside private practitioner. Even private practitioner governed by Bar rules say nothing about this ‘romantic’ relationship between counsel and witness being prohibited!

    In the hierarchy of professional ethics, this ‘romantic’ liaison of a Prosecutor with a prosecution witness must figure most insignificantly – right down at bottom of ladder – when compared to larger ethical issues involved in Sodomy II that perhaps our Solicitor General II should respond less dismissively.

    The more important is: Should Prosecutor charge and prosecute Anwar for consensual sodomy (deemed against order of nature), and continue to do so, when the victim (Saiful) stated in his police report and maintained in the trial that he was forcibly sodomised/anal raped, especially when first hospital reports contradicted findings of any penetration.

    This is the principal ethical issue that should be raised and responded to!

  5. The comments made here by netizens remind me of something which I read in the Singapore Straits Times a few months back.

    The reporter, Rachel Chang, was apparently tasked to trawl online through forums and blogs that speak ill of the Singapore government to search for news fodder.

    In her article, off the bat she refers to the Singapore government as the proverbial bogeyman and goes on to compliment how “people who oppose the Government have become scary in their own right” – justification that the balancing power of the internet has been able to stand up to this bogeyman of sorts.

    Then, using clever comparisons with Malaysia, she contrasts how “the blogosphere in Singapore seems so much more mean, vicious and illogical” and squarely points the finger at the government by declaring this situation “the natural result of a political landscape that has been long dominated by one party”. She also sadly admits that Singaporeans who are “faced with a government-influenced media, have no recourse but to go online”, and with the media not doing its part, she laments how this “distrust of the ruling party and the media often reaches the point of paranoia”.

    What I’m trying to say is… we’re lucky we have ‘active’ opposition parties like the DAP and the rest. If not for that fact, the condemnation of the govt in the net, by netizens, would have been even more viscious.

  6. “Sidek obviously failed to grasp the essential difference between Najib the Prime Minister and Najib the party president.”

    We don’t expect such an intelligent distinction fr our CS
    CS n other senior civil servants r all aware of d power of UmnoB n d patronage system here
    It’s a bodek culture, actively promoted by NR – you look after me, I look after U; U give me what I want, I give U what U want

    CS n other senior civil servants want 2 b good buddies of UmnoB so dat after retirement fr d civil service, get multiple titles n get appointed as directors of many GLCs n UmnoB/BN associated companies – wow, jiak bei liao loh, buta gaji, perks, shares, options, dividends

    Don’t believe? Just look around us

  7. If you track the net chatter. This thing has turned incredibly in LGE favour. Everyone across racial lines is supporting LGE. LGE took a gamble where he could have gotten the entire civil service and much of the Malay community against him. But instead everyone is overwhelmingly supporting him on this one and came out like a big swinging hero. This is the real Malaysia boleh..

  8. Integrity means nothing to so many Government servants.
    Loyalty not to the Government of the day…elected by the people….but most are programmed racists to submit their futures to UMNO B if UMNO B owns Malaysia…not elected.
    They are voters too…but will keep vote like blockheads… need to know the truths…think and consider..just mark “X” all the way to BN.
    However more and more from the many have learn to discuss with their friends and educated children.
    No need to talk about this Chief Secretary and Nik Ali.
    You can see MCA President…Soi Lek ..the sex maniac also defended UMNO B toads.
    What does all these mean to Malaysians?
    It means Malaysian have a government that knows no laws except the law to defend themselves at all cost.
    This is the sign…
    “UMNO B is corrupted to the Core” is true.
    MCA is divided into 3 camps and Chua broke all traditions to protect the party which is useless and totally rejected by the Malaysian Chinese.
    So he needs to carry Najib’s balls…hoping to get UMNO B put him and some MCA candidates in so call safe places to be elected…in 13th GE.
    Hulu Selangor was MIC low class beggar’s dream.
    You want to talk honesty…nobleness and principal in life with racists and crooks?

