7 Replies to “Forum: Kemelaratan Rakyat Sabah di Lembah Kelang”

  1. DAP is leading the way in terms of making progress in Sabah for PR. Honestly, if it were real meritocratic in PR, DAP should be leading Sabah no matter what the size of their party is. Smart people should lead dumbasses especially in politics

  2. Frankly I think if PR wanted to win big in Sabah in the next GE, DAP should be allowed to lead the pack. The ubanites and the sub-ubanites are pretty sure to vote for DAP. However there’s a spoiler here and it’s SAPP. I hope SAPP will join PR to ensure a one on one fight between BN and PR. I am of the opinion that SAPP wanted to be the king maker and would go either way to be a part of the government after the GE. I know most of the top leaders (SAPP),some are pretty arrogance to insisting that Sabah needed Sabah based party to control the state.They are all pretty sceptical of west malaysian based party. Hence I think it’s pretty tough,next to impossible for PR to have a fair deal with SAPP.

  3. YB Lim, you better hurry up mobilize your fire power in Sabah and Sarawak. Send a volunteer recruitment team and strenghten the ground communication network link to Sabah community into deep inside of every corner of the state.
    I do understand that DAP/PAS/PKR currently facing financial support. However, please do not let this deter your mission to capture this important fixed deposit state. Hence, Sabah state are so rich in resources, financial aid is not the obstacles if you approach people like Robert Kuok, I think you will be able to obtain no limit of over draft.

  4. Hi,

    I am not sure whether this is the right email address to send but I hope you can help to bring this to light.


    This is a video posted on facebook. In the view, it shows three teenagers acting as they are riding their bike directed by the police. The teenagers might be caught for speeding or racing even so the police should not do this do them. This is a gross misconduct, they police are abusing their power and have violated the teenagers human rights.

    Please do something, if you can’t do anything, could you advise me on what I can do to let the authority aware of this?


  5. Kemelaratan Rakyat Sabah di Lembah Kelang

    Imagine the USA giving up their independence in order to be ruled by Haiti. Imagine the Americans starving and begging while seeking work in Haiti. That is precisely what the Sabahans did in 1963. Bl##dy idiots!

  6. Sabahans residing in P.J. and K.L. should make a attempt to attend the Forum …..be it for or against to lean more and decide with love for Malaysia Malaysians.
    Love for personal benefits must be conquered.
    I am confident the Forum will be a great success.

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