  9. Boh-liao’s comment also reminds me of Singapore – of what this S’porean wrote some months back:

    “The Prime Minister is reported to have said at a grassroots gathering that in the present recession he and the government ministers are suffering together with the people who are badly affected. It escapes our comprehension to know what the PM and his ministers are suffering from. Certainly not from the recession! Even with the insignificant self-imposed pay cut, the PM and his ministers are filthy rich with their astronomical salaries of close to two million dollars for the ministers and over three million dollars for the PM each year! Like the businessmen who received largesse when they had no need for it, the ministers were given hefty increases when they were already overpaid. It would be the height of irony if they had to tighten their belts like the suffering plebeians badly affected by the recession.

    The plight of the government pensioners of the early seventies period in the last century is not a public attention-grabbing topic in this economic crisis and is not even given lowest priority in the government’s consideration. Their attitude towards this group of ex-loyal civil servants; some of whose contributions to the security and prosperity of Singapore were no less significant than some of the past and present eminent ministers; is nothing short of pathetic. And whether the government’s aloofness to their plight is an indictment of their callousness is left to the conscience of the PM and his ministers.

    It is more than thirty years since their retirement and the barely surviving pensioners are expected to weather through this crisis with a pension fixed more than thirty years ago. A Malay police pensioner wrote in the Berita Harian forum that he was receiving a pension of $300 a month, a sum even less than that paid to those on public assistance!

    It brings to mind a Chinese parable which says that whilst the ministers tuck in to delicacies of “big fish and meat” for each meal, the poor plebeians and destitutes subsist on a starvation diet of just “plain rice with soya sauce”.”

    I’m not saying that it is right for civil servants to be poltically loyal to their political masters in their political acrabatics. What I’m saying is, civil servants also have to think of their rice pots. And Boh-Liao’s generalisation is nothing but a generalisation.

  10. I’m not saying that it is right for civil servants to be politically loyal to their political masters in their political acrobatics. What I’m saying is, civil servants also have to think of their rice pots. And Boh-Liao’s generalisation is nothing but a generalisation.

  11. Our civil service is the dumping ground for unemployable graduates unwanted in the private sector…what do you expect…..they take home RM600/month and steal another RM10,000 thru various schemes to have a jolly Nik Ali…

    Sidek knows what’s going on. He is just not principled nor cut out to bail out and hold to his principles and die a decent man.

    Remember that TNB CEO guy Tajuddin. He knew Mahathir was selling out this nation’s assets to his IPP cronies. He knew also it is pointless to argue with the Kerala crook. And Tajuddin knew it was morally wrong.

    He refused another contract and retired gracefully. Till this day every TNB staff have the greatest respect for this guy.

    There good guys and there are bad guys. Nik Ali, Sidek and all the other crooked little Napoleans sucking the life out of Malaysians are not the good guys.

    The rakyat now knows. And by 2013 satu kampong akan tau. Cannot even con the kampong fella then. Even the Orang Asli and Penans are waiting to nail this government.

    The end for BEnd is here.

    Isolating yourself in Putrajaya has only made this country despise this government even more. Good riddance.

  12. # …rather than the cool considered judgment of the head of an organization of professionals#

    – very well put by Dr Bakri Musa!
    As a politician(he thinks he is anyway), Sidek just could not let this opportunity slip by. Pressure was quickly applied by another politician, the irrelevant MCA chieftian Chua Soi Lek, as if anyone cares!

  13. The problem with civil servants are that they keep on thinking their rice bowls and futures come from UMNO B ….not true at all.
    Their rice bowls from from tax payers and VOTERS.
    Most are totally selfish and do not care for others…as if minding their own business is so noble and good.
    Yes…mind your own business on personal matters may be the right thing to do….but ignoring the business of the country and people are selfishness of the extreme.
    I am not interested in comparing with Singapore or anywhere else….except the advancement of the countries..comparing to ours.
    I am interested to know how Malaysian think or do…for their people and country and why.
    And there is no doubt in my mind…lots of government servants are happy to work under UMNO B for their easy life and good salaries…without realizing UMNO B knows next to nothing about managing anything.

  14. Over the week end In Penang Island – I just happened to ask around for opinion what they think about Pakatan ‘s peformance so far after 308 – this is the feedback – they ( urban , young educated voters ) are going to give solid support and are wilIing to let Pakatan rule for at least another term if not more – can you imagine this ? already a FOREGONE CONCLUSION

  15. Mel_a_yu should stop the low class art to judge others and put out his un-generalisation thoughts for all to read..with no exaggerations.
    Come on….show us your smart ass skills.

  16. This is the best time for you to show your skills and ideas….and not judge others as you want others not to judge you.
    However…UMNO B melayu and braggarts somehow love to insult…judge others…judge their English….judge grammars…spelling etc..with nothing to contribute.
    Stop delaying…and tall bulls….Mel_a_yu.
    We are all eyes to read your smart ideas.

  17. Funny certain civil servants talked like a politician but dare not enter into politic in order to protect its rice bowl. However these civil servants didn’t realise that their action has caused pretty lots of damage to the very politician(s) who feed them. My suggestion to civil servants is kindly stick to your job with a good conscience and with great passion.

  18. “Penang Lim” is showing his confidence in DAP.
    And that’s not prematured conclusion.
    It is as sure as the sun will shine tomorrow.
    Then you say…’I agree” like a lunatic.
    Why like that?
    Want to show off you know more than others a scumbag?
    I am sure you are not…but you are falling into that category.
    Snap out of it…and be noble.

  19. Civil servants are appointed by the King frakyapp, and to say “politicians feed the civil servants” is dead wrong. Your suggestion that civil servants stick to their jobs with a good conscience and with great passion is most positive in nature. Civil servants are trained at INTAN (The National Civil Service Institute) and they know their code of ethics and if they go beyond the ethics then they will have be answerable to Malaysians.

  20. You sure all civil servants are appointed by the King ? I’m refering to certain civil servants,for example the chief scretary,is he not appointed by the PM ? And what about Nik Ali the development officer,who you think appointed him ? If both are appointed by the PM who is a politician,is it not indirectly Najib the politician who feeds them ?

  21. Mel_a_yu :
    if they go beyond the ethics then they will have be answerable to Malaysians.

    Nice dream. When has the civil servants ever been answerable to the Malaysian rakyat? Look at all the gross misdeeds of the civil service.

    – Deaths of innocent people at the hands of police. Unlawful detention of innocents.
    – abuse of taxpayers money: RM20 000 for old model laptops, RM 200 for a single screwdriver. Billions wasted every year.
    – Poor workmanship in many publicly funded projects: MRR2, Stadium Sultan Zainal Abidin, Perak Belum State Park, Parliament roof, numerous hospitals with defects.
    – theft of military jet engines from our army base.
    – Civil servants being allocated units in low cost housing even though they are already well off.

    Has any civil servant been held accountable for such gross abuses and irresponsibility in carrying out their duties?

    Civil servants know their ethics? Please, ethics is no substitute for their rice bowls. And their rice bowls are tightly controlled by UMNO-BN. Don’t pretend to be naive.

  22. “Civil servants are trained at INTAN( The National Civil Service Institute) and they know their code of ethics and if they go beyond the ethics then they will have to be answerable to Malaysians.”.Mel_a_yu.

    Yes that’s supposed to be so ideally but is it really so in present day Malaysia??

  23. AhPek:

    What Mel_a_yu really wanted to say was that civil servants that go beyond the ethics will have to be answerable to UMNO. We understand what he/she meant by “Malaysians”.

  24. After 53 years of continuous UMNO logic and way of thinking, they find it impossible to make distinctions of anything at all. They all have one track tunnel minds. They can’t think out of the box and don’t dare move a centimeter away from their comfort zones.

    The man’s contract is due shortly and he’s got to think of his future – to either get an extension or maybe be appointed the Chairman of one GLC or another, maybe even the Election Commission. So he takes no risks and plays ‘good boy’.

    Like one senior politician once said: “First world (a matter of opinion) infrastructure, third (maybe fourth) world mentality.

    With people like these running the government, is there any need to wonder why foreign investors are avoiding us?

  25. Najib said that Penang CM LGE should not have exposed the work ethics of Nik Ali in public.

    That statement has the following implications:

    Sweep what is not good for public view under the carpet. Until and unless civil servants are made to be seen to be held responsible, they will act as though they are emperor and can do what they please.

    It might be understandable if Nahib defends KSN Sidek, because Najib is the immediate boss. By defending Nik Ali, Najib appears to be responsible to defend the wrong doings of all civil servants. As the PM who is responsible for the well being of the nation, through proper and smooth functioning of the government services, Najib should be the first person to insist that civil servants perform professionally. But najib accepts that wrong doings should not be exposed!

    In defending the wrong doings of civil servants including criticizing how the Penang CM handled the situation Najib is seen to be taking side.

    Why did Najib take side? The answer could be civil servants serve political interest of UMNO. So government service is not independent of political party; it is an extension of UMNO. Worse Najib may be seen to be defending Nik Ali because he is Malay. How then can Malay PM defending Malay civil servant because of race affiliation square with the concept of 1Malaysia?

  26. I guess our Little and Biggy Napoleans have APCO logged onto this site to counter misinformation.

    Yep…poor Malaysian sods. We all need to be taught the right stuff by APCO. Otherwise how are we to know all Little Napoleans actually mean well for themselves first and only then the rest of us….

    How much of our money is actually being used to support all these Kim Jong propagandists…heard these fellas are given huge cushy allowances just to sit around in Putrajaya and answer comments on every blog…..

    But what’s the point. It boils down to public perception doesn’t it? Hello Sidek…Wake up lah…you dont have to appoint all these nutcases if the public has the right perception towards this government…

    By looking at the massive drop in the FDI, it’s not only Malaysians – in general – but looks like the whole world sees this regime as useless and corrupted. Now why dont these fellas do some good for a change and perhaps public perception will change….

    You can start with our useless courts…How the hell is an investor ever going to get his money back if UMNO fellas always sapu everything upfront and leave them in the lurch….and fix cases in court?

    It’s the puasa month round the corner again…and as always during the Puasa month…the public – in general- will remember the blasting to smithereens of Altantunya …all because of money? That’s fact. Not perception.

    How to Raya like this with a giant lump in the throat that a pregnant woman was blasted by Muslim policemen and in all likelihood taking orers by Muslim leaders right in the middle of the Malay heartland…Shah Alam…like this….

    If a Malay, let alone a Malaysian had any decency left in his soul…he/she would know this government has to go. I wish there was a modern day Salehuddin. But there is none. All Malaysians must now unite to bring this country back to civility and save it from almost certain economic disaster….

  27. Mel_a_yu call me kay-po-chi.
    What is he?…por Najib’s lanpar?
    “Penang Lim” writer does not mind…why should he?
    He is the real kay-po-chi.
    I am defending a friend.
    Cintanegara defended him…why not call him kay-po-chi too?
    Practicing double standards in this blog?
    What a lousy good for nothing UMNO B jerk you are.

  28. If you have dickhead like this NIK running the civil service, what do one expect. This is one typical “little napoleon” that has been running an important position in civil service. Just look at the arches he built in the Botanical Garden in Penang. The next minute they have to be demolished because they are tilting. Actually, they more like eyesore to the rakyat, right in the middle of a garden. Just like that 150 grand was blown up in smoke. Imagine, what 150 grand can help the very poor!!.
    And mind you, we have many, many “little napoleon” like this bum all over the civil services in Bolehland all the 52+ years. Most acted and behave as if they own the whole country. Instead of doing their job as civil servants, they portray themselves as UMNO politicians. Arrogant, egoistic to the core and downright stupid mentally.
    No wonder our FDI is falling.

